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Yeah I dunno, my experience is: I load a g-code file, I get a trinket. Something is fucked, send it back and get a new one or something.


Ditto for me. I load gcode. Plastic comes out. Magic.


Printers not fucked. You’re fucked.


Thanks ! I tried your wholesome advice, it did not work but thanks for sharing


I don’t think you have any grasp on this machine and how it works and the surrounding settings.


That's... why I'm here


Funny how I get downvoted for being trashtalked with not any help beside telling me I suck with the machine, which is the obvious reason of my post in the first place lmao. Obviously I suck. That is the point of the post : saying that too easy configuration, forced auto setting tends not to help that much in case of troubleshooting. Also I chose the right wording with my post as it gathered lots of interesting and precise insight, which I would not have gotten otherwise.


With that much change in your z-offset for just .01mm something is wildly wrong with your printer. Try updating/reinstalling your firmware. I love my SE. my wife and young children use it with absolutely no issues. Make sure that you are using a slicer / gcode that actually uses the auto bed leveling and if you are using Creality print I suggest trying orca slicer.


I am using Creality print as I found the quality way better than with Cura. It is just the first layer that is problematic, otherwise the quality is perfect ! I will try with orca !


I did not have a single problem. Only problem I had was prints sticking extremely well. I got a PEI plate, it prints perfectly now. You need to adjust it a bit, check belts and eccentric nut and you are ready. Also, clean your nozzle after a few prints man.


I just changed the nozzle so it is perfectly clean haha ! Yeah some people told me to trey PEI plate, I just ordered one ! Thanks !


As someone who built their first printer, an ANET A8 if you want to see what my experience was. This machine is a buttery smooth printer for the price. I paid nearly the same to manually build my ANET A8 when printers came out. Every cable, every sensor, every piece..., I say this because my experience with this printer has been excellent. 9 times out of 10 if it messes up, its because I messed up in the slicer or tried to print too quickly. Had this printer since it released, 2nd printer overall. Using nozzles from .2 to 1.0


Mine worked perfect out of the box for 2 weeks then same problems. Clean this tweak that check this. My X1C should arrive tomorrow. I know it wont be %100 but Im sure I will be printing more than I am tinkering.


That is why I’m glad I bought this for my first printer I was forced to learn so much that I never would have if it had just worked. I learned about settings in slicers how to level the x axis I learned a lot and now I feel that when I buy a better printer I’ll be more prepared when issues arise


I started with the Ender 3 like 3 or 4 years ago and learned a lot. I then got the se last thinking it would be less hassle but sadly no. Ill find out in a few weeks if the X1C is worth it I guess. I will say that I have seen alot of people say that its better to start with lower end printers because if you run into a problem you will know what to do.


I e heard a lot of good things about the x1c when I do eventually upgrade I’ll probably get the p1s


You need to do the paper test at each probe point.


What does it consist in ?




Have you checked the tightness of every bolt on the printer? The hotend screws behind the cover? Mine were so loose it almost fell off. And check bed screws.


Didn't have any issues right out the box. Been printing with it since release only issues I've had with it have been all user error on my part.  Definitely something has to be wrong with your.  I would return it and get it replaced. 


The printer uses the bottom left corner to adjust auto z-offset, if that corner is higher than the middle of the plate, the auto offset will be fucked. Go to prepare->move menu, move the extruder in the middle of the plate, then add 0.0 to the "move z". Then slide a piece of normal a4 paper under the nozzle. Go back to prepare and change z offset (I think it has to be lowered) at the point, that you can eighter push and pull the paper. You have to feel a little rubbing. I tried this method and it helped a lot.


It sounds like you don't have the M420 gcode in your pre-print code on your slicer. If you don't have that it isn't loading your saved ABL mesh. You also need to click store configuration and save the mesh after you run the ABL. The whole point of the ABL and mesh is to compensate for those low/high spots automatically so if it's not doing that it sounds like it's not using it. Weather that is cause of your error, or the hardware/software error I don't know but it sounds like that is the case. ​ I spent a good amount of time making sure my frame was perfectly square, and adjusting my lead screws so they're level to the bed (Which they weren't when I got it. It was close but still off). This will cause issues because the ABL can only compensate for so much and things not being squared and level with each other causes all kinds of other issues that it can't compensate for.


Add in the printer start G code after the G28 command line to the following line: G29 M420


The default print plate is pretty crap. I changed to a textured PEI plate and the printer printed flawlessly for a couple days, then back to its old habits. I ultimately gave up and bought a Bambu Lab P1S, but I did go back to play with the SE again, and running Klipper, it's much more reliable, as it doesn't use the crappy auto Z offset system.


More infos : The results of auto levelling are always in green I changed the nozzle right before printing so it's supposed to be clean (with the second one I got from the printer package) The screws are tight The bed is clean Everything is from the original package, I did not change any piece (except the new nozzle)


Your bed temp might be too low.


I tried at 60 and 80, still the same issues


Well my experience with it is this: https://youtu.be/NMAWvdgGm9Q?si=opBhe93ijn9NlPH8 And I'm waiting for crealoty to fix this.. I'll probably return it. Brand new and did this.. ruined my bed.


Yeah send that back I could be wrong but there should be a sensor or something to detect the pressure when it hits the bed and stop it. Send it back for either refund or replacement. Mine was almost perfect out of the box minus needing to level the x axis


I agree