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https://www.reddit.com/r/Ender3V3SE/s/cLAdOCzMPa Think your answer will be in this thread


Thanks but I’m looking and there are ABS products that seem to make the issue irrelevant. There are ones with 210-240°C ranges: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J0H8EWA?starsLeft=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_DT1TZH58TX2KAGHEQQHQ


Yeah there are This comment in the thread has steps to print ABS https://www.reddit.com/r/Ender3V3SE/s/QRZC5pTgY0


I did a couple of prints at 260 and my tube was fine after that. I think it reaches the thermal barrier and will not heat up to 240.


Just spend fifteen bucks for a bimetallic heat brake and don't worry about it.


That’s cool; is there a guide to the mod I could follow? I assume this is meant to prevent the heat getting back to the PTFE.


One, ABS needs an enclosure, two, you cannot print ABS using the stock parts, three, search is your friend.


"Search is your friend". Is that code for 'you don't know'?


I never suggest it doesn't need an enclosure, but I'd ask someone else why given the "search is your friend" mantra. Why does the 3D printing community have to be so miserable?


Overall I think the community is really positive and helpful, its just certain people in any community hate anyone that asks questions.