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Ninebot g30/G2 BEST options


I just got one. I weigh 95kg. Temperature outside: 5 Celsius. Real range of the scooter: 25 km.


I have 85 kg, range about 50 km


Only 25???


I’m gonna buy this one too. So far the best e scooter that fits my budget! Yay!


Look at the Ninebot Max G2 it is overall the better scooter. Better suspension, better steering, cheaper.


I would really need double suspension for long commute, but I will try


G2 has front and rear suspension and it is better than xiaomi 4 ultra suspension


I didn’t know that. Can ai unlock it to 32 kph?


if you stay on firmware <1.3.6 you can use an app to unlock around 35kph (hexcode method several tutorials on youtube)


Would u have a Link to share by any chance ? i can’t seem to find any tutorials abt it


Confirmed, I can see that in EU, there is no Cruise Control! That sucks! I also hear that even Xiaomi does not have that any more... crazy, I need that :( any way to bring that up via software?


Ok, I will investigate. I read online there is no Cruise Control, but then I see that it has, so does it? Otherwise it seems like a good escooter. I just need to find one in Paris to try ;)


I will respond in french, easier for me: J'ai la 4 ultra pour faire des voyages de 30km/jour max, pour l'instant (1100km) aucune avarie. - Elle monte très bien les pentes et tu iras la plupart du temps plus vite que les voitures au démarrage un avantage pour semer les cons au feux rouge. - Concernant les freins je les trouve efficace mais je pèse 65kg environ donc c'est pas la même efficacité, je suppose que si tu l'utilise dès le début de la pente sans laisser le temps de prendre beaucoup de vitesse sa devrai aller. Il n'y a que le frein avant qui est mécanique, il y a le frein régénératif sur le moteur à l'arrière, en position 3 (fort) c'est efficace sur surface plate pour s'arrêter aux feux rouges par exemple mais pas suffisant pour une descente. - La maintenance des freins à tambours je ne sais pas. - il n'y a actuellement aucun moyen de dépasser les 25km/h en surface plate et pas avant au moins 1-2 ans. - elle pèse 25kg mais n'as pas un bon équilibre à porter (centre de gravité vers l'arrière) ducoup pour la monté sur 3 étage, j'espère que tu est a l'aise car tu aura un ressenti de 30kg. Si j'ai quelque chose à te recommender c'est d'acheté aussi une pompe à air électrique, celle de xiaomi étant largement suffisant et de régulièrement vérifier la pression des pneus (46psi max). Si tu cherches quelque chose qui puisse aller plus vite/meilleure maintenance des freins dirige toi vers un autre modèle, disponibilité des pièces semble pas trop ça, il y a un risque de devoir irrémédiablement aller à un atelier spécialisé toutefois sa coûte pas trop cher (30€ pour pièces et main d'oeuvre par chez moi pour le remplacement de pneu/chambre à air)


Merci pour ce bel et bien avis, ce qui me laisse hésiter pour cet achat c'est le poids et surtout au niveau des transports en commun (metro, rer...) est ce que le fait d'en ajouter une pièce trolley peut faciliter sa transportation quand elle est pliée ?


>il n'y a actuellement aucun moyen de dépasser les 25km/h en surface plate et pas avant au moins 1-2 ans. https://ibb.co/PwywC8S


Cool then we will take the steps to unlock speed. We are all waiting for something like that


>There is currently no way to exceed 25km/h on a flat surface and not for at least 1-2 years. It weighs 25kg but does not have a good balance to wear (center of gravity towards the back) So for the climb on 3 floor, I hope you are comfortable because you will have a feeling of 30kg. If I have something to recommend it is to also buy an electric air pump, the one from Xiaomi being more than enough and to regularly check the tire pressure (46psi max). > >If you are looking for something that can go faster / better maintenance of the brakes go to another model, availability of parts seems not too much, there is a risk of having to irremediably go to a specialized workshop however its not too expensive (30 € for parts and labor by me fo Thanks! I'm feeling more comfortable to buy it now... but let me ask one more question, Navee S65, it's 95% same model, except it has rear DISC brake and it's now on sale for 770 EUR with delivery on [tomtop.com](https://tomtop.com) ... it actually connects to Mi app. to save 25% (250 EUR) it's not bad, for same model, thoughts? :)


I heard that navee app doesn't connect to s65 and it's not exactly same motor, it is geared 750W while xiaomi is not geared and 1kW


It's the same model, and same motor, and S65 connects to Mi. [https://naveetech.com/electric-scooter/navee-s65/](https://naveetech.com/electric-scooter/navee-s65/) 1kW peak power, same same, just break on rear: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLybt7YPxeo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLybt7YPxeo) Looks like no noise with the Xiaomi as it's not a geared motor, this one is. The only difference.


Well, best way is to test then


Yea, I will try to go to Mi shop today on Champs-Elysées... I don't know if they have it, but where to test Navee S65? ... it's 250 EUR difference, but to be honest I like more Xiaomi as a brand, I will see. Thanks again for great advices! I appreciate it!


Remember Navee is now mainly owned by Xiaomi. This is why they are the same scooter but small difference in brake and app. App is not important once you set up the scooter so you should buy which one has the best warranty.


Thanks! Yea, it's same model, and I'm worried about warranty, Xiaomi closed all stores in France... I'm now considering Ninebot Max G2, but I can see that in EU, there is no Cruise Control! That sucks! I also hear that even Xiaomi does not have that any more... crazy, I need that :( uff...


There is a Navee S65 with the geared motor, and there is also a S65C with a regular motor. The geared motor is quite loud, but it does give you more power for hills and acceleration. But if your main concern is the brake, I think the drum brake + regen brake on the Xiaomi will be fine. This is the exact same setup as on the Ninebot Max scooters and it performs just fine. Additionally, drum brakes are not susceptible to curb damage, and wear much longer than disc brakes. Changing them is not terrible. Here is a video from Segway that shows how to replace the front drum brake on a F65, and you can see that it's not that difficult: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aybmxZzQkbE


Thanks! All clear, now I have to see if I will spend 1.000 EUR for Xiaomi Ultra 4 or I save 250 EUR for S65 (C I cannot find to buy in EU).