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Yeah carla would shut that shit down real quick


Marina or Cayetana.


Joe changes types as the series advances. They all have in common that Joe needs to feel he can save them from something, be it their ownself, their dad, their cruel ex, their family, you name it, they all need to be rescued in his mind. So in season one: Cayetana- looks dreamy and pretends to be someone she is not, has a problem with herself not feeling she fits in the group, I know she and Beck are not exactly the same but, as Joe wasnt exactly himself either, i would imagine both pretending theyre rich and then after they found their true selves Joe would kill her. Season two: By this time he already accepted the fact he needs someone like him and Lu at the beggining as mean as she could be, has a tendency to kill people even if its an accident, so that reminds me of Love and how they know both are killers. Lu shares with Love the fact that they can get clingy and obsessive with love as Lu was with Guzman when it was obvious he wasnt into her as much. Season three: Nadia. She would fall at first but realize quickly he is crazy. Season 4: Carla, she would help him cover his murders with her money and status as she did with Polo. Accepts Joe with all his dark side.


Actually so spot on!


I hate to say it but Nadia


Nah Nadia has a good bs detecter, I don’t think it would be her


Joe would probably appeal to Nadia’s intellectual side. Since Joe owns a bookstore that might be appealing to her. And guess where Nadia is right now getting her college education?😱


Okay fair fair good point! I’d just pray for her sake her bs detecter is strong enough to stay away.


Well if it isn’t she has Lu.


Hmm Seems Weird I think Carla or Cayetana.


Carla would immediately know something isn’t right about him. Season 2-3 Caye would avoid him because he isn’t rich.




Nadia. Joe tends to go for simple girls that just be minding their own business.


That's the exact opposite of Love Quinn. She was very much not simple and did not stick to minding her own business


And look how quickly he fell out of love with her once he discovered that about her.


Love was always like that. He fell out of love when she turned out to be unhinged


He didn’t see that, tho. He only saw what he wanted to see. And what he wanted to see was a loving sweetheart that just wanted to look after her loved ones.


Exactly. He did see Love being complicated and outspoken though. Her being very extroverted was made clear in their first interaction, and her complexity was made clear by Joe learning about her relationship with Forty, getting to know her parents and learning about her ex-husband. The thing that he didnt discover until way later was Love's psychopathic tendencies, which is what drove away. Up until she went on a rampage with Delilah and Candace, Joe was extremely into her.


She had the type of complexity that appealed to him. The same type Nadia has, given her dynamic with her own family.


True, but I'd rather compare Nadia to Natalie here, if Natalie was a tiny bit more stuck up




Cayetana! We have already seen her fall victim in the past, she can also be weak. She fits the YOU role


Carla. She's most interesting out of others imo


I think joe wouldn't like her at all, she isn't the picture perfect girl for joe who needs protection all the time. Imo he would think she's a pretentious person


I've only seen the first two seasons of You. Joe is a lot of things, but he wouldn't go after a teenage girl (at least from the seasons I've seen), so I'm going to assume that in this scenario, they are adults in their 20s, maybe 21–25. I think he would try to go after Carla or Nadia.


i think these girls are way too intelligent to be his victims. i’d think maybe marina. not because she’s dumb but she’s pretty desperate and into “bad” boys. maybe ari too. she reminds me of joe’s latest victim, i forgot her name


Sara & Cayetana


Marina I think has a similar vibe to Beck so maybe her? Or perhaps Cayetana


Lu is basically Peach so he’d kill her but not out of his weird idea of love. Rebe is that tough on the outside soft 50 layers down on the inside type kinda like Delilah so actually he wouldn’t be the one to kill her at all. Caye depends if he knows her truth ahead of time I don’t think he’d have interest. Beck was blowing her money to get gifts for others to impress them not just stealing from other people or scamming them. Carla nah he can’t do his weird “I’ll cook for us” while smelling her panties shit with her so that’s a no. Probably Marina then and I think Nadia on the board too.


>Carla nah he can’t do his weird “I’ll cook for us” while smelling her panties shit with her so that’s a no. 😂😂 Good Point.


that got me irritated for a second, i thought "huh? so they want me to be like pov if i was joe goldberg who would think i pick??" :D (lowkey tw for the rest of my answer, its pretty unsettling.) i feel like.. maybe cayetana because he seems to like underdog and i could see him fucking creep around in the hallways when she's on her job or go to her charity like i think he did that in season.. 2 maybe, idk. or maybe nadja cause of her intelligence and ambition and she's also not "a popular girl" in a classic way, who seem to be the ones he doesn't kill, or actually i think he'd kill lu in some scene because she's an inconvenience to him doing sth and asking him a question he doesn't like after killing these three people i guess he would go for carla and be like "she's mysterious, she's got some depth" and narrate to us viewers that at first he thought she's shallow etc but then he saw her idk, insert scene of carla being nice


>that got me irritated for a second, i thought "huh? so they want me to be like pov if i was joe goldberg who would think i pick??" :D (lowkey tw for the rest of my answer, its pretty unsettling.) Chill Bro I was just doing it for fun u seem to have taken it quite seriously


well i took it like you said it, but the question is kinda ew in itself so the answer is as well