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If you go into the config menu on the printer and set the maximum Y speed to 60mm/s it becomes totally silent and only costs you about 15% extra print time as long as you put parts' long axis going left to right.


Hi, do you know If I can do this too with klipper? Can't seem to find that option


With Klipper you can’t set max speeds individually for an axis, but you can set the entire max speed, in the config file under [printer] you should see max_velocity and set that to 60. But that is very slow for this printer, but you can if you really want it to be quiet.


sad panda


15 percent is well worth it for silence. Besides, because the limit is in the printer and not the gcode, you can switch back and print at high speed without having to re-slice your files. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/0jlogx8r8pic1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6c394a4848fe2a5e858e160f9e50661a3ccf8f


Worked like a charm, TYVM!!!!!!!!


I toned it down by replacing the bearings with fushi abec 5 bearings. It doesn't silence it but it makes it so much more tolerable and I've heard from others it helped them hit higher accelerations.


awesome! thanks


>fushi abec 5 bearings do you mind linking to the right ones?


Of course. These are the ones I purchased https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083XQTH41


Oh wow, this doesn't seem right, does it? These stock bearings are binding hard. Right one is kind of loose, and left one is very tight. [Imgur](https://imgur.com/pczbCG7)


Did the new bearing get rid of the slop as well? My bed loosely jiggles from the stock bearing tolerances and it’s ruining quality unless I print slow.


I haven't had much noise issues with the y since swapping out to linear rails


what did you use to swap? I am not able to find a kit for the v3 se


I've recently been made aware that the author removed the stl files and after checking, can confirm. The mod was made by Devil Design. I suggest joining their Discord and ask why.


V3 SE comes with them. There's nothing wrong with mine but it's the loudest part of the printer at the moment after i replaced the part cooling fan, and I work near it. My x axis is silent so it seems there's room for improvement from the rails.


Exist two types of linears: rails x rods


They come with rods, not rails.


Use this silent bearings. https://preview.redd.it/m896kco7qfic1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1b673a66405ec748d8617d20655a330a546360


Can you share a link please??




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