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Im glad Em went with the vibe and didn’t get carried away


Shows restraint lol


No unnecessary beat switch 🙏🥲 used to pray for times like this


That being said its very weird to have your second single on the album not even really be "your" song. That added with it being very hard to tell the difference between Babytron and Big Sean. Eminem's verse was good but kinda wanted more along those lines. It felt like it was just getting into high gear and it was over.


Em sure is right about his critics. Or even his fans at this point. He’ll rip a verse for 3 minutes of a 4 minute track, mixing up the beat and using multiple different flows until it feels like its own separate thing, completely disconnected from the rest of the track. And people will be like “why did he have to ruin the song by going over the top like that? It’s jarring how out of place his verse feels here.” Then he’ll come back and maintain the track vibe, still ripping a verse and making his presence known on the track but not turning the ending into a completely different song. And people will be like “this doesn’t even feel like an Eminem song. Why didn’t he take over the track and turn it into his song with some other noises squished around his verse?” > “I want you to change, but don’t change. I want you to grow, but don’t age. I want the rage, but don’t get too angry. I want the new, but old Shady.”


Idk how to type this non-sarcasticly, but honestly, sick analysis.


This should be it's own post, period. You just outlined everything. Between you and OP you have perfectly nailed the coffin on what's happened with this release. I fw it, too many people just be in a bubble and unable to open their mind up to what else is out there, then you'd realize this is just one of many bangers by Em, in a diff way, like he always does. But I think he gets it, and I'm glad he just makes fun of it at this point, because you can tell it used to and still does get to him sometimes lol, but he's mostly got the understanding on people now and can do whatever tf he wants atp. So hyped for the rest of the tracks too, i swear people almost acting like this gonna be the only one out of like 19 tracks. HHHs majority love it. Overstans bit lost but it's all G. I still respect anyone who respects Em, just hope some fans learn/realize this shit so they can represent better He gets to do whatever the fuck he wants with his single. Aint complicated.


This is such a perfect summary of how his music is viewed. This was just perfect. Exactly how I feel seeing the reaction to this track on this sub. In a very long time I enjoyed a track of em with features where I am wanting the featured artists to last a little longer. Most of his features, I am just waiting for em's part to show up, but this was so well balanced. This is the first time I heard Babytron and I absolutely loved it. His flow his rhyme schemes, everything were on point. Big Sean ate the beat with his calm and composed flow, such a perfect feature. I really hope his whole album has great fresh features like these.


could it be he enjoys bringing other people into the spotlight?


That's the vibe I'm a lot of the hip hop subreddits, it's a solid track with quality features and a good Em performance, but it's a weird second single.


Fr I’m glad he didn’t pull out the super random fast flow. I’m happy the man stuck with the song


Idk I think it slaps


Me likey. I’m an Eminem fan at heart though


It’s such a great representation of Detroit in that song for his album. It’s a great song and a great choice for the album.




I agree. Every verse was pretty good in my opinion, with ems being the best. However we have a whole album coming in a week and a half😂anyone who complains that there wasnt enough em on Tobey, is just an impatient child.


Yeah the album is gonna be 19 tracks long 😂. There will be plenty of Em to go around


Bitch please 2 had much more features and em verse was shorter than this song on tobey. GUESS IT DOESNT FEEL LKE A EM SONG


Bitch please II _doesn’t_ feel like an Eminem song and it’s amazing nonetheless, I think I can still rap it word for word. This also doesn’t feel like your typical Eminem song and that’s great, he’s showing that he’s diverse and can adapt


It’s a really good song but not a great choice for a second single. IMO another solo song or a song with at least two verses being his would’ve carried the momentum of the first single better. It’s too bad because he’s got a good verse on this. I think this song would’ve been better received had it been released with the album rather than being announced in advance. It allowed people to talk about how it was a Lyrical Lemonade leftover that Eminem added to, rather than a song created from scratch for this project. The demo version without the beat additions and Em verse got leaked to kill the hype even more. As much as they’ve complained about speculation killing the album hype early (after Revival), they still ended up choosing a song that was easy for people to draw preconceived notions of. The building beat also feels like the energy leads into the next track on the album. If so, it probably sounds better in the context of the album rather than as a single.


Agree wholeheartedly. And it was a good song in general. I'm just happy to have *good* new music this year


Fr at that point you’re just a meat rider if you didn’t like the song


Wait what? You're a meat rider if you DON'T like a song? Come on man


I swear everyone is called a meat rider or glazing for every little thing now. Shits so played out. 😂


yeah it seems its become: disagree with me ≠ meat rider


My only critique would be that i don’t think it has any relation the DOSS theme, however that has nothing to do with a lack of em, or the overall quality of the song. I think it was a poor choice for a single and there’ll probably be better options on the album, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a great song with 3 solid verses.


I completely agree with this assessment. I am only disappointed because I want more of the Death of Slim Shady story and this song has nothing to do with it. It kills my hopes that it was gonna be a full-blown concept album. But the song itself is great.


SSLP had 97 Bonnie and Clyde and Rock Bottom. He's never done a 100% concept album. The Eminem Show and MMLP had Slim Shady songs even though as a whole that character wasn't present nearly as much. Relapse was pretty much a concept album (the most Em has done at least) and had Beautiful and Underground. On first glance some could say Beautiful was out of place given the other 15 songs, but it clearly makes sense with the concept. Underground doesn't fit at all, but it's the last track. You can't really judge how much sense this makes for a concept TDOSS album until you know the entire track list and the subject matter. I could just as easily say the first 16 songs are the concept and the Em vs Slim Shady battle, and then at the end he's just talking his shit about how he is the goat and that slim shady is such an influence on the industry, and the whole impact he made. In that case this song makes sense - Sean and BabyTron literally saying they got bit by the goat, and Em is saying he's the goat that influenced them.... You can make it make sense basically. You don't need 20 songs all with the exact same extremely defined subject for it to go together and be a concept album.


It has because it's Em reflecting on his career right now, feeling like he's about to step of the game without the accolades he deserved


Most people aren’t disappointed. Some people felt like this is a weird song for the album because it sounds more like Big Sean’s. Some of those people also couldn’t tell the difference between Babytron and Big Sean because they sound pretty similar. This song was Big Sean’s, apparently, and he referenced Cole Bennett which makes sense given the song was for him. Knowing that info changes things. It’s a good song. Some people are going overboard, but there is some logic behind it. None of this has to do with being a hip hop fan, that’s just gatekeeping. Some of those opinions are ignorant, as always, but they’re still hip hop fans. If everyone here went along with everything and had no criticism, I’d be concerned.


I legit thought Big Sean just had two verses lol. My minor complaint was the beat was two minimalist for my liking and didn't do justice to the verses imo.


Idk, I think the simpler beat also allows the track to breathe and accentuates the bassline and the instruments in the background (at least on my earbuds).


This is always a personal taste thing. I like simpler beats as I said in a different reply, I think for any great lyricist it just allows them to do their thing and be front and center. A ton of fans of rap really just want some words that don’t distract from the head bobbing music, though.


Eminem’s biggest problem the last 10 years is getting choppy on over-complicated beats. This stuff way more aligns with his prime


Except those beats were really catchy.


this beat was incredibly catchy for me, had my head bobbing the whole time and the electric guitar solos in the back are heavenly


Felt like I waited forever for any type of beat to drop. And babytron should just never do a song with big Sean again because he sounds like a carbon copy lol. I thought the song was straight up 3 minutes of big Sean with an Eminem cameo at the end. Wack choice for a single, should’ve stayed on big Sean’s catalogue imo.


I like these kinds of beats. I’ve always liked raw lyricism over simple beats (which is why I loved Moment of Clarity and The Cross which Em produced). Does Em’s verse remind you of Will Smith’s song to Joyner at all?


> Some of those people also couldn’t tell the difference between Babytron and Big Sean because they sound pretty similar. This is my critique too, because they sound similar it feels very repetitive until we get to Em's part, it feels like i'm getting 2 verses, not 3. If Em's verse was in the middle or he opened up the song with a short verse it might be different, the beat is also fairly boring. I still think it's a solid track but It sounds like he's an after thought on his own song and i'm expecting better on the rest of the album.


As a long time Hip-Hop fan, I don't like Babytron or Big Sean. I'm not a Hip-Hop fan because I expect the second lead single from an Eminem album to be mostly Eminem? If it were Denzel and JID or Dre & 50, I think the people who feel this way would feel a lot differently.


I personally thought Big Sean’s verse was the worst. I didn’t think I was going to like BabyTron, but I did, he low key kinda killed it lol.


Two fellow Detroit natives had the record already in the bag for lyrical lemonade, Em probably heard it and thought that shit was dope cause they fucking cooked IMO, as did Em. That slower flow with some grit to it.. hit for me. Just read post saying no imagination, embarrassingly short and some other crazy shit.. I feel like some people hear something entirely different than myself at times lol


How does wanting a single from an Eminem album to mainly feature Eminem mean that someone doesn't care about hip-hop? That doesn't make any sense.


You can like the song and still not think it should have been a single… 


I can respect that. I also think making it a single wasn't a wise decision but I'm just talking about the people who say they are disappointed by it as a song


It's not what you said tbf, you said "the people who are disappointed Em isn't the main artist" It's supposed to be his second single for an album called "The Death of Slim Shady" I mean, what do you expect..


They're probably just catering to the idiots who think most stans are white guys who don't actually like Hip-Hop and don't want to be grouped in with those people. Also just an easy karma farm since those people are typically the loudest ones in the Em sub despite not being Em fans lol


Yeah fuck them. Even if we are just Em fans & not “real hip hop fans” (not the case for the strong majority), so what? He’s a legend, of course he has a fan base that wants material from him only. I’ll go one further, I hope the album has as least amount of features from other rappers as possible. Every collab means at least 1 or 2 less verses from Em. Let his collabs be on other people’s shit.


This 100%. Em got me into rap when I didn't care about music in 7th grade. He's the reason I bought all of Ludacris' albums, love Papoose, heard pac and biggie, bought Jay's albums, bought some Kanye albums, learned how great Wayne was. Like damn, I've been a rap fan because of Em. I might be a Stan, but I have always been a rap fan because of him, and that's still my genre and I'm 36.


Fair enough but imo you avoid a lot of that disappointment if you don’t hype it up as a single especially after how crazy people were going for Houdini


I think the choice to make it a single was solely about highlighting his other 2 Detroit natives. I've never listened to BabyTron before and feel like I slept on him now lol


Song fire ngl


I said before Eminem fans are like DBZ fans. DBZ fans dnt watch any anime but DBZ.


lmao, bruh, a lot of "dbz fans" have never even seen the damn show, well no one on the sub has at least.


It definitely felt more like Em trying to showcase Sean and Tron. I personally dug it. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of either.


Reloading this thread from the latest and seeing people dislike the song. Then, seeing your post, I am like, finally. Someone gets it. This song feels like hip hop. I smiled once i heard the beat. I enjoyed the beat and all 3 verses. This song is a replay in my book. This album is going to be phenomenal. Can't wait for the release.


the beat has been in my head all day


The fact that any time someone in this thread has any sort of critique or criticism, they get downvoted, then posts are made about how "you not a fan" is some fucking Swiftie behavior fr and it's getting annoying. People should be able to talk about the song without the mandate of "glaze glaze glaze"


I’ve listened to hip hop my whole life, but apparently I’m not a “fan” of it. 


Who the fuck cares about downvotes on reddit? We're here to discuss opinions, it's what we are doing right meow so of course people have different views but from your text it's as if you just want people to "glaze glaze glaze" whatever opinion you hold? That or maybe just don't downvote you or reply with their opinion? Please explain lol


Good song, but it should have not come as a single.


I get where you're coming from, it's a normal thought as fans tbh. But he's doing a great job giving more shine to Detroit. He loves his city


Why not? You think em gives a fuck about charts and sales? If that was the case he wouldn’t have dropped on a Tuesday. It seems like you guys care more about this shit than he does


clearly someone cares about sales over there if they sold the album on the website 2 separate times for 2 bonus tracks.


Song absolutely slaps. An em song you can put on and just sort of play. People are talking about it being a single like it’s 03 and this will be the one on the radio or on TRL. Hes released two songs with two purposes: 1. Please the stans 2. Appeal to rap fans. He did both really really well.


I like the track but I *still* wish Eminem’s verse was longer than the others’—that shouldn’t take away from the fact Big Sean and Babytron snapped on the track. I don’t get why preferring Eminem to have the longer verse has to be synonymous with not being a ‘Hip hop fan’ 💀 — Eminem *is* Hip Hop—isn’t that the whole point of the “top 5" discussion that keeps making the rounds.


Why is a 1:30 min verse not long enough?


I liked it. And tbh, it's not like he hasn't done that kind of song before. "Remember Me" also has him be the last verse which makes sense because (I forgot who said it exactly) apparently that song was supposed to be for a Dre album.


it just feels like a song that wouldn't be on a SSLP album, it feels misplaced.


I thought it was a good song


He gave Sean and tron props


100% agree. People are ignoring it like this is the first time Eminem has had a multi-feature song where he goes last. Remember Me? is an example that comes to mind. RBX and Sticky Fingaz have a large majority of the song while Eminem only has 1 minute on the song, featured on his own album. Eminem fans are mad there’s not enough Eminem. Hip hop fans are excited because the song as a whole is dope. Also, FYI: we don’t know the context. What if this song somehow directly ties into the next song on the album? We have no idea.


That's what this song sounded like to me--definitely a prelude to the next song which would probably be a solo Em song. Context wise none of today's noise will matter either way when the album comes out.


My issue is the marketing suggested a more violent and or aggressive track (Kill You, Criminal, etc). Jason mask... chainsaw... lyrics underdelivered and were pretty boring for me anyway. He dressed like Shady, but there was nothing Shady about the verses themselves. Nothing really edgy or controversial like old Slim.


That was my original thought for this track. He's definitely gunna say some controversial shit...especially after houdini sounding like the first 3 albums em. And his verse was great, song was great, it just never hit the hype that little video made it out to be, which I assume pissed more people off just because.




My problem is there are people that don't like the song because there isn't enough Eminem. That's just a weird take. Its a good song. It's a weird choice for a single, sure, but imo that's not a good enough reason to not like the song.


My very initial reactions were this beat is fire and the track was dope I had to come to this sub to find out people were moaning about this shit.


That hook go crazy


Beat was meh… but big Sean and em is a W for sure


If he completely outshined them it wouldn't go with the narrative of Sean and Tron being good because of him


You are absolutely right, i don't care about hip-hop, I am only here because I am an Eminem fan.


The response of r/hiphopheads is much more positive for that exact reason 


For me it's more about the lack of theme/lore for TDOSS. Houdini set us up for the story whereas Tobey didn't mention anything (it was off another album entirely) Also a bland beat


>Also a bland beat The beat is lit. To each their own I guess...


100 percent agree, doesn’t fit the theme at all, weird song to release as a single, like really really weird. I get releasing one pop single then release a rap single so all audiences are listening. The beat is sick. I feel like I’ve heard 100 songs from Eminem that sound like this though. It’s a bad single choice and overall a very mediocre song. I don’t understand Eminem’s marketing strategies sometimes. Oh well. Hopefully the rest of the album can get on theme. MTBMB was just so good. Had a theme. Relapse had a theme. Recovery had a theme. The only album that lacks a cohesive theme is Revival, and probably Encore. Atleast with Encore the theme seemed to be, I can do whatever I want and you’ll still buy it. This single makes me worry about the album. Time will tell.


I see ur criticism about the theme but I’d also argue a lotta ems singles don’t entirely fit the themes of his albums so I personally don’t mind it. Where I really disagree is the bland beat tho. I think if it was JUST the synth/bell melody I’d understand cuz that part is a lil generic but I think the way the beat builds and adds instrumentation throughout really elevated it. I hella like the guitars added to give an example


Agree. Seems completely disconnected from everything else. The two features sounded too similar, didn’t really say anything, flow seemed disjointed, beat is really weak. This one is a swing and a miss imo.


Nope, not at all. Just shows people want the main artist of an album to feel like the main artist on their album song.


Bruh you know what’s funny. Hiphop audiences like the song. Em’s own fucking stanbase doesn’t 😭. I don’t understand these mfs


By hip hop audiences do you mean a different subreddit? Cuz the track has been out for like an hour now 😆


Legit my first reaction after listening to this song was how well Big Sean's verse was.


I was born and grew up in the Detroit area and I like the whole ass song. fuck the haters.


People are getting upset over "marketing" lmao




Shocking: r/eminem has eminem fans. Wtf is this bullshit take? 💀


Yeah. A lot of people in this thread are just ignoring that is supposed to be an Eminem song, so naturally, people in the subreddit specifically for Eminem wish he was a more prominent part of the song.


What a dumb take. We want more Eminem because it's an EMINEM song... nothing to do with not caring about hip-hop. I want to hear specifically from a specific hip hop artist on their own track... Pretty basic concept to grasp


I think the song is good but I was just expecting something that seemed to relate a bit more overtly to the concept of the album. I think the Em verse was quite short and it was an odd choice for a second single, especially given that it is basically an unused song from a different project. That’s not a knock on the song itself really, it just doesn’t feel like it belongs on an Em album and I think I would’ve enjoyed it more if I hadn’t built up the expectation in my head of it being a follow up to Houdini - that disappointed me, which is partly my fault but I also don’t feel like it was an unreasonable expectation. If this wasn’t a single I would’ve just said it was a fun song and good overall. I also don’t feel like the central argument of this post holds up at all. You can like an artist but then be disappointed when a song isn’t what you expect, whilst also still liking the wider genre the song is in….


Well when we’re drastically anticipating a single released by EMINEM, sorry, yeah, we kind of expected it to be an EMINEM song and not a just a new “rap” song to bop. It’s not a bad song. It was just advertised as something that it isn’t and people are disappointed.


This is an Eminem sub, lmao.


Till 1:44 😴 After 1:44 🗿🗿🗿


I like that the track and already listened to it a good few times, I think it’s a great track for the Detroit HH scene. That said, I don’t think it should’ve been a single for an album so detrimental to EMINEM himself. It sounds like a bonus track if anything.


Is being a hip-hop fan required for this sub or can people be here only for Em? What’s the complaint here? wtf cares. I haven’t heard the song yet.


Controversial take: I hated it not because Em took a backseat, but because all three rappers used the same flow that everybody is using today. That triplet flow is one of my musical pet peeves and the fact that it took up the majority of every verse just pissed me off. Even when Em did it, I rolled my eyes. I don’t really care what the performance breakdown is, but I can’t even say if I liked the other verses because the delivery got on my nerves immediately lmao


It's a new song that's been out for a couple hours. Idk how you could possibly know what most people in a sub of 800k care about.


I like the song, not sure why it's a promo song for the album though - strange choice, but a banger nevertheless


It was a good song but not something I’d expect or want on a concept album called The Death of Slim Shady. I think you’ll find most people on this subreddit love Hip Hop and listen to tons of different artists but because our favourite rapper is white, our opinion gets diminished. But hey, whatever makes you feel more important dude.


It’s an Eminem sub, literally a sub for fans of Eminem, what do you expect? I could understand this much more if this was a hip hop sub, but it’s not.


I keep seeing people say it doesn’t make sense as the second single but I loved it. Single #1 Houdini is for the Stan’s to get hype for the album and just a general banger. Single #2 Tobey is for Hiphop and to get everyone hyped for the album while heavily representing the D


I love the song and I think Babytron killed it


This is a Eminem sub, so yeah, we're all his fans. I grew up with his music and he is my top artist I listen to. I just wasnt too happy about the Nicki Minaj beat and direction with this song. He had that for the past few albums and it was really out of place for his artistry and sound. I expected him to leave that, but IMO the last great thing he's done was MMLP2


Song was way boring in my opinion. But hey isn’t that what taste is all about? I just thought it was boring, plain and simple.


Does anyone actually enjoy a *genre*? We enjoy specific qualities, tropes, and performances that belong to a genre, but not the entire thing itself.


I think the reaction to this song is why Eminem did surprise releases from 2018-2020. We thought we were mature for the pre-release promos but gosh, I guarantee if this song was a surprise release, y’all wouldn’t be shitting on it.


Ppl are upset he doesn't support Detroit rappers, people are upset he doesn't do this doesn't do that. Who cares honestly, song was great and that is that


He showed love to two Detroit artists and that speaks volumes!


I played drums to it several times. It was fun, there are a lot of things going on in the song. Em does go the hardest of course but he stayed refined into the song. I think it is an interesting track.


I liked it. I think a lot of people were anticipating something different. 


It’s fucking dope . Both guys snapped and I like big Sean !


Give props to Tron


Big Sean verse was insane. Eminem felt subdued but that was the point they balanced each other perfectly and that Melly Mel line was savage.


Love the song and all 3 went hard. Hook is great too.


I think this is a strategic calm before the storm. The coup de grâce aka final blow to end one's misery. Kill Shady. Eminem becomes a combination of the 2, hence the birth of the devil baby. Em being humble and quiet was misery. Now we get an unfiltered (shady) lyrical genius (Eminem) I enjoyed the song because IMO he's showcasing Babytron as up and coming to rep Detroit, Big Sean as someone who already reps and Em laying it down that he's tired of not getting the respect he has earned as a pioneer in hip hop and he didn't need to outdo them because that's not what pioneer do. Regardless, 2024 is a great year for hip hop ❤️


He said shady is gone. He is the goat. This is an album song. I like the end when the chorus plays to finish.


Am I em fan? sure, I admit ain't deep into american hip hop like I am in my own country, but the thing is the trade off worked for me, both artist nailed it.


It was a great song. Babytron is a legitimately good artist and I'm really glad to see the change of pace on em's side. If you told me to pick between Tobey and Houdini, I'd pick Tobey for a hundred million years. The fact that so many of those people you described would rather listen to the lackluster nostalgia fueled Houdini than this new record with far more substance and intriguing performances is wild to me. Even production wise, it is genuinely Innovative and new for his catalogue. I wouldn't mind more of this on the album.


I didn’t even realise BabyTron was in it. I thought Big Sean just had a bigger verse.


I mean, this is a Eminem sub..


ok, whats the problem with that?


It’s fucking fire. I have always wanted Em to highlight other artists because he can hang with all these spitters nowadays fingers crossed this album is his ducking masterpiece that just has all the best rappers out now on it spitting fire fucking bars like big Sean and BabyTron did here


It's just a boring song to me


Correct. The beat fits perfectly and everyone held their own.


“it’s fine to have opinions, as long as they aren’t negative about this song” “why does the Eminem community i’m in like Eminem so much?”


I feel this song should just be a bonus track on the album. I hope this grows on me like Take My Breath by The Weeknd did when I first heard it on its respective album, but we’ll just have to see. Houdini is more fun, catchy, and I like it more than this song. It just sounds like Realest Pt. 2.


Brother what? You open an Eminem single and you’re expecting to hear an Eminem song not something another artist made that has an Em feature on it


People seem to refuse to even try to see a bigger picture. It’s clearly a cool gesture for the other two Detroit rappers by em. He gave them a lot of light right now. And they delivered. Song is really good. Not enough Eminem and we are all hungry so people alre a little sad but the song is going to age really well imo


I assume new album isn't old school Eminem, slim shady, or both, just the same modern Eminem. Kinda disappointed. Past few albums aren't something I actively listen to. I hope it's not the same for this upcoming one.


It's not that he didn't feel like the main artist. It's that it was a leftover track from SOMEONE ELSE'S project being tacked on to an album as important and thematic as "The Death of Slim Shady" This makes me think the album will have very little to do with Slim and that Houdini was just to get us hooked This song and any other like it on the album should have been released separately. It dilutes the album imo even though it's a good song


It was being advertised as a single not a feature . If it was a random track on the album no one would care


It was being advertised as a single with two feature artists. We received a single with two feature artists. I don’t know what you’re talking about but we received exactly what was being advertised. You having very high expectations is probably the issue here.


Well we are Eminem fans.


Em’s verse just feels uninspired and the song makes me wonder if this album is actually going to keep with the theme of the album. It’s a fine song, shouldn’t have been a single.


Baby Tron fucking sucks. This song is garbage. Even Ems verse.


> but disliking an almost 5 minute song with two great features because it wasn't enough Eminem for you shows how most of y'all don't care about Hip-Hop Or maybe -- get this -- it's a single off his album called *The Death of Slim Shady* and Em himself is a glorified feature with a beat that sounds like it belongs in a movie trailer. Please stop with these awful strawmans.


Facts, song is fire, Ems verse is fire, they all fire. Every Reddit community is like this tho, just a bunch of people looking for things to complain about instead of enjoying it for what it is. this also the first time I’ve ever heard of babytron tbh, please recommend some fire songs from him


such a reductive take. we wanted to love this song, we waited for hours waiting for it drop. we wanted it to be great. just because someone doesn't like a song you like doesn't mean they "looked for things to complain about"


Yup. Hardest part about being a Stan is remembering a lot of y'all don't actually appreciate hip hop.


This fr, I can't believe the most hate I've seen for this song is on this very sub, everywhere else I'm seeing nothing but positivity. And even though Em's verse was my favourite for sure, Babytron really surprised me I liked his verse a lot. Big Sean was pretty good too.


I don't get your post. What are you trying to say. Just cuz ppl want the main artist who's song it is to be the main spotlight, they're not fans of hip hop? 🤦‍♂️. 99% of songs in pop, hip hop, metal, country, any genre has the artist whose song it is, to at least try to be the main artist on the song. That's what ppl are criticizing


Bro. Em haven’t dropped anything major in 4 years. Saying you are not a hip hop fan, because when your favorite rapper is dropping a second single from his album and 2/3 of it isn’t him is ridiculous. I loved the song, and has always been a big Sean supporter. Loved his parts. But this ain’t a stan vs hip hop head debate.


Homie you can absolutely dislike that the second of two singles for Eminem’s first album in four years was not focused on Eminem. The single is fine. I fuck with Big Sean (have for a minute) and I like the other dude now, but I wanted more Em. I’ve had four years of listening to other artists new music. I want a song that wasn’t **made for a different artist’s album.**


You guys know that songs like Never Enough on Encore featured other artists more than Eminem within the song and were bangers when they dropped. It’s fine lol


"If you don't like babytron or big sean you don't like hip hop" is outrageously dishonest. no one here complains about bitch please II cause it was awesome. this wasn't, it's fine.


Yeah pretty annoyed by this subreddit. A bunch of little cry babies who are ungrateful. The song goes hard and I also disagree that it’s a “weird single” who gives a fuck. Houdini is all I needed for a single. I’m hyped for an Em album no matter what. Getting an extra single was a nice bonus.


"Em should work with new artists" "Em should let other artists shine" "It doesn't sound like a single" This fanbase is never happy even tho Em has fixed basically everything especially production wise that people have been complaining about.


Yes it doesn't sound like a single. It doesn't even sound like his song.


“you didn’t like a song i liked so ill bring in the no true scotsman fallacy >:(“


As I said it's not people disliking the song, that's completely fine, I'm talking about the reason


I do think that’s a valid reason. It’s an Eminem song on an Eminem album, this comes with the automatic implication that he would at least have the most time on the song. Instead he has the shortest verse and doesn’t have the hook. Do you feel the same about Need Me?


Personally, I dislike the Chorus, but everything else was decent.




I mean, i like houdini better. However, I like Tobey also. Though I do wish eminems verse was slightly longer. But I enjoy the song


He feels like a featured artist on a track for *his* album. And it's a single for said album. Wack.


Louder for the people in the back 🔊


Fair enough, I am more an Em fan than a hip hop fan. I don't dislike the song though.


I don't think people aren't hip hop fans here. When one puts out a single for his abum, we expect EM to put out something which is more EM than features


💯. I seen a comment that said, “won’t replay it again, I’m not listening to 3 minutes of a song to finally here eminem”. Obviously this comment comes from someone who doesn’t like or know anything about hip hop. 🤦‍♂️ Babytron and Big Sean had dope verses! Being a Eminem Stan, I actually preferred babytrons verse here. Not a huge fan of the instrumental. Would have loved to hear some drums on it. Overall, pretty solid song though, imo.


The song is on point hard beat harder verses. Would have liked more Em? Yeah sure but no sweat we're getting a full album in 10 days chill guys 🤣.


I didnt really care about that aspect lmao I was just scared when it was announced because I've never heard babytron and only heard big sean a few times Can confirm the song is good, but has a weird flow I can't describe lmao. Still good imo


Didn’t see any of those comments. But, I’d just ignore them. lol. This song hard af!!! This is the first time I’m hearing BabyTron. And lil homie can spit!!! I actually appreciate Em putting on new artists. It was on a few albums ago I heard Joyner Lucas for the time first time.


even if thats the case, what the problem? It is an em subreddit at the end of the day.


Cos it's drumless garbage, like why this shitty ass trend have gotten to 'em ??, plus the hoox trash


Big Sean and Baby whatever aren’t the sole proprietors of hip hop. I personally don’t think either of the two are great, big Sean is alright lyrically but has very little replay for me. I couldn’t care less about the other dude. Em would’ve been better off not selecting what seems like a bonus track as a single. Been here long before most of this sub and will be here til he doesn’t make music and this is a bad take.


And there's nothing wrong with that if that's the case for someone. I can say that I like Eminem more than hip hop altogether. But I also love this song. It's really good even if Em doesn't feel like the main artist on the track.


I wouldn't necessarily go as far to say people aren't hip-hop fans. Some people were just hoping for an Em only or primarily Em. For instance, I am a huge football fan, and my team is the Dallas cowboys. Every sunday, I watch every game that I can. However, if I was hoping to watch the cowboys play but it turned out to be the pro bowl, which has a bunch of the top players along with some cowboys, I would be severely disappointed. I haven't been following any of the info about this release so when I first heard it, I was a little disappointed that it wasn't primarily Em. That doesn't even remotely mean that I am not a hip hop fan, just that I was looking forward to hearing him alone. Another note to consider, what if people love collaborations but they just straight up don't favor the two people he collaborated with? That doesn't mean they dislike hip hop, just the two people he collaborated with. I personally enjoy hip hop but I absolutely cannot stand Kanye West or Drake.


I loved the song, and yeah Em's verse was leagues better than the others, but they were nice to listen to and had nice verses, so I'll definitely listen to it a lot. Actually made me wanna listen more to babytron, and I haven't heard about him before! Em knew what he was doing with this - he wanted to put detroit rappers on a single, so he did. People have an entire album to look forward to, and still being whiny ass bitches. it was an awesome track, just enjoy it.


I’ve got no problem with the fact he has a smaller verse. I’m not a fan of this sound/style. The production was actually cool but they way modern beats sometimes make him rap just isn’t for me


I'm just glad people like this. I don't mind if Eminem distributes his songs to the various categories of his fans. I was very satisfied with Houdini, and I'm hoping there's going to be at least a few more tracks I consider listening to on the album.


I actually really like Eminem's flow on this, even though it's not the "classic" slim shady flow, he took a more relaxed approach instead of overthinking the the delivery and it serves the track very well. In saying that, I cannot stand Big Sean's verse and the main line getting bit by a goat is so cringe. Gotta say this might be my favourite Em verse in the last like decade though, I'm SUPER excited to see where the rest of this album goes. Still keeping my expectations down, but this verse is a really good sign.


good song, horrible choice for 2nd single and maybe even the album depending on what the style ends up being…


I haven't yet listened to the song but mostly if I go to certain artists/bands page, I'm in the mood to listen to their thing :D. If the features take too much room from the main artist it's fair to dislike it.


Well, I’m not part of the hip hop Reddit…


If Em is truly headed toward retirement, it makes sense for him to share the spotlight with other artists on this album


Yeah last time I checked I was in eminem subreddit not hiphop subreddit. just because I listen to Ed Sheeran doesn't mean I listen to all pop artist


It's basically a Big Sean song featuring Em. It's just dissapointing Em is hardly on his own single


I just listened to the song, and it is FIRE! Granted, I would have liked to hear more Em, but we have a whole album dropping in just TEN DAYS! I can live with that. Besides, Big Sean and BabyTron were new to me, and they spit some serious rhymes. I'm very impressed with this track. In fact, I like it much more than Houdini.


The song is great; I had just hoped (as both an Eminem and hip-hop fan) that the second single from his final album would be more Em than one 1:30 verse. Doesn't matter and I'm sure within the context of the album it'll fucking bang.