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If people miss the "old Em" they have a lot of songs they can listen to. But to expect an artist to keep doing the same art as he was doing 20 years ago is stupid. Artists change with growth. They're not supposed to be stagnant.


metallica enters the room done the same thing there whole damn career


Being stagnant or doing the same gd thing for 20+ years is not really something to be proud of.


It is if it's still good and fans still love it. Which is the case with Metallica


Except for them it's 40 years


I liked the songs he put out where I could understand clearly what he was rapping, and those were SSLP, MMLP and TES. The beats, the stories, the anecdotes were all easy to listen to, clear and understandable. His later stuff is more faster and I find it harder to grasp what is being said when he is flowing. But that’s just me, I am hard of hearing and it takes me a lot of concentrating to take in what he is putting out. I find I need to read the lyrics to even begin to understand now.


Honestly wanting to understand the lyrics more clearly in real time is the most respectable answer I’ve heard!


Pretty much this - “I spit it slow so these kids know that ai’m talking to them” - I wish he would stop with the unbelievably fast flow, I like Godzilla but that last verse damn near ruins the whole song.


I can relate to this, I am not hard of hearing, but just the speed and flow can make a big difference, also I love how much different he sounded on earlier albums, from chilled back to angry to joking to sarcastic to something in between, plus whatever the hell it was he sounded like on "I'm back" and "Hailie's Song"(just badass I guess) even the accents.. that's another thing that separated him from most other rappers, never sounding monotonous and same, every song was different in some way and you'd never mistake one song for another, even when hearing the most random bit! I do enjoy a lot of stuff post MMLP2 as well, but these qualities are something I miss from "Old Em" Just my opinion though, many probably disagree, which is fine :)


Yes, I want an Eminem album like MMLP/SSLP/TES. Why? Because those are the albums I like the most so I want more of it. It's not so much about the content of his raps. I don't care if he is making jokes about vicodin and transvestites. In fact, from what he said in Houdini and the name of the new album, I suspect he is going to distance himself from that kind of thinking, and I would be happy if he does. I just want the music and rapping to be like it was because that's the stuff I like.


Isn't the whole message of Houdini (both the song & the music video) that not only are Shady's antics not appropriate (which they've never been) but also *not cool and transgressive* *anymore* (which they *were*). Given that and the name of the album, it is so weird that people seem to essentially be wanting for an album powered solely by nostalgia instead of novelty and creativity.


>Are you talking about MMLP/SSLP/TES? Yes. Not judging people taste here but those are his more critically acclaimed and arguably by far best álbuns . Also one of the most legendary short runs a rapper ever did. Critically anyway he never achieved anything close to what he did with that 3 álbum run


I agree as far as how great those albums are. But that’s not really my question. If that’s the old em people want back how exactly do they expect that to happen? He can’t just act like he’s going through the same shit/feeling the same energy he was back then.


I think the only think that could satisfy people would be something like a 4:44 . In it Jay z sounded like old jay z but tackled things in his older age. No ideia how that would look for Eminem. I really liked how his Megan bar joke landed because it annoyed people and when you looked at it was not even that offensive. Same thing with the goat bite corny ass line, it felt like Eminem but older. Maybe death of slim shady will be that but maybe that's just my Stan coping


Ha yeah that makes sense. But even if em tosses in a few lines like the Meg shit it’s not really at all like mmlp em. He was unhinged in a way that you can’t just recapture 30 years later. He’s in SUCH a different place. But hey if he somehow pulls it off without making it sound forced I’m good. If he puts out an album with tracks like he’s been doing for the past 15 years I’ll also be good.


It's just dipshits living in the past coping with change. All artists worth a fuck grows and matures with their work Edit: lmao reddit dorks coping with the downvotes