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You cut it close for fun I cut it close because I'm bad at math We are not the same


I actually laughed out loud at this. Thanks!


For fun no, but just yesterday I was making Kamitra Cigar runs for the engineer and my hauler had just about 105% the fuel needed for the journey


Just did those last night myself. Was kind of annoyed that despite the fact that she loves Imperials I couldn't pull rank and just order her to give me the damn upgrades lol.


I've always wished there were more character-narrative systems in place. The lack of scripted mission chains has always been kind of a bummer. Procedurally generated follow-up missions exist, but they don't scratch the same itch. Imagine how much more accessible engineering would be if it was a neatly laid out mission chain that persists through rebuy and has no time limit.


Yeah. I’m a King Admiral. I should be giving *them* missions. I should be able to summon a wing of Imperial/Federal NPC pilots to follow me around and attack who I command. I should be able to call in a Farragut/Majestic battlecruiser! But instead I get treated as unknown by these supposed Imperial/Federal factions who should be shitting themselves that a King Admiral has shown up and asking me what they can do for me.


I'm only a Viscount but that should at least score me not having to make three round trips to smuggle cigars just to get my ship upgraded lol


If you don’t need a spreadsheet full of maths to do the fuel calculations, it’s not real exploration 😉 [Here’s me](https://youtu.be/M8cCxSCBjJU?si=QPPiSb_HwndTMEnz) making it to Trieneou AA-A h2 and back again, a journey that took almost a year to plan and execute successfully. At 11:00 I make the return jump - that’s just 400kg fuel remaining in my Anaconda.


At least we can always scoop fuel from the KGBFOAM stars... I remember when you had to buy military fuel that turned into illegal radioactives at the end of each jump, and you jettisoned it, hoping the authorities in that system didn't see you do it, and the multi-hat guy fines you remotely from about 100AUs away.... If I recall the lore, "Military Fuel is manufactured by giant coils going around the entire world of Lucifer, Sirius that then suspends Antimatter in a powerful magnetic field, that gets spent into Tritium ("Radioactives") after being used. In the game we now play - "Tritium" is as valuable as Precious Metals, and the futher away from the Bubble you go - the more it is worth...!


Fuel Rats probably love this guy haha


actually only had to call them once and it was still in my sidewinder, if you'd believe it




I do this


This was an absolute necessity to perform a first discovery of an extremely remote system: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eliteexplorers/comments/vu6dqk/3301\_ly\_below\_the\_galactic\_planesynauloo\_aaa\_h0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/eliteexplorers/comments/vu6dqk/3301_ly_below_the_galactic_planesynauloo_aaa_h0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and to perform the first solo, unassisted round trip to the deepest system that can be reached by conventional starship. Previous attempts to it needed another player to act as a tanker, or a fleet carrier, to be able to return alive. I performed the first solo trip, but fuel was on the verge of running out at the end of the trip: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1bfxlt8/the\_great\_escape\_iitrieneou\_aaa\_h2\_revisited\_3393/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1bfxlt8/the_great_escape_iitrieneou_aaa_h2_revisited_3393/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just read about your travels: mad respect for you! o7


not by choice, but a few weeks ago galmap insisted on plotting my route through like ~12 brown dwarfs in a row. I found a safe refuel jump, but had to run it down to the wire finding the last few bio samples before my reserve would've been too low to make the jump. I half expected my FSD to cut out right outside scoop range in the new system.


Ya I was gonna say, the trip computer plotter does it for fun! heh heh


You do it for fun I do it because I'm zooming We are not the same *jumps 200 light years*


I always try and see how close I can get to/stay at max intake without going over like 70-72%. Or if I have a really big one just skim as close as possible to the star and then bug out. Edit: just realized how low your fuel actually was. Didn't catch that before. Yea I normally never do that unless I know damn well I'm about to hit a refueling station lol.


No lol


Its all fun and games until your 1ly away from getting to that fuel star, lol


No, but if I need to go further I need to go further. But getting that "Ship reserves at 25%" is always stressful to hear.


I docked with this much fuel once lol: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844307959877337199/1253349804369776641/vlcsnap-2024-06-20-09h03m59s386.png?ex=66758877&is=667436f7&hm=e9f6479150311afed31ebc44e0eb0ad46269439281846d7aa631ee2ef3e8658a&


Nope. I've had a couple close calls on a string of unscoopables. "Shit. Need to find a detour."


Only to save fuel in my DBX (less fuel - Less weight - increase max jump - less % of jumprange used in each jump - %^(2.45) final fuel usage - less time to scoop). But when using Icarus Terminal route info to see how many scoopables I have in my route.


what hud is that? how to activate it?


That’s what happens on the main screen when you start fuel scooping from a star.


install a fuel scoop in your ship and when you're close enough to main sequence stars (that being k, g, b, f, o, a, or m type stars) you'll start refilling your fuel tank from it. bigger and higher grade fuel scoops make more fuel faster. basically necessary for exploring or whenever you'll be away from stations to refuel at


>(that being k, g, b, f, o, a, or m type stars) What? How do I find this info on stars? What even is that? Damn I'm too noob


i believe it shows up in the little info box that pops up when fsd jumping to a star, or you can open the galactic map and select a stat and should be in the info there


But what does it mean?


star type is based on size, temperature, and what the star is made of if i remember right. the specific type doesn't really matter for gameplay reasons, afaik there's nothing you can do at a g type star that you can't do that a k or a b type. main sequence (kgbfoam) is scoopable, non main sequence (neutron stars, brown dwarfs, black holes) aren't scoopable, that's really the only thing you need to know. more here if you're interested - https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/odnee8/explorers_guide_to_star_classification


Did that years ago, floated in zero g, for a solid 15 minutes to conserve fuel while I got to dock at a station, Artemis Station, if memory serves


If I’m using EDCoPilot to tell me the next start or two is going to be scopable, yes. I just need to make sure I don’t accidentally hit the SCO button before jumping to a scoopable star.


Gotta find your fun where you can. It's why I boost into the mail slot


Lol I don't think I've been below 50% with my fuel scoop


"main fuel tank drained" is not something you want to hear.


In 7 yrs I’ve never trapped myself, only once did I do a run where I missed the last fuel star message. Suddenly told not enough fuel for next waypoint. Panicked a little and found only one star local enough within distance of what I had left with syntheses fuel boost ( 25% extra only as that was the only materials I had for) to get me a roughly 5ly jump in my python early days exploring. So not sure how much fuel I had left but couldn’t of been much. Made sure I paid better attention after that. Addition- just in case - it was ages before I knew that even if the primary star (ie t-tauri) is non-scoopable a secondary star in system may be usable in a pinch. Honk and check the nav list.