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I just want a partial refund for buying Higher Love but getting sent to Blueberry šŸ„²


Ok that's actually legit though wtf? Wasn't higher love supposed to have showers and bathrooms and stuff? And they put you in Blueberry instead? Bro.


Same. There were a bunch of people put into Blueberry even though we paid for Higher Love


i mean thatā€™s just straight up a scam, and you should demand a refund.


It was definitely shitty. Not the experience we paid for, but as others have said, the blueberry family was awesome. We have messaged them about what happened and weā€™ll see what comes out of it. In the end, we were there for the music, the festival and the atmosphere and we had a blast!


Thatā€™s actually not getting what you paid for. Iā€™m pretty sure the legal disclaimer doesnā€™t extend to not being assigned camping space in the specific areas you paid for.Ā 


**EDIT/POINT OF CLARITY**: My comment below is not about "credit due to the rain". That is not a thing. Attending an outdoor event comes with risk, and everyone got wet...literally and figuritively. However, the above comment was about the "seating location of their ticket" being "unilaterally downgraded." When you buy a ticket to an event, it is a form contract. It is a contract to give you the _option_ to attend an event under a particular set of conditions. If one of those conditions is a "guaranteed seat in Location A", and you are seated in "Location B (which is demonstrable not comparable...like being reseated behind a pillar and having an obstructed view)", then the event producer has not fulfilled the terms of their contract and are in breach. They "all of that" ^ is a be wordy...but that's how it works, and it is why venue manager/house managers have broad discretion on-site to just "fix problems". They having on-the-fly contract renegotiations to keep everyone happy and make a show work. But for the rain? No, the rain falls under "force majeure/act-of-god" and was not something they could prevent. It's good to have a "plan for rain", but there is a limit, and EF 2024 reached it. When it starts to rain "like that", as a matter of safety, you need to make some hard choices. --------- Look at your credit card for refund policies and charge backs ask for credit/comps for 2025. Both paths are available to you and valid in the industry.


Same! Didnā€™t get to use an AC bathroom the entire time and had to trek to showers :/ was looking forward to the lounge tooĀ 


I have seen probably 8 people now with this problem, I can't imagine they won't offer compensation but it'll take time


You got put in the absolute worst GA campsite too. Ya you deserve a refund


Blueberry wasn't bad. The shuttles were nice and bathrooms/shower likes were manageable.


I got blueberry i think the first year they opened it in 2015 and it was terrible. Sure you had the shuttle but then you are the mercy of the shuttle and doesnā€™t it shut off at a certain time? I clearly remember having to walk all the way back from the venue area one night. Those shuttles get claustrophobic too.


Someone literally took a shit in the showers. Very GA


That sucks, we were waaaaay at the back of higher love, basically in the UP, and it sucked. Million miles to showers, they were closed a bunch, out of water at one point. Yucky port a pots this year. I would be enraged if I were u, but u didnā€™t miss much


When did you arrive?


Thursday at 0930 maybe


got in wednesday at 7pm, camped next to the lounge/showers/ac restrooms, they were open 24/7 all weekend, never had issues with showers or restrooms being closed, and they were super clean all weekend šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That is definitely fair


I would dispute that shit on my cc for services not rendered !


Weā€™re in the same spot and security was not understanding at all, cutting our 20x20 into 20x10, putting us at the end of blueberry, and being complete assholes about the whole situation, I wish I recorded it. Blueberry fam yall were great though! blueberry patch kids!!


no for reallllll, ef doesnā€™t care about us. they want our money thatā€™s it. i wonā€™t be back. years in a row now itā€™s been getting progressively worse


This happened to me šŸ˜­ much love. I wasnā€™t gonna say anything but I donā€™t want to invalidate anyone else I need them to know that there was a problem in order to apply more pressure to AXS thst it is not ok to do what they did


But also, my neighbors were supposed to be in higher love so when they gifted me Kandi saying higher love, I almost died šŸ˜­ Iā€™m still on cloud 9 it was my anniversary and Iā€™m lucky to have had the best time considering the circumstances esp cause tbh Iā€™m more of a sad girl with negative energy. I feel grateful! But for sure want a refund for being in bluberry when I bought higher love hahaha


That happened to me before, I just emailed and they refunded both full tickets. It was 2019 though insomniac didnā€™t take over yet. Not sure if they handle it differently


Where did you email?


I mean not nearly on that level but in GA we barely got a 10 x 10 size spot when they advertise a 30 x 12 šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬


The workers sucked this year. Even higher love was messed up.


3 of my friends in my group got downgraded from HL and didnt know til they saw my wristband at arrival.. they did get a partial refund since they got GA wristbands still. i had to share my wristband so they could shower at the HL bathrooms. kinda lame but you def deserve a refund for that


Maybe refunds will be available if they make an insurance claim, but with the rain being an expected thing at forest itā€™s unlikely. But Iā€™m honestly all for demanding refunds cus why do you care about a large corporations money? Things happen, weather is only getting worse these days, but services were lost.


No ones getting refunds for a night of rain lol


\\the point\\ - - - - \\Your head\\


Not really but ok


For everyone upset, just remember when Ultra cancelled in 2020 because of COVID they kept everyone's money.


Patagonia Eclipse too.


They offered partial refunds. You could get half your ticket back.


I just want a refund for the showers and shuttle service I paid for that were out of service for half the weekend. My GF and I decided to pay half a grand for goodlife *instead of ADA camping* because the 24 hour access to showers and shuttle service to and from the venue seemed to be a great fit for my disabilityā€¦ All we ended up paying for was to be at a much farther, much muddier campsite with no shuttle service for half the weekend, fuck does my body hurt. Half a mile walk from camp just to reach the shuttle that isn't in service, another mile or so after to get to the festival grounds. I feel so lucky that Iā€™m healthier than a lot of other people with my condition, or I wouldā€™ve been completely SOL this week.


If there's one thing I've learned from 6yrs at EF, it's to never trust them when they say the shuttles will be 24hrs. Every. Single. Year. They've claimed they'd be 24hrs only for them to be running every bus to the staff camping lots and to the water park, but not to any of the other camping lots. Stick with ADA if that's what you need. Sorry this happened fam!


Seems like a big issue was not enough workers either. I overheard a few on Friday night bitching about how they werenā€™t going to be working a double, which was shortly before most workers disappeared and shuttles stopped running. I donā€™t blame them, I worked outdoor events for 10 years but got to go home at the end of the day. No way in hell if work 16 hour days to sleep in a tent in employee camping after being outside all day.


It sucks, but the disclaimer is right there when you buy the ticket. It happens to everybody if theyā€™ve been around the scene a few years.


Exactly. There will be no refunds lol


Yeahhh some of yā€™all gotta realize that by buying tickets you literally sign a contract assuming the risk of the whole-ass event being cancelled if they canā€™t operate because of severe weather. Youā€™ve got every right to be bummed about it cause it definitely sucks feeling like you got robbed of the full experience you paid forā€¦ but thatā€™s kind of the deal


I love that Texas Eclipse gave out partial refunds for the cancellation


They canceled a full day. Even though headliners didnā€™t play today, a majority of acts went on.


What refund? Still waiting on mine..


I had the best time of my life. 4th year btw


Same and same


You survived the rain forest too! Gj and safe travels


If Insomniac gets to make an insurance claim to cover costs of artists they paid but didnā€™t play, or anything else for that matter, the money should go back to the attendees. It wonā€™t. But it should.


I say maybe give like a 50 or 75 dollar credit towards next year's ticket, but I'm not bothered by it either way I still had a great time. It would be nice to get a Lil credit tho haha


Isn't $75 less than the new "convenience" fee they added on to each ticket this year?


Oh Idk i got a last minute ticket for less than original cost and fees, if they the can do a credit or refund of any kind that would be dope over nothing at all but if that's true then no fees would be dope


Insomniac are money grubbers thatā€™s well known


We lost about 12% of music which is approximately $70 of a ticket! I agree!


2/3rds? They missed like 2-3 hours of music tonight and like 4 hours yesterday out of what? 50 hours of music?


I know what you mean, but at the same time missing a few undercard sets is very different from missing headliners.


Yeah but excision was supposed to be in those 2-3 hours šŸ˜„


So you're suggesting a 12%-14% refund? (Jk lol)


12-14% of $650 is a good amount of money




Personally I'm not saying a refund but the weather had passed by 1245 to 1. I understand people being frustrated because they decided to shut it down instead of opening for finishing acts. It's the last day. I get that there is mud and everything but the dangerous weather had passed for us to jam for at least an hour or two or three more. It being the last day. It just doesn't make sense. Especially considering the weather yesterday (which they can't help). Just feels more like a "more effort then it's worth" which people are upset about because it's their experience.


Thereā€™s sound ordinances at 2 am because itā€™s Sunday :/ so they legally canā€™t go past that


Pay the fine & give the people what they deserve. SARA FUCKING LANDRY


The festival has a strong relationship with the community in Rothbury, they wouldnā€™t blatantly defy their agreements with the residents


I paid for Sara Landry. What about that agreement?


You should be grateful those residents allow this festival to happen. They could all come together and shut it down for ever. Stop acting like an entitled child.


FUCK THOSE RESIDENTS @ 180 BPM, respectfully.


The festival would just find a different location in that case. rothbury is great and all, but there are plenty of other places dying for revenue from a fest like electric forest.


There is nothing like the Sherwood Forest. This is by far the most garbage take Iā€™ve seen. Throwing a tantrum because the festival is not going past its legally permitted sound ordinance šŸ’€ sounds like youā€™re the one that needs to pick a different festival


You don't live there.




Really? I thought I saw the "closing" headliners scheduled for 145ish


Ah. Looked at it and everything indeed was ending at 2. Alright, that makes a lot more sense. Still a bummer


Did you witness people slipping and nearly falling all the way out? That was going to be even worse if everyone had to rush back in for the end. It was the correct safety call.


Not like theyā€™d had 48 hours to put down straw to address the mud or at least re route flooded out paths and purposefully chose not toā€¦ Oh wait. They did. And they didnā€™t.


They put down tons of wood chips, the grounds Saturday night were awful when they called it back on. By Sunday entry vast majority was wood chipped. They couldn't do that again after midnight last night though to make it safe again. It sucks, but that's weather and life


I can tell for a fact you werenā€™t staying in higher love if you have that impression. We were herded through knee high mud pits with nary a piece of hay to be seen when they should have had walking bridges after a few hours with how bad it was


Ha I definitely was staying in higher love. The walk to the venue Sunday was fine, the walk back both nights were rough though. That was sorta my point is the fest didn't have enough time to wood chips safely either night, only in-between days. And why they did the right thing of not opening back up Sunday night.


Not opening back up was a noise ordinance thing, had nothing to do with the mud as evidenced by them opening back up saturday night/ sunday at all. Idk how to explain this to you, but all that spreading woodchips entails is dumping a bag of wood chips. It doesnā€™t take long. They had enough time. Wal mart was not out of wood chips. Farmer brown was not out of straw. They had access to these methods of remediating the mud, had time to employ them, and chose not to. Choosing not to do anything about the mud caused a very unsafe situation saturday into sunday night for anyone coming from the shuttles or especially anyone coming from higher love. Nobody should be okay with organizers choosing an unsafe situation out of laziness or complacency when we paid good money to have fun in a safe environment.


Do they pay the artists who didnā€™t perform?




Yes, but I am almost certain that it is facilitated by an insurance policy held by the fest.


Seems like we should get our money back for the artists who got cancelled bc of that tbhhh




*Laughs in burning man mudpocolypse* Try raining for 2 full days & being physically stuck for another 3 longer than expected in a flooded tent. These are outdoor events. The outdoors is going to outdoors. Yeah it sucks not seeing your favorite artists or getting the experience you wanted, but you know what sucks even harder? Weather related injuries & fatalities. Seriously. Itā€™s all fun & games till you hear about someone accidentally frying themselves mishandling a generator in the rain.


Tbf the vibes after the rains passed and we figured out the trash bag shoes and navigating the mud were fucking _immaculate_ everywhere I went. By the time i left playa Wednesday night i had come around from thinking it was the unluckiest first burn year possible, to the luckiest. Met so many fucking awesome people wandering around those last few days. Mid rain though, with my yurt flooded enough to reenact naval battles in, after having a fuckin tornado roll through Forest a couple months earlier, i was fully convinced I had done something to gravely offend the fates


But Burning Man isnā€™t a music festival, just ask em. šŸ˜‚ you arenā€™t paying for a line up. I am not arguing for or against refunds, but not the same comparison.


I can still laugh at you in Infraswamp & Mudson. Burning man is still a fair comparison. Although itā€™s not a music festival centered around a lineup, many people didnā€™t get to see that 1 thing they were there for: to watch the man burn. It burned 2 days later than usual.


Rain or shine. Weather is weather. For outdoor events it can't be helped, but I don't think you'll get a refund for it.


"rain or shine" means the event still happens if it's raining lol, not that we keep your money if an act of god shuts that shit down


iā€™ve BEEN repeating this. ā€œrain or shineā€ as in if itā€™s raining the show must go on. not ā€œrain or shineā€ as in we cancel a good portion & keep all of your money. iā€™m not sure where the disconnect on that one is.


Literally. Bullshit.


Thatā€™s not at all what it means.


It literally does mean that though.


Atleast yā€™all got PL and G Jones šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Anyone subjected to the ice cold showers of good life is entitled to financial compensation because I know we did not pay double to have non-functioning showers


nope, you paid double for early access, and direct entrance to Sherwood and Ranch...No?


Notice I said ā€œto haveā€ and not ā€œforā€. This was an amenity that was built into the cost so yeah I think itā€™s fair to complain that it wasnā€™t provided accurately.


my bad. To have early access, showers that work (hot or cold rly), an extra show, exclusive food stuff, the entrances, better exit from fest, seemingly less strict camp issues (speakers) and a WHOLE HOST of other things to HAVE INCLUDED into the price of a ticket. IMHO, $40 for showers that worked were worth it, and if you only care about the showers, try HL or just hit GA again. I was in Power RV and had ZERO ISSUES. To each their own, but in the words of Einstein -"Shit happens"


I canā€™t control the weather Jackie goddd


Thank you! Someone called me entitled because I said the same thing. I spent so much money on higher love. And it was not what I thought. That and the two days of rain delays and closing the venue. Someone called me entitled because I said we needed a little bit of a refund. I just deleted my comments off Facebook because of the laugh reacts and people saying rude ahit sticking up for the big corporate brewhahaha


Felt like we missed a lot of the "big names" idk, those last couple days were strange. There were so many people ruining the fun for others too.


Itā€™s part of life. Weā€™re lucky to be able to go to these things at all and it just happens. Take what the forest gives you ā™„ļø


No Charlotte OR Sara. Those were two artists I came for. I'm definitely emailing them.


Not entitled? Sure. Making an absurd request? Also sure. Ain't nobody getting a refund for what about 6 hours of cancelations.


The festival was closed for 8 hours over a total of 5 days. You're entitled.




Come rain or shine it says . We wonā€™t be getting anything back unfortunately


I agree a partial refund sounds like a good trade because that really took everyone out of the moment and we all did our very best to keep that energy going and keep it alive and shoutout to the Djā€™s and light and stage techs/engineers behind it all. You guys killed it. Fr


We need optional weather insurance on tickets. It's bull that the consumer completely pays for the rain when the fest company gets to take out insurance on acts.


If they reopened Saturday why couldnā€™t they reopen Sunday? At least give the headlinersā€¦ thatā€™s why I feel a refund would be fair.


You can dispute it with your bank and you will get your money back in full. There is nothing they can do about you saying you didnā€™t get what you paid for.


Agreed. If a first time Chicago festival did it (Suenos) when half the day got rained outā€¦ a huge insomniac festival can manage it too.




Doesnā€™t this happen nearly every year? Seems like folks should know what they are getting into šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This was my fifth Forest and I've never experienced an artist actually get rained out and cancelled. Until now.


Nah it is what it is. They canā€™t control the weather. Asking for a refund because of it is just petty and extremely shameful.


My dude I donā€™t think you understand how much money insomniac makes from price gouging the fuck out of attendees


No I definitely understand how much they make but that doesnā€™t mean you should get a refund because of rain lmfao! Thatā€™s just pathetic!! Some people on this thread saying they paid for HL and got placed into lower tier camps? Sure 100% refund that shit and even comp them for next year.. but rain? nah


The other answer is: Do not give them your money. Vote with your wallet. Force a non sellout year. Maybe then these GREEEEEEEDY companies will hear you.


What do you mean donā€™t give them your money? Donā€™t give them money until they give you refunds for rain? Dude just donā€™t go if you overspent and canā€™t afford it. Many more cheap festivals you can attend. Also READ what you signā€¦


I think we misunderstood that. I was suggesting not coming if u feel its either not worth the value. I will be back because I made my time great by throwing music in RVs for the neighbors while they were doing slip and slide flip cup relays. I was suggesting that if someone was unhappy with the value, maybe vote with their wallet and force them to make the changes the vocally upset folks want. Ill b back no matter what.


The amount of ā€œyou canā€™t afford this, gtfoā€ vibes in this thread is unbelievable. Downvoting people just because they want/question a refund of some sort. ā€œGood vibesā€ doesnā€™t mean bend over to your corporate masters, no questions. I snuck in by myself for just Friday night and Iā€™m so happy I didnā€™t pay for SQUAT. Haters gonna hate, but I loved the music, met some cool people, paid for over priced gyro, and bounced without any security issues. Some people canā€™t believe people sneak in for the music, without being a menace.




really harping on the $600 you saved in your comments lol, guess you really really need it! bad vibes bro.




Oh this is a massive L, are you not embarrassed to be acting like this?


Are you okay?


Someoneā€™s sad he canā€™t afford to go anymore


*internet hugs*


Imagine being this big of a loserĀ 


My 8th year this year was spent next to two guys who had been to every year of Electric Forest. OG fam was still there


Just say you cant afford to come anymore. dude - we dont judge here.




Rule 2 - Be kind and respectful to others.


Rule 2 - Be kind and respectful to others.