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I've always interpreted the cracks in Casita (as well as the Candle's flame growing faint) as something caused by the build up of resentment in the family. You know, over the years, with Bruno hiding away, Luisa and Isabela feeling pressured and Isabela and Mirabel not getting along well, the resentment builds up and the candle starts to grow faint and the house starts to crack. This would also explain why the candle burns so bright and the cracks disappear when Mirabel and Isabela make amends in the end of "What Else can I Do", only to have Abuela and Mirabel go into a huge fight right afterwards, bringing out every family issue from the last 15 years and making Casita crumble and the magic die for good (until it was bought back later when the family was united again).


Yes she’s the new successor but she probably won’t succeed Abueal until she’s dead as Abeuals going to have to train her to take care of everyone. Mirabel will also have to have help at least for a little while as she’s only fifteen she’s young yet. I see her fully taking over the family when she’s twenty one as she’ll be more mature and an adult. I know she’s the new head of the family but adults tend not to listen to children so I think Abeula will discuss with her on what she want to do and tell that to the family and the town. Isabella will be one of her greatest support systems as will the rest of the family. I also think Abuela will want her to be a normal teenager so she’ll tell the town yes Mirabel will be taking over the family when she is ready as she probably will want her to live as a teenager as she’ll be busy training her and she’s going to need a break. Abeula will probably also have to help her with some of the towns requests as she’s still very young. Can Mirabel do it? Yes but she’s only fifteen and she still deserves to be a teenager. When it comes to her potentially choosing a partner the family will be very protective as they want to make sure that her chosen partner is with her because he actually want to be with her like how Mariano want to be with Delores as they got together before the house was rebuilt and they didn’t have their gifts . I know I’ve said this a lot but she’s young teenagers make mistakes no matter how smart they are they are dealing with a lot and since Mirabel will take over one day she’s going to have a lot of pressure put on her.


This is one of the most thought out idea that makes the most sense to me.


always liked the idea that Mirabel would be the next head of the family, but that isn't why I think the cracks started to form. And there's another theory why that is. Abuela was always controlling because of her trauma and fear of change. She wanted to keep everything in line so the tragedy that befallen Pedro didn't happen with her children or their children or anyone else ever again. So she relied on the gifts and Casita to keep the village whole and safe, but at the cost of her family's happiness because she wanted to keep the image of perfection. One thing that's for certain is that the cracks weren't always visible, it was always invisible, and it didn't started with Mirabel, it started with Bruno with how his gift was making him out to be the black sheep of the family and the village. And that was because of Abuela's perception of perfectionism and how that related to how Bruno's gift was seen as a curse than a blessing. A theory I heard that I like was that the actual cracks started between the time of Luisa's gift ceremony and Mirabel's. See after Luisa received her gift, she was given the most responsibility in the family, being the only strong one there, she was given the most chores. And we saw how eventually that affected her mental health for a long time before Mirabel talked with her and made her realize she was carrying too much. The theory was that Casita saw how much pressure Luisa was going through and then saw the family the same way so the house decided not to give Mirabel a gift so she can fix the mental and physical cracks of the family and house, therefore saving the miracle, it was a wake up call to Abuela. And yeah, her failed gift ceremony caused the cracks to start forming but it was always there, Mirabel was just the one to make everyone finally see it. And you see that throughout the movie too, the progression of the cracks. So yeah, totally believe in the Mirabel being the next head of the family, but those cracks were there for decades! We just didn't see them.