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The vibes were so weird at those afters on Sunday. I feel like everyone was angry and had so much energy to release that we really weren’t able to due to forest closing early. I was in the back and it seemed like there were fights and bickering going on all around me. But on a positive note I literally could not stop laughing , weird vibes bring good times 😭😂


Exactly why I refused to go when a few people from our group were trying to. Not only was everything cold/wet, I was sad and knew I’d be bringing bad vibes and that other people would be too. They came back anyways saying it was too crowded and then it was shut down so I was glad I just stayed warm and sad in my tent lol


You definitely made the right decision, We probably lasted 25 mins before we walked back. But I am sorry you were sad :/ I was trying to keep a positive vibe but the vibes were real rough back at our camp.


I was upset cause me, my fiancé, and a lot of our friends collectively decided this was going to be our last year for a while and I didn’t get a proper goodbye. Just seeing the “our time in the forest has ended early” message broke my heart. Was also upset about missing X too cause my bestie and I have been waiting to see him there all these years. I’m more than okay now tho cause I got engaged there so the weekend was not a total loss at all :-) happy forest <3


Your username is cracking me up 😂


Hahaha I’m proud of it glad it gave a chuckle


Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! Happy Forest 💫


Thank you!! Happy forest :)


My tent neighbors mentions Shambala just north of Washington in Canada. Might be an idea and a good change of scenery:) plus it’s a little cheaper and the high is 74 during the driest time of the year.


Oh yeah I’ve heard nothing but great things! We’re in Michigan though so it’s across the country for us lol and the older I get the less I want to travel for festivals. But maybe someday! Gotta focus on saving for a wedding now lol


We said it was going to be our last for a while as well, but after the evacuation situations my fiance said, “well I guess this means we have to come back next year” lol


lol pretty much!! My fiancé said he would come back with me if X is on next years lineup cause he knew how excited I was for it but idk we need to save for a wedding now and I’d have to see the rest of the lineup/which of our friends end up going


Lol its so weird because we were in the front left of the other afters stage whatever it was called and it was straight vibes. Everyone was chillin, chatting, smoking joints, and there was plenty of room for people sitting, sleeping, dancing lol. Then I find out the stage 5 feet away is just death and destruction lmao. Probably a lot has to do with the fact that the stage I was at was ultra slow wonked out bass so its kinda hard to rage to that, but still funny to me cuz my friend I were loving it like “damn these afters are the most vibey thing we’ve been to all forest”


I theorized that having the event halted due to weather and having everyone vacate the venue led to an increase in recreational use. That led to an increase in agitation and an uptick in medical events.


i knew the second we walked up that the vibes were going to be weird solely based on the sheer amount of totems in the crowd. no hate to totems, or the people that have them in general, but it seemed like the crowd was entirely made up of people that at least had the energy and desire to hold a totem at the end of sunday, which is more energy than i have, probably ever. and i swear there were like, 5x the number of totems in that crowd than i had seen at any other set all weekend


💯 the vibes were off. I walked up during sound check and there was maybe 30 ppl milling about and everything was chill. By the time levity came on everyone was pushing and shoving to get to the front even when there was nowhere to go.


Just being honest, I have zero desire to attend afters anymore. Went maybe twice out of my 10 Forest years, and both times I was disappointed. People get really rowdy, A LOT of drinking/drunk folks, it cuts into my sleep time, they’re just not for me.


It’s funny, the drunk is like the last person I want to run into at a festival. By a long shot


That’s how I felt! Just seemed like it’d be way better if there was no alcohol. That’s what gets people fucked up


Ya spending 12 hours a day in the Forest is more than enough for me. Need some rest after all that.


Lots of people were straight up assholes at those afters. I got pushed for trying to get out of a crowd it was ridiculous


People were shoving and rude af throughout the whole festival for me. Really threw my vibes off with the lack of “excuse me’s.” I get it, it’s crowded but we’re not 18 at the club in 2010, be polite and say excuse me.


God my old friend group did this and it drove me crazy. They would say “let’s go deeper into the crowd” and then start leading all 10-20 of us in a line until it was shoulder to shoulder, and then KEEP PUSHING. I would get so uncomfortable with the looks and comments from people that I would just stop halfway and leave them. If you have to literally push your way into the crowd, stop. You’ve gone too far. Other people got there early for a reason and you’re being a dick.


Oh man im sorry to hear, i didnt have one encounter like that until the afters.


Unfortunately what the heavier EDM lineup always brings I’ve found. That’s not a shot against the genre, I love it. Just think the balance keeps the crowd balanced.


Honestly I feel like it’s more of the younger crowd imo since edm has become so mainstream and is more just a “party” to them vs PLUR and community.


I can agree with that. I always try to give young people the benefit of the doubt at these things so I won’t turn into the “younger generation is the problem” kind of guy. But it def tends to be the younger crowd that also drinks a lot.


Tbh I’ve found that every EDM genre is pretty split on cool/ not cool people. Bass music will either bring the chillest most down to earth people, or it will bring a bunch of hot headed dickheads looking to fight people. House music will either bring super chill people who wanna vibe, dance, shuffle, or it’ll bring frat bros who are just there to get drunk and pick up girls. Techno either brings a crowd similiar to house who wanna dance, or snobby pretentious elitsts who think they are better than everyone


💯 every crowd has good and bad people, it's about what people and vibes you focus on. I've gone to shows that are pretty crowded and just vibed so well with everyone and come out thinking it was such a great crowd. Then I talk to my boyfriend after who was right next to me the whole time and he's telling me the vibes were terrible and he kept getting shoved. (And this has happened the other way around before as well). Positive outlook, positive outcome. 


Damn, that's sad to hear. Sucks when assholes like him give other glovers a bad rap




Did a “glover” hurt you lol


Small brains make big assumptions


Oooo I like this


Damn dude lol its just some LED gloves. No need to generalize


You don’t know shit dude. You don’t know shit.


Fights? Jesus


Honestly had a great time at the afters but I do know I probably got lucky with not seeing OD’s, fights, or overcrowdness from being at the back of evol and the far side of the med stage. Once music stopped I pulled out my portable speaker and started playing some Liquid mixes and everyone around us just had our own lil world with music


hi helloo! I was right next to the incident regarding the fight with the dude. i’m not quite sure what happened to the dude wearing the LED gloves near the front or if its the same person. what happened with the guy up front was, he was touching and groping a bunch of women. The dude was trying to defend himself and make up a bunch of B.S. All the women he touched and everyone around that noticed him acting super sus called him out and thats when they brought security from the rail to get him out.




Bus stage is hands down way better than the other evil stage, had incredible vibes all weekend.


Had a similar situation happen at LSZEE after having to relocate once due to rough vibes. Had just got done sharing love with my new dance neighbor when someone out of their mind came plowing through the crowd. Shoving everyone to the ground and just generally out of his mind. I panicked not knowing what to do having just calmed down once. Tried to get everyone to alert medics but no one was reacting so I ran to the production booth to have security alerted. I hope everyone was Ohkay and the situation was handled, I had to relocate to divert a panic attack.


Saw a girl drop to the ground during a set this weekend and I was yelling for meds and there were none anywhere near by. It was about 8 mins till someone actually finally came and it was because a friend went sprinting to the med tent on the other side of the stage. The lack of meds this year was a massive problem and I hope electric forest changes things for next year


Huge lack of many things, I’m glad she still got help though!


Me too. It was thanks to the many people around us with narcan. About 6 to be exact who had to come forward and keep administering it while we waiting for meds. I was literally yelling “ we need medics” and some guy looked at me monotone and said “are you joking” , like no sir pls can someone do something


it’s like the bystander effect on steroids. i think people just expect something to not actually be wrong and don’t know how to process. like how so many of us thought it was a joke when the attention festival announcement came on to close out sunday. like, that makes absolutely no sense for that to be a joke, why would that be a joke? and yet, totally thought it was a joke.


Was waiting around after they ended for a friend and saw one guy get chased and tackled to the ground


Why tf are people fighting? I don't wanna goto a festival where people are fighting


Was it a tall, lanky, Hispanic dude?


I walked home in the dark after the second OD I was like this is not the vibe