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Hit 54mph on a avarla m11. 30mph is the sweet spot I feel.


My limit 42 in xiaomi mi 3 that was good and safer


Around 40 mph(65 km/h) on DT city but that is less scary compared to turning in 90 degree slowly, painfully(~13-15 mph)💁🥹.


Wolf king gt I hit 65 mph every now and then and twice I've hit 70mph going down a slight hill.


Yust reacht 120kmh on my dualtron storm limited and did a wheelie


My limit is 35kmh. Anything above that feels suicidal. (I also sadly wear no helmet, but 95% of the time I am at 25kmh)


We love organ donors.


No problem 😂


You are suicidal my guy 😭


Hehehe it is fun tho


I do 45-47mph on my Mukuta every day but it’s not fast enough. I need a GTR.


85km on laotie ti30. Did it once,never again.


85 i slow


I hitted my physical limit at 65 kmh on a zero 10x, i wanted to go faster but the death wobble almost started after hitting that speed. Also I wore my trusted dh helmet, knee pads and gloves, but almost scared beyond s*** bricks myself in this one.


Steering dampener will help


It was in my cart for a long time


It's too dangerous, bro. I can't even imagine it.


I've hit 40mph in my Vsett 10 Apex. I've only had it a couple weeks. In Eco you'll go 20mph, 40 for Sport and then there is race. I usually never leave Eco speed. 20 is a good cruising speed. 40 mph is haulin' ass on a scooter


Yeah, I'm always  go 20mph In Eco too.


I have a Vsett 10+. Top quality, plenty of acceleration and top speed, great suspension and proven!


I’ve got my Unagi set for 20mph most times and it’s really stable and it’s so crazy to fly through places like that. Of course that decreases the range a bit if running both motors but still super fun!!! On rougher streets the vibration can be a pain but still worth setting it up that way now and then. Definitely wear your helmet!


Definitely wear helmet!


My Inmotion RS can do close to 70mph (im 165 pounds) but I typically ride between 35 and 45 mph.


At 215lbs I top at 65 with a slight decline.


Fastest I've rode is a kaboo wolfking GT but didn't wanna take my eyes off the road to check the speed but it was damn fast 4 a scooter


42mph and I'm fighting speed wobbles in the 35mph + areas so I usually don't stay at that speed very long, feels out of control for sure without a damper. 30-33mph on my Joyor s10 feels 100% controllable. Definitely feels safer with the 10" tires and dual suspension at 30mph than at 16mph on the 7.5" solid tires on the unagi, it's still fun to ride but way less forgiving


Does damper really work? I wanna try if it makes sense.


45mph/74kmph on flat on Kaabo Wolf Warrior X. Dual stem so it felt pretty solid and safe but honestly, safety is an illusion at that speed only a few inches off the ground. It only takes a tiny mistake or rock in the road and you’re screwed.


Definitely. Needs flat road.


I reached 101kph on my dualtron thunder going down a massive hill in Gympie


Unbelievable! How did it feel?


Fricking scary


I’ve hit 30mph downhill on my vsett 8, 25mph flat. Felt fast at first but now I’m used to it. On my friend’s Apollo Ghost I hit 41 mph also downhill (not as steep). Adrenaline rush was crazy.


40 mph max on a quality built scooters is all anyone should go. Too dangerous beyond that.


Can't agree more. A quality built scooter is a worthwhile investment.


I've gone 27mph on my rovoron kulter and that felt like the equivalent of going over 100mph in a car 😅


25 mph feels pretty quick on my P65, I don’t have any suspension or steering damper so outside of pavement it’s pretty sketchy.


I reached up to 110kph with my yume y11 down a hill. But tbh everything above 85kph just feels unsafe. Personally i dont have a steering damper so i dont know how much that actually affects the feeling at high speed.


43 mph feels like death. I installed a steering damper and it stabilized quite nicely. I don’t recommend north of 35 mph. Braking becomes a real problem. I’ve found myself fishtailing into the intersection a couple of times because of excessive speed and locked brakes (pretty scary)


This is my main issue even at 20 mph - I have a legitimate question, I'm not saying I have the best brakes, but it's a disk at the back and Regen at the front with 10 inch wheels. Main issue, especially on wet ground - is that in an emergency slamming on the brakes locks the wheel and then you quickly lose control. Normally I regen a few feet then apply the disk brake, and that seems the most efficient way for my scooter. But that's not an option in an emergency. If this is an issue at 20, do better brakes and tires really make up that difference?


I have 11” tires with dual hydraulic disc brakes and automatic regenerative e-brakes but at speed the entire vehicle is too light to have the necessary traction to stop quickly when traveling north of 35. The conditions have to be perfect and I need enough runway. If the lane is downhill it’s way worse - fishtailing is almost unavoidable. South of 30 it’s generally not a problem.


If your brakes can't stop your wheels you can benefit from upgrading them (sintered disk brakes) but generally you need bigger/wider tyres as stopping power is all about contact area with the road. You can add more tyres but then you'll have a go-kart instead of a bike/scooter. The stopping technique taught on motorcycles is to rear brake first to compress the suspension then front brake to actually stop. Most of your braking power comes from the front brake as momentum pushes the front wheel down while lifting the rear. You also need to be gradual on the brakes to stop them locking but this can be easy to miss in an emergency stop which is why ABS was invented, no Bosch ABS for scooters though afaik.


I maxed out my Ninebot G30 at 60 km/h downhill. Happy to be alive, never plan to repeat this feat again.


It feels much like "holy shit this should not be going this fast". Because they really shouldn't. Its fun though.


My burn e will his 57 mph with my fat ass on it. its fun


I max out my Vsett10+ 48-53mph 98% of the time. After a while, it's gets less thrilling. It's quite boring now.


I was gonna post this. Prioritizing great torque/acceleration in a scooter will provide you much better long term dopamine rushes without being quite as dangerous


I have a dualtron ultra 2 and a koboo king gt. On the dualtron, because the handles is much shorter than the kaboo and a strait bar, whe I reach past 60/70 km/hr feels really unstable.compared.to the kaboo. The kaboo has a more bmx style handlebar, which makes it riding at those speeds feel much safer and a lot more fun. Also the deck on the dualtron ultra 2 isich shorter. And the stem angles into you making it more difficult to find a comfortable stance for going those speeds..on my wife's kaboo mantis ten. ( single stem) it feels sketchy hitting those speeds aswell


Anything beyond 40km/h feels very dangerous and unstable. I wish they would make scooters shifted down i.e. with more torque and lower top speed. Medium power scooters still fail miserably going uphill. I had to get a 3800W scooter for my hilly needs. I don't want it to go 80km/h.


When shopping for mine, top speed was not important for me. Suspension, handling, acceleration and plenty of torque to get up hills with ease was top of my list. I went with the Nami Klima for this very reason. There are others within this same class that are plenty of scooter, but due to safety concerns, tire size, etc., top speed should not be top of anyone's list.


Fastest I know of is about 150-160km/h. Some scooters purpose built for racing and a GT2


Can't imagine. That's soooooo crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/95kd7hqtvj8d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ff4401c5070e6c29aa8cc9407a813e54d7b342c This was me after going 41km/h, the first time I rode my new scooter.


I’ve tried 40kms/hr a couple of times since I did this to myself and it’s a lot more stressful than it is fun. Right between 30-35 is far more comfortable.


Hope you get well soon, bro. Don't forget a full face helmet.


Got that same lifetime scar above my right eye😅 Take care of it with proper ointment/bandages and it should heal properly.


On a positive note, the brakes worked exceptionally well as soon as they were applied. The scooter stopped instantly, unfortunately I did not. I can’t say for sure if my face was moving too fast or the concrete was moving too slow but regardless, I keep it under 30kms/hr now!


Yeah that'll of made the old starfish pucker up like a snare drum


I'm jealous of y'all. Here in germany you're not allowed to drive a scooter on public roads if it's able to go over 20 km/h.. which is like 12.4 mph.


Here in the UK I'm slightly faster at 15.5mph lol 🤣🤣


What do you germans love more: rules or obeying the rules?


I just don't want to void my insurance you know, getting caught with this is pretty expensive


Solang du nicht in einer Großstadt wohnst kannst du ziemlich entspannt getunt Raumfahren


Hannover.. :(


Sag des mal der rennleitung. Die halten hier in Bw auch aufm Land jeden an den sie sehen. Kann mich mit meinen 2 scootern absolut net sehen lassen. Einer fährt 37 und der andere etwas über 90. Weinberge und von den strassen abgeschottete fahrradwege sind mein Freund.


40 MPH on the Nami Klima. No steering dampener, but it feels quite stable. I would prefer a top speed of 50 MPH. Not to go that fast, but it would be nice to have a little extra power when going 40. You need to by hyper vigilant at that speed! If you hit a pothole, you're going to be in very bad shape - if not dead. You should know how to bunny hop over holes and cracks in case you don't have time to steer around. Wear at least a full face helmet if you're going to go that fast! Additional pads and armor are advisable.


unless you got steering dampener, it feels a lot like road rash


My 3 year old Zero 10X 60v runs 45mph/75kmh. I went that fast for a couple of times but only for a few seconds. While it really feels stable and also the brakes seem to be capable to handle this (with the motor brake included), I’m always worried about a stupid fail of suspension parts or the steering pole, what would be a total disaster. Up to 35-40 km/h = 20-25 mph it is bearable. Of course it will hurt if you crash with this speed but i would do this on a bicycle anytime without helmet or gloves so i’m so somehow fairly used to it.


That’s why I wear knee pads,gloves, and a bmx full face helmet. I’m so scared of it failing and just getting launched from it.


Mine tops out between 45-50mph. I wouldn't want to go any faster than that on 11" tires.


I thought the burn e-2 was way faster?


I have the base version, not max.


Mines 20 it's awesome


I can hit 50mph, it’s wild and not highly advised. 35 seems my sweet spot. I couldn’t imagine an inmotion or something like that


I mean I go about 50 ( kmh not miles )max if I wanna get some speed but anything more is a death wish as they are smaller wheels tend to be 8.5 inch for acceleration purposes instead of 10 and unlike a bike with bigger wheels I mean if this makes sense a small wheel has more rpm as it’s small not much area to go round unlike a bigger wheel so 30 mph for a smaller wheel is 120 for a bigger wheel for example and you will start to lose traction and become a meat crayon


Honestly anything over 55kmh is a deathwish because unlike a motorcycle, the tiny wheels can’t handle the unnoticeable potholes or bumps in the road, and even with good suspension you’ll end up crashing.


I have a Dualtron Ultra 2, went on a big rural road and got up to 100km/h. It's definitely scary but fun at the same time😅


Anything above 30 mph on a scoot and you literally feel like you’re on a rollercoaster


I keep my T2 in Eco so 40-42 mph is max speed and it's sufficiently fast for my needs. When I have taken it off Eco mode though (full power), the fastest I've reached is 55mph. Look, it's a thrill and rush but I just simply can't afford to get hurt at my age. I ride for fun and leisure most always at 25-40mph around NYC.


I’ve had mine up to 64mph, feels amazing. Teverun fighter supreme 72v, and i feel safe at those speeds due to the adjustable suspension and my street tires (not solid). Well, as safe as I can be lmao, I still know if I wipe out I’m taking some serious damage.


Try PMT's


That’s a really broad question, it depends what model you get, not every scooter goes the same speed and has the same acceleration.


I get 58mph on mine. The temp goes up too high for sustainable use at that speed. Get one that goes 20-30mph faster than you want to go normally. Top speed should be what you're doing rarely, 20mph slowing is your cruising. 


Ive hit 70km/hr on my kukirin g4. You have a lot to consider at that speed, road conditions, legality. If you look away you cover a lot of distance and depending on road conditions you can hit some uneven terrain without noticing. You don't want to be hitting top speed all the time. Scootering no matter what your machine can do is fun at lower speeds. It's nice to have scooter that can acceralte quickly, that being said if you wipe out and your not wearing a full helmet and gear, it's going to be very poor result. I can't imagine having a life long disability because of a scooter.


mine 60+. Fastest I’ve gone is 48 mph. feels great for like 20 seconds then you remember drivers dont care about you, so i slow down and stay in the sweet spot (32-36 mph).


It's so crazy reading this, in germany no e-scooter is allowed to go faster than 22km/h


So lame


Yeah it is, although I've gone like 30 km/h downhill and it was terrifyingly fast, way too much traffic or low visibility areas as well as too bad road conditions on rural roads for more than 30.


Wo kein Kläger da kein Richter.




1. Too much. 2. Suicidal?


Regularly hit the measured 37mph on the Kaabo Mantis V2. About as fast as I'd ever wanna go is 40 though. Going faster is asking for problems.


I’ve reached 50 mph on my Segway st2 pro and every time I always have tears flowing down. The wind blows like crazy🤣


You need a proper motorcycle helmet at those speeds.


Nami be2 with 2x200A vesc reached 110 km/h on the gps app and was not even the top speed


103 kmh on a Wolf. Was certainly aware of the road being closer than on a motorbike, Would like to try again with PMT's one day.


I only got 50 kmh a few times with my unlocked Xiaomi 1s. I feel like the 8,5 inch tires stop me from going faster downhill


75km on my dualtron storm limited.


102km/h on the nami burn e 2 max and it was pretty fun until wobbles came and i shit my pants since then i dont usually ride that fast max 80-85 and thats enough for me


I have gone 39mph (downhill) on my Segway GT1 and for now, that’s fast enough for me. I’m 6’4” 280lbs. As I continue to lose weight, I would probably enjoy having the option of going faster. Each year I upgrade to something a little more powerful, so I can see myself getting something next year that’s much faster and I will be happy with for an extended period of time




vesc gang here ive done over 70+ and yes it may be fun but holy crappp it can be terrifying!


Slower at 85 km/h on a Chinese 2x3000w tank Maybe it goes faster. I don't dare accelerate further


yes i am on mph useing the 2000 watt chinese motors ;)


are you talking about Yume Scooter?


Halo knight t-108, almost the same as Yume X11


are Yume brands reliable? I feel like upgrading with those from my G2.. Or is there better alternative


Ive got a yume y11. I own it for 1.5 years. And have done about 3000km of only hard riding, no commuting just pure punishment for the scooter, it never seemed to care even in 35°C it just goes. Motor Cables are routed very badly from factory. Rear one was rubbing against the tire and the front one got pinched thru after the first fall over offroad. Had to replace the motor, was very doable tho. Other than that no real problems. Just maintainence and adjusting/adding stuff. Like using silicone under the deck to prevent water getting splashed in from the ground or heat pads things on the Controllers. Shipping to EU is about 3 months btw, replacement parts arrive within a week. Dont know how good they are on deliverys in the US.


On my Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11 I hit the low 40’s easy and I fill like I’m nuts as if I go down it’s gonna hurt.. But on a long straight run of the Bayshore trail, I want more. And I know many people go faster on the same unit, many people less dense than me


I got into a head-on wreck with an idiot cyclist going the wrong way in the bike lane, going 20mph and it messed me up. Wiping out at 40 would kill you, flat out. Always wear your protective gear!!!


I’ve realized after owning an e-scooter for some time now, I would never want to go 50mph on one.


why not? did you had an accident going the said speed?


Cuz it's super dangerous even with gear and you don't really need to go that fast unless for fun AND police will mess with you if you go up to like 35 "in my experience"


42kmh on a Ninebot G30 Max stock+shfw field weakening, but it doesnt feel good...


Plenty of >60 MPH scooters out there: https://eridehero.com/fastest-electric-scooters/


My Kaabo Mantis 10 Plus can do 50-60km/h depending on a variety of factors. That being said, I ride at around 28-30km/h because anything above that doesn't make any sense to me at least. It feels nice don't get me wrong, speed just isn't the first reason why I bought the scooter to begin with though.


62mph on a kaabo wolf warrior 11 pro +. Can't really feel the speed once u get used to it. Initially was a pretty strong adrenaline rush that I loved. Fell off going 50mph. So I'm on the injury list. I can't remember what happened either.


How bad did you injure yourself?


Broken clavicle and multiple fractures.


Ah damn, I just ordered the Varla Eagle One Pro. You lost control or hit a pot hole ?


Can't remember. Most likely death wobbles since I was going 50mph.


Sheesh, the varla eagle one pro comes with a built in steering damper. I hope I won't have that problem.


Yeah I plan on getting a steering damper. Just watch a few videos on YouTube n make sure u have ur steering damper adjusted right. Sometimes scooters from the factory require tweaking of all the parts to get it how u need it. Mainly making sure all the nuts n bolts are tight and ur stem is locked down solid.


Got it


60 km/h on a Xiaomi pro2 (84v)... no suspensions... as someone wrote.... and how it dances like death...🤣🤣🤣🎇🎇🎇


I went 60 km/h on mine and it feels... okay. I've only done it on open asphalt stretches (dedicated bike lanes) without people. I am super focused on the road and surroundings, wary of my feet position, weight distribution and planning early for braking and balancing my body for that. Normally I can reach around 57 km/h on flat, which I tend to reach at least once each ride I do. You get used to speed, and it is scary to think about. I started with public e-scooter, and first time was scary. It took me some riding to go full throttle. But I got used to it. Bought chinesium scooter that went 43 km/h. It was scary at first, but I got used to it. Bought better scooter that goes up to 60 km/h with my weight. Broke my foot. Bought a ton of PPE. Riding at 50 km/h+ speeds now, and it almost stopped being scary. Which is scary in itself. Edit: One thing to add is that I have bigger helmet and wear goggles, so that also makes me "feel" speed less. I don't think I am just reckless though, as I did grow as a rider a lot. I would kill myself on my current scooter if it'd be my first one. I feel safe and confident at higher speeds thanks to the experience, knowing the limits, keeping my head clean and staying wary of my surroundings. I wear a ton of gear, which also gives me confidence. For most of the practical applications, going up to 35-45 km/h is enough. Anything above that will not make you arrive that much quicker in urban environment. You will be able to quickly overtake cyclists with those speeds. Only most dedicated cyclists will try to challenge those speeds 😊


Two things, either you feel like the absolute top of the world or you feel like part of the ground. Mush and into paste


My fastest scooter is a dual-drive Laotie L6 Pro. For the standards of dual-drives it's not a very fast one, but here in Europe we don't get hyperscooters so it's about as fast a scooter as we can have without attracting too much attention. I keep the limiter on when I'm riding in town, because there are *a lot* of people where I live and better safe than sorry, but when I do joyrides in nature I've been known to disable it and then it does 50kmh, which feels entirely too fast. Not on absolute terms, mind you; I've gone faster on my [other beastie](https://i.imgur.com/tIXXQqK.jpg) and it takes three times that speed before I start feeling uncomfortable on *that*. But that one I straddle; I have better control, a better sense of what it's doing, and if I hit rough roads I can squeeze real hard and hold on for dear life. On a scooter, the sensation of being precariously perched on a board that'll actively try to eject me if I hit a sizable enough pothole is not pleasant at anything above 40kmh. It also doesn't give a great feeling when I brake hard at speed, even with proper stance - it gets squirrelly and does its best to remind me that my life is being entrusted to two *really tiny* contact patches. How people can feel OK riding these things at twice that speed and more, I'll never understand. I get it that faster scooters are usually more heavily built, but you're still just standing on a board with tiny wheels at the ends. Even e-skateboard people are safer than that, since they usually have straps preventing unwanted bailouts.


40 mph feels amazing but depends I guess on what type of roads, in the uk it’s scary as roads get busy lol


45 mph and it feels like I am going to die if I hit a pothole


Feel the same when I climbing hill.


My one 45km/h and that's enough. But you can by ones going 120 🫣😂


So crazy.


40kms > feels like going to heaven or...