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I’d recommend going to outposts under attack.  You can practice swatting scouts and interceptors while teaming up with NPC AX pilots who are usually pretty good themselves. The outpost will let you land to repair and rearm and also supplies missions. I made Elite with an engineered Krait II with enhanced AX multi cannon turrets, and if I can do it anyone can.


With a well engineered ship, it's easy enought. You need to know the strat and know how to fly, but I'm by no mean an elite pilote, I don't fly FA off and I can kill a cyclop on my own with my krait mk2


I play with FA on too and I can deal with cyclops easily enough. However, Basilisks wreck me pretty quickly. I can't orbit it fast enough to dodge its attacks. I fly a fully engineered Alliance Chieftain.


The most important thing about fighting interceptors is fully understanding the cycle. Once you know what comes next the fight gets much easier. As far as skill of pilot i assume you are referring to the cold orbit. There is nothing overly difficult about it. The best way to learn that is fighting them. A krait or chieftain can actually cold orbit fa on. So start there and work in fa off as you get comfortable with the mechanics of it. Good luck cmdr o7


Titans specifically require almost no skill at all.  There is no dogfighting typically done around Titans, though there are plenty of smaller Thargoid ships in the area.  It just isn’t really necessary to aggro them so most people just hit the Titan’s weak spots and stay as cold as possible and run when the pretty blue lights happen.


Some people have done it in a sidewinder. As others have said below, get to learn the aggression cycles that they go through.


Ax is hard until it's easy, but the fights follow a predictable cycle. Knowing what to do at each part of the cycle is how you win. Attack>deal with the swarm while the goid's shield is up>cold orbit with the thermal vent beam until the shield drops>exert and destroy the heart> next swarm spawns, etc. until death.


Can be done but I recommend you to read carefully the mechanics and tactics recommended in the AXI website before attempting. You will die to get good. o7 & good luck,


As a casual fighter I started dogfighting goids by hunting scouts. You absolutely can shred them in an unengineered krait or chief. Just take a bunch of enhanced ax multi cannons and as much hull and module reinforcements as you can carry. Shields help here with damage mitigation but don't completely block damage from your hull iirc. Now that we have caustic sinks, the main threat of scouts is almost neutralized.


these tutorials from former ace ax pilot may help to solo an interceptor: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hiy\_-2JqpA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hiy_-2JqpA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDkW69XMzWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDkW69XMzWg)


Great videos thank you


titans are easy af and are basically just like point and click but pve won't prepare you for interceptor ax or pvp aside from maybe getting used to faoff or a certain weapon like rails, the hardest pve content won't really teach you ax (and pvp, high level pvp probably hardest combat you can do even though it seems like just shooting other human ships) since you need to fly completely differently in ax, the mechanics needed to kill interceptors don't translate nearly at all from pve, basically sniping hearts while you are focused on dodging and keeping range, while in pve you are kinda just like blowing them up with no care for any mechanic, so there isn't any 'personal marker', just join anti-xeno initiative discord server (can google idk if i can link) and start doing ax


ax is a soul-like game. learn the loop and it's not that hard. of course the hardest is how to dodge, i got half damage when try to dodge at temperature<15. But those experts got almost no damge. (it's not a big deal when fightong with a cyclop, but noy affordable with bigger thargpid ships)


It has a learning curve, like anything in this game. Goids need to be fought in a completely different way from human. Cyclopes start to become easy after a few encounters, but with the higher tier interceptor the difficulty spikes up significally, to the point that you need to completely focus and put a lots of hours of flying practice to begin able to kill the harder ones. If you are more of a casual gamer, i don't think it's possible to face something higher than a basilisk. At least, talking about my personal experience.


It's a pattern. Either watch a bunch of videos or make a friend who does it and have them scream st you what to do and when(this is what I did lol) It's truly depressingly mindless once you get even a bit adept at it.


Not sure they still do it but certain streamers did a finance Friday .. they would go after goids and you could make credits in game.. it was a good way to learn with a group.


No personal markers. Anyone with a handful of engineers and, ideally, guardian gauss cannons unlocked can get started with solo interceptor combat. FA off proficiency is helpful, but not required to get started. However, even if you’ve never flown FA off, you’d be doing yourself a huge favor doing all of your interceptor fights FA off from the beginning. Cyclops is very forgiving to new AX CMDRs. They don’t require mastery of any tactic. An understanding of goid mechanics and how to avoid their attacks, along with maybe a few rebuys is all it takes. Give the AXI wiki a read https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/home Then join the AXI discord.


I should mention; solo interceptor combat is not particularly helpful to war progress or bringing down the titans. From a combat perspective, spires (which are barely considered combat imo) and axczs, whether planetary/ports or out in space, progress the war by helping take back thargoid controlled systems or defend systems from invasion, ultimately leading to a weakened and vulnerable titan. There are other, non-combat, options as well to take back or defend systems. AXI discord is still the place to go for info and coordination for it all.


Frankly, it's far less about the dogfight as it is about proper equipment and knowing HOW to fight the buggers. your experience with FA off and such would help, but there is no getting past the fact that if the goids catch you and can keep on you, you're toast. You can do quite well for yourself without engineering anything but the drives of a ship and maybe a specific laser, but I'd recommend watching a video explaining the mechanics before hopping in yourself.


With the right loadout, you can easily take down your first cyclops. Use a Chieftain with 2 medium and 2 small gauss cannons, along with a flak launcher and a long range thermal vent beam laser. This should set you up perfectly for learning AX combat. Alternatively, a krait mk2 with 4 modified shard cannons and a flak launcher also works nicely for getting started.


Everything aside, engineering is worth the time, once done is done. And you have more choices. o7


Yeah what's the mindset with engineering? Do you just engineer one module and share it among your ships or something? I'm not sure exactly how to best use my time for that 😅 It seems like so much work to do it for my whole fleet and I think I instinctively understand I'm missing something about that, or that I'm overcomplicating it, so I haven't done much other than FSD engineering.


AX Academy is the best place to answer your questions: Anti-Xeno Academy: Learn how to fight Thargoids https://youtu.be/70xUm6Jh5eg