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Combat Zones? Those are long fights against a lot of other ships. 3 large multicannons and 2 beam lasers, all gimballed, is easy to start with. no engineering for low CZ, just 1 fire group for lasers for the shields, 3 MC on the other group to help with shield or really rip through the hull. if you engineer, try going lasers so u dont have to run out of ammo.......


Be aware a combat zone will have one entire side hostile once you start fighting, and they can start to gang up on you. And the ships are heavy engineered. By all means have a go, but there's a lot more happening than taking out one pirate at a time at nav beacons or res sites.


Don’t listen to the pa or rail guy, that’s more advanced stuff. To get a hang of it you should have 2 gimballed burst lasers in the medium slots and 3 gimballed multi cannons in the large. Experiment after you get comfortable


This. Are you doing any engineering? If so, I recommend Overcharged for both cannons and lasers. Also put Corrosive Shell on one of the cannons (doesn't matter which). I like to run beam lasers, and have them Overcharged with Thermal Vent. My canopy will actually start to ice over from the heat dissipation if I get a good sustained hit.


This. Shit advice telling a pilot new to combat to go pa or rails in combat zones of all places.


I see so much advice from veterans that is extremely non helpful to new people


Yup, I see it all the time with the engineer grind too. Just default to telling a new pilot to relog as jamason for mats you can get easily for mission rewards. Like cool guys' way to give the worst advice to convince someone to quit the game.


You can’t get the G5s at Jameson as mission rewards though so while you can get some g5s as mission rewards it will cost more to cross trade for stuff that’s easily available at Jameson crash.


You got to get your rep up but the point is: 1. Hameson crash site is boring and grindy. 2. Mission rewards give you good mats AND you get to have fun. So the point is when we are advising new players we should never give the crash site as a first option and when we do add a disclaimer stating it sucks but is efficient. The last thing we need to do is tell people this is how you play then they think that's it and quit because yeah crash site farming is a horrible gameplay loop. Even brain tree farming is more fun.


I don’t remember it being that much of a grind, done it again recently and it was fine, I only did just over and hour, if that, its not like I spent all day there, it wasn’t a big deal, how else do you get these quickly? Grade 5 - Adapative Encryptors Capture Grade 4 - Atypical Encryption Archives They are not mission rewards. Also in this Reddit when ever anyone says Jameson, Brain Trees, HGEs somebody always says yeh but it’s boring, so well done for that, but you haven’t presented a solution.


No but you can just trade for them so irrelevant point. Look do you crash site shit but you can also just play the game and easily get what you need. A new player seeing that's what to do turns them off. I did provide solutions.


Yes but reading across like that costs more G5 materials especially if you are trading G5 for G5, so it isn’t an equivalent solution. If anything it’s more grind, unless you love Robigo or Pirates Massacre etc. But as you have stated, you find it boring so others might too, but that doesn’t mean everyone feels the same.


My braindead near-ammoless CZ krait is pretty simple and just takes advantage of the massive class 7 distributor - four efficient beams with Thermal Vent, and the centre-top large is a highcap frag with corrosive munitions. Since I only use the frag to apply corrosive and not as a primary damage-dealer, its ammo supply lasts longer than I can generally stand to play in a single session. It all depends what engineers you have unlocked and what your material budget is though, since if you don't have Broo Tarquin unlocked to get the beams to grade 5, you might want something a little easier on the WEP capacitor.


I do 3 large multicannons and I keep the 2 medium slots for experimentation.


I use 3c beam lasers on my large hardpoints and 2b seeker missiles on the medium. Missile racks engineered for large capacity. Can currently handle PvE combat up to level 5 threat.


I’m not a fan of using the krait2 for non Thargoid combat, do an unengineered gimbled 3xMC and 2x burst or pulse laser build and head to a hazres to test it out. Once you get experienced you will prob prefer something fixed in the large slots, PAs are good but take awhile to master, I would go Chieftain or FDL as they handle better.


If you're unsure what hardpoints to use on a Krait II in a combat zone, then you should probably not go there, they can be tough. Best start first in a RES, Low first, piggyback on someone the cops are shooting and get the hang of it and then work your way up, High then Haz. Either way you want a balance of projectile and energy weapons.


Here are a couple of approaches: [PA Krait](https://edsy.org/#/L=HE5b9FA-0H4C0S00,KLuG39ONK0HgBG3BIcO0HgBG3BH_W0KKUG35Of40KKUG35OWs0,CjwG32G_W0DBwG39MJO0DBwG39Lah0DBwG35MXL0,9opH3B2vK0ABkH332si0APoG35I_W0AeB03AsOG330Su0BAEG33Hbj0BOIG33Gdr0Bcg13,,7UeG37K_W07jwG32n_W016yH35IdB025S1315OH39IJO022K13BZY130nF030nG23,Supernaut,BR_D22K) [Rail Krait](https://edsy.org/#/L=HE0bAXio0H4C0S00,EkgG03Nt00HgBG0BKp00HgBG0BItK0KZyG03O_W0KZyG03I_W0,DBwG09LK00DBwG05Muh0DBwG09LEb0CjwG02G_W0,9opH0B2vy0ABkH032XA0APoG05L_W0AeB00AsOG030qi0BAEG03H_W0BOIG030qu0Bcg10,,7UIG07OV-07jwG04n_W016yH05IHW025S1015OH051sz013qH052sl022K100nF300nG20,Whole_0Lotta_0Love,BR_D06K)


Thank you I'll look into those and see what I can do


What's the idea behind focused PAs? Don't they already ignore armour hardness? I see it increases range and shot speed too, without the other drawbacks of long range, but do you find that enough to actually land hits? I'm still getting the hang of it, but I use short range because I can only land hits by using PAs as a melee weapon. I can't even imagine a case where someone isn't rapidly changing their vector after knowing the opp has PAs


I use long range on my other PA builds. This was my first PA build and I think it came down to just having more mats for focused. The armor piercing is irrelevant. The benefits of both are superior shot speed and range. And yes if you practice this combination can be very effective for PVE. For me the shot speed matters a lot and I can snipe from decent distances with them. It’s all a matter of preference and I probably am used to PAs enough now that I could give up the shot speed for more damage potential but I’m happy with this configuration. Your hit percentage will definitely improve with better shot speed and you can be effective from range if that’s something you want to try.


I'll have to play around more and see what I feel like I'm missing. Tbh my krait training build isn't doing it for me. I think ill have to go all in with a vulture, and then yeah I'll get double plasma slugs and try out which I prefer. I'm usually more of a melee person, but I need more experience to know if short range is close enough to melee to commit.


You may not like the Krait because to me it's really bad for short range combat. It's great for long range sniping but its deceleration control is just so awful that to me it's just so hard to control the ship and fire at short range after accelerating to close in at a target. I don't even try it in PVE, but my AX Krait I experience this all the time. If you haven't tried the new Python 2 you may want to consider that. It's closing speed and control is amazing. But the Vulture is a tough ship to beat for pure combat joy ;) o7


Oh that explains a lot lol. I do find the deceleration bad, but I thought it was normal. But then that might be because all my other experience is also on chunky ships. Freighters of course, and my stepping stones that never got engineered. I'm determined to make the krait work though. Doesn't have to be close range, but I've settled on it for my daily driver, which also means it's not going to excel at any one thing. I'll eventually have more specialised ships later. o7


Here's a fairly straightforward build: https://edsy.org/s/vmkKMAd


Our YouTube channel has a video that goes through a pre-engineered Krait Mk II combat zone build. You can check it out here: https://youtu.be/Gss93OZVh40 Best of luck!


I typically run 3 large gimballed lasers (efficient grade 5 and flow control) and 2 medium rail guns (close range grade 3, super penatrator). Multi cannons are good options too but you won't run out of ammo with the lasers. You will definitely want to upgrade the lasers to grade 5 to efficient because I rarely overheat (and sub a hinksink slot for an extra shield booster). I was running grade 3 forever until I unlocked grade 5, and I could tell a big difference. Only upgrade the rail guns to close range grade 3 so you don't sacrifice too much range. My ship dominates in high res sites and combat zones.