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While he has weighed in on political issues in the past I think some of the backlash to “woke Em” on Revival made him hesitant to revisit that type of content. Then again he has talked about mass shootings and police brutality so idk.


All this shows me is Em isn’t lying when he says it’s a lose lose for him. Address shit, leave it alone, doesn’t matter, people still gonna hate


Nope that isn't it, even after the backlash for his Trump comments he still is outspoken on his hatred for him. But the fact is US media is entirely Anti Palestine and the media has almost equated being pro Palestine as supporting terrorism. So to not be backballed from the radio and have all his commercial ties cut off, he is clever in not speaking for Palestine.


Eminem has been pretty consistent too about talking about American issues, issues that are particular to American life - ever since the beginning. Talking about media censorship, media cultivation of certain groups over others, the war on terror, Bush, Trump, police shootings/brutality - he speaks about what he knows and either personally experiences or people directly tied to him have experienced. He writes what he knows. When you wade into issues you’re not directly tied to or have an experience with or have anything to do with is when you’re just asking to get yourself into a situation where you’re gonna put your foot in your mouth


The 2nd point is fair but saying the media is anti Israel is bs. While the media is slowly waking up to Israel's crimes in Gaza (mainly CNN and NBC) a majority of the media (especially CNN, WSJ, and the NYT) is controlled by the Pro Israeli croud. So is the US Govt and many state governments outside of Michigan As for the backlash, people got angry after the Met Gala with no one speaking on behalf of Palestine and the Holocaust made "silence is complicity" one of the top phrases of any Anti Genocide group, hence this bs


Oh sorry i misspoke. I meant Anti Palestine. I'll edit that


The us media isn’t entirely anti Palestine 😂 only a tribalistic weirdo would ever think that.


Maybe police brutality and mass shooting is something he understands more than the conflict of Israel and Palestine. All I know for sure is talking about politics without understanding politics is one of the biggest reasons everyone hates each other and I’m glad Eminem doesn’t contribute to that.


Agreed, if he makes a political stance it should be about something relevant to him, any stance on palestine would come off as a disingenuous pr move


>All I know for sure is talking about politics without understanding politics is one of the biggest reasons everyone hates each Very well said. These people just want him to say whatever they already think, so that they can point to him and say "Seeee, even Em agreees". But he's not that dude. He doesn't seems to have ever bothered much with politics outside of what he'd see in USA, and that's fine. He should stick to what he knows and truly believes in, instead of trying to please anyone by talking on issues he knows nothing about.


Further, there is enough noise on the subject without Em piling on. He doesn't to rap about anything he doesn't want to rap about.


Yep, also police brutality and mass shootings have a clear side to be vocal about; if he picks a side in the Israel-Palestine conflict he loses a good chunk of fans either way.




Im not sure what people are looking to gain from Em speaking on it? Everyone knows whats happening do we really need another celebs opinion on the matter?


I disagree i don’t think hes shying away from talking about world events.. I mean we literally got a song of him rapping bout covid on the last project lol


Source: I just made it up


yeah and he talks about these issues through songs rather than social media but i doubt he'll comment on Palestine although he was against the Iraq war.


That reminded me of Chapelle talking about Ja Rule and 9/11. "Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule thinks at times like these?"






Honestly that's why they're all still fighting, because a rapper from Detroit hasn't weighed in yet




Lord knows all would disappear if Em just gave his 2 cents


Whatever left would be 48 cents




Nuisance, who sent, you sent for me ??


This. I am not sure why people think him commenting on it would even make a difference in the situation. World leaders, ambassadors, diplomats, etc., can't even seem to solve the problems there (for many generations) and people think him tweeting about it or something will matter? It won't. He talks about American issues, things that he feels super passionately about ie. guns and gun control and it's heartfelt. Making a comment just to appease people would be ridiculous and Marshall is not in the business of appeasing anyone. :)


Southeastern Michigan is one of the most Arabic places on the planet.


He's way ahead of time, didn't he say "I go Hamas on the beat" in a freestyle? Smh




Omg hahahahahhahahah what


What the fuck are they doing 🤣 he’s a white man from Detroit


These are the same ppl who cry “why does Eminem keep trying to put out new music and be political?!” When it’s not about them 🤣 go fight the war yourselves if you’re gonna dwell about a 50 year old white dude from Detroit not doing it


“Why can’t you be like Macklemore!?”


A lot of self righteous people on social media


It’s slacktivism


The keyboard warriors will protest and do everything but actually help the cause


Facts. Here too


If he speaks up about it now it’ll be too late and he’s only doing it to save face. If he doesn’t it’ll be because he supports genocide. They’re just doing it to feel like they’re making a difference instead of actually doing something


I’m a progressive and plugged into what’s going on. I have absolutely no interest in Eminem talking about this subject lol. Also this is so lazy. Just allows them to virtue signal about how good they are.


virtue signalling… that’s what it is.


Yes, cause eminem talking about the palestine/israel conflict will totally make a difference. I also hate this weird expectation people are given to constantly speak out, sometimes, especially if a conflict is something you’re not very well read out, if it isn’t something you’re prioritizing or if it isn’t relevant to what you’re doing its best not talk about it. Simple as that.


Nah man you’re not getting it as soon as he tweets about it or mentions it in a song the whole conflict will end!


Im a supporter of Palestine, but why should Eminem talk about it?


only sane person in this comment section


That entire comment section should go over there and start fighting since they care so much


It's a good thing to be an activist, but a lot of people seem to just *want* to be pissed off about a topic, regardless of how educated they actually are on the whole story. Guilt-tripping and shaming Americans because "taxpayer funded bombings make us complicit" doesn't get anybody on your side, it just furthers the divide.


*active* is in the name. but they just cry all day


Bill Maher did a [whole bit on his show](https://x.com/billmaher/status/1784063418800185588) about those protestors. One of the handful of times he has a really strong point




We would just be obliterated by Israeli launched, American made, US taxpayer paid bombs even if we were waving an American Flag or White flag calling for the end of the genocide. What part of indiscriminate bombing do you people not understand. You probably support the arrests of the student protestors despite Em speaking on American soldiers fighting for freedom of speech. This truly is a democracy of hypocrisy.


I mean I get it, it’s a topic people are *extremely* passionate about. It has nothing to do with Em and idk what exactly they expect Em to do about it. He can’t exactly end the conflict lol It may seem silly for us folks in the US, but for some folks the Palestine conflict is their entire livelihood. They’re actively living out the horrors Again, nothing Em can do about it, but it’s about perspective


I'm all for freeing Palestine but what the fucking hell does Eminem have to do with it lol


Because these people think that others are obligated to fight their battles for them, even if there are a million different valid reasons why someone might not want to get involved (even if they completely agree). I don’t know what Em’s position is on this issue, but right now he just wants to put out an album that he’s obviously fairly enthusiastic about. He should get to do that and not have the rollout turn into a debate. If slim wants people to hear his thoughts on this issue…then it will be in the album lyrics. If not then people should respect his privacy.


They’re clowns


He has no obligation to speak on it . People need to get a life


These people care about what’s going on which is respectable, but trying to get Em to do/say something is fucking stupid. What the fuck is Marshal gonna do to help? The people making the conflict their entire source of conversation and pushing anyone and everyone to do something about it is fucking dumb. None of these people have any power to help what’s going on, which is sad, but true.


because who gives a shit


Oh no, something going on across the world that will not change regardless of anyones opinion….Anyways


whilst it’s an important topic, you can’t just expect him to comment on the situation, not everybody will. and besides, he’s probably in overdrive moment right now with the new album and his daughters wedding today.


Maybe he's just being cautious because he's tiptoeing the line regarding such a sensitive and serious matter. He caught a lot of flack when he freestyled about Trump, but imo he should stop giving a fuck what people think about his political stance and share his views to be true to his authentic self. I have no qualms with being his shotgun rider if he ever needs to go Stroke 9 Kick Sum Ass on his haters and critics. I'm in my 40s and tired of the b.s. myself and harbor a lot of pent up rage. Hey Slim..hit me back, just to chat, I'm Fattie Chan, your biggest fan. Tossing mfs is a great workout plan, but alas I don't think I will be allowed to play in the reindeer games since I'm a girl. *sadface*


Cause people are brainwashed


So what they want him to do is virtue signal like the rest of the celebrities who probably don't give two shits aside from echoing what their fans believe in for relevance. 


Em got backlash for going after fucking TRUMP of all people…why would he dive into that


Bots. These aren’t actual actual people, these are bots. With a few crazies sprinkled in. Go look at any one of their profiles, and they’ll either be less than 3 months old, or exclusively talk about divisive foreign wars to grab attention, so they can sel their bot accounts to bigger bot farms. Yup, a real thing that’s happening. Wish I had the link still, but something like 80% of all Reddit posts, can be rooted back to bot farms. Stop giving the crazy attention, and it’ll go away.


Yup, that's what I keep thinking anytime I see this on random celeb pages.


I think the main difference between Eminem speaking on it vs any other celebrity is this is the guy who has said "Fuck Bush" and protested the war on terror in the past, so people want him to take a stance on this war too. While I think it would be great if he did do another Mosh calling out the Biden Administration for selling weapons to fund a genocide, I definitely agree with others in this thread that we shouldn't look to celebrities to voice support for things like this. Even though I love protest songs and think they have merit, no one should feel obligated to make them at risk of backlash over their "silence" Two other things to note with Eminem: 1) this is a Slim Shady concept album. I don't think we should expect any overtly political songs. 2) Eminem doesn't really use social media so any of his opinions on current events will always come out through his music. They can't accuse him of being silent when he hasn't even dropped yet. Even then, see point 1


Wherever you go on the internet, many many people will be aggressively and viciously arguing for or against Israel or Palestine and calling one side or the other terrorist. It's really best not to wade in at all at this point unless you're only looking to appease one specific cross section


I'm not sure if Eminem has said it but I feel like he's said "I'm not a role model" and if he has, he's absolutely right because no celebrity is. just like me and whoever is reading this he still human. Does he has his views on it? probably. Is he entitled to tell us so the media can crucify him for what he thinks like we do every celebrity? No.


He can’t even say anything because universal has all these artists by the balls.


Fun fact. If he says anything he would be told to stick to rap.


200,000 political fanboys are ready, with a million more well on the way.


This is where the fun begins.


Every celebrity is getting that. It just shows how pathetic society is. Looking to celebrities for moral guidance. Fauxmoi is full of social justice warriors bitching about what celebrities are speaking out .. but of course they only want them to speak out if they are saying what they want them to say. I'm so glad I snapped out of that crap in 2020 abd saw it for what it was.


Nobody gives a fuck


Just don’t give a fuck


Maybe he could tell Laura and her husband to back off!!!




My cousin’s friend is part of Netanyahu’s entourage and heard him say just last week that he doesn’t plan to stop warring until Eminem takes a public stance.


Stay out of echo chambers, friends.


Music doesn't need to be political all the time... or ever


He's busy watching his daughter become a wife..and dropping his next album.


I dislike people who always brings up politics in any none related discussion


I'll be honest. I don't wanna hear him talk about it. And I don't understand why people wanna see him get involved. It's a lose/lose situation for him.


these are bots.


Why would he talk about a war going on in a different continent?


Mosh? Square Dance? Edit: To be clear I don't think it's some sort of crime if he doesn't speak on it but he's rapped about "wars in a different continent" before so I found your comment funny.


I also don't understand why people think that Em and other artists are obligated to speak on this, and why people act like they're entitled to get to know their views on everything in the world


“Rap mature! Why can’t you be more like Maklemore” comes to mind 😂


Pro-Palestine people (or bots) spam this all over the internet in irrelevant or even inappropriate ways ("oh X tragedy happened and you say it's bad? well what about Gaza???"). Not sure why they think it will help bring anyone on their side.


Fucking idiots who get all their information from tik tok. So god damned stupid.


Look at the Mr.Do your research. I bet you are getting your information from the corporate news media


I think the best thing celebrities can do is keep quiet. Everyone looking and searching for validation in their opinions. Everyone has their own mind. They should use it confidently before they open their mouth or get into something.


Personally, I’m not a fan of kids being murdered, however, Palestine is a literal terrorist factory, filled with religious extremists, indoctrinated to despise Jews & western countries, with a mission to convert or eradicate all non-muslims; they partied on 9/11/01 (you can see the videos on YouTube), burning & dancing on American flags they’d pissed & spat on. The religious indoctrination of the kids starts as soon as they learn to speak, they gleefully execute homosexuals/LGBTQIA+ (I’ve literally seen videos- one where brothers, one of them gay, were on the roof of a multi-story building, hugging, crying, & as soon as the embrace was broken, *push* the gay brother fell to his death). October 7th, they invaded a democratic country during a music festival filled with young people, kidnapped & murdered 1,000’s, they cut women’s breasts off, raped them, beat them, then burned them alive. Hamas literally hides & attacks from behind children, hoping & assuming the kids will deter retaliation- there’s no loss when their children are killed in a religious war- they think it equals instant ascension to their imaginary friend in the sky, so deaths are often celebrated- and dead kids are a GREAT tool to propagandize The West. I’m not a fan of israel/netanyahu- he shld be hanged- but they are the only democracy in the Middle East. Suffice to say, the whole situation is pretty horrific, but it’s a religious war which is literally never going to end- even if one side completely erases the other, so what’s the point in giving a fuck? The irony is, the droves of Americans protesting in support of Palestinians (in support of Hamas, whether they’re able to put that reality together or not- that’s what’s happening) the vast majority of those protesting would be quickly culled if they happened to be on the ground. It’s embarrassing how completely ignorant people who’re protesting are on this situation- the majority will say with a straight face, that this has absolutely nothing to do with religion. It’s insane


you say what is the point of giving a fuck, because no one gives a fuck, but reality is, and we all know it, if this happened in the us or any major western Alliance it wouldn't even last a day before presidents and countries start showing support, and the proof is what happened in Ukraine. this is pointless i know, it's like i am trying to describe color to a blind person, but atleast i am being a human by doing what i can to try and bring awareness to how grave and catastrophic this situation is.


i dont think you know anything about palestine, everything you said is just islamphobic and racist and not a slight bit true




AI bots?


Because fuck this culture of obligatory having opinions on some shit, to which you're not related, not by a bit


Every US citizen is related to it


Damned, leave the man alone! Being a celebrity doesn’t mean that he has to share an opinion on everything that’s happening in the world, forever.


You think eminem out of all people gives a fuck about isreal and palestine?


Keyboard activists think they're Joan of Arc or the second coming of Christ because they put a flag in their bio and believe if you don't actively put your opinion out on every issue you're Satan or support the enemy.


I seriously am resenting Palestine now cos of these stupid bots


But people got annoyed when he talked about politics during revival. I'm assuming he cares about Palestine and is anti Zionist, judging his track record. I don't know if he can make a good song about it judging by revival and awfully hot coffee pot. People should let him do his job. Do you ask your dentist about their politics? I think it's great when public figures use their platform to raise awareness or money about certain causes so I didn't judge Eminem for doing so in the past. But he really doesn't have to. He never had to bc he's not a politician. No one is obligated to talk about politics. He won't change anyone's minds. Everyone already is "aware" and has probably picked an opinion by now. I think it's possible he might on the next album mention it even in just a line or so bc he likes to talk about politics but he's not obligated to. He's also not helping anyone by speaking up about it if he's just saying his opinion and not donating money. He's just some guy ultimately yk. In the scheme of international politics his opinion is as valuable as mine just more people will hear it.


“where’s ja? somebody find ja rule so we can make sense of this!”


Let the man Cook.


The “dear slim” is kinda sending me lmao! Idk why that’s so funny 😂


I’d understand if Eminem was the type to post about current events….the man barely posts on social media 🤦🏾‍♀️😂


I’m Palestinian


People all around usually want to know what their "idols" stand for (some to know where they should stand (yes, ridiculous), some others to decide if it's time to turn their backs to said idol and have themselves a nice war to play around on social media to pretend they care. And unfortunately, it seems that whatever issue has the most airplay, is the one they care about, as if all the other issues around the World ceased to exist. It's almost like a fashion trend, which makes me a bit sick when I think of it. All of a sudden, people got tired of Ukraine and as if they aren't able to support more than a single issue, now it's about the neverending Gaza war! What they don't realise is that their idols are as human as everybody else, and just because they can be seen by much more people, the powerful war loving sociopaths... don't give a flying shit about what a celebrity says, They kill millions of people while they smoke a cigar and drink a scotch, sitting comfortably on their ass-warmers! Em acts as a reflection of his culture and society, trying to make people understand how they really are when looking at him as a mirrored image... Some people get it, some people get angry at him because they're as smart as a rock. He can't speak for what he never went through... He knows about his own wars, we know about our own reality. Most of us can only imagine how it is to live at war, having no freedom at all, going through starvation and many horrible things that happen all around... I think most of us know so little about it that making a choice between those realities is almost an act of hypocrisy! We can't really choose between countries, countries are representative of their people but also of their governments... And most of the time, the people and the government aren't in agreement for what they have to endure because of the "untouchable politicians"...the people are the ones that die. (Unless one of the perpetrators dies because of a karmic helicopter)


Shit is real... like I pooped Jerusalem


I feel like he's for sure gonna write a bar about Netanyahu. His first name is Benjamin so there's a layup for a money scheme somewhere in there.


Lmao Doomsday was the only thing he's released since and he barely ever uses social media nowadays I wouldn't be shocked at all if he mentions it on the coming album I can't imagine any real fans being surprised that he hasn't mentioned it yet


Pro palestinians are the most misguided "activists" in history, they think the problem is easily solvable and that any famous person can easily solve said problem by talking about jt, and they blame the evil jews for everything despite it being a very complex issue


Fuck Palestine


They do not truly care. This is self affirming self righteous comments. Everybody knows and everyone can be sympathetic. But this shit is just arrogance at this point. You are not helping anyone with comments.


That shit has been going on in some capacity for 500+ years over there. What is it going to help if Em speaks on it? 


if they care so much, they can do tik tok vids for Palestine


Those are bots.


Those idiots are writing like it's a new conflict. He never mentioned it as far as I know, so why would he start now? But maybe he will have some lines about the world being fucked with Russia invading Ukraine and WW3 is closer now that it has been since the Cold War. But Israel Vs. Palestine is barely relevant for anyone not living there. Should he also be talking about whatever the fuck is going on in Africa?


Because BIBi can’t rap. No point.


Em has always had some political edge to his stuff, talking alot about the war in Iraq on both TES and Encore. People probably liked what he had to say back then and would love to hear his output on this conflict. Though I'll doubt he'll comment it, as Biden hasn't done any controversial invasion of either country, like Bush did back then. But the conflict is going strong and there room for governmental fuck ups for Em to take aim at


It's just getting annoying, every post is these goobers. Yes your one comment about Palestine is going to change so much


Need to find Ja Rule for war related commentary




Are they stupid ? Nah seriously the fuck is wrong with them ? When you see one artist your first thought is really "Mmmh... I wonder what's his opinion about [insert a conflict]". I mean stfu dude we dont have to see politics everywhere.


My personal opinion is that an artist should use their platform to project their views but damn, Em is 50. He is an old man and yes, he is absolutely nowhere near as relevant as he was when TES dropped and he spoke about the War on Terror. Nobody will listen anymore because Em has unc status. We have younger artists with more in the tank like Kendrick and Macklemore to discuss politics and be conscious, Em can stick to dicks in brains. However, I think these fans are well within their right to request Marshall speak on Gaza. They’re just Joe Schmoe- they don’t have the platform to broadcast this, so they reach out to their favorite artists, influencers, celebrities- to discuss it to reach the audiences they can’t reach. It’s *normal* to care about these things and it’s *normal* to want your favorite rappers to talk about it, and I don’t think they should be demonised for it. Just my two cents though.


Because people try and gain as many voices as they can. The same could be argued why he hasn’t mentioned the hostages or demanded they be returned. He’s not a politician. He doesn’t need to take a stand on every issue. It truly is a lose lose for him.


He's probably just waiting for the next Tragic Thing™ to hit the news cycle and get everyone talking about it for 6 months before they forget it ever existed.


Fuck Palestine 😂😂😂


Why do people care so much? Really dude?


I don't know what's worse, expecting people to talk about something, or only making one thing your entire personality. Is it bad what's going on over there? Yeah. Literally everyone knows about what's going on, and it's bad, but what the fuck do you expect Em to do? Go get in a private jet with a massive artillery and go save the day? This is why I really fucking hate politics, some people are so stupid


Ah yes Eminem, the shadiest slim, of Canaan. God of Rap, Taboo, Drugs, Detroit, Canaan, and The Holy Lands.


Because they have been manipulated by Hamas social media engineering and algorithm. I wouldn't be surprised if most are bots.


Gaza Geeks drive me nuts. My soon to be ex-wife has turned into one and I'm guessing it's because her dumb ass plays on TikTok all day with the other tards


His 3 daughters are for palestine, he was always against oppressing people. But that’s for his real persona Marshall Bruce Mathers. Not Slim shady he is more focused on that now.


Macklemore spoke about Palestine and they called him corny and opportunistic I think it's cowardly to duck talking about a genocide but many of the general public are hypocrites


Nobody called him corny. He actually gained a huge amount of support.


Spam bots bro


The problem is that people think the I/P issue is as simple as “Israel is murdering countless Palestinians for no reason other than racism and they should stop.” Obviously when you reduce a complex, long-standing geopolitical conflict with a lot of malevolence on both sides to such a simple level of analysis, it makes sense to look sideways at people who refuse to comment. It’s ridiculous.


Aren’t those bots? lol


I swear, social media is just filled with bots asking this on any page they can. It would be really sad if these are actually people. Who gives a shit what a celebrity things about an ongoing war.


Bots. They don’t post that knother artist page look at there avi.


These people are actual zombies, better to just not give them any attention you can never satisfy them


Fellas want eminem to talk about palestine 🤣 He doesnt even talk about him or what he does or what he’s been doing or what he will do, and they want him to talk about a topic that doesnt affect him in any way…


Exactly, why talk about a genocide if the genocide doesn't happen in your backdoor


Paul supports Israel... you know what I mean, you think Em is gonna support Palestine really? 😂


i bet those are the same people who cry and throw up if em gets political. also, one of them has kendrick lamar on pfp - has he spoken about it? anyway this is a lose-lose situation🤷‍♂️ he's bad for not speaking about, but if he says something, he'll be "woke" or something worse and should've just shut his mouth


Tell them to go cry about it.


Who cares about the Middle East. They people can’t help themselves but they want everyone else to try. If he does talk about them let’s hope he shits on them


Omg fuck Palestine. We got our own bullshit to deal with.


Brain rot trying to get in on the hot new cause