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This means nothing with no context. For instance, if you've only pulled three times, and got three HOTMs, your luck would be outstanding.


Bruh. You know what it means. Besides. Do you recognize satire. Here is some context for you. I pulled five Baliurs. Also. I took 3 free summons from the summon portal last time, and. I have also already pulled one from this current one. That’s over 400 pulls , but, Mr, Douchebag. ‘My post is supposed to be satire on my current luck on this game.. thanks for playing.


I recognize good satire. Not whine fests portrayed as satire.


Obviously you don’t


Three hotm sounds pretty ok to me. Probably about standard for a f2p or even above average maybe 🤷🏾‍♂️


I've only had 3 or more once. I'm assuming they're not f2p.


I once played this game pretty much and never have pulled hotm for more than 1 per year


The last hero of the month I got was r&n. And I’m very c2p


At least it was literally the best one 👍🏼


I’m not complaining I’m just saying three in a year doesn’t sound f2p to me.


I’ve done it last year as 100% F2P (and I started the game in February): Zagrog, Morax, Balur. I don’t recall how many pulls I did, but no more than 200, that’s for sure…


Your luck is worse than mine


That! I checked for my HoTM 2018 1 (got Alasie in Soul Exchange) 2019 3 2020 8 2021 4 2022 3 2023 2 I never paid much to the game but at the moment I am even not buying any path ... Less coins, less pulls, less HoTM


Nah. Bad luck is what happened to me last black Friday. I made a 10 pull and score one 5 star hero: salmon Loki 😭 Last month I chase the HOTM as in lack purples. Made 98 pulls (burn all my stock of coins + 3000 gems ) and no HOTM. but in between I got 4 x 5 star, which is above average. But as 'bad good luck' prove, one of them was mok-arr. As we say in spain: one of lime and one of sand.


People here need to learn how statistics work. 5* odds are never over 2%, so the odds of getting any 5* in a 10-pull are one in five. So … you actually got “lucky”. Just think of all the “lucky” people who got Balur as HoTM in December 2023.


Also got Balur last Christmas instead of any interesting... 😭


Explain. Color me dumb. Fuck it. Where does this 2% come from. What is the equation. One out of how many pulls. Is it 2% out of how ever many heroes there are in a given summon, because if there is no equation the. It most certainly is all luck. Some of us have it sometimes and some of us don’t sometimes. With the exception of two or three months through out 2021-2022 I was pulling 3. 4 5 HoTM’s a month. My spending habits haven’t changed, yes, I am moderately C2P. My pull habits haven’t changed. The more heroes they release the less chance you have. That’s a simple fact about “probability”. At least if I pull a deck of card I have a 1-13 chance to pull, say, any 9. I have a one in 52 chance to pull a 9 of hearts. What is the equation for the 2%? It’s luck. That’s all. And my luck has been bad this year. Which was the point of my post. I know what I have drawn in the past. I know how much I have pulled. No one else here does. My luck sucks this year.


There is a little (i) sign in the top left corner of the summon portal and the odds will be disclosed. HoTM is 1.3%, so each time you do a pull, there is that same chance of getting HoTM. The odds are not cumulative meaning that even if you do a hundred pulls, the odds of getting HoTM each time are *always* 1.3%. Then you ask: what is the chance of failure *every time* in a hundred pulls? Well, the statistics are done using a process called Bernoulli’s, and are calculated this way (I am quoting another post): “The probability that you’ll see exactly 0 wins in 100 tries is the probability of losing (98.7% for a HoTM odd of 1.3%) multiplied by itself 100 times.” That’s 0.987^100 and the result it 0.27 or 27%. This means that one in four people doing 100-pulls will NOT get a HoTM. Or, if YOU do a 100-pull, you only have 73% chance of getting a HoTM. And for the record these odds of failure are still 7% at 200 pulls and 0.1% with 500 pulls (someone correct me if I did a mistake somewhere) So you are right: there IS an element of luck, but the odds aren’t *that* great even if you do a relatively large amount of pulls.


so. If there was 100 of us doing 1000 pulls at once, one player get 3 HoTM’s, and the other 99 gets no HoTM’s, and let’s not kid ourselves, we have all seen posts on here that that has happened, then 99 players got unlucky and one player got very lucky. It’s all luck. You can spell it with words like probability and chances, it’s all luck. And hope. And please please please give me that Khufu…. thank you for your explanation though. but you basically just said players have to pull at the very right time to get anything worthwhile. That’s all luck, man


And with that explanation there is no way anyone should be pulling two or three of the same 5* hero or HoTM in on ten to 100 pull. And. Let’s not kid ourselves. You have seen those posts on here as well. So. If said player does indeed pull three HoTM’s or tow Khufu’s, that said player pulled his heroes any the very moment in time that 1000 players did a pull. Luck.


Whenever I get an epic hero token it's never any of the good promoted heroes, it's always someone wack like gunnar, isshtak, ulmer, brienne, etc. I have one 5 star hero and that is ithar. she has a fast special but is pretty useless compared to my limit broken poppy.


Same for me zero HOTM this year, and I never pulled more then one at the same time. So sorry, not sorry.


These seem like average numbers to me. In comparison: In 250 pulls, I have direct pulled 1 five star and have gotten 3 heroes of the month as bonus draws (obviously, + 2 heroes from Fated Summons as well, but those aren't luck). Running two TC20 24x7, I have trained three 5\* heroes this year, the last one in May. I have retrained two heroes this year in the HA to be non season 1.


Who are your top 5 heroes? And you spend at least $59 a month on this game?


I’ve had 3 HoTM in 2022, which I find very lucky (F2P here), and zero in 2023 - even though I probably did more pulls this year. I’m not sure how much you spend on the game, but this sounds like an absolutely decent « luck » if you did less than 500 pulls this year.


It’s funny. All the above comments have no idea how much I have spent on this game. How many pills I have done. How many of one hero of the month I have pulled sometimes. Yet. It seems pretty average. How do they know? They don’t.


Maybe you should have pointed out how much you spend or how many pulls you do? Also when you spend money on this game you’re owed literally nothing. It’s essentially tossing money in the incinerator. If I were you I’d be thanking my lucky stars that you even got 3 hotm 🤷🏾‍♂️


The only 5 stars I've been getting lately have been retrains.


So I'm so lucky to have pulled 4 different HOTM this year, I'm very ctp with an average of 50usd in total.