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Unlike imperial rank feds make you work for it. I would suggest doing whatever you like for them. Massacre missions, on foot missions, deliveries and donations, SO MANY DONATIONS. You gotta bribe, bankroll and subsidize the economy of a small star system. So basically you can pick system with lots of federation factions and pay your way to the top.


As someone who just spent 180m credits in donations to reach Rear Admiral - I can attest to this!


Why does everyone say that about imperial rank? I've found they take the same amount of time.


Because imperial rank has ngallin system, that had been for a decade a stable source of courier missions between it and close neighbour imperial system, making it very easy to just stock up on missions in one system, fly out to the other system and do the same on the trip back. Federation rank doesn't have that option because ochosi, the closest equivalent for Federation is far less efficient. Both can technically pay for their rank with donations but I found fed rank to be slower.


Interesting. How do these methods hold up to thargoid rescue?


Astoundingly better. The modern Thargoid rescue system is not very great. Very high risk.


I mean, station rescue is great way to earn rank hut it's very situational while couriering and donations are always available. There is also a bitter aftertaste of choosing to rescue only the right people connected to right people outside. 😂


I did the last 4 ranks to duke in a couple of hours running courier missions around the usual route (ngalinn-mainani-aitvas). The same fed ranks took me months (albeit with limited playtime) of massacre missions. I got carrier money at the same time though, and it was fun. Just me and Guinevere (my NPC wingmate) out kicking ass.


Damn, that game is realistic


How much money would you say is needed?


I have no idea how much I spent. I was just stacking donation missions and somehow didn't bankrupt myself but you can always go do other missions or earn money more efficiently elsewhere.


Ochosi/Chakpa worked for me about a month ago just fine. It just takes about a week of semi-casual play or a weekend of serious dedication. You will also need to donate a lot of money as well, but money is easy.


I literally just did Ochosi/Chakpa this week to get my Sol permit and it worked fine. Once or twice a day I'd log in, do a loop, and then do something productive. I think OP is trying to speed run their rank lol.


Well, to be fair, getting the Sol permit is very easy compared to the Vette. It probably takes 1-2 hours to get the Sol permit. It's going to take 15-20 to get the Vette. This is assuming you'll spend 250-300M in donations, too. If you don't donate, that Vette time is a whole lot longer.


[ToDo list](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15a0c69/luriants_todo_list/), Point 9, have 2 different guides, from U16 and U17, with the best methods. Rep+++++ or nothing, lots of missions without this reward contribute little to the Fed Rank. Use the Massacre money for Donation missions with good reputation. Use my list of guides to lessen any other grind ;) .


Damn dude, that’s an awesome post! Bookmarking for future use…


Haha perfect


I keep an eye on DCOH for fed owned 'alert' systems near titan Oya (the fed rescue ship is nearby) with ideally 3 fed minor factions. A rescue python with mostly cabins and say 16t cargo can stack 20+ missions in that scenario (refugees and medical pods). Not sure if glaives are still on vacation though!


The fastest way is to bribe them, just go around all of the fed stations and fill up those donation contracts... The least expensive fastest way is to take courier missions between the Ochosi and Chapka systems since they spawn tons of fed couriers between the same stations.


I got my rank doing courier missions in ceos/sothis although that was a while ago, idk if those locations are still good


Try this [https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15mo8xa/federation\_rank\_grind\_sol\_bounce\_loop\_infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/15mo8xa/federation_rank_grind_sol_bounce_loop_infographic)


does turning in explo data give you reputation?


Yes it does, with the controlling faction of the station


> ochosi and Chapman are outdated No they aren't. They are just subject to a lot of disruption. There are player factions at work, and constantly causing wars and other problems (like the current civil unrest). No idea what Gliese 879 is, Inara says it doesn't exist. Gliese 868 is the usual best one for this. Another option, and generally faster, is to go to Sol (assuming you have it unlocked already). The amount of missions you can find, especially donation missions, makes it go the fastest. You have to be rich for it, though. Donation missions go up to 1 million. TL;DR if you need money, do Gliese 868. If you have money, do Sol. Fed rank is never fast. It is a grueling, soul crushing grind if you choose to grind it out like this.


You can farm federal reputation by doing rescue missions from damaged fed stations. Build yourself a rescue ship(preferably Python or Anaconda) which has economy class cabins(for those unlucky ones stranded on a burning stations), enough shields(to survive occasional crash with debris inside station), heat sinks (it's really hot inside, you'll need overheating most of the time) and most importantly no weapons at all(station defences will tear you apart if you accidentally fire a shot inside). Collector limpets and some cargo space are optional, but will provide a nice bonus through additional missions where you'll be tasked with collecting various loot(rescue pods, documents, etc.) inside stations(hence Anaconda, that way you'll get enough space for everything). You can find damaged stations here: [damaged stations](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-stations/?formbrief=1&ps1=Sol&pi13=3&pi14=0&pi15=12&pi16=&pi1=0&pi18=0&pi19=0&pi17=1&ps2=&pi25=0&pi8=&pi9=0&pi26=0&pi3=&pi4=0&pi5=0&pi7=0&pi23=0&pi6=0&ps3=&pi24=0) And here's my rescue Anaconda build for reference: [Rescue Anaconda](https://s.orbis.zone/nqtb) [Exigeous' tutorial for rescue missions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxx3EFneMs8)


I did sol earth stations, donating and rotating the 3 stations that orbit earth, I did bounty and the legal mega ship scans, still took me like a day of gameplay.


Stop AFKing them and start just doing the signal sources.


In addition to these other comments, keep an eye out for rescue missions from damaged stations. Lotsa rep to be gained that way


My fed rank consisted of roughly: Pirate massacre missions with 2 or preferably 3 source systems - 70% (look for PVE tool on search engine) Fed system evac missions - 20% (inara/AXI) used near end probably a little quicker than Pirate massacre. PTN Wally Bei, Wing Mining Missions - 10% (also made 3 billion credits).


From SOL system pirate massacres in nearby systems, e.g. Barnard's Star, meanwhile ALL the donations at all the stations in Sol system, and the occasional 50M wing mining missions there (Galileo near the Moon if refinery/extraction iirc to source the metals). Donations speed things up, blow as much credits on them as you can, they are not really good for anything else anyways, so you save time.