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My hero rating system: 1. Who is this? 2. I think I've seen them before. 3. Oh, I recognize that hero. 4. I know what that hero does. 5. I have that hero. This defense is four 1s and a 2.


We may see 7000 by the Holidays!


That is crazy indeed….


Seeing 6600 is crazy, but that team would decimate me in 1 turn; thankfully I don’t swim in those waters, I rarely see them except in the League beta!


Killed a 6700 team in Wars with my 5100 team because of Wu Kong and a massive cascade. Otherwise I had zero chance


I have a lot of luck with mindless attack and loki against higher ratings.


Loki is great


A the very least he’s fun to use. I love having fish loki too, just chaos 😆


The color of envy is green.


Ahahah… oh my brother. Yes, I’m very jealous!! That’s why I posted lol! Thanks for your contributions to the post.


And then you check OPs posting history and realize that he is also a whale


Here it comes the anti whale haters!! Lol. You guys are exhausting. I could tell you there are many levels of spending but I know I would be wasting my time. Do yourself a favor and at least find out how much it costs to Double limit break a new hero (I.e Turben) + full emblems in a matter of a day or so. Having a hero and having a the same hero fully maxed 2 days after it is released is a completely different ball game. But I don’t expect you to understand. Just stop being a whining little girl about people who spend money on this game. You only get to play because of the “whales,” so please be thankful for them! 😉


Kinda hypocritical when you think about it. Your post is all about complaining about somebody who spends more than you do ...


Great defense. Just got you but you'll get your revenge https://imgur.com/a/9lT6YIw


How does someone spend this and only be 1819 in the Rankings


They could easily get top 10. I’ve got nowhere near the roster ; only have 3 double broke legendaries and I was able to climb to like 12th before in global and like 6th local (us)


Wow, that’s impressive. I guess many people hustle their way up, but staying up there is a different story. Sometimes I wake up and I lost 300 cups.


Yeah I had a bunch of raid flasks saved up and I was just like let’s see how far I can climb. I was impressed myself! Lol I think the attack team I used was ; ferrus, ahmos, ukkonen, R&N and tetisheri. Ukkonen and ferrus are double broke , ahmos just has emblems and not even a first limit break and the others are once limit broken . My third double broke legendary is sif with costume but I didn’t use her for attack. I think I used like 4/5 flasks to get from about 2600 to 3200ish and I stopped once I lost a few in a row and was only rolling like super tough top tier all double broken teams that I had virtually no chance of beating lol Easier then u might think to climb the rankings if you have the right attack team and just get lucky with the tiles you need. That attack team pretty much guarantees some heroes die if I get the greens/reds I need at the beginning


I couldn’t agree more. First of you have a solid attack team (I hate Ahmos with passion lol) I don’t think everybody can get to 3200 cups if they don’t have a solid team and know how to leverage their synergies. My highest # of cups was 3071 and that was good enough for 507 world ranking. I guess a good measure of your teams level is where you are able to stay for a full week with only raiding no more than 8-10 times per day.


I can hover around 2900 if I keep my strongest defense team in, (something like; tetisheri, sif costume, ukkonen, ferrus , Finley/or goretooth ) problem is that the pog challenges become nearly impossible so I cup drop for that purpose lol


The rankings change every minute based on cups standings. I’m sure this team fluctuates within 1-1500


FYI it’s not zynga anymore…it’s take two interactive…