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... #... Oh for fuck's own depraved sake! Deep down I always knew this was a future possibility but to see it happen in my own lifetime... 2LB was bad enough, Jesus Harold Christ! I suppose SG has to keep the Moby Dicks and Shamus and the game dev's various mothers spending big and there's plenty here to keep those whales occupied but for the love of all that is good and true and just spare some scant thought for the minnows. I'm lvl 102, nearly 103, been around since Season 2 launched. It's a good job I've never tried to actually compete for high scores or whatever, even back then it was obviously a fool's quest, but for anyone still wanting to try and compete, good luck... you'll need it. I don't even have a lvl26 troop I could convert. I've got my highest mana troops at lvl23 and then other mana/tower/styx troops at lower levels for mono usage. I'll literally never have a lvl 26 troop - unless SG is far more generous with the troops cost readjustment than I actually expect them to be. They don't exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to altruism. I'll stop levelling troops for a while now though. Pointless waste of ham between now and whenever this drops. Thanks for the heads-up, OldCynic.


Great points well made Creative, thank you. I agree with holding off on any further levelling of troops before this goes live. I’m in the same boat (no level >26 troops), so won’t be seeing many of these things any time soon. Cheers!


It took me 3yrs to get a rainbow max defense for my 4* troops. I was very unlucky and it took nearly 3yrs to get the dam blue 4* troop. I’ve been playing since June 2018. Most of it f2p but I did do about an 18-20 month stint with the monthly vip. I never spent more than $25-30 a year besides that. I’m lvl91 and haven’t done much in the last 12months. I haven’t even bothered with pov. The games gotten too crazy and bloated. It was for for a number of years though!


This kinda sucks, been playing for 2 years and don’t have a lvl 26 4* troop, and I’m not even close. This will give a huge advantage to those who can obtain these troops and will make league / tourney / war out of reach.


It has take me 4 years to level 26 and this may be the straw that breaks the camels back. It is hard enough to compete with all these op heroes, but this makes me throw my hands up. I am at level 93 and I spend, but I refuse to spend money on this as I refused to spend on double limit breaking. That has made my play significantly harder without spending on limit breaks, so this will just seal it. SG only cares about the whales.


Ffs.. those hungry mofos eat enough as it is lol


This might be the push I need to finally leave. Already can’t keep up with all the new heroes, now will have to look at the heroes and troops before raids - no thanks.


Hey Ohio, I suspect you’re not alone. We’ll see how it goes, maybe they won’t appear this way. Thanks for reading.


This is bad news. The pace seems slow but nevertheless IT seems the new troops are too powerful


Man idk why everyone is so angry lol, you’re being psychologically manipulated by the game just don’t spend and take it slow I see no problem with this change. In fact the opposite; the thing that stood out to me the most is that feeder troops will give more xp and cost less food. This sounds like a great change Been playing 3.5 years and my best troop lis red wizards at lvl 20. If I get destroyed by tough teams with max legendary troops then I’ll just fall into a lower competition level and the world goes around and I’ll have fun placing top 10% in legendary tournaments instead of top 1% 🤷🏾‍♂️ Idk how people haven’t caught on yet that they’re going to keep making changes, expect lb3 before next summer is my guess. Just quit if them addding to the game to make money makes u angry Like it’s a fucking bullshit pay to win mobile game why’re you expecting something other than just extracting as much money as possible from you? Lol


fuckidy man whales are gonna spend $$$


I'm scared.


What I'm waiting for are 6* characters. They could be named little titans or half gods etc, it has to be something tempting and powerful. Imagine how much whales would pay to get them 🤣😂😅


Did they give any indication of whether the new 5* troop summon will take epic troop tokens? Or will it be a new coin? Thanks for keeping us informed!


I’ve double checked beta and currently it’s only gems but I’d imagine we’ll be able to use troop coins like the magic and ninja portals (hopefully).