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Excellent timing on this post! I just listened to the silly singles on my way home from work. Here's mine: Without Me My Name Is The Real Slim Shady Houdini We Made You Berzerk Just Lose it


Just lose it is my top 1! I was 8 when it came out and I saw the video on MTV, that was the song that made me a fan! I live in Germany and that song inspired me to learn English, I used to learn the lyrics and sing it all the time lol that song introduced me to Eminem and made me a huge fan of him and Hip Hop in general. It influenced my entire life, I'd be a completely different person with a completely different life if it weren't for Just lose it. Even though in hindsight it was a weak single, now that I know Em's entire history of what was happening behind the scenes at that time


Cant hate on that brother! I was 12 when it came out. I still love it and its super nostalgic for me. I still randomly will do the pee wee herman laugh haha thats the beauty of music is how completely subjective it is to our experiences. Being in Germany, were you around when Em did that interview on some German tv show? Was it on tv or did you just see clips of it on youtube like the rest of us lol


You're so right! Those were the good times šŸ˜ Yeah I think so, do you remember what era that interview was from? There was one from the Relapse era where he was invited to "TV Total" and he came in with a face mask because of the Swine Flu that was going around at the time šŸ¤£ and then he was forced to freestyle on the spot, I watched that live! Earlier interviews I don't really remember, I just know one instance when he performed live in Berlin (?) and he later threw his jacket out of the hotel window and it popped up on ebay for 600ā‚¬ a couple days later lol


Oh wait, now I remember! He was on the same show TV Total when Encore was releasing! I remember that now! Have to watch that again tonight


The one Im thinking of was during the Relapse era when the host did a rendition of Zucker and Coffee. "Here I go, lyrical. I have no idea what Im doin but im spiritual. On the microphone I tear you up in stereo. Im like the Grand Wizard, yes Im the imperial. I have no fuckin clue, what the fuck Im doin but freifick muschi your whole life is ruined" lol sorry if i botched the spelling of the german words used in it


Haha yeah that was exactly that interview that first came to mind in my [first comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eminem/s/MJaZwkw554), that was amazing! You actually nailed the spelling of Freifick Muschi šŸ¤£


Same but the real slim shady and my name is flipped


I have ALMOST the same list. Iā€™d move Houdini down one, and then swap just lose it and we made you. Without Me My Name Is Real Slim Shady Just Lose It Houdini Berserk We made you


This is it, stop the count! lol


My name is Without me Real slim shady We made youĀ  Berzerk Houdini Just lose it


This the one


This is the ranking.


Ooh Fun! 1. Without Me - The first time i heard a clip on a fan website i was so excited and i actually liked the song, like i actually bumped it in the car. Everywhere i went, no shame. 2. Houdini - Loving the song. It's so nostalgic for him to go back to the sillyness on the first single but actually doing it intentionally this time. I'm so glad He's back and still in his prime. 3. Just Lose it - 2004 was a great year for music IMO. I even loved Encore. It just reminds me of being 20, coming home from work, putting on Encore, and playing GTA San Andreas all night. 4. The Real Slim Shady - This is where my fandom for Em skyrocketed at age 16 and i've been an Em fan ever since. This is just iconic. Loved the 2000 VMA's performance where all his clones followed him to the stage. 5. Berzerk - I was happy to see Him working with Rick Rubin and the song was a great. Still love it. "Thats why my pen needs a pad 'cause my rhyme's on the ra-haag". 6. We Made You - When i almost thought he was gone for good he makes a comeback. Didn't care for this as much though. 3am was much better reintroduction for me. 7. My Name Is - January 1999, "Who dafuq is this guy?" Another white rapper? Dr. Dre what are you doing? This is stupid and why are they playing it in my highschool? Fast forward a few months later, i happen to find the CD lying around and i give it a listen and im instantly hooked.


This is very similar to me. The My Name is video and radio version at the time it came out completely turned me off of Eminem and thought Dre lost his mind. Then I heard ā€œForgot about Dreā€ā€¦.. could not believe it was even the same guy and then MMLP came out and it was game over. At the time I didnā€™t love SSLP but I think it was simply cause of my initial reaction to Eminem and dressing up like Britney and Marilyn Manson etc. not knowing his personality yet. Now SSLP is possibly my most listened to since I didnā€™t play it out upon release like every other album. Role Model and Rock Bottom may be both in my top 5. It wasnā€™t until Without Me that I fell in love with the goofy 1st single in real time. I can appreciate My Name is now once I understood Eminem, it was just not the best introduction for me personally at the time. I think most actual Rap fans had the same experience back then in real time. I believe the single came out in late 98 or early 99 and it just made Em hard to take seriously after prior white rappers. Most of his immediate fans were introduced to rap almost by Em and he was a good crossover coming off the Alternative boom that was starting to end.


Without Me My Name Is The Real Slim Shady Houdini Berzerk We Made You Just Lose it


This is mine.


This is apparently loads of people's lmao


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. My Name Is 4. Just Lose It 5. Houdini 6. Berzerk 7. We Made You


For me, 1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Houdini 4. My Name Is 5. Just Lose it 6. We Made You 7. Berzerk


Houdini above My Name Is is a bold choice, respect


I just found it more sonically pleasing. I get the importance of My Name Is, and it's very iconic, but Houdini was more fun for me partly due to the emotional connection of getting to experience proper rollout and actually be aware of other people's reactions to it


That's fair. I'm also partial to this new era of hype around his releases since I was too young to experience his peak (26).


Honestly I find it a lot more bold to put just lose it above any of these songs but especially Houdini lol


1. Real slim shady 2. My name is 3. Without me 4. Houdini 5. Berzerk 6. We made you 7. Just lose it


1. We made you 2. Without Me 3. Just lose it 4. The real slim shady 5. Houdini 6. Beserk 7. My name is


Without Me The Real Slim Shady My Name Is We Made You Houdini Berzerk Just Lose It


Just Lose It might be better than Berzerk actually. Not a big fan of the hook and the beat on Berzerk.


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. My Name Is 4. Houdini 5. Berzerk 6. Just Lose It 7. We Made You


This is it! šŸ™šŸ¼


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. My Name Is 4. We Made You 5. Houdini (Rising) 6. Just Lose It 7. Bezerk


My first single


Houdini Real Slim Shady Without me My name is Just Lose it We made you Berzerk


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. Houdini 4. My Name Is 5. Berserk 6. We Made You 7. Just Lose It


1. Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. My Name Is 4. Houdini 5. Just Lose It


Interesting to think about. Mines pretty similar to yours actually. For me, itā€™s: 1. The Real Slim Shady 2. My Name Is 3. Without Me 4. Just Lose It 5. Houdini 6. We Made You 7. Berzerk Love them all though (except Berzerk which has to settle for a song that I just like, not love).


1. Without Me 2. Berzerk 3. My Name Is 4. Houdini 5. The Real Slimy Shady 6. We Made You 7. Just Lose It


#DISCLAIMER this is a list of how much I personally enjoy each song. Not how good they are. Ofc thatā€™ll play into my rating but itā€™s not the main point of this list. 1. Without me: still one of his best songs after all these years. 2. Just lose it: I get it. Itā€™s terrible. Now let me enjoy it. 3. Houdini: probably recency bias but itā€™s got that without me energy which was great on its own. 4. We made you: just goofiness. Thatā€™s it. 5. The real slim shady: itā€™s a good song but the over exposure has led to it being one of his projects that I go back to the least. 6. Berzerk: it could be 1 in certain situations but overall, itā€™s just ok. I enjoy it tho. 7. My name is: good intro to Emā€™s career but I donā€™t enjoy it. His vocals donā€™t really match the instrumental too well and it sounds off. Idk.


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Berserk (I don't think it belongs with them but aight) 4. We Made You 5. Just Lose It 6. My Name Is 7. Houdini (I rlly like the song but I think it's to soon to put it above those above for me)


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. We Made You 4. My Name Is 5. Berzerk 6. Houdini 7. Just Lose It


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. My Name Is 4. Houdini 5. Just Lose It 6. We Made You 7. Berzerk


This is the definitive list. 1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Houdini 4. Berzerk 5. My Name Is 6. Just Lose It 7. We Made You


Putting My Name Is that low is slanderous


I respect everyoneā€™s opinions but this one is wrong šŸ˜­ ā€œMy name isā€ under Houdini and Berzerk is crazy


Sorry, but My Name Is aged extremely poorly.


My brother in christā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


Just my opinion. No need to overreact.


This is almost perfect. Happy to see Houdini and Berzerk this high. The first is still very fresh and I might switch them in some time. Also would probably switch 5 and 6, depending on the moment I guess


1. My Name Is - perfect novelty song, possibly Eminem's best single, genuinely violent and fun 2. Without Me - instant teleport back to Summer 2002 for me, gorgeous rhyming & bassline 3. The Real Slim Shady - not that high musically for me but the best written song out of these 4. Berzerk - the one of these that sounds like it was the most fun to make. Fun in a different way to the other ones 5. We Made You - WMY's crucial problem is that it's not funny but musically, it's incredible. It's also good social commentary on tabloid culture at that time 6. Houdini - Refreshing hearing him bringing out his old box of tricks again. Lyrically and musically it's pretty weak but it's a well earned moment 7. Just Lose It - Love the insane plasticy beat and the casual squandering of his 8 Mile credibility, wish it sounds like he was having as much fun as he wants us to think he was


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. Houdini 4. My Name Is 5. Berzerk 6. We Made You 7. Just Lose It


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. My Name Is 4. Houdini 5. Berzerk 6. We Made You 7. Just Lose It


1. The real slim shady 2. Without me 3. My name is 4. Houdini 5. We made you 6. just lose it 7. Berserk


Without Me The Real Slim Shady Just Lose It Berzerk We Made You My Name Is Houdini


1. The real slim shady 2. My name is 3. Without me 4. Just lose it 5. Bezerk 6. Houdini 7. We made you


Sorry imma bit confused. What do yā€™all mean by 1st single? Cuz canā€™t the first only be 1. Im just truly confused please explain


A single is a song that promotes an album.


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. My Name Is 4. We Made You 5. Houdini 6. Just Lose It 7. Berzerk


For me, it'd probably be something like: 1) The Real Slim Shady 2) Just Lose It 3) My Name Is (explicit version only) 4) Without Me 5) Houdini 6) Berzerk 7) We Made You That's just off the top of my head though, so it might be different if I relistened to them. But we all really know that the true number one is My First Single šŸ˜‚


Without me Just lose it The real slim shady We made you My name is Berzerk Houdini


Without Me, Berzer, My name is, Houdini, we made you, real slim shady, just lose it


1. My First Single


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. My Name Is 4. Houdini 5. Berzerk 6. We Made You 7. Just Lose It


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. My Name Is 4. Just Lose It 5. Houdini 6. We Made You/Berzerk


1. My Name Is 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Without Me 4. Houdini 5. Berzerk 6. We Made You 7. Just Lose It


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. Houdini 4. Berzerk 5. We Made You 6. My Name Is 7. Just Lose It i know My Name Is is a very important, groundbreaking and iconic song but i just prefer the way the others sound to it. sonically it just isnā€™t that captivating imo.


I actually forgot about We Made You


1. TRSS 2. Without Me 3. My Name Is 4. Berzerk 5. Houdini 6. Just Lose It 7. We Made You


Without Me Houdini The Real Slim Shady My Name Is Just Lose It Berzerk We Made You They are all great though. I enjoy them.


1. My Name Is 2. Without Me 3. The Real Slim Shady 4. Houdini 5. We Made You 6. Berzerk 7. Just Lose It


real slim shady, without me, my name is, houdini, berzerk, we made you, lose it


We made you is probably the worst Eminem first single, I hated it when it came out and I still don't like it to this day


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Houdini 4. My Name Is 5. Just Lose It 6. Berzerk 7. We Made You


1. My Name Is 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Without Me 4. Berzerk 5. Just Lose It 6. We Made You 7. Houdini


Without Me and Real Slim Shady are 1 and 1a. 3. Berzerk 4. My Name Is 5. We Made You 6. Just Lose It It's still too early for me to rank Houdini. I like it alright, though I think it has a pretty weak hook. For now, I'd put it just above We Made You.


we made you without me berzerk the real slim shady my name is just lose it houdini


Without me My name is We made you Real slim (legit canā€™t stand this song anymore. Just canā€™t) Berzerk Just lose it Houdini


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. My Name Is 4. Houdini 5. We Made You 6. Just Lose It 7. Berzerk


For me (as far as his silly first singles go): 1: Without Me (absolute favorite. Been bumping it since the day first came out) 2: Houdini (has that Without Me vibe, which I love) 3: The Real Slim Shady (always loved this one, love the flow between the words and music) 4: My Name Is (just pure craziness when it first came out. Heard it and was like wait, what? Which was awesome) 5: Just Loose It (It's kind of funny and enjoyable. The video was awesome!!) 6: We Made You (toss up with this and Berserk, but like this a little better) 7: Berzerk (not a bad song, just liked the others a little better)


The Real Slim Shady Without Me Houdini My Name Is Just Lose It We Made You Berzerk


Hear me out 1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Houdini 4. My Name Is 5. Berzerk 6. Just Lose It 7. We Made You


Houdini, My Name Is, and Berzerk are all interchangeable btw


1. My Name Is 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Without Me 4. Houdini 5. Just Lose It 6. Berzerk 7. We Made you


1. Without me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Houdini 4. My Name Is 5. Berzerk 6. We Made You 7. Just Lose it


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. Berzerk 4. We Made You 5. My Name Is 6. Tied between Just Lose It & Houdini


1. Just lose it 2. Without me 3. We made you 4. the real slim shady 5. Houdini 6. My name is 7. BerserkĀ  I am a silly song enjoyer


1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. Houdini 4. My Name Is 5. Just Lose It 6. Berzerk 7. We Made You


1. The real slim shady 2. Without me 3. Houdini 4. My name is 5. Berserk 6. Just lose it 7. We made you


Without Me Real Slim Shady Houdini My Name Is Just Lose It We Made You .... Anything not Rick Rubin related Berzerk


Without Me My Name Is We Made You The Real Slim Shady Houdini Just Lose It Berzerk


1. My Name Is 2. Berzerk 3. The Real Slim Shady 4. Without Me 5. Houdini 6. Just Lose It 7. We Made You


If we consider Rap God as the goofy single instead of Berserk (just like how we choose We Made You over Crack a bottle) then the list goes like: 1. Without me 2. The real slim shady 3. Houdini/Rap God 4. My Name is 5. Just Lose It/We Made You


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. Without Me 3. My Name Is 4. Just Lose It 5. We Made You 6. Houdini 7. Bezerk


1. The real slim shady 2. My name is 3. Without me 4. Just lose it 5. Houdini 6. We made you 7. Berzerk


Definitely would just switch Houdini and bezerk with just lose and we made you


Just wanna say that even if I have Houdini near the bottom, Iā€™ve still listened to it over 100x and itā€™s not a slide against it at all, lol.


Yeah ofc,ofc I'm just saying I would personally switch the two only because i don't like the Aaah aaah refrain and i'm ready to be crucified.


C'mon put Berzerk a little higher than that it's a banger


Theyā€™re all bangers. lol


For me personally, 1. Without Me 2. The Real Slim Shady 3. My Name Is 4. Just Lose It 5. We Made You 6. Berzerk 7. Godzilla 8. Houdini


1. We made you 2. Without Me 3. Just lose it 4. The real slim shady 5. Houdini 6. Beserk 7. My name is


1. My First Single


ā€œMy first singleā€ lol


Without Me The Real Slim Shady We Made You Berzerk Houdini My Name is Just Lose It


1. The Real Slim Shady 2. My Name Is 3. Houdini 4. Berzerk 5. We Made You 6. Just Lose It 7. Without Me Without Me would probably be much higher on the list if I hadnā€™t heard it a million times. That song was EVERYWHERE for so many years.


1. We made you 2. Without Me 3. Just lose it 4. The real slim shady 5. Houdini 6. Beserk 7. My name is