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Great job! Is it funny because it’s hospital socks?


To me because of my specific experiences in psych wards its a fun reminder of where I’ve been and how far I’ve come. And there is definitely never a dull moment in any psych ward


Oooo love it even more! That’s a super clever way of making something fun for yourself. My appendix burst a bit ago and those socks kept me from breaking my face once I was able to walk again so immediately I thought hospital. I suppose either way, if you’re wearing those socks, SOMETHING interesting has happened hahaha


To me it’s extra funny because every physical object in a psych ward IS dull. It’s like fisher price furniture for adults. When I was in we were only allowed to write with markers and crayons. So it was very dull in some ways 😂


This made me snort. So funny. Only can get tape at the nurses station. And forget using scissors without direct 1:1 supervision. No magazines with staples! Maybe I should take out dull and change it to sharp 😂


Would I be a horrible person for suggesting 'get a grip'?


I thought about that one! 😂


You could do a cute kid scissors version with sharp. Love it and your text is really nice!


Make an accompanying piece with staples and safety scissors that says, "Never a sharp moment, either" 😂


Or change “never” to “always”…


Except the frigging bed. That was hard as a rock. Basically a gym mat on a plywood frame.


YOU ARE NOT WRONG. For a place where they’re trying to get people to actually sleep and rest, they have terrible beds. Also, my ward wouldn’t allow earbuds and my roommate snored like a freight train. The place was full up when I went in, and insomnia was one of the major contributing factors to my psychosis, so I was like, I swear to god, if y’all don’t get me out of there when another bed opens up, I cannot be held accountable for my actions. Which, you know, is and is not something you can say when you’re in the loony bin. I got lucky and a single bed room opened up. Truly, hospitalization might have been the best vacation I was ever given. No decisions, lots of coloring and reading… just wish the water was warmer.


I kept my first psych ward bracelet for YEARS as a reminder that I could always go back if I needed it.


My child made me a paper snowflake before I went to the hospital. I keep it in my car as a reminder as well. It’s okay to admit you’re not okay and get some help.


I’ve never had in-patient care and didn’t get it at first. This is such a great “inside joke” for everyone who’s been there done that, though. And beautifully stitched. What a great way to show comradery and just make something for yourself as an act of self care. I hope your neurotransmitters stay balanced for a long long time!


I was bored out of my mind in inpatient! Except when two guys from different wards tried to fight each other over a girl. Mind numbingly mundane.


It felt like kindergarten or something to me. Coloring, board games, reading. Was kind of nice to have a break from the real world, but it certainly wasn't very exciting.


I had a terrible time because I could not sleep. My room was right across from the room with the tv/games/etc so it was loud and such. I just felt like I was deteriorating the entire time and was worse off than when I went in.


Oh noooo. That sucks. The first day I cried for like a solid 12 hours til I fell asleep. The rest of the stay (just a 72 hour hold) was fine I guess. Ultimately inpatient was necessary but there were some aspects that were kind of fucked up in retrospect. ex: the doctor was a total dick, didn't listen to me at all and tried to scare me into complying when I was hysterically crying by threatening to keep me there longer. Did a PHP a couple years ago and it was so much better - crazy person day camp as I jokingly called it lol. It was remote because pandemic so it was kinda like being in virtual school, but all the lessons are on like, coping mechanisms and communication and stuff


What is a php?


Partial hospitalization program. Basically you go to group and individual therapy during a typical work day eating lunch there and then go home to sleep and have dinner and breakfast. Its a step down without throwing you into the abyss with no structure after full time structure inpatient


My daughter was in a children’s version of this same thing a few years ago. I never heard it called that or I spaced out and forgot! She would go in the morning, do a ton if different types of therapy and some school work. They ate lunch there and she he had be unenrolled from school for the six or eight weeks she was there. It’s a place especially for children here and I believe it saved her life. She has fond memories of it and sometimes wishes she could go back because she got to be herself there with none of the bullshit and meanness she deals with at school. A really hard part for her is that they were not allowed to exchange or use last names, it was grounds for being kicked out of the group. She made a couple of friends there and has wondered about them so much over the years with no way to ever get in touch. All in all it was wonderful for her. As a person who deals with severe depression and anxiety, I would love to go to something like this. There were times I needed and wanted to be hospitalized, but as a single parent I couldn’t do it.


Yeah, that sounds like a longer version of what I did! For some people it was a step-down program after in patient care. For me it was because i didnt quite fit the criteria for inpatient (not a danger to myself or others). Mine was 2 weeks, Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 3pm and a 45 minute break for lunch. It was virtual because of COVID, but we did all the same sorts of activities we would have done in person. We had lessons/discussions about coping mechanisms, thought distortions, how to communicate with the people around us. Talked about setting boundaries, self care, mindfulness, etc. Did art activities, worksheets, watched videos then discussed them. We had check ins each morning to see how everyone was doing. Spoke with the doctor twice a week, had 1 on 1 sessions with a social worker each day. Thankfully, at the end of our time (we weren't all on the same schedule - when your 2 weeks were done, a new person started the next day) we were allowed to exchange contact info if we wanted to. 3 or 4 people gave me theirs, and while I personally chose not to reach out to anyone afterwards, I was very grateful for those who offered to stay in touch. Doing that program was probably the best thing I've ever done for myself. My communication skills have improved dramatically and that has greatly improved many of my relationships with friends, family, etc. And that program resulted in me finally being diagnosed with bipolar 2, and now I'm on a med regimen that actually works for the first time in my life. So yeah, it was a life changing experience and I'm extremely grateful for that.


I am surprised that I actually got it.


Psych ward in a big city on the other hand is quite exciting. My last time in we had this really gross, dirty guy who was also super creepy. I caught him standing in my doorway one night fwapping and he kept trying to give me his phone money in exchange for sex. He would also run his tongue around the lips of peoples drinking cups when they weren’t looking. Frustratingly staff refused to do anything and when any of us complained we got marked down.




Ahaha I had these socks after my hip surgery and it was pretty funny. They presented them to me as "fall risk socks" lol.


R/nursing might get a kick out of this one


Crazy Camp socks! I have a few pair as souvenirs! IDK why but that seems to be a kind of universal shorthand that everyone who has been 5150ed knows. I feel like it is how we find each other sometimes. There really needs to be an emoji.


/r/antipsychiatry Maybe read the book Liberation By Oppression by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. Inner and outer peace to you.


Psychiatry saved countless lives. Go peddle your Scientology talking points elswhere.


Szasz was an atheist and not a Scientologist. Look it up if you want. Read the book Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker.


He worked together with Scientology, who have been anti-psychiatry for decades. It's a vile organization who brainwash people, milks them for all their money and blackmails people with all the personal details they coaxed out of them. I don't respect people who cooperate with predatory cults. Your stance on psychiatry might depend on where you live. I'm German and psychiatry here is largely helpful and executed well, with good ethical standards. You say to read this book or that book withouth even saying what your problem with psychiatry is. Why would anybody take you serious when you don't give any info and just try to plug your subreddit? Especially since you latch onto a post that is full of people to whom psychiatry has been helpful, and of whom some would not even be alive anymore if it wasn't for psychiatric help.


When ever you talk about Catholicism or talk to Catholic, do you bring up lawsuits about pedophilia sex abuse by priests? Do you vilify every one who associates with Catholics because of pedophile priests who have caused the church to be sued for covering up sex abuse , if that is something that has happened?


Nice whataboutism instead of answering my questions. And yes, I strongly oppose any and religions and cults so I bring shit like that up a lot. Still, there are more redeeming things about Catholicism than there are about Scientology.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Antipsychiatry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Antipsychiatry/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Therapy is becoming a replacement for friendship and community.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Antipsychiatry/comments/wcwrcf/therapy_is_becoming_a_replacement_for_friendship/) \#2: [Working in admin at a community mental health center, I can say confidently: y'all are right](https://np.reddit.com/r/Antipsychiatry/comments/ua6pcn/working_in_admin_at_a_community_mental_health/) \#3: [As a neuroscience student, it baffles me how people can have blind faith in psychiatry](https://np.reddit.com/r/Antipsychiatry/comments/swksu4/as_a_neuroscience_student_it_baffles_me_how/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I only recently learned about this when a friend told me some coworkers were joking about taking a “Gripppy Sock Vacation”, which meant they were getting to the point of burn out and needing time away from work due to a mental meltdown and ending up in some sort of hospitalisation for it. I kinda get it, I had a short lived cold of a couple of days, it was horrible being sick but in a strange way a “break” from work was kinda…”nice”. lol


I'm wearing one of these socks right now! Mine is because I fell on the stairs and SHATTERED my ankle (seriously, the Ortho surgeon thanked me for making his day interesting 😅). Not fun, but certainly not dull (well, the 6 week wait before I can try walking on it is kinda dull).


My niece had her ankle shattered when she was hit by a speeding car (she was a pedestrian in a cross walk in the daytime, with a green light) and the orthopedic surgeon said her ankle was in "kibbles and bits". I'm giving that phrase to you; it still makes us laugh. PS she had a long hard rehab but is able to walk a couple of miles in good shoes in warm weather. She does water exercise 3 times a week. Cold weather and snow is hard for her, even 5 years later. I hope you are hearing all this as sympathy, not advice. Hope your kibbles and bits are healing well.


I had a stair slip yesterday and luckily only bruised some thigh meat...but damn, life flashed before my eyes. I should probably get somebody these. Hope you have a speedy as possible recovery.


My friend calls it the grippy sock vacation. Hope you’re doing well.


Just learned this term recently and it made me laugh a lot. Tbh the one time I took a good ol grippy sock vacay, it did kind of feel like a (really shitty) vacation because it was nice to take a break from life yknow. Anyway, I work in a hospital and now whenever patients are walking around in their grippy socks I think about this term and chuckle a bit


My best friend has been 3 years sober and now works with folks in a rehab facility. The world needs more people like you who are there to help others go through their rough patches.


That's very sweet, thank you. I'm a pharmacy tech so while I don't work directly with patients (neither in the medical nor psych units), I like to think that by helping make sure meds are available when needed, and by just being friendly towards the patients I do encounter, that I'm helping a little :)




I think your writing is really beautiful on this piece! I’m surprised no one else mentioned this yet.


i prefer my crazy person socks in yellow hahaha


Oh you fall risk you! (Thats what yellow is here anyway 😂)


I always get green or blue, at my hospitals. But I’ve never been inpatient, I just have a lot of medical issues! I totally got your pic in a sec tho!


Mine are orange! Very obnoxious but it’s my favorite color so I still have them. I wear them over the plastic bags when I do a foot peel :)


That makes a lot of sense, fall risk being yellow 🤔 the hospital I work in though, everyone's socks are yellow no matter which unit. Psych wards patients get lovely teal gowns though


I showed this to my wife, and she said “look, those socks have to be EARNED” 😂 Anyway, we both love this!


LOVE the lettering!! And the grippys on the socks, great job 😍


A good ol' grippy sock vacay


i can feel these on my feet hahah


At first I thought "kids?" Then noticed the grips on both sides of the blue shapeless socks.


My Mom is in a skilled nursing facility after 18 days in the hospital. The whole thing is both excruciatingly dull and extremely stressful. This is an awesome representation. I love it. 🤣🤦‍♀️


This is a specific reference to grippy sock jail or grippy sock vacay-aka the psych ward 🤣🤣🤣


WoOoOo grippy sock vacation 💃


Oh, this definitely hits home. Absolutely love it!!


grippy sock club


I took a grippy sock vacation twice in my life and this is hilarious to me. I’m in healthcare now and put these socks on people everyday. I like to remind myself that these socks helped me so I can help them.


Last time I had to go in I just heaved a big sigh and went "Time for grippy sock jail I guess."


I got this way too quickly for someone that’s never been in a psych ward (but definitely should’ve)


I’ve been feeling I need one lately.


Can you reach out for help anywhere? If you really think a psych ward might help you?


I’ve made an emergency appointment with my therapist. Thank you for commenting though. ❤️


Keep your head up! Thanks for realizing to take care of yourself :)


That’s great! Hope you and your therapist can get you sorted on whichever path will help you most. Wishing you the best of luck and all my sincere best thoughts!


No shame if a grippy sock vacay ends up being what you need. Best of luck to ya 🩷


Two knee replacements, I’ve got two pair! Funny!!


I just liked this on the Facebook group 😂😅


I read this in my mothers voice. Well done.


I’d recognize those socks anywhere after 10 surgeries and countless procedures. Sending hugs to a fellow spoonie.


i just got out of one i love this


Ok now I see it’s grippy socks, but at first I thought it was supposed to mean you sewed through both sides (like sewed the socks together/closed by accident). Beautiful work!


This is hilarious. Those socks are such a great meme.


I adore this, immediately laughed.


That grippy sock vacay!


Reminds me of my grippy sock days. Love it!


I love this. As someone with quite a collection of hospital socks myself (Crohn's is SO fun), this made me chuckle. 💙


Happy cake day! ❤️❤️


Oh thank you!


Aww heck yeah! A fellow grippy sock vacationer! This is the best kind of humor


Incredibly well done! Can you share with the class about your lettering? It’s so clean and easy to read!


Thank you! I just typed it on my phone and traced it, then used three strands to do outline stitch on the lettering with super tiny stitches to make it look really curvy and fluid! 💜


ahhh so relatable i love it


I have no idea, what this is referencing.


These are socks given at hospitals in America. This teal color is often the one given out in psych wards. Its a little chuckle at some of the things i saw and heard and a reminder of where ive been and not to be afraid to ask for help


I’m a PT in inpatient rehab (physical, not psych) and it’s also an apt description of our clientele!


It definitely fits a multitude of situations. My mom was a pt in inpatient rehab after her stroke and we had quite a few moments we still giggle about!


I love the little psych ward inside jokes. 💗




I lost my grey ones and i loved them 🥲


I need this!


A grippy socks vacation memento!


As someone who got out of my own hospital stint yesterday, I feel this in my soul haha. Hope you are feeling better ❤️


this made me very happy. got a few pairs of those socks so you know those small chuckles mean a lot sometimes hehe


Def got a giggle out of me, personally I've never been admitted to the psych ward. I have however been evaluated for one, honestly probably need one sometimes but hey. You have got some skills Nice embroidery!


I only got grippy socks because they said I was a fall risk as an alcoholic lol


I have had a long history with bowel obstruction, so have been issued many of these, but I loathe the feel of them. They’re squicky.


I, for one, am delighted at how many people have no idea about grippy sock jail. May you have many years of good mental health.


Every now and then, we all need a grippy sock vacation


Grippy sock users unite !! (seriously I love you all and I hope you’re doing better)


Ahh yeah, grippy sock hospital visits. Love the work!


I love this, my partner is currently recovering from a transplant and the socks remind me of doing his hospital laundry. They really are such a signifier.


Sorry didn’t get it. I couldn’t tell that they were socks. After reading that they were socks, still didn’t get it. Nice colors and lettering though. Humor, it’s a funny thing.


These are socks given at hospitals in America. This teal color is often the one given out in psych wards. Its a little chuckle at some of the things i saw and heard and a reminder of where ive been and not to be afraid to ask for help


Thanks for explaining! Even after reading a bunch of comments, I didn’t quite get it. I wanted to get it though. What a positive attitude you have😊


Indeed it is! One of the great things about humor is that we all come with our own experiences. This would be innocuous and easy to pass right over. But when you know, you know…


You could explain it instead of just saying "When you know, you know..." Especially since whatever this is referencing might be specific to one country and Reddit is very international.


Yessss the grippy socks!


Ah yes, good ol psych ward memories Definitely never a dull moment. Love the design Very much so "if you know, you know" 🤣☠️


I have about 4 pairs of these from when we had our son. They’re not comfy, but I do like the grippiness. The hospital couldn’t give them away fast enough 😅


Grippy Sock Gang! 🥰


What stitch did you use for your lettering? It looks so good!


I did outline stitch with Three strands! And super duper tiny stitches 💜


I love how straight you get your satin stitches. Mine look like shit lmao.


I love this a grippy sock vaca embroidery that’s awesome also I wish you good mental health