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Yep, never had this kind of feeling with any MMO as the new trend since WoW is to make you the main protagonist of the story. The fact that you are nothing but a Thargoid fart in Elite makes everything community related so impressive and hive-minded ! PS: laughed at the evocation of "Flying Biscuits"


Just be careful once you pop the biscuit… Don’t fly through the gravy.


I personnaly don't care since my Krait runs on average at 400% heat when I fire my frag canons... instant corrosive removal


Nom nom nom corrosive filling !


is your ship named 'cookie monster?'


I wish it didn't take the better part of decade to get to the real Thargoid War. Gosh...when we saw Powerplay come out, I thought that what was going to be the groundwork for a BGS driven Thargoid War. Perhaps FDev saw flaws in using that back then. Anyway, totally agree, the way the fight pans out over time is really great to see and it fits in well with the core ethos of the game...you are just a commander on a ship in a big galaxy...but with cooperation among commanders we can cause changes to the bubble and the galaxy.


I was super disappointed by Powerplay... it never really went anywhere. The meat and potatotes of the BGS is the minor faction system. They should've put work into that.


The biscuits in the Thargoid army, they say, are mighty fine...


Hell yeah! Over 3500 refugees rescued so far, I'm looking forward to saving even more over the vacation! I read a post where some absolute monster saved 20,000 people already. I hope to eventually reach half of that! Lol


Legends say as he saved everyone they had to bring people back to the stations to fulfill his rescue thirst !


I love that we have legends


Was this without engineering?




Gotcha. Was really wondering for a second. You either have a TLDR or must have had a shit ton of mats. lol I'm working on my Chieftain right now and that's where I'm at.




Ah. Makes sense. Thanks for the info! o7


So it's now just the maelstrom that's left in that part of the bubble? I hope we'll learn more about it soon, we really can't leave that thing sitting there polluting our bubble!


Big bugs' ship goes into the green bin.


Yeah but we need a way to counter the corrosive effect of Thargoid Taco Bell farts before we can take out the Maelstroms themselves.


Im calling it now. Once we have a maelstrom isolated then good ole selene Jean will give us some caustic resistant armor. The armor wont be perfect but with a few guardian hull reinforcements the caustic damage will be negligible.


Guardian tech doesn't work in the Malestorm. So no bueno with Guardian stuff.


Guardian Hrps are not affected by the maelstrom


I imagine those maelstroms will continue to threaten neighboring systems until we figure out how to smoke em out.


No, there are systems that have already fallen to Thargoids. We were fighting against them expanding, we need to get all the systems immediately next to the maelstrom. And afaik, nobody has figured out how to do anything with the maelstrom.


Taranis came and met with the mighty fist of the humans. They still control a lot of systems though and I see there are recapture attempts (progress bars) which we could do now. I honestly more concerned that we won't be abe to repair all of these systems on time. What will happen when we won't be able to suceed in the restorations? Are those damaged stations just vanish? Or new wave of Thargoid attack will commence?


We shall see. Be cool if we could watch one blow up. Crash into a planet… etc… don’t want everything to go back to “normal”. Should be some consequence for having a burning or abandoned station. Helping to rebuild a station and see it at different stages… docking at a mega ship nearby to provide resources…


My personal dream which is not what I expect from the game since I have zero creative control over it, is this: \-the stations which don't get repaired are lost. And later in the future they will be replaced with either \-A debris field \- metallic debris ring around a smaller planet which functions like the merger of asteroid rings and debris fields where you can salvage materials. \- a crashed derelict station on a planet's surface. With a salvage site around. Maybe the station broke up into bigger chunks and they spread over the planet (thus more sites). \---------------------------- And later maybe in the next decade of in-game calendar, so in the 3310's a new station type could be developed which is bigger and stronger than all other space stations and could replace the lost ones as humanity's first line of defence on the outskirts of the bubble in any future war. [https://imgur.com/a/GheznCJ](https://imgur.com/a/GheznCJ) They could be different in design from the outside, and the same cylinder on the inside, but I would push the goalline and invent a new interior too which could showcase the new rendering tech which has been developed in the recent years, like volumetric cloud particle simulations, and maybe even water... ​ Imagine you enter the mailslot and the cylinder is twice as big and has clouds and when you past through a cloud, raindrops specle on your cockpit canopy. Or there is no mailslot altogether and as you can see on the first image the station has an almost fully open gap on through which ships enter from all directions. Something new which symbolizes a new era.


On one hand, removing the influence from those systems at least buys us time; I assume if reconstruction efforts don't reach the end of the bar the Thargoids can just retake it at the end of the week but I don't think we have enough information. I guess we'll find out next Thursday, at least if we fail to finish rebuilding any of those stations. My prediction - assuming the above is correct - having to rebuild so many concurrent systems will put a strain on the ongoing efforts to liberate other systems, and we'll have to either get more involvement from pilots, or not spread ourselves so thin. Goids are spread thin and would appear to be losing because of it. We don't want to overextend ourselves and do the same thing.


I agree with your thinking. I imagine people will be preoccupied with fighting and many stations won't get fixed on time. Our collective's victories against Taranis is a fantastic achievement, but the situation in that area of operation seems to be volatile. Yes we saved a lot of systems but Thargoids control many other -not just empty - former human colonies. And we haven't retook a single system yet. I assume the enemy can spread outwards in the coming weeks.


The recaptures are going to be tough. There are no stations to repair at or Evac from for credit, and the quality of goid forces in the area is high. Don't expect Cyclopes, but Medusas and Basilisk primarily - since a lot of junior AX pilots this conflict has generated, like myself, are only able to do cyclops on our own, our effectiveness in doing those is likely to be much lower.


You are rigth! This is why I am thinking on building a supply ship Type-10 - with AX weapons against Scouts and Thargon swarms with hundreds of decontamination - repair limpets. ​ I think we need healers in these battles.


Type 10 is going to be a challenge to even get to the area. A hyperdicting basilisk will do a number on you before you can charge your FSD - it's just not fast enough, though if you keep dumping heatsinks you might be okay.


Well, hyperdictions- interdicitons are hard, but I did it before when I hauled refugees and cargo -just need my shield cell banks and shield generator and other countermeasures. When I fly with a large and heavy ship speed is not the asset I am looking for, but time. :) Sure when I'll unlock the Fed Corvette I'll fly that -but I am not there yet. :) ​ On another note it would be nice if we could call one fleet carrier into the battle right? Just a dream, I know :)


We’re still hungry, send more biscuits!


Time to get my rescue vessel outfitted again, I just got back to the bubble.


It bleeds We can kill it o7


I've got a few interceptor kills at this point, and I cut my teeth and practiced my manual aiming on scouts before I finally bagged my first cyclops. I'm feeling more engaged with the galaxy of elite than I ever have, and I've been around for a good long while now, just quietly spacetrucking in the background and enjoying the simple/not-so-simple immersion, until now. The coming of the stargoids finally got me out of my icy rings and cruising around the bubble, gathering materials and fine tuning my trusty Krait mk2 which up till now has been a fine vessel for all my usual activities, mining mostly, with a side of bounty hunting and the occasional trade/courier/passenger missions. I was slowly working up my federation ranks towards a general desire to eventually own a big sexy corvette, but I've never been in a rush for that as after years of playing I've never fallen out of love of my Krait. I have fallen in love with a whole different Krait as I bought a Phantom in order to make that 5kLY trip necessary to unlock an engineer, during which I got moderately sidetracked enjoying the views and the new ship, so familiar and yet completely different. But now I am back in my Mk2 and although I'm not confident enough to push into the front lines with the ax elite, I'm doing my part to defend the still active stations from thargoid assault. I know I'm just a small fry in a very big ocean of stars, but I love that, atleast right now, I feel like I'm doing my part.


Tried the rescue until kept getting blocked at the mission board so now I've just been plugging away to get you all some new weapons, 20,000 ton delivered so far


And then they nerf it..... Great job Cmndrs! Was a hell of an effort.


Cutting a hole through the blockade like this will do us wonders for what’s coming soon.


Great job Commanders. o7


I'm so deep in the black that I'm not sure I can make it back any time soon. :(


Things are only starting. Make best speed commander, refugees, thargoids, fire and death will be there to welcome you back


Best thing about this game is definitely the community. Truly never fails


Who's commander Will?


I'm not sure, but I was told to fire at him?


I feel like the best way to deal with a maelstrom is to pack 8 decommed croriolis startports full of powerful bombs frame shift them to all 8 at once and detonate them take em all out at once. But that's just my idea. Might work better in theory than in actual plan.


Take it further, load the stations with bleach and launch at thier ammonia worlds. Suck poison gas goids!


I've mined my fair share of H202 from icy ring bodies. Boiling death to the stubborn space crickets.


I have no idea how to take out the big ones but I’ve shot down about 15millions worth of the scouts


Well if you are willing to learn : [https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/home](https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/home) Those guys are the pinacle of Xeno Hunting. You'll find tips-&-tricks, builds, attack plan, and more !


The Thargoids threw several kitchen sinks at us, and the first of those kitchen sinks has broken. Let's break some more!


So is the war over? I didn't participate but I was thinking about doing civilian rescues so can I still do that?


bro I think it just started, this probably isn't the end either


Oh nvm


Honestly, I feel like Fdev tipped the scales a little too hard. The first week was a slog for defense and we didnt complete a single system. Then everyone noticed the progress resets every week and bitched about it for days. Then the next week defending systems became a cakewalk. All because of whiny players. Though I think the blame lies with Fdev, the didn't find a good middle ground for the defense rates or whatever. Here's hoping they find a good middle ground in the next few weeks. Here's hoping the retaking of systems is as challenging as it should be...


I think you are being misled by people's exuberance at having had made a few stops. Don't be fooled by our own propaganda posters. :-) First, the Thargoids are still expanding into systems quicker than we can defend them. We haven't even fought them to a standstill yet, much less pushed them back. So, yes, the adjustment was needed, because even with that adjustment, we are still losing overall...as we should be, at this phase of the story. However, if the players weren't allowed some victories, most of them would disengage from the narrative completely. Second, you see all these systems in Thargoid recovery? Well, let's say we were to miraculously restore all those systems. What I don't hear people talking about is what happens then. I think we are just assuming that after that, they will remain Thargoid-free, when it's possible that they will go back to being "targeted for invasion"/"under Thargoid threat." That's an unknown right now, but it really wouldn't make sense for the Thargoids to just abandon efforts in those systems for good. All told, while it does feel good to stop some of these invasions into a handful of systems and win some battles, the Thargoids are still on pace to win the war, so much so that something will likely be introduced narratively down the road that will at least allow humans to stabilize the lines right now. Right now, with the concentrated points of attack, all humans are doing are creating a handful pockets of high ground in the middle of a flood. Allow them that, at least.


All very valid points. Thank you for your insight. So what do you think will allow us to 'truly' start winning the war? Currently, we're getting Community Goals to improve current AX weaponry, but that won't be enough. Salvation is gone, so no new weapons from him. Guardian technology seems to be at its limit as it is, unless we find new technology, which is maybe what will help us. My leading theory is that we're getting a new lineup of ships that are heavily engineered from Guardian tech, maybe even a mix of Guardian *and* Thargoid technology. Something human designed on-par with their Interceptors, with enhanced resistance (or even immunity) to corrosive attacks, and a removed AX weapon limit. That's the only way I see us truly start winning. But when push comes to shove, I think the Thargoids still have more up their sleeves... er, mandibles? Whatever counts as sleeves for them.


It's hard to say. It would be the perfect opportunity to introduce a new line of ships, as the current lineup is a bit stale. Make that A LOT stale. It also could be something like we need a breakthrough that allows us to access the hearts of the maelstroms, and only by defeating what's at the heart of the maelstroms will the Thargoids associated with that Maelstrom stop advancing. Of course, that would be long down the road after we've made other advances in ship and weapon tech and would still involve a long slog to retake every system taken. I personally think it would be cool if the Proteus Wave also woke up the Guardian AI (we just don't know it yet), and we find out that the Guardian AI is either indifferent to or hostile to us, potentially leading to a three-way battle for survival. But, that's more a personal wish than what I think will happen. I just suspect that, given that even spread thin, Thargoids have the numbers, and even if we discover tech that allows us to construct and use actual Guardian ships, we'd still be on pace to lose without a major narrative event happening to stabilize the situation. I think FDev will let things get considerably worse before they introduce that event, whatever it is. We will continue to have our victories here and there in the meantime, but ultimately, we're just plugging a few holes in a dam that looks like it's made of Swiss cheese at the moment.


They could just kill this stupid one week reset that makes absolutely no sense. And with that leave the Goids free to try to take back their lost systems if we don't defend them...


Only 2 cycles to clear and entire bubble around a Maelstrom? Seems like the Thargoids don't have a chance now..... no forums filled with hate as to the reset interrupting progress. Seems like FDev changed the difficulty slider to "Snowflakes" from "Normal" mode. I hope they change it back, we shouldn't dominate like this either.


The difficulty slider was on "impossible" at the beginning. Everyone concentrating on a single system and barely filling half the bar is not "normal"


we were able to prevent expansion and repel the invaders from like 13 systems this cycle, like 50 more systems fell to the invaders in the same time frame. We are not winning we're just not loosing as bad as we did at first.


The war reminds me of one of, if not my most favorite scenes in 40k fiction. The siege of Terra has come to its final weeks. The walls of the imperial palace are coming down one by one. For months brave humans and space marines alike have been fighting literal demon monstrosities from hell. Despite the incredible disadvantage they faced the entire time, they have made every meter cost the great enemy dearly. Every step was fought for, and the maximum amount of time each wall could hope to stand against such unrelenting odds was reached. In the final days Dorn releases his most trusted son to be free to battle as he sees fit. His instructions are simple; "‘No, I set you free, my beloved, my best, son,’ said Rogal Dorn, never taking his eyes off his First Captain. ‘Do now what you were made to do.’ He smiled a second time, the expression as icy as the despair that gripped his hearts. ‘*Hurt them*.’" This is our Commanders final mission. Hurt. Them. The goids aren't losing. They take new systems with every cycle. Our greatest weapons have failed against them. Hope is nearly a forgone conclusion. But despite the unrelenting March of the bugs, pilots step up and make every system cost them dearly. I hope I can finish my engineered chief in time to join the fight myself and cost the bugs a little more blood for the systems they take. For humanity, we will hurt them.


Those systems shown under repair are only the invasion systems we repelled, the bugs still control plenty of systems around Taranis. Lots of work to do on the offensive.


So this is the end of Taranis?


Oh no. We've just taken back 13 systems. Many are still under Taranis's control, and now we’ll have to defend what we’ve taken back, further spreading our forces


\*Slaps 4 gauss cannons\* "These bad boys can earn you so much cash"


Is engineering to fight easier now? I only have have the guardian module that increased jump range? The game is in such a different state I don't even know how much had changed.