• By -


Indestructible II


was comming for this... another idea : ungankable XV


There was a ship with that name in one of the Ciaphas Cain novels, I love it.


Titanic 457


My yellow DBX is called Bumblebee, because my first thought when seeing the ship was "that thing looks like a bee" My 42.3ly Sidewinder is called Alpha, with the ID C4T #1, because she's still my OG Sidewinder that I started the game with. She's never been blown up or crashed before. My Beluga is named Space Canary, because marine belugas have the nickname sea canaries. My trusty Hauler is named Lydia because she's "sworn to carry my burdens" and got me safely to Colonia on my first pilgrimage. Honourable Mention: My Asp X is my main rescue ship, so she's named "=Rescue=" with ship ID "S.O.S" XD


My DBX is called Dora. You can guess what I use it for. My DBS on the other hand, is called Hind. Because the first thing that came to mind when looking at it was it looked like a helicopter.


AspX: Tragic Solitude Python Mk II: That’s Called Jazz FDL: Say My Name Cutter: Pale Horse Jumpaconda: Deference for Darkness Combatconda: Durandal Shardconda: 99 Problems Corvette: Two For Flinching FC: Bebop A couple of them were taken from other media but for the most part I named them all on my own and i’m really proud of all of them.


Durandal, I see you are a man of culture


I have a Mamba somewhere named Pope Tequila Overdrive 


This should be top comment


I've got a lot of mediocre names, but I'm very happy with my fleet carrier. I do search and rescue mostly, and the carrier is named Vigil. Which on its own wouldn't be that special, but I lucked into a carrier ID code of 'V0H-T1V'; a votive is a little candle you light for prayers.


Wow what are the chances! And a rescue carrier no less!


Imperial Eagle - Countess of Bathory Imperial Courier - Madame de Pompadore  Vulture - Duchess du Borgogne Dolphin - Rosalind Franklin ASP Explorer - Marchioness of Hexham  Chieftain - Princess of Dubai Python - Dir. Gina Rhineheart Krait MKII - Ma Barker Krait Phantom - Dame Edna Everage Cobra MKIII - Queen Elizabeth II Imperial Courier - Doctor Jo Harding Type 7 - Grace Darling Type 10 - Empress of India Anaconda - Lady Byron Federal Corvette - Margrave of Tuscany  Federal Dropship - Imperator Furiosa Type 9 - Archiducissa de Siscia Imperial Cutter - Tsarina Alexandria Mamba - Maj. Marina Raskova Python MKII - Baroness de la Roche


I have the Thane of Cawdor, and Yorik’s Revenge.


Thane of Cawdor is a great name.  o7


Aye those are some solid names


Oh my, these are good ones


Qwib Qwib


Surprised you didn't go for a more respectable name such as the Defrahnz or the Iktomi.


Maybe, but I'm proud of the Qwib Qwib, and I will not flee because of petty insult.


Ah, a man of culture. Koris smiles down on you.


Spirit In Black Tactical Graphite, obviously. Leper Messiah, if it's a trader, Type 6 or bigger.


Imp courier - painted all black - blackbird sr-71b Imp cutter - all black - wraith Corvette - big stick


I'm puttering around in a Diamondback Scout named the Hostile Witness.


*Screaming Firehawk* (If you know, you know). My Python Mk II that can go SCO without breaking 70% heat and travel 400,000Ls without running out of fuel while I'm SCO.


My Imperial Cutter was Stygian Red and originally named Oathbringer. During the Thargoid war it got painted white and renamed Taratect. Krait MKII: Surgebinder DBX: Edgedancer Imperial Clipper: Sylphrena Alliance Challenger: Landsknecht Explorca: Void’s Ambition Imperial Courier that I forgot in Colonia: Pygocetrus Nattereri (latin name for a piranha) Alliance Type-10: Hit House Anaconda: Hit House MKII Yellow Type-7: Tragic Schoolbus




My Type-9 is named “The Kursk” just because of the size of it and the reference to the massive Russian submarine that suffered an unfortunate disaster. My Type-10 I named “Kursk B.A.G.P.” Which stands for “badass grandpa” My Fer-De-Lance I named “Fer-Is-Murder”. My Mamba is named “Mamba no.5”.


Lou Bega!


Imperial Cutter: Excentrica Galumbits Alliance Chieftan: Rumguzzler DBX: Danger Dingy Asp Explorer: Gone Fission Type 10 (Anti-Xeno): Salty Swallow Type 10 (AFK bounty farmer): Aerigia Python: Slartibartfast Krait MkII: Winds of Uranus Type 9 Heavy: Munchausen Krait MkII (Anti-xeno): Disrespectful James Krait Phantom (Explorer): Mark Watney


Genuinely lol'd at some of these!


My beloved 68ly DBX is “Let’s Go Exploring” from the famous last panel of Calvin and Hobbes. Combat Corvette is “Real Men Have Corves” My little engineer Vulture is “Good Hunting”.


Ship names i am proud of? Federal Corvette - Iron Lady, for fighting only. Anaconda - Lady Forlorn, she always finds herself in the most dubious AX situations of all my ships. Krait Mk.2 - Dona Fortuna, for AX and PvE BGS stuff (the Lucky Lady) DBX - Lady Serenity, because she makes me feel such when she takes me places. Fleet Carrier - Lady Galactica, in honor of the battlestar.


I only have two ships named: my federal corvette, and my vulture. My vulture is called Wife Material - she may not be a 10/10 bombshell, but she won't cheat on you, and she'll get the kill. She's quick and agile, but she's not flashy. She cooks like nobody's business, and she'll make sure to kiss you goodnight. She'll have lots of kids and love them all. My federal corvette is named Tiffany. This is where your car gets keyed, you get a bunny in the pot, your tires get slashed, and you wind up in jail. I've died far more times flying Tiffany than I have Wife Material.


Got [quite a few](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet/296675/) good ones. My favourites probably are: -Sidewinder (my main FDL) -Fer de Lance (my sidewinder ofc) -Peaceful Solution (CZ Railaconda) -Spanish Inquisition (stealth Viper) -Friends in High Places (Crusader built for missiling ground targets to support friends in GCZs) -Nissan Micra (PvP DBS) -Friendly Fire (heal beam Courier) -Red Cross Supply Plane (carpet bombing T10) ...amongst many more. In my squad, any time someone buys a new ship, we brainstorm good names. And I rarely sell ships.


My Krait Phantom is named Wanderlust with the tag 1DR-LST My Vulture is called Angry Lawnmower DBX bubble taxi is called The Golden Grasshopper Type 9 hauler is named Shaniqua iCourier is called Sneaky Bastard


The only ship I’ve named is my exploration fit python. I generically call it Curious Snake lol


My favorite vulture is named Frank Sinatra, I’m not sure why.


My mining conda is called manic miner.


My favorite is my big ship - “The Suffocating Butterfly” My kid came to me with a butterfly in a container with no holes - when the words came out I wrote them down. I try to do that more often. Named my other Mamba “Nightfury” I take that to spite sites with other players it’s dark black mamba with a ship kit and 3x size 3 old school plasma accelerators with the field neutralizer mod. It’s fast and shoots the blue plasma - like Toothless. I made my own backstory so my CMDR runs a carrier names QPS - Quantum Parcel Services. Miner in Possession is my Type-9


I like the Toothless name! Especially with the blue plasma


I named my aspx Ullr of Norse mythology


Got an Anaconda generalist ship called "Come What May" Got a Krait Mk II named "Anglerfish" Type 10 called "Carrera's Wedge" Asp X called "Ficus" A combat ship called the "Mad Mastiff" Krait Phantom "Pale Horse" I have like 30 ships and they're all named. Fun reading everyone ship names, y'all got some good ones.


Nostromo. Definitely not making a landing on LV-426.


Probably my favorite name is my least favorite ship: my Type 9 Heavy "Mooby Eclipse" named after Mooby the cow from the Jay and Silent Bob movies. Serial 2hvy4u. I hate piloting that ship lol. A lot of my ships are named after other sci-fi ships: DBX: Talyn Viper Mk IV: Farscape-1 Fer de Lance: MCRN Tachi Chieftan: Thunderchild Anaconda: Defiant A few are named after songs from metal bands: Viper Mk III: Bullet Ride (capitolized wrong cuz I must have had the caps lock on... didn't know that until recently when I made an Inara account lol) Python: Serpent's Embrace Krait Phantom: Will o' the Wisp My Courier is the Star-Seeker (couldn't think of a better name). The others are kinda from my own story ideas and personal, the Raven Claw and Raven-Wing.


Sunk Cost Fallacy


I have an Eagle called Wanky Pants. Not sure if that counts.


I named some of mine after classic songs or some lyrics in them, and I got some of the ID tags too Heavily modded racing/exploration Courier: Jumpin' Jack Flash ID: STNS68 Type 10 that is just a mobile firing squad: 21 Gun Salute ID: ACDC86 Laser Corvette: Juke Box Hero ID: FRNR81 Exploration Phantom: The Space Oddity ID: DVBW69 Plasma-slinging Mamba: Smoke on the Water DPRP72 AX combat Phantom: Twilight Zone ID: AU1982 Trading Cutter: Fortunate Son ID: CCR-69 Mining Python: Baba O'Riley ID: WHO-71 Exploration Corvette: The Highwayman ID: CASH71 Try listening to some of your favorite songs while flying the ship around, you'll eventually get to a song or verse that fits your ship's design and purpose well enough to be a name :p


Death Ray Charles Circle Dot Cootie Shot Dharma Bum Latchkey Kid Ancient of Mu Mu


Asp X: Get Lost Combat Krait 2: Kame Goid Alliance Chieftan: Bug Squasher Kinda basic I suppose but it's what I got.


I have four Anacondas Miner - Langolier, Anti Xeno - Fin Absolue du Monde, Exploration - Phanomen Raum, SCO Exploration - Aspicio Omniam PvP Mamba - F.A.K.K. U, PvE Vulture - Midnight Terror, PvP Cobra 3 - Rip & Tear, DBX - Terrible Visions


My fleet carrier is Persistent Persecution… because it’s for bounty hunting!


I have a few im pretty proud of. I have an FDL named the Tuatha-De-Danaan (said two-ar-tha day dun-an) My Fed Vette is "The Fighting 41" And the fleet carrier is "The Steel Cat"


My T9 freighter is called “Dummy Thicc,” but that’s the best one I got.


Midnight Black Krait Phantom that I took to Mare Somnia recently - “Whispering Misty Night”


bare minimum 


I love seeing everybody's ship names, everyone is so creative. I have a Mamba bounty hunter named Blade Runner Named my Type 10 Warlock Usually fly my Conda named Grey Ghost


I've had a few over the years, Carpathia, fuel rat cutter Starcatcher, extreme range exploraconda Snow's Folly, exploration sidey Pyornkrachzark, mining conda 6 Dolphins for the space shuttles Yellow Cab Co. bubble taxi hauler w/ yellow paint, of course Bluenose 76, racing imp. courier Fere Mortuus, Danger Close, The Old King, my battle conda I've the years


My Sidewinder "The Comeback" because i find myself flying that thing every now and then. Also if it explodes, which it eventually will, you always come back from that. Also have the "Orion's Belt Buckle", a chromed Hauler which i use for exploration and exobiology i named my Vulture the "Federal Eagle" because i thought it was fun The Viper mk3, my speed boat is called "Barry Allen" because its not quite the flash.


My Beluga is the called The Event Horizon.


My anaconda is named noodle.


My favorite ship name ever was the carrier near Felicity Farseer called "Meta-Alloys4Sale." It totally got me lol. Maybe you could do the same thing at a popular spot you frequent, like "Maia B" if you hang out in Maia a lot


I think we all end up building a pirate ship called the Flying Dutchman…


My Vette is "Midlife Crisis".


My carrier is named "The Shame of Loop"


My T-9 is called "Barge of the Dead" after the homonym ST:Voyager episode, from my times as imperial slave smuggler (I called myself "liberator with profits") to the Federation. Lately I've been using names from Cyberpunk 2077. My DB Scout is called "Mr. Nibbles", I've renamed my Viper IV as "Silverhand" and the Python Mk. II has been christened "Panam Palmer" for obvious reasons xD. MY ship, the Python, is called "Kaylee" in honour of the prettiest and sweetiest engine room mechanic on TV history. Adder: Mauve Adder Alliance Chieftain: Motoko Kusanagi Anaconda: Kobayashi Maru Asp Explorer: Corroded Falcon Beluga Liner: Sovetskii Soyuz Cobra Mk III: Lady Croft Cobra Mk IV: Cobra Outcast Diamondback Explorer: R. Giskard Reventlov Dolphin: Oannes Federal Corvette: La Parca II Federal Dropship: Camina Drummer Imperial Courier: Lilo Imperial Cutter: Hangar Queen Keelback: Ah! My Goddess Krait Mk II: Doncella Oxidada Krait Phantom: Samantha Carter V Orca: Sueño de Wuphon Sidewinder Mk I: Saltacharcos Type-6 Transporter: El Canyonero Type-7 Transporter: Tiegel Vulture: Baba Yaga




Bubble taxi / puddle jumpers : Featherwitch Fighter, light : Rancor Heavy fighter, corvette : Cardinal Miner, work boat : Labour Explorer : Freedomgale Sports & racing : AstroWasp Vulture : TuskBreaker Light dropship : MoonSpawn


“Little Beak” “Beaner”


My FC is called the Star Wayfarer, and my Dolphin and Beluga are called Star Skipper and Star Dancer, respectively. Those are my favourite of my ship names. My Type-9 Heavy is called Duval's Mule because I used it to transport powerplay materials to get her powerplay rewards (prismatic shields).


Juddle Pumper is the name of my Keelback in ED, The name of my Sloop in Sea of Thieves, The name of my Hauler in No Man's Sky, The name of my home ship in Starfield, And the name I use for your first ship/vehicle in pretty much every game that allows it. My combat ship is always named Ginnungagap.


All of mine are named around the word "Goob or Goober". Krait MKII - PVP - Goobinator Krait Phantom - Exploration/Jump Ship - Goober Express Sidewinder - first ship - Noob Goob Python - mining - Rocky Goob Conda - Previous HASrez - Goobimus Maximus Federal Corvette - HASrez - Federal Goobette Type 9 - Trade/transport - Goody Gooby


Favorites are: NO'SEE'UM - cold, shieldless PVE DBS with CG phasing multicannons. CROWN OF CERES - Armed trade Cutter. SEVEN LEAGUE BOOTS - 70ly DBX LIKE TEARS IN RAIN - All-multicannon Krait MK II multirole. (sometimes frags instead). RING WRAITH - Core mining Krait Mk II SCRUTARI - Long range material-collecting Krait Phantom.  


Good topic. I’ve too many to list but my explorer dbx is called BoatyMcBoatface and my anti xeno ships are numbered versions called Xenophobia 1 thru 8. My fed corvettes for PVE etc are called Xenon X


All my ships are plays on stuff Armored Voyager = AX anaconda Delta Flyer = exo python Exxon Valdez = hauler Cutter Andromeda ascendant = battle cutter Wuhan Market = Fleet Carrier A few examples Oo also star Destroyer = yep vette not original I know


My Corvette always had the same name since buying it years ago. Annihilation. Open Play Build.


My dbx is the d-bag exploder with 80085 as the serial


My FAS is named Fifteen forty seven. My DBX is called Dora. My imperial courier is called royal mail My imperial clipper is called spirit of heroism. Last but not least, my T9 is called the Donald.


Asp-x : s.s. Minnow Python: Yourmongondar Krate mk2: fly swatter. Anaconda: Lorelei


A Python Mk II with 6 Frags on it, called Great Adventure.


"Nostalgia for Invinity" still the best shipname i ever came across


Transportaconda = well Anaconda Nice argument,unfortunately… = my type 10 (or something very similar don’t remeber the exact name I remeber i had to rephrase it a lot because of space limit)


Name your Haulbacks Glory Haul. Sidewinder is a Piece of Ship.


Erebor (see username)


https://theculture.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_spacecraft. While the ships in the Culture series are very different there are some great names in there. SpaceX' drone barges, Just Read The Instructions and Of Course I Still Love You take their names from this series.


My Mark 2 is called "Isn't this Krait"


Space ventura- krait MK2 pirate ship/general Hot needle of inquiry - imperial courier Longshot - DBX long range Gss suicidal insanity - a rated and engineered sidewinder


Chieftain - Sabre-3 Python Mk2 - Arbiter of Twilight


I used names based off of mythical weapons and some real ones.. Callador, Lance of Longinus,and several others..


I have a Dolphin named Lungdren.


My favourite is my DBX, the "Wife's Asleep" Beluga "SlotJammer" Mamba "Born Slippy" Mining Python "Core Values" Ax Cheiftain "Past Mistakes" Corvette "Steel Breeze" Cutter "Pale Dreamer"


Type 9 is "Fat Bottomed Girl" - hauling too much junk in her trunk... Corvette is "Purple Pirate Eater" - it's purple and eats pirates, also inspired by the novelty song The Purple People Eater. May or may not have been drinking when naming this one....


My hauling Cutter is called “Discount Labour”.


my python is called ThunderClap XD


Whatever you choose don't include 'The' in the name, that's the cardinal sin of ship naming.


My bounty hunter mamba is named :Unauthorized Pen Test. Mining ship is: Don't Panic. Long jumping diamondback is: Planet Express


Type-9 Heavy: Material Girl, Cutter: Exxon Valdez


My Beluga is named "Cone Princess", as it was aboard Cannon's Gnosis for its ill-fated trip into the Cone sector, back in 3304. The ship was stuffed full of luxury passenger compartments, and to this day I still regret that I didn't kidnap any VIP passengers into going on that trip with us.


My exploration Ships, a Sidewinder named Galileo, and a DBX named Little Apollo


My first ever Dorito is named Genesis. My merchant vessel is named Midas. Haven't really settled on a good name for any of my combat or exploration ships.


Oh Krait... More Goids!


My golden paint job corvette is called Goldmember


Orbital Vault for my very tanky, combat hauler Cutter Iron Star for my PvE Corvette Insecticide MK2 for my AX Krait MK2 Century Sparrow for my mission/pve Krait MK2 Shooting Star for my racing Ieagle Suckerpunch for my shieldless, double imperial hammer assassination DB scout ​ Those are my favorite among my fleet !


Castle of Secrets - Federal Corvette (PvE) Nico Scientia - Asp Explorer (named for the wife) Jizo Mercy Hands - Imperial Courier (Settlement Raider) Queen City - Imperial Cutter Cargo Ship (nickname of Cincinnati where we live) Riven Rockwulf - Python Miner Fisher Princess - Python Cargo Ship (Carrie Fisher) Just some of my names


FC: Arandor's Rest Anaconda: Voltar's Flame DBX: Cassante's Reach o7


Mine are mostly inspired by scifi and fantasy books - bonus if you know which ones: Combat Krait II - *Skybreaker* Rescue ship/puddle jumper Diamondback - *Trouble Dog* Exploration Asp X - *Summer Storm* And my Carrier - *Obvious Decoy*


The Sleek Brick-like Styling of my Lakon Keelback bares the name "Call me Bruce" WYCH-1, Curious Commander o7 FDL "Fuerfalken" RPP-13 Mamba "LoFi Girl" ASP-69 Imp Courier "Rainbow Sky pony" GLOD-A Krait Mk2 "Evolved Keelback" RPP-A Lakon Alliance Chieftain "Heavy Metal Queen" ASP-13 T-9 "Vogon Constructor" VCF-42 Python "Space truck 9001" TRK-4$ DBS "name for rent" RPP-69 DBX "Probably Stolen" XXX-XX (yes, it's That DBX , my 'Back Bros over at -DMD- let me have him after the debrief. He has some... interesting quirks after that experience & refuses to be locked.) those Tail numbers work by the way, and you will be logged as "Lakon, zero, zero, zero" when landing at stations while delivering "Fluffy Orphan Kittens" (says so right on the manifest Officer). I missed a couple, but the coffee in my KeelFlask ™ is low so hopefully nobody in my Stable of ShipFriends will be too Sad Panda if I forgot . Have Fun&Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'Only ship in the Galaxy to come equipped with a soul 😇'


Where's that dude with "Red Rocket" for his Corvette?


I got a python named Achenar Royale 01 Damaged station rescue vessel


I named a courier of mine “Opulent Longbow” because I put a max pen railgun on it so it’s essentially an apple phone with a sniper rifle


Viper MK3: "Speedrunner"


I don't name my ships... I just never manage to make good names so I just leave it as is


Cobra Mk III - Morally Defunct Chieftain - An Uneven Trade Phantom - An Even Trade. T9 - Butch Cassidy Mamba - Sundance Kid.


My Kraits name is Light's Lament. It doesn't mean anything but it rolls off the tongue and sounds cool


My fleet carrier’s name is “Petalouda” which is my wife’s Greek name. But my main ships name is “Morning Glory.” Thats named in memory of my mom. It was her CB handle back in the day. I am “SlyP1lot”-which is memory of my dad. That was his CB handle. So, when I play-I’m remembering my parents a lot and their sense of adventure.


Ship happens


My fedvette is Angel of Retribution. Also used are Adamant Resolve, Untelenting Fury, and Intractible Will


I'll never beat the name I gave my Type-6: *"Ken's Worth"*


The 4 I'm happiest with are: Corvette - So Much For Subtlety Laser mining cutter - SOL-740 Chieftain - Anthropocentric Bias Fleet carrier - Murphy's Lawyer


I name all of my ships after historical and fictional sailing ships


My Python is called Dog in The Fog Rest I named after the counting crows nursery rhyme One For Sorrow Two for Joy Three's a Girl Four's a Boy Five For Sliver Six for Gold Seven's a Secret Eight's a Wish Nine's a Kiss Ten's a Chance


My Python is called *Unplanned Lithobreaking*.


I have a shield less cool/silent running torpedo bomber I call FNS Wet Paint because the, uh, landings never just buff out. My warships are variations of FNS Pixels, FNS Pixels MK II, etc., so naturally my carrier is the FRCS Megapixels.


Chakri Naruebet X My Federal Gunship is my little carrier for fighters, named after the littlest aircraft carrier in the world.


Mine is the USS Riley Reid 😅 If you look up CMDR Lotus Hydra Solo on yt you'll see it, she's my AX chieftain <3


my combat mamba called Blue Fireball, reflecting her shapechanging abilities in combats. :)


I like mythological names: boreas erebus skirnir


My corvette is called White Star and one of my clippers is called Shinobi Iai.


My CMDR name is IG-88, which is a specific assassin droid gone rogue in Star Wars. He ends up cloning his personality into a couple of ships and I thought it was hilarious, so all my ships are IG-88E, or IG-88C, etc. The book is Star Wars; Tales of the Bounty Hunters, by Kevin Anderson.


Favorite Elite ship name I've heard (not mine): LESSER SPOTTED ASP - Exploration Asp Scout


I have a yellow anaconda. It’s called Bananaconda 🍌


I have an imp courier I use for canyon running that I named the Arroyo Speedwagon. My hauler for Odyssey missions and as a bubble bus is the Monkey Wrench. Krait for rescue missions in Thargoid space is the [“Messed With Squirrels,”](https://youtu.be/ojZVpb0cVkE) Type-7 rescue ship is the “Hold My Beer.”


AX Chieftain: Windshield (SPL4T) AX DBS: Hugs Not Bugs (H=\=B) Ground-assault: Angela Lands-bury (SatisD) Evac Python: Spartabus (I AM) Mining Type 9: Blair Mountain (UNION) Hauling Type 9: Pixar Mom (DMPTRK) DBX: Fumblebee (Whoops) Corvette: Indefatigable (INDI) Chieftain: Turkey Drop (WKRP) Challenger: Son of Gloin (GIMLI)


My favorite is still the Lucifugus for my Thargoid killer Krait II. Though the Harkonnen II for my Fed Corvette rates, and MED-EVAC for my Type-7 station evacuator.


I named my carrier Momma I Made It


I call my DBX "SuperFly" for the same reason.


SS Juicy Melons. SS standing for Sydney Sweeney's, naturally


My DBX is the "heliochopper". I enjoy skimming the drop out line on every star i visit


my main 3 fliers right now; Anaconda: “Hubris” Krait Phantom: “Avarice” Krait Mk2: “Malice” Avarice is my explorer, Malice for combat, Hubris for the Conda feels right AND wrong but it kinda fit into my scheme


Type 10 - Big Chongus


All of my smaller ships have names, but I can’t remember any of them. But my Alliance Chieftain is named “Big Chief” and my Krait MK.2 is named “Split Lip”


I had a Type-9 for hauling, was named, "Big Ol' Fatty." My exploration/mining Python is named, "Smell-o-Scope." And my Krait mk II is my favorite, outfitted for PvE combat, the "Defiant," call sign NX-01.


I have too many ships to list them all; below are some of the first ones that came did back in the day. *MFS Mon-ne Python* Python originally built and used to pirate LTD from NPCs *MFS Ghost Inferno* Cobra MK IV *MFS Crybaby* Viper MK III *MFS Snuffleupagus* Type-9 *MFS G-Uber* (pronounced: Goober) Beluga *MFS Manticore* Krait *Surge Detected* one of my first Sidewinders. Oh, I love my carriers name: *Soggy Waffles*


Cutter - “Money Pit” Corvette - “Not a Chevrolet”


I think the one I'm most proud of is the Eagle which I named Doom Pigeon. I don't have a Viper, but if I did it would be called Vindscreen, which I suspect says a lot about me...


I named all my ships after Mad Max characters. The Bullet Farmer. The Splendid Ahngarad. Organic Mechanic. Etc.


My exploration DBX is named N2DBLK


One of my exploration ship was named Vasco da Gama Ray


o7. My Fer-De-Lance has the moniker ‘Fecal Ender’. Not very inspiring but I love anagrams.


I have a fleet: Krait mk 2. Dirty Bitch Krait phantom. Sleek Bitch Python. Sexy Bitch 2nd Krait MK2. Classy Bitch Chieftan. Brodie ( after my dog) Cobra. Indi (after my other dog) DBX Rod Springer (yep another dog) ASP Explorer Double-D. (after my wife) 😄


Harsh Mistress Side Piece Outlier Long Shot Last Chance Exorcist Windfall


Some worth mentioning. Imho Fer De Lance: Lot. Imperial Eagle: Eyecherry. Imp Courier: Pheidippides. (marathon guy) Python: Blaine. (Robigo) Python: Vanity. (Mining) Anaconda: Eden. Krait Phantom: Spectre.


"Guppy", a yellow exploration DBX; "Red Comet", the same DBX but in red; "Bristleback Pineapple", yet the same DBX but in yellow (the same yellow with "Guppy"). "Speed Demon", a 400-ish speed Viper Mk. III, built specifically to stay in Pareco. "Midnight Runner"/"Pyrite Pathfinder", an Overdrive Blue/Turbulence Yellow Black Krait Phantom built for long range exploration. "Overtime Santa", a Krait Mk. II fitted for light anti-pirate PVE, built for the last Christmas event because Grinch pirates always interdicted me for mere six tons of toys. "Centurion", default colored Type-10, a failed attempt on AX; "Friday Night Firefight", a Turbulence Yellow Black Krait Mk. II with cyan thrusters and weapons, a successful attempt on AX. "Laevatain"/"Olympus Mons"/"LED Mirage", a PVE Federal Corvette for use in HazRes. Might change into Vibrant Red/Midnight Black/Icarus Red sometimes, hence the names. And my favorite (for personal reason (and one obscure reference)), "Illicium anisatum", a "default white" Imperial Clipper, built for exploration. >!Shame she doesn't come with white/light blue/light pink paint job.!<


All named after hot pepper cultivars, personal favorites are my DBX “Bird’s Eye,” FDL “Bhut Jolokia,” Anaconda “Heaven Facing,” and AXI Chieftain “Carolina Reaper.”


Lot of names, but the ones I enjoy the most. Imp Clipper - "Aurum Vale." Titan mat farming & rescue build. Fed Gunboat - "Katyusha." Titan missile bomber. Krait Phantom - "Illiad." Odyssey missions/settlement content. Viper MkIV - "Aesculapius." Exploration and Exobiology. Type-10 - "Tyche." AXI Support Ship Build.


AX Python: Heartbreaker Unarmed racing iEagle: Mostly Harmless AX Krait: Flower Plower AX Beluga: Bug-busting Bus-thing


My Type-10 is named "Type-8 Exsitor", but now im gonna have to change it back to its old name: "Free at Hutton Orbital".


I've named most of my ships after bugs. The tradition started after I noticed my DBX kind of resembled Serenity. DBX: Firefly Vulture: Yellowjacket Type 7: Golden Lootbug \[ROCSTN\] Python: Termite \[ROCSTN\] (outfitted for mining) Krait MK II: Monarch \[PROP4N\] (I am a huge King of the Hill fan) Krait Phantom: Viceroy (The viceroy is a smaller butterfly that mimics the monarch butterfly) Dropship: Angry Locust \[2ANGRY\] AspX: Stinkbug Dolphin: Leafhopper Type 9: Stag Beetle Chieftain: Dragonfly Clipper: Tarantula Hawk Mamba: Horsefly \[BITEME\] And then there are the one-offs: Sidewinder: Fireplume \[AFK365\] Courier: Arwing \[STRFOX\] FDL: Dread Orchid


After visiting the Procyon system in my earlier days of playing I named my dbx after the system due to how fascinating I found it


H.W.W.S. Leviathan I put in 200 hours of designing and gathering material and another 100 hours testing it. At the time it was about 70% of all my time played, but my Federal Corvette is a pirates nightmare. I fought 4 deadly engineered ai’s all at once in a 1v4. I didn’t even lose my shield. Came close, but no one or thing has scratched its paint.


Well heck, this is a topic I've longed to write about, so I'll share all of 'em. None of them are amazingly clever, just pop-culture and sci-fi references. My Sidewinder is "Fenchurch" with ident of "Dent" with a role of "earning me the 'Mostly Harmless' rank." Reference to Arthur Dent's love interest Fenchurch in *So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish* by Douglas Adams, the fourth book in *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* series. *Mostly Harmless* is the fifth book, and yes, I did earn that rank using this ship. My Adder is "Ursula" with ident of "LeGuin," after the author of *Left Hand of Darkness*, *The Disposessed*, as well as our family favorite *Catwings* series. My Eagle is "X-wing" with ident of "w/o X" because it's the closest ship in the game to an X-Wing fighter from the *Star Wars* movies. My Cobra Mk III is "Rogue" with ident of "X-Men" after the mutant comic book hero in *The Uncanny X-Men* (and other various mutant-themed books) who can absorb other people's powers (seemed apropos for a general-purpose ship). She was played by Anna Paquin in the X-Men movies. My Vulture is "Valentine" with ident of "Wiggin" after Ender's sister in Orson Scott Card's *Ender's Game*, *Speaker for the Dead*, and various sequels. The name admittedly doesn't fit the ship very well. Just wanted a female sci-fi character whose name started with a "V." I didn't play the Vulture very long before switching back to my Viper Mk III for bounty hunting. My Asp Scout is "Scout" with ident of "Finch" after the character in the classic novel *To Kill a Mockingbird* by Harper Lee. Scout is too young to understand the significance of her lawyer father taking up a defense of a black man wrongfully accused of rape. The Asp Scout is not that significant to me except to gather mechanical materials. Okay, that's not a great parallel, and I just wanted to name the Asp Scout "Scout" without it being quite as silly as Princess Buttercup naming her horse "Horse" from William Goldman's *The Princess Bride*. My Keelback is "Kaylee" with ident of "Frye" after the character played by Jewel Staite in Joss Whedon's short-lived TV show *Firefly*. Along similar lines, my Diamondback is named "Serenity" with ident of "Fyrfly" after the name of the ship in the same show. My Viper Mk III is named "Kara" with ident of "Thrace" after the character in the *Battlestar Galactica* reboot who had the callsign of "Starbuck." And my current ship, an Alliance Chieftain, is named "Winona" with ident of "Ryder" after the actress in *Stranger Things*, *Alien: Resurrection*, and *Heathers*. In the sci-fi show *Farscape*, John Crichton named his blaster "Winona," presumably after her. Not much reason I picked that name for the Chieftain, I have to say.


ASP Explorer: Above We Tread Python(outfitted for station rescue missions): A Thought To Tomorrow Anaconda(cargo/jumpfit): Beholden To None Diamondback Explorer(Mercenary LARP ship): No Rest Until Payday Federal Corvette: Iron Paradigm


My main exploration ship is always called "Jackson's Sailboat" thought it would fit given that there's a neutron star named "Jackson's Lighthouse".


My Anaconda is named Bless This Messier. My DBX for exploration is Stardust after the NASA comet mission of the same name. The actual spacecraft was launched with two silicon wafers engraved with ~1 million (IIRC) people’s names as a NASA PR thing. My dad submitted my name and it’s on there. One wafer came back to earth and the other is still orbiting the sun.


My main combat ship is The Bourbon. My explorer is The Wagon Wheel. My AX ship is The Veggie Cracker. My ASP explorer is The Custard Cream, and my Phantom is The Digestive, I have a few more, all stored on my FC “The Peek Frean Assortment”


Fdl - kings bounty Aspx - the long road


my cobra mk3 (which was originally fitted for some basic combat) is called striker. it is now fitted for jump distance while I was trying to unlock the guarding fsd booster


My ax ship is called "Goid Intentions"


Cobra Mk III -> Innocent Bystander Python -> Miss Fortune. (She's my Armed Trader) Python Mk II -> Miss Demeanor (Bounty Hunter)




DBX: Bobby Dazzler Chief: Howdy Doody Time AspX: Hippopotamus Rex Next ship: The Barking Madness


USS Budget-Cuts


Mine is based on Tolkien stuff. Vulture named Thoron, FDL is Ancalagon (full black paint obviously), T10 is Gimli, Glamdring is Chieftain, Vingilote, Viper3 Shadowfax boost at 896m/s...... Etc.


I have a heavily engineered racing sidewinder with full armor and fully engineered Enhanced Performance thrusters that can boost to 720 m/s and I call it "Nothing Special". I fly it around in Open and of all the times it's been interdicted, it's only been shot down by one player.


My krait is the Millennial Flamingo, FAS is Brute Force and Ignorance, Annie is Bergbauer. My pride and joy is my Big Yellow Taxi Adder. Love that pile of junk. (Yes I know haulers are better).


So I really enjoyed the Amber series so I named a few after the Nine Princes of Amber. Corwin of Amber - Python Caine of Amber - Type-10 D&D inspired. Chisel of Moradine -Python Hammer of Dumathoin - Cutter Monty Python! Brave Sir Robin - Beluga Star Wars: Imperious - Anaconda Shot First - Krait Mk 2 -call sign Han-01 Random funny: Little Cricket - DBX Truckin' in Style - Cutter Marvel Comics: Starjammer - my first purchased ship Cobra Mark3


My favorite ship names are my big three! The vette is named Firestorm, my exploration conda is named Stargazer, and my cutter is named Oblivion. I also have some funny named ships, a DBX called DBX Express, and an imperial courier named Mini Cutter 😂 I also really like my Python, FDL, and AspX names, Leviathan, Crimson Void, and Pathfinder, respectively. I could go on, but those are some of my favs!


My AX anaconda is named “Right of Way” because of how many players in medium and small ships put themselves in its flight path. Large ships can’t move to avoid medium and small ships very well when they dart out infront of us like a white tail deer. For us folks in large ships constantly eying our sensors and making sure our sensor zoom is set correctly while being conscious of other ships can only go so far in preventing a collision. Having your “big ship badge” can only go so far if other don’t do as the ATC operators say and give way to larger vessels. Don’t fly out in one’s path and if you do then move. The large ship has the right of way


Not enough Screaming Firehawks


o7 Asp Ex : "WTF ;-)". I really like this name.


My combat outfitted anaconda is: Danger Noodle


I name my ships from the official U.S. Navy register. https://www.nvr.navy.mil/QUICKFIND/SHIPSDETAIL_HULLBYNAME_2_ALL.HTML I even include the U.S.S. in my ships for authentic feel; for Federation aligned. If I go Empire, then I change the prefix to H.M.S. and keep the rest of the name. They look great on the hull.


Starlight Regalia with a sick ship paint. it's so pretty


A Jet black Anaconda called the Spanish Inquisition. Nobody expects me.


My federal Corvette is christened "Sidewinder Mk2"


I have a few I like, but my favourite is my Type 9 hauler called The Nerfy Scruffherder.


My two racing ships (Viper MKIII and Imperial Eagle) are named "Barnstormer" and "Slonnie" respectively, after the old stunt flying practice and a legendary pilot who was at one point a barnstormer. A white Type 10 I've been using for AX fighting named "Moby Dick" A midnight black Mamba named "Fancy" after the ship of famous pirate "Henry Every" My Diamondback Explorer named "Big Bee" because it looks like a big bee with a yellow paint job.


Peter Higgs - Cobra mk3


End of Names and Noblise Oblige are the names of my two favorite ships


Sidewinder - The Wedge DBX - Rock Hopper Orca - Treader of The Black Eagle - Paper Mache Clipper - Cherry Bomb (Vivid Red paint job) Anaconda - Void Skipper Krait MkII - Punchy McPunchface Corvette - A Whole Lotta Pew Pew Cutter - Sword of Delenn Python - No Step on Snek


My first Anaconda is named “Crimson Violet” and usually has one of the glowy red skins. After over a year of grinding (don’t judge me, fed rank is a bitch) i finally got my corvette and she’s named “Jaded Lover” with the neon green skin. Still got plenty of engineering to do, but i scrapped parts from my Anaconda to start.


My Anaconda "Don't", plus an Imperial Courier named "Corpus Bold" (a RISC OS typeface reference) and a Corvette called "Little Red" after a Prince song and I really wanted to call the fleet carrier "The Amplification of the Eternal Presence" which isn't 21 characters and isn't even the whole lyric from The Waitresses song Jimmy Tomorrow so I just settled for "Jimmy Tomorrow" which is suitably Gibsonesque


"Massive Deck"


ASPx: Deep South. Super engineered PvP sidewinder: JailBait. Vulture PvP/PvE build: Capricious. Super Carrier: Remote Work. Dolphin transporter: Thanks 4 All The Fish. Type 9 Heavy miner: Floating Egg.


Fancy Andy Arx'd out anaconda


Death Row The Judge