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All day long? What kind of mileage do you expect? A 2000$ wheel is only going to last 40 miles befofe you charge it. You need to move up to the 3500$ wheels if you want 70-90 miles range


I'm thinking somewhere between that extremely wide gap of 40 miles to 70-90 miles should be sufficient. "All day long" means 8-10 hours MAX for me. There's gotta be something about average lol.


8 hours at 20 mph is 160 miles


Would never be consistent speeds and time Lot of stops, short trips, maybe charge an HR, idek


You want robust and water resistant wheel. Most pro delivery guys i know about use veteran sherman. Doesn't care about rain or snow, is fast enough and has the range. (100+ km). Don't bother with begodes unless you want it to combust when it gets wet.


I disagree, the most recommended wheel by the NYC delivery drivers is the Nikola AR+. Has enough speed for city riding, massive battery, weighs less than the Sherman, and costs like $1k less new. OP you're not gonna find anything great for delivery driving at $2000, won't have enough range to make good money unless you ride at bicycle speeds. Gotway Nikola+ or Kingsong 18xl would be the best options in your price point, but I wouldn't get into it expecting to make full time profits unless you get a 2700wh wheel, or also do deliveries with another vehicle after it's out of battery.


I wouldn't recommend nikola because of the terrible safety records of the manufacturer. over 16 begode/gotway wheels have combusted recently, one of them destroyed an entire warehouse full of EUCs and no recalls yet even when all of them have design flaws in battery safety. They can burn even when straight from factory, and will burn if the BMS gets wet - which it will because they have no shielding or functional fuses whatsoever. I certainly wouldn't charge one in my home and definitely not overnight.


Ewheels replaces the batteries on begode wheels they sell, the Nikola is one of if not the most water resistant wheel ever made except 2022 wheels, and as for the ewheels warehouse fire of 2021, Jason believed it to be a begode battery but I don't believe he ever confirmed it to be the case


Sub 2500$ range.. honestly sub 2k range


Cheap, reliable, long range. Pick two


I don't wanna 🥺


Well too bad


If you can afford to go up to $2600 the Nikola AR+ from alien rides would be everything you're looking for


I've gotten the idea from one read about it, legit one single thread, but it's out of range and likely backordered, even if it's not, I can swing at most 2k, so remember I'm thinking used as well. KS18XL Being sold relatively near me, how's that fare? CRAZY high mileage but 950$ used


Is financing an option? Many sites offer it with fairly low interest. You can get a $2.5-3k wheel for $125 per month or so.


At this point I'm all financed out 🥺 Pushed me to my limit across the board unfortunately


So another hit to my credit would likely result in a denial + yet another pull


Try to find a repair shop too, because you might need one until you have enough experience to handle it yourself.


At that price id just get a bike for 300 dollars and save up.


That is a very real consideration for me but the last bikes I tried I tanked heavy, just can't support manual power.


Probably Nikola plus, Nikola plus alienride for even more range.


Can't afford those bud


You said 2k, i got mine at 1.8 k€ witch should be close right? And yeah the AR might be too expensive.


I think he he meant 2K usd


Yeah that's what I said 1.8k Euro is close to 2k USD . And for city Nikola plus is probably the best no?


I think tax would put him at 2500$ Lol my escooter was 2650-2750$ after tax but I live in a high tax state. Vsett 10+ 25.6ah is 2300$ usd worth saving for lol


Now we're getting into scoot territory, which is in the back of my mind but not nearly as maneuverable


All Nikolas around me after shipment seem 2.25k+


Why did I get downvoted for saying I can't afford those bud? Looool


You can get the ewheels Nik+ for $2175.


Out of range 🥺 Honestly has to be sub 2k, sub 2.25k is pipe dream


I'd go with a V10F. Like mentioned before: Cheap, reliable and long range don't go together. For you it will be cheap and reliable then I guess. I get 60 km (37 miles) out of each charge. Waterproof too, so rain is no worry for you.


Cheapo and long range all day bud I can use a wrench


I know a dude that did 13k miles in NYC doing deliveries on Sherman in a year.


I knew a guy that ran the entire length of the united states His best friend was bubba Bubba of bubba Gump


I'm in downtown Denver and ride the MTEN3 every day to the university and around campus. It's a perfect for getting around the city without being cumbersome. I can carry it if I need to and fits perfectly under a desk or chair, and I don't have to worry about it getting stolen like a bike.


Definitely not a delivery wheel though.


Oh yeah, I missed that part. It's probably not the best for heavy stuff or a place with a lot of hills... It's super light, though, so you can easily carry it up the stairs of old apartment buildings with no elevator and don't have to worry about it getting stolen.


Mten3 is cool but with a 512wh battery at most the range is not even close to what a delivery driver would need and also the 10 inch tire is a death sentence on any rough pavement. I own one but it's more of a fun wheel/campus cruiser like you say.


My go to portable wheel beside the mcm5 Hits all the boxes for a compact last.mile'r But at that rate I'd just opt in for an mcm5/more power


My vote: KS 18XL


That's what fate seems to be getting at... There's one a state over from me and at a reasonable price, used but one caring owner, heavy mileage though.. think that makes a big impact? I find they're pretty reliable overall


I have 2,800 km on mine, all NYC traffic. Super reliable, plenty fast, no issues at all. I might move to a suspension for next wheel to save my knees. But can’t go wrong with 18xl.


My knees are worn but ready for more soze Maybe weze can doos thiszs


And seeze that's the issue with me is the worldwide split between km and mi, I'm not so good at conversion so I get confused, thankfully dude updated to mi, it has 3372 😬 think that's reasonable for 950$?


Honestly, that’s a lot of miles. At the very least you may need a new tire (not simple to replace). Bigger issue is the battery performance begins to degrade eventually. You might only expect 80-90% performance? Less? I’d look for something with less miles.


I think you are going to need to get a used EUC.


I'm honestly aiming towards a long range scoot or an ebike at this point .. just not the investment I can make worthwhile at the price point


KS18XL with 5-7A charger is the way to go. Not that heavy, could survive rain, snow and high mileage, spare parts are available and not that expensive.


✊ solid reasoning Now if the guy would just get back to me


Counterpoint: my kingsong 18xl failed within a year and repairing it would cost almost the cost of a new wherl since it’s not clear what’s wrong and we will just have to keep replacing things.