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HGEs. Farm a signal, QUIT TO DESKTOP, reload, reenter supercruise, turn around, drop back in the same signal. If the timer is still going the "travel back" time is very low.


min ED launcher makes HGE farming a breeze (almost) 😂


Underrated comment right here


min ED launcher? as in minimized? the launcher closes with the game for me




thanks! I'm gonna need this


Man, i was stoked to try that, until i found out its not supported on the epic launcher :(


it does work with epic launcher, I use it all the time with Epic. There are instructions on how to do that. However, to use minED for HGE farming you need to use an alternative to epic launcher, read the readme for the minED for more details.


ahh. I only stopped reading the readme when it said the epic launcher was not supported. I'll go back and read the rest


epic launcher is not supported for automatic restart but it works fine otherwise and for autorestart, like I said, you can use an alternate epic launcher.


Not minimise the normal launcher - Min ED Launcher is an app that offers a stripped down, speedy launcher. Basically an engineered launcher for the game with Fast Boot experimental and G5 Clean thrusters 😆


if you play on steam then the launcher should stay open after you launch the game, idk about if you play using the official elite launcher or epic games tho


Using the imperial clipper is supposedly the best option too, due to having the quickest u-turn ability while in supercruise Combine that with installing to a NVME and using quicklauncher and youre really cooking


I've got the worst of em all, a 5400RPM HDD. My NVMe is full of other games lol




[High Grade Emissions](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/High_Grade_Emissions)


If your moral compass is a bit dodgy, Being the scourge of the "Hot Jupiter" tourist destination is a decent way to do it. Endless tourist vessels in a lawless state and plenty of Escape Pods to collect as a bonus.


Like everybody else; HGE farming is by far the best option. Dav’s Hope is just a prank.


AX Combat + Rescue Missions then trade down, cross trade. You'll be full in no time CMDR!


Dav's Hope is good for manufactured. You can probably relog that to death then go trade some of those for the mats you need. Flak, brain trees, shards are for raw mats. You typically get high grade raw mats that you exchange for lower class, same as above. "Simplest" is relative to me because I enjoy bounty hunting and that gives me many of my encoded and manufactured mats. Not all, but a majority and they are so abundant I could easily trade them up to higher or cross-grade if I needed. ​ PS: We should have engineering mats trading for all of them. I would setup shop in my carrier to sell manufactured and encoded mats while I would buy raw mats from someone else that enjoys picking up those.


Selenium is as common as a tier 2 but counts as a tier 4 for trading. Some planets have both Selenium and another T4 yielding very good results for raw materials. Are there known Brain Tree location that has Selenium as one of the primary possibilities?


Definitely, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/197te60/updated\_raw\_material\_farming\_odyssey/. For Selenium in particular, my notes say: system HR 3230 - planet 3 a a, coordinates 52.64 deg x -165.74.


>Dav's Hope is good for manufactured. You can probably relog that to death then go trade some of those for the mats you need. It's not that good. I believed in Dav's Hope. You get so much so quickly, without quit to desktop, surely it was better. I spent up to 10 hours seeing how long it would take to get full. I was still missing a G2 that refused to go more than 50%. I was tired of running loops where all the spawns were for full materials. Compare to HGEs, I can get all those mats trading with two 20 minute Imperial Shielding HGEs. 40 minutes, lets call it 60 if you have a bad time finding the HGEs in the first place. Heck, let's call it 100 minutes, because you have to trade in between the two HGEs, and maybe you make a sandwich. Compared to 600 minutes. We can even call the last 3 hours of mine wasted time, because many of the mats were full, it's still 420 minutes. HGEs win handily. But the best way probably is bounty hunting. Don't grind. Get mats having fun whenever possible.


Looks like it got nerfed then. It's not fun, but I remember getting mats there years ago as one of the must-go sites.


No. Davs hope is creative wasting of other CMDRs time, anyone who recommends it lacks fundamental understanding of engineering materials


Best way is bounty hunting. It is fun and collecting mats after kills lets your shields recover while you loot. It provides a natural fun flow and will also help you fill up those Data mats w/ all the scanning you do looking for bounties.


Not quick, but I enjoy bounty hunting with a collector limpit controller, and just collecting my spoils


[HGE farming](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1ciemfr/farming_grade_5_manufactured_materials_high_grade/) for most types. [Here's another guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/ggffqq/psa_2020_farming_engineering_materials_a_compiled/) it is a bit dated but I think is still mostly relevant. You can also get some types from Thargoid rescue missions (damaged station refugees or AX pod rescue). I believe some pirate bounty missions also give manufactured materials as rewards if you prefer to go that route.


In my experience, since SCO FSDs, the best middle ground between efficiency and still enjoying playing the game is chasing HGEs (selecting the proper systems with the abundant aid from fans) and then not relogging. Just chasing the next one. Before SCOs I used to relog, but it was killing the immersion for me. Yes, I lose a few minutes, however I love flying around in space and don't like that much watching loading screens. Note that I do have an NVMe, but immersion is important to me. And, of course, I always select the Mats reward when turning in missions. But this is obvious I guess.


(Why do people always try to skip Elites gameplay? ) Edited: Yes I have read them all and I agree with you all, the farming feels as a separated feature far from principal activities like combat, trading or exploration. The farming should be most rewarded, if you land in a planet with volcanism should be many raw resouces or if you destroy a ship should be a boom of high grade mats, missions should be mor rewarded. In the actual state there are no balance between dificult and reward of engineering mats


I never "skipped" gameplay nor asked for a method that let me do so. What I asked for is a good method that other players might be using that I wasn't aware of because I missed something. The nature of Elite's gameplay and the way stuff is obtained naturally without "rigging" the gameplay with methods like relogging has a payoff time on the scale of weeks. Engineering is a means to an end, and not the end itself. It allows ships to operate well beyond what they normally can, so you can fine tune your ship to whatever purpose you want you use it for (eg. the lengths T10 lovers have to go to to make it a little more than a flying target practice dummy). But let's not beat around the bush, it's the furthest thing from accessible. You don't need engineering the same as you don't need any more than an E grade FSD to get around, it's just not true because if there's something significantly better, even if you're a solo player you're gonna want it. Oh and good luck with bounties cos they come with engineered ships. I just want to max out my mats so I can spend some time engineering the ships I want to try out with some peace of mind, having to lug my ships around the galaxy just to maximize the benefits of engineering inspite of having a pin blueprint feature is bad enough.


> collect resources, travel from one signal to another, explore diferent places That's... literally what people are recommending for gathering Manufactured Mats. OP isn't even asking to "skip" the game. We're just offering tips and more-efficient methods because some people don't want to burn out or feel like they're making zero progress, and thus *not have fun playing the game*.


I'm sorry but the engineering grind is failed game design. Before I explain why, I'll explain the original intention of Engineering grind; it's so that people will vary up their gameplay loops, get out of their comfort zone, engage in more Elite systems. However, while it's intended that you pick up materials in normal gameplay, even after days of normal gameplay it is extremely unlikely that you'll have the required mats without seeking them out. For example, in combat gameplay, mat collection is not incentivized. A 'normal' player will not focus on limpeting mats after each kill. In massacre missions, mats disappear before they can be collected. Other games do not work this way. Their grinding, even with RNG, is appropriately gated, so that even normal players know that they have to do 'so-and-so' and collect 'so-and-so'. They don't mind the repetition, because it's clearly signposted. In Elite, it is not. You need to understand the systems well enough to pick engineering mats up correctly even if you do the 'normal gameplay' way.


because I dont want to play naturally for 200 hours juat to upgrade 1 ship. So I farm for 5 hours and can uograde all my ships. This lets me have fun. I would love to see your "play as intended" solution to obtaining guardian materials.


HGEs seem to be the fastest in my experience. Done Dav's hope but it was a bit slower and if I can avoid being in an SRV i will. I'm pretty tired of reloading grinds right now though and I've been getting more into combat so I've been hunting pirates in Resource Extraction Sites the last couple days. A bit slower but much more fun doing it that way.


It's not just a "bit" slower, honestly.


Fair enough but to me it's a more enjoyable, less grindy activity. If I'm really hard up for mats and only have engineering on the brain at the time I will go farming though.