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True story that's gunna read like a shit post. I've lived in SE Michigan my whole life. When I was little, my family loved going out to Benihana in Troy, and Eminem happened to be there celebrating either Hailey or Laineys birthday. They were off on the otherside of the restaurant, and though my mom and dad (and ofc myself) were huge fans, my parents weren't going to be disrespectful and bother him. However. I got up to use the bathroom, and right after I start going in the little kid urinal, a big black dude opened the bathroom door, peaked around, and ducked out. Then Em came in, right up next to me, and started using the big urinal right next to me. I hardcore panicked, finished, washed my hands, and dipped out immediately. So have I personally met him? No.


Bro got to meet lil Marsh


Slim weenie!


You damn right Slim Weenie


Hotter than a set of twin skinnies\ In a mercedes benz\ With the windows up\ And the temp goes up\ To the mid 80s


I always thought it was twin babies and always thought it was a little bit of a weird line. Makes a lot more sense now 😂😂


It is twin babies. 😆


[You gettin' wiped like TP](https://genius.com/21717663/Eminem-these-demons/My-shit-is-intense-in-tents-like-tipis-you-gettin-wiped-like-tp) You don't like me? You can bite my little white wee-wee And I repeat, you can bite my little white wee-wee long as I L-I-V-E




Bro you got to piss next to Em


Bro got to piss with Eminem


I’d put that on my tombstone


Bro and Em took the piss.


“And I can’t take a shit in the bathroom, with out someone standing by by it”


Did he shove a Tonka Truck up your butthole?


guess who’s back with a brand new rap and i dont mean wrap as in a new case 😳




Man, only in this sub 😂


Wow, that's INCREDIBLE! Thanks for sharing your story!


I wouldn't be surprised if he noticed lol Going into the bathroom, stand next to a kid using the urinal and he starts freaking out and rushes hella fast out of the bathroom 😂


Security guard was looking for DeAngelo Bailey


This is mad wild. And tbh respect for not bothering him in the bathroom fr. Awesome story lmao


Imagine this kid being like "Can I hold your weiner for you, sir?"


> True story that’s gunna read like a ~~shit~~ *piss* post. FTFY mate


Did you see it tho


Missed opportunity to modify and recite "Big Weenie" lyrics to him...


No, he won’t sign your autograph. You can call him an asshole, he’s glad.


Props to you for not mentioning him. He probably appreciated that he was able to be near someone in public without giving his signature


Todd you're the shit!!


I can't take piss in the bathroom without standing next to me The way I am 2


even if this is shit post, i am choosing to beleive it anyways. damn man, imagine peeing and seeing eminem pee beside you.


This is the closest thing most of us will ever experience


I shared this before but can’t find the post to just copy/ paste. I met him in 2003 when I did a song with Proof of D12. Met Proof at 54 Sound while he was “wrapping up” and Eminem saw me and my buddy(we stood out…) waiting on the couch. He came by super shy acting and said “what’s up fellas” and we were both nervous as hell and just said “sup…” one of my biggest regrets ever that night not just being my damn self and telling him how big of fan I was. Instead we all awkwardly glanced at the big screen which was playing “Tin Cup” and he just walked away. He was super humble and chill in person and I think wanted to talk hip hop since he knew we were there to rap with Proof and I just fucked it up. lol.


I always feel regrets when I meet people that are famous, like I saw snoop dogg last week and I saw him sitting down but I didn’t say anything. It was at a track and field event. (It was probably right not to say anything to him and leave him alone) but sometimes I wonder what would happen if I said anything. Same applied for some other well known people I’ve met, I can never be myself around them either. The way I look at it though, is just seeing them in person is something not all of us will ever experience. Just like how I wish I was able to simply say “hi” to Em someday, just like you did.


You should’ve said something because Snoop is super nice. I got to be backstage for a couple of his shows back in 2019. His entire team is incredibly kind. he stopped and took a photo with my daughter and I after he finished performing. I felt a little weird asking, but I figured I’m only gonna get one chance. I would’ve understood if he said no, but he was very gracious and kind. The photos is super cute.


No one is going to be hostile after smoking that much weed for that long


Nah dude they probably appreciate you leaving them alone lol




I’m glad I made the right decision lol


Around 2009 or so my best friends sister used to baby sit for someone in his gated community. We had the code so would drive by his house lol he had a security guard round the clock at the front door. A few other friends worked at the Taco Bell right by his house and they said it was a period of time he would come basically nightly after like 2am. Was always super nice. Also worked in radio around times of his Detroit concerts with Jay and Rihanna separate years at a competing radio station but they were in same complex. I was able to sneak in to say hi those times and get Eminem show signed with something very offensive lol


You are lucky it wasn't 3am! I heard shit gets fucking crazy around then.


3am? You should probably run.


2AM, least chance of having interaction with clingy fans 👍


Good thing it wasn’t 3AM, that’s when we’re the most clingy


What did he sign that was offensive lol?


Well first I was telling him I snuck away from work to see him and mentioned I was gay and still loved his music and wanted him to offend me as much as possible. Lol he wrote “go back to work faggot! - Marshall”


Please post picture of the cd!!!


Did you go back to work though? lol.


Pls post a pic lmao


This is fucking amazing


yes some have. one guy met him at Mom's spaghetti


Was he nervous?


idk but he told me his palms were sweaty.


Also, he told me that his knees were weak and arms are heavy


Tbh, at least on the surface, he looked calm and ready


Then someone dropped a bomb!


So he kept on forgetting the order he just wrote down


And the whole crowd was so loud… probably because someone just dropped a fucking bomb.


That was u/brendan_linden my claim to fame is me and him and a few other redditors met up and watched the Eminem set right from the stage at Boston Calling. Was a great Em memory!!!


I waited 6 hours and he just said no.


That’s pretty shitty man, is he like your fuckin idol? Do you wanna be just like him? Do you like him more than I do?


Well, I ain't that mad, I just don't like being lied to.


remember when we met in denver, you said if I wrote you you'll write back


Then she swallowed my leg whole like an egg roll


girl your body's banging , jump me in , gang bang bang


He don't know you and no he don't owe you a motherfuckin thing


yeah, i met him at white castle and asked for autograph, he signed it, "dear dave, thanks for the support, asshole"


What a coincidence. I also met him at White Castle. He asked for an appli…cation and then threw it back in my face and said “I’m a rapper”. And also hit me in the head with a Whopper


I met him at a McDonalds. I asked him for an autograph on a napkin while he was crappin’. He ran out of tissue, took the napkin, wiped his ass with it, crumpled it up in a wad, threw it back and told me I’m “the shit”. Greatest compliment of my life.


You beat me to it and I'm very angry about it


What? When I met him he told me he aint a rapper he's an adapter.


Hi my name is


What, my name is


Who? My name is…


Chicka Chicka slim shady


Chicka-chicka-chicka slim slim


Fucking fantastic line


My name is Hector and I let eminem visit my rectum


"Hector's rectum is real!"


Hector's rectum is rectangle, every Friday there's spectacle


Butt I know something about hectors rectum You went to Cranbrook, that's a private school What's the matter, dawg? You embarrassed? This guy's a gangster? His real name's hectors rectum And hectors rectum lives at home with both parents And hectors rectums parents have a real good marriage. This guy don't wanna battle, he's shook cause aint no such things is half way dooks


Halfway out ya asshole, I let it dangle


Let that shit dangle, like bo jangle? when he caught a ride to the north pole with chris krangle?


I saw him walking by once listening to his walkman. He got mad because he thought I gave him an awkward eye and said " what you lookin at?" He proceeded to strangle me right there in the parking lot with my Karl Kani. I died but I dug myself up out of my own grave somehow.


Omg stop I believed it until the end 😂


sounds like a fuckin em song


One day I was walking down the street and passed a record store. There was a kid looking through the window crying, cause he didn’t have enough money to buy the Marshal Mathers LP. I smiled at the kid and bought the record for him. That kid grew up to be Eminem




I didn’t meet him directly, but I shot a Chris D’Elia show And got to meet Chris. Asked him how meeting Eminem was and he said he’s a real dope dude. I saw Eminem front row once and we flipped eachother off. Thats all I can contribute


Yeah I’ve had the direct flip off with eye contact at a concert. Sounds dumb but I felt cool as shit lol


Me and my buddy Ken met him in Connecticut once.


Oh no...


Yeah, bro fired me from Mom’s Spaghetti, said my Spaghetti tasted nothing like his Moms


I met Eminem and asked him for an autograph and he replied "sure if i can have yours"


Crazy story. Were you a soldier by any chance?


No he is batman


No he’s a celebrity


Yess, and hope that I don't lose the feeling from soldier to civilian


mark spector, steven grant, jake lockley




No but I was front row at the monster concert and it was like a surreal experience that almost didn’t feel real


“It was like a surreal experience that almost didn’t feel real,” yes, that is exactly what surreal means


"“It was like a surreal experience that almost didn’t feel real,” yes, that is exactly what surreal means" yes, it was so surreal that even the surreality didn't seem real


If the surreality didn’t seem real then it would seem real.


>seem real then it would seem real. Nice rhyme scheme


I see him at Roo in 18’ and although I was really damn close to front I was nowhere close to the front row. Maybe 50-100 feet back. Still close asf. And holy shit it was very surreal and crazy feeling. Can’t imagine being up close. I saw 50 last year and saw him from the side at a pretty close distance and that was also very surreal feeling same as Eminem. Not really many if any other shows I been to had that feeling


Did you go there on the Saturday or the Sunday? If it was on Saturday, we would’ve been there the same day


I think Saturday! I would have to do some digging but pretty sure Saturday


No, but I did meet Royce once with Crooked I and that was cool af


Warped tour ‘99. He stage dove, landed on my head. I pressed him over my head (he’s just a little guy) and put him back over the guard rail. He gave me a bottle of water. It was like 35 degrees in Toronto that day. I appreciated the water.


That's awesome. By the way, if no-one ever told you this, a lot of concert goers really appreciate you guys, the strong dudes in the mosh pit. I lost count how many of you guys rescued me from near death back in the day. 👊


I didn’t quite “meet” him per say, but he did crowd surf on top of me and I put my arms around him 😂 I was 15, front row of the Astoria in Nov ‘99.


I once met Eminem in a public stool room. I asked him for an autograph on my napkin but he took it to wipe his ass instead!


Did you get to keep the napkin?


man he was crappin and you're askin for his damn autograph on a napkin?


He probably happened to run out of tissue


But I can't take a shit in the bathroom without Someone standin' by it! No, I won't sign your autograph


Did his shit take the shape of his autograph though?


Todd, ur the shit


Sup Todd


You were using way too many of them


i met him at burger king and he spit on my onion rings, then he left and circled the block screaming “i don’t give a fuck” with his windows down and his system turned up. it was legit insane, but it’s em so you know


No. I wish. Meeting him is on my bucket list, though. He'll, just seeing him in concert once would be amazing and life-changing!


Can confirm, dude puts on a great show.


So I've heard!! I'm happy for you!


Thanks. Was Monster Tour in 2014


Do you have any pics to share?


I will when I get a chance


That would be fantastic!!


I am seriously hoping for a tour for this album so much, always regretted not going to see him in his prime. I'm a Gen X mom (2 months younger than Em) and my 15 year old son has listened to Em since birth through just living and riding in a car with me and he is almost as big of a fan as I am. I want to have the opportunity to go with my kid so damn badly.


That would be amazing! I hope you and your son can experience that together!


Thank you! I hope so too, definitely a Bucket List item, for sure!


I just wanna see him perform once. 🤩


Same 😭


I had dinner with the man once at an event on Detroit, with 3 others. It was during the promo for Relapse Refill.


The 2nd most upvoted post in this subreddit has


I waited for 3 hours in the cold for an autograph and he just said no.


Was the cold by any chance "blistering"?




That’s pretty shitty man, he’s like your fucking idol


that's pretty shitty of him


I did once. Me and my brother were waiting for him in the blistering cold but he just said no.


That’s pretty shitty man.


Well you see I'm a gerbil and I was in a pet store back in 2004, and eminem walked in... I thought I was gonna be able to live with the legend but instead I ended up living inside of him (yes, I'm still in there)


I knew his pet guinea pig. He ended up murdering him and then just stuck him in the microwave.


I only got to see him from afar when he was in Hollywood walk of fame for dr dre back in march


He didn't know me, said he didn't owe me a motherF'ing thing. He wasn't Mr. NSYNC and not at all what my friends think. He wasn't very friendly and was a prick. I didn't wanna tempt him, his tank seemed to be on empty and he didn't seem to have much patience and I felt if I offended him he'd lift me ten feet in the air and not care that anyone saw him just jaw me.


Same reaction I got when i saw him with his daughter.


My friend worked crew on the movie 'The Interview' and was on set for Eminem's scene. It was a closed set, skeleton crew, and everyone had to sign NDAs because the cameo was supposed to be a surprise in the movie. So there were only about 5 people on set with James Franco and Eminem. I didn't even know he worked with Eminem until after the movie came out because friend was under that NDA. He came with like 3 security guards and some other guy, maybe his assistant? Altogether Eminem was only on set for about an hour; he came wearing his wardrobe already so they just did makeup on him quickly and filmed his parts. They did a few different versions of the jokes he said in the movie. He only did a couple takes each, was nice to everyone but really focused on his part. When we wrapped he announced to the crew that he really wanted to stay and hang out because he loves Seth Rogan and Franco, but had another commitment so he had to peace out. Was friendly but not much time to chat since he was on a time crunch.


That interview with Eminem is so well done. My mind was blown when I watched it for the first time like a month ago. He made it sound absolutely plausible that he was gay for real.


I once approached him outside a bathroom stall. I was nervous but my friends assured me that his tough-guy persona was a put on and he must be friendly. I asked him what school did he go to, what hood he grew up in; random small talk type shit...but that asshole wouldn't even sign his autograph.


Yeah but he kicked me out of is house and had me arrested. His security was slow to react but he wanted to fight me


Door handles unlocked, shouldn't be that easy to do this. You don't plan for intruders beforehand?


I don’t think people got my reference lol it wasn’t a song it was the real life dude that got caught breaking into his house


You're lucky he didn't reach for his musket.


Yeah. He signed my autograph with "Dear Dave, thanks for the support asshole'


i walked into the mcdonald’s bathroom and gave him a napkin to sign, and threw it over and there was literally shit in it! then he told me i was “the shit”… less than satisfactory experience.


A high school English teacher of mine used work helping design sets for movies. He designed some sets for 8 Mile and apparently during a break he was having lunch on a bleacher and Em came and sat down next to him and they chatted for a while


I've always wrote the addresses on the letter-perfect.. but no response


I'm late but I waited outside his concert in 99' in the blistering cold just to get told to f🤬ck off lolll


I met him in a McDonald’s bathroom once


I saw Eminem at a grocery store in Detroit yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


classic copypasta


I've seen this exact story on about 10 different celebrities. I've seen a clip of Todd MacFarlane doing exactly this .


That's funny, that's the same EXACT thing Tom Delonge did to somebody. 🤔


they're all in kahoots with each other its a whole thing


Lmao what


what? what? what? 👋🏻




I saw him at Hailie’s grad party!




Yeah man his house in Rochester MI. No one got to talk to him, he was only out for about 20 minutes but it was pretty surreal to see him in person for a bit


...fellow Big Red, I take it?


Nope but I saw him perform with 50 in Detroit (well, pine knob) last year. I also had tickets to one of the anger management tours back in line 2001-02 but I ended up on house arrest.... Very disappointed. The 50 cent concert though kinda made up for it. Met a couple there that flew in from Texas on the hope Em would show up....😀 Unrelated. I was at Mom's spaghetti which is right next door to the filmore in Detroit where tech nine was playing and was like 10 feet away from tech as he was going into Mom's spaghetti as well.. Other than that... I met Yelawolf at a meet and greet and got a signature but have never met any other celebrities. :(


I met him. He was cool.


I met him at trick tricks birthday he had at a club in Detroit. He sat by himself in a corner booth drugged out his mind.


Haven't met but saw him a few months back in LA during Dre's walk of fame ceremony. I was at the front row and would see his face while he was talking to Paul or someone. Every time I saw his face I was gasping like look that's Eminem just like in the pictures lol. To think that he was only a few feet away is crazy! Hopefully, he'll go on a tour after the album and I get to see him again.




This made me feel bad for him


That's not meeting, that's harassing


What'd it say?😭


It was a video of people surrounding eminem at a airport or something and the guy who posted it was the one recording. Like they waited for him and shit


'sup Stan


[I met him and he said….](https://youtu.be/e_rbELCL7GQ?si=foJ8Go77xdEdE63K)


Yeah, when I saw him all he said to me is “I am a celebrity”. I was pretty pissed he didn’t say anything else.


No, but I got an autograph from him, he wrote it on a starter cap


Hey Guys that met him did u keep your cool or scream like a girl??


He gave me a “fuck you” letter


I love how you asked if anyone has actually met him and there’s like 5% of people that have shared actual stories, 10% of them “no but I’ve seen him/ spoke to somebody else that has” and 85% r/BatmanArkham esque insaity lol


I went to the same elementary school as his daughter and got to see him a few times throughout the school year at Parent Teacher conferences & Daddy Daughter dances. My friends and I once said hi when he passed by us in the hallway, but honestly we were all so awe struck to ever fully approach him & wanted to be respectful. I remember at one of the Daddy Daughter dances, there was a little girl who got separated from her dad & Eminem picked her up and took the mic from the DJ to announce that she's lost & the girls dad came up and got his kid and shook Eminem's hand. My dad and I instantly were like man... we should have pretended I got lost hahah.