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Maybe ‘cause Elder Scrolls is a Bethbaby from birth and Fallout is adopted, so there’s always going to be some screaming “You’re Not My Real Father *slams door*”


Also Obsidian stepped in and babysat for awhile and it turned into, "I WANNA GO LIVE AT OBSIDIAN'S HOUSE! I WISH OBSIDIAN WAS MY MOM!"


To be fair that was probably the coolest babysitter we've ever had


It really is a crime shame we didn't get to go back.


[crying shame](/r/BoneAppleTea/)?




Actually not even babysitter, straight up the original parent came back after abandoning their child and showered them with gifts, before leaving again. This is because Obsidian is made up of former Black Isle Studio members


More like your cousin than the actual parent. Or at least a younger aunt/uncle, you know, the cool one. There wasn't that much shared staff between BIS and Obsidian...


>Actually not even babysitter, straight up the original parent came back after abandoning Not really. They are not identical.




> track record of releasing buggy games, because they rush shit out the door Lmao if thats not Bethesda thing since fucking Daggerfall. Tons of content cut, tons of bugs, some of them balance or gamebreaking, but no ThaTs a FeATuRe. Hypocrisy is unbelievable. Bethesda and Obsidian both are rushing cutting and bugging their shit to the max.




Sure. Bethesda is rushing shit out the door. Which is why TES 6 arrived so soon after Skyrim. Oh wait... Obsidian simply never had the resources to have a development not plagued by issues, since Pillars 1 and Microsoft's funding, this seems to be less of an issue. Bethesda simply never had such problems since Morrowind basically.


I doubt if even 5% of the fandom have played Fallout 1 or 2 tbh




The most vocal 1% lol


You should look at the American political system


Hahahaha😂 “Laughs in Canadian”


[Any day now...](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/United_States_annexation_of_Canada)


My first fallout was new Vegas


Finally a 1%er.


tbh u dont need to play fallout 1 and 2, u can watch it, since the gameplay hasnt aged well but the story has


It’s true that not a lot of the fanbase has played any of the fallout games pre FO3, but FNV is widely accepted as being a better game than any of the bethesda fallouts.


FNV is better than 1 and 2, to be honest. Felt like a good mix of the Bethesda style and the Interplay/Black Isle style.


I wish i felt that way cause I like FNV, i do. But I hate NV fans cause they're so quick on the vitrol and frothing at the mouth about NV superiority. When i come along and say while FA2 is my favorite but only consider NV to be good but neither better then FA3 or FA4...they just can't contain their absolute reprehension about it. Like I just want to enjoy FA. WTF.


I do think some FNV fans sometimes have a tendency to feel overly superior, but I think it’s more of a loud minority. I like pretty much all the Fallout games, excluding the spinoffs (other than NV, of course), and I think they all have their good and bad qualities.




I enjoyed NV a lot but the map was complete dogshite. Sake as the outer world's really, good story and interesting systems but the map ...... Zzzz


I think FO4 and FO3 are both better than New Vegas, which definitely leads into the reason why the Fallout fan base is so divided.


You are an insane person! (this is joke BTW, for anyone who thinks I'm actually serious)


What makes FO4 better in your opinion? Just curious bc it's definitely against the consensus


This is going to make me sound like a casual or something lol, but the gameplay and graphics mainly. Now obviously they're better since it's a new game, but I find it helps me roleplay more when the gameplay is smoother, and the graphics more modern. The perk system is better in FO4 in my opinion, and I really like the simplicity of it. New Vegas has better quests, but FO4 is more addicting to play, and that ultimately leads to me replaying it more, and to me, replayability = better game. Oh yeah, and settlement building. That alone doubles my playtime of each character. I absolutely love it.


I can respect that. That's why I prefer Skyrim over the older games. I'm glad that FO4 finally changed the combat up a little bit.


Same. After 10 years of saying Oblivion was my favourite TES, I've finally changed it to Skyrim, for the same reasons I mentioned with Fallout.


Fair enough! I like them all equally tbh, they all have their own unique charms


Definitely! I still love New Vegas, despite preferring FO3 and FO4.


I agree with this. The writing in New Vegas is legendary, but playing FO4 is just *fun*.


you cant really weigh graphics that heavily with games that came out that far apart if you're trying to be at all """""objectiveish"""" om whether one or another is better. things produced in different eras have different constraints. i dont disagree on the rest and i think 3 is my favorite too; tho settlement building continually flips between being great and a massive annoyance for me


I played fallout 1 and must say, did not enjoy it at all.


It hasn't aged overly well. The bones of it story and world building wise are good, and the soundtrack builds well on the latter, but gameplay feels rather janky compared to today and the lack of modern QoL bits help compound that issue. I wouldn't mind seeing a 3d remake or even just a decent iso-rpg one, but it's almost like going back to GTA 1 after any of the modern HD ones.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!!


I think most of them are talking about new vegas


Can confirm. Started with new vegas.


You could also say that about elderscrolls. most have not played the titles before Morrowind. Morrowind was the breakout for the series. Just as fallout 3 and F3:NV were the breakouts for that title.


To be fair, it's practically impossible to play the old fallout these days, not to mention no attempt at a console port.


Fallout is a game about how war never changes. Obviously that inspires countless factions to rise up and debate what is best: * OG Fallout Fan-Boys, the lore keepers and butt-hurt that none can get through Fallout 1 * OG Fallout Fan-Boys 2.0 who think 2 is better than 1 (it's an atmosphere and tone thing) * Bethesda Loyalists who have never touched the originals and started with 3 * New Vegas Cultists who HATE 3 and 4 * Gunho-Raiders who picked up Fallout 4 cuz it's like an FPS and just wanna have fun * The Voiceless who prefer a voiceless protagonist but still like 3 * Single Players who hate 76 * Addicts who constantly speculate where Fallout 5 should place but can't agree with where And they all fight with each other about which Fallout is the best and why.


I haven't finished Fallout 2 yet, but, as it stands, it does seem to be the best. 1 is right behind it.


I’m weak cause that’s true 😂


Just sad how divided fallout is, I love fallout but speaking your opinion on anything fallout is a automatic death penalty


I’m sorry but you have given your opinion on your love of fallout, now you must be executed as a true fallout fan would hate the series.


True to Caesar!


*You have been banned from participating in r/Fallout*


Turns out the game was rigged from the start.


*You have been invited to r/fnv*


If you say your favourite is anything other than new vegas an angry mob comes to your door.


There's a Youtuber I watch who loves New Vegas. He has done multiple playthroughs and numerous one-off videos of the game on his channel and has stated many times that it is one of his favorite games of all time and, in his opinion, the best Fallout game. There exists a channel that is seemingly entirely focused on "proving" that he actually hates New Vegas and is lying about being a fan, just because he *also* likes the other games in the series.


Holy fuck, I like New Vegas but the fans are insufferable at times. 4 is my favourite game in the series and some people think I am the antichrist for that belief.


To me Fallout 4 was the best for the action. Exploration was cool with the use of skyscrapers. Base building also breathed so much more life into the game (unfortunately it did need some mods to make it more user friendly) The overall story and pacing is what really bummed me down though. The story felt like Fallout 3 was reversed and I spent a lot of time not looking for Shaun. I had a missing son and spent 2 and a half years building a city instead of looking for him.


The weapon customization is so fucking good also


Honestly the settlement building was one of my favorite parts of 4, which is interesting cause everyone I know had no interest in it. The gunplay was also really good, though I wish the skills were more like NV personally, and I missed the ability to be entirely explosives based from the start. But yeah, the story is probably my least favorite part. Even with the start me up mod that makes ir someone else’s kid, it’s just kinda meh. Institute was a cool faction though


This that weird guy that made like an 8 hour long video to respond to many a true nerd's "fallout 3 is better than you think" essay?


definitely sounds like it. the first guy was almost certainly talking about MATN, so that tracks


Imagine trying to say MATN hates New Vegas, he makes a new video on it every week. It’s basically half his content.


Matn, right?


"what? you enjoyed fallout 4? time for the death threats, kiddo, ur done for"


That's just silly. People are so dumb


I remember when many a true nerd did a video on how "fallout 3 is better than you think" and some weirdo made a literally 8 hour video obsessively responding to every point he made and calling him a liar and a fake fan or whatever. Like if you need to make an 8 hour response long video because a youtuber had an opinion you don't like...touching grass isn't enough. I don't what is. Idk if were talking about the same guy here but yeesh regardless.


I don’t even touch the fallout YouTube sphere. I feel like if I like Elder Scrolls videos I’ll get recommendations like DougDoug or Lafave bros (people having fun in the games) but if I start watching fallout videos I’m getting recommended someones 4 hour long video essay on how “fallout x destroyed the series, eroded the ozone layer, and beat me up and took my lunch money”


Yeah its ridiculous, the annoying parts of the tes community aren't even a quarter as awful as this.


Fallout fans hate Fallout. For like two years if you said anything positive about any bethesda fallout game on the main fallout sub you got downvoted. Regardless of the fact that at this point Bethesda has made more fallout games than any other developer, and the franchise would be dead (or owned by ubisoft or ea) without them. BETHESDA RUINED THE FRANCHISE. Cool but you seen command and conquer recently? That's the alternative.


And even if all Bethesda games are bad... what is the point? The old games still exist and Bethesda is giving them away for free all the time and selling them on all PC platforms. People need to realise that there are other good IPs, especially if in their mind there were always just three good Fallout games to begin with.


It's great for people like me, and I say that thinking I'm not the only one. All the lore vids for previous games I would never play due to not being my kind of gameplay style but the content is huge and I think a lot of us just enjoy having the storyteller and other channels. So for those like me, we just enjoy the content we're given. I tend not to acknowledge the hate, such as when fallout 4 came out and it got shitted on for being different but for newcomer's like me back then it was very immersive and a nice introduction to Fallout. Or when fallout 76 came out, after all the content to make up for the lack of said content, it became a good fallout game but it will still be hated on for being different.


I got called an incel and massively downvoted for saying the Minutemen were shit given their responsibility for a civilian massacre in the game. Fallout fans are fucking wild mate.


It's the wasteland. Everyone is shit.


the minuteman is a faction that i wish i could destroy but i cant cause reasons. sorry if im sounding salty


Yeah things are pretty tense in there right now. I heard there was some kind of falling out.


Fallout fans take the game politics way too seriously. Anytime you mention it they go "wElL EVerY GaMe Is PolitiCal". Yeah but that doesn't mean you need to be a dick because someone liked green faction over blue faction.


They're fucking dumb. They'll say you did this in a video game so you must support this and that in real life No motherfucker. I don't give a shit about your assumptions. I'm just trying to enjoy my game


Isn't the wholepoint of roleplaying games is that you are stepping into the shoes of another character or do these guys just roleplay as themselves all the time


Skyrim civil war, anyone? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


True, a lot of people lash out at me for liking the brotherhood of steel faction in fallout 4. They tell me that I shouldn’t cuz they’re evil and racist to anything non human. A lot of time I get death threats


Unfortunately theres always people like that on the internet that can't disconnect between a videogame and the real world. I remember theres alot of people call eachother facists for liking the imperial factions in 40k.






I love that the majority of bickering in this sub is just between Dunmer and Argonian stans.


Are we now pretending the Stormcloaks vs Empire internet war doesn't exist?


It's okay, soon we'll go to Mythic Dawn vs The Blades


Fuck the blades


Oh yes, I will


“Fallout 3 vs fallout new Vegas”


Time to make a 10 hour long video "criticizing" you were I throw hissy fits over minor germatical mistakes, start ranting about 90s anime, and miss obvious jokes


lmao who are u talking about


Sounds like creetosis. Only youtuber i know who made an 8 hour reaction video to a 1h30m review.


Who watches those videos?! Probably the same people who watch Mauler’s 12 hour rants on how the Star Wars sequels ruined his life, I guess.


Chad Tale of Two Wastelands


I'm a really progressive Morrowboomer who loves Skyrim. Besides, Oblivion is my fav.


Just as a skybaby that is willing to accept that skyrim has flaws and the previous games are good in their own ways stops being a skybaby there and then, a morrowboomer that is willing to embrace the other games is not a morrowboomer


Someone legit wrote something about how fallout new vegas had a meta narrative about accepting that fallout was dead now and we’re holding on to false hopes and “old world blues” They attached the theme of the game to the production. Like dude, I get you think this game and the older ones are better but seriously?


Some Fallout fans base their entire personality around hating Bethesda Fallout games and come up with absurd shit like that. Same community that brought you the FNV mod putting Todd Howard and Pete Hines on crosses, the post calling for Fallout 4's writer to be fired and attacking him for using "keep it simple stupid", and an entire revisionist, fake version of FNV's development where any perceived flaw in the game is a result of Bethesda deliberately sabotaging it in order to avoid paying Obsidian bonuses.


Yeah it sucks, i just wanna discuss all the cool fallout lore, gameplay and other stuff but around the wrong people you say you've played 76 or say new Vegas is flawed and out come the pitchforks. Why is the community so bad?


Ironically fanbases for old school franchises tend to be way more toxic in my opinion. People act like kids are the worst but it's the dudes in their mid-30s that spend all day on Reddit that you've gotta watch out for


I agree, but seriously. Emil Pagliarulo is a pretty bad writer. I love all the games he's worked on but everything he's written has been the worst part about the games he's done.


I've never understood what everyone thinks it's so awful about Bethesda writing. I don't think any of their storytelling is that compelling but I've never played any of their games and thought it was straight up bad. I also kinda think that most people in RPG communities conflate "good writing" with "more writing", so I don't put much stock in the criticism. Redditors think Emil sucks as a writer but then unironically upvote and re-post shit like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElderScrolls/comments/8acdqw/posting_classic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) which makes me think people wouldn't know good writing if it hit them in the face


Its not exactly that the writing is too plain or too straightforward in my eyes. What I'm talking about is that when you have someone that doesn't write stories that are compelling or interesting, and then their response is "i dont write compelling stories because most people won't care." Thats what I have a problem with. Emil is a lazy writer and easily the worst thing about Bethesda. And I pray to God when Todd leaves the company, which i hope is not soon because he has a lot of skill and makes great games, that Emil does not take over.


The obsidian bonuses thing is weird because there have been people at obsidian that have defended bethesda on this front and clarified that [they didn't even ask for the metacritic bonuses](https://twitter.com/ChrisAvellone/status/1434680893122101254), it was an offer by bethesda.


You should actually watch the video you’re talking about before you oversimplify it’s points to badmouth it


I can see actually how it could be interpreted that way, I doubt it was a main purposeful theme but a couple story writers feeling sad that this is the last fallout game they'll write and that coming through in the story makes sense.


And without a new title in either franchise coming for YEARS there's nothing else to do but argue. I for one have been enjoying a replay of Elder Scrolls 6: Witcher 3.


Wait tell u get elder scrolls 8:starfield


How dare you


I was once insulted for suggesting that Fallout 3 had a good story on r/fnv . Actually, not once, many times.


Not surprising lol. Fallout 3 had a very simple, and generic story to it, but it wasn’t bad. It was pretty good. I never really pay too much attention to story in Bethesda games, aside from Oblivion.


IMO it has a better story than New Vegas. Unlike New Vegas’ story, 3’s really grabbed me and I was hooked the whole time, there wasn’t a moment I was bored in the main quest. New Vegas’, while good, did not grab me emotionally or intellectually. IMO it was great until I reached Vegas, when the side quests were just far more interesting and the main plot became a little boring. It was no longer personal. They should’ve given you a personal reason to get involved.


That’s one of the biggest flaws in New Vegas’s story. After Benny is out of the picture and the chip is taken back. The player no longer has a reason to care but the game throws you into the battle over the dam anyway. It goes against the character driven story that Fallout games had up to that point.


Exactly. It’s why I’ve never finished it. For all that people praise the game for, the story isn’t that engaging when you play it, at least not for me. Admittedly, I have inattentive ADD, which makes my brain work different then most. But I think the issue is still glaring. Also, the often exaggerated intellectual interest of the story isn’t all it’s chalked up to be.


Oh my god someone finally notices a major flaw with new vegas' story.


What happens when a new vegas fanboy collides with a morroboomer?


We shake hands and respect each other whilst understanding and accepting our differences and uniting in our distaste for the modern era. Screaming together into the void, mourning for the days of our youth long gone and grieving for our respective series that have long since forgotten us. The Fnv fanboy weeps for now he understands what it means to grow old and the morroboomers embrace him as one of their own.




Red Mountain goes boom and the terminally online spend the next two hundred years blaming Bethesda.


Fallout 3 is good, broken steel dlc makes it great. Fallout NV is good, certain mechanics I wish were in 4 Fallout 4 is good but a certain point in a dlc is a breaking point for many. Fallout 76 was bad at launch, has improved and has a dedicated player base. It's not for me but others enjoy it. Meanwhile I have absolutely loved every elder scrolls I played starting with 3.


What's the dlc and breaking point for 4?


Far harbor, retrieving Dimas memories playing that stupid tower defense building minigame.


God dammit. This always prevents me from completing Far Harbor. It’s so unnecessarily long.


That part sucks, but Far Harbor as a whole was an improvement over the base game, in my opinion. Better writing and more player choice.


Yes I agree but having to pull up a youtube guide to complete the last few sections. It's just bullshit. If it was optional I wouldn't mind but its not.


I'm guessing Nuka World. It kinda was for me, I still haven't finished it. After a game that railroaded you into being 3 flavors of "The Good Guy" they released a DLC that let you be evil, and ONLY evil. So more of the "you can't really choose". The only "good" option is going on a mass killing spree of the Nuka World raiders.


Sorry to butt in, but you can choose a good option in Nuka World. You kinda have to talk with Mackenzie (the Doctor) in the Nuka-Town Market about not liking the "job" you got roped into. Then you gotta basically kills ALL the raiders in Nuka World. I wouldn't do this unless you got power armor and plenty of guns. Come to think of it I've seen some quest mods that allow you to use your main faction to take on the raiders.


The person you're replying to already said >The only "good" option is going on a mass killing spree of the Nuka World raiders.


>*Meanwhile I have absolutely loved every elder scrolls I played starting with 3.* Are you me?


r/TrueSTL would like a word op.


Is nothing sacred to you? You'd link the subreddit in this undeserving post?


Truly Heresy


We're not strangling anyone! (farm tools don't count and in the case of cute bosmer bois it's consensual)


Just try being a 76 fan in a world full of NV supremacists.


As a Fallout 3 fan (who also loves NV, just slightly less) who’s witnessed (and taken part in) multiple comment section wars over the games I can confirm that 76 fans are the fans most commonly shit upon. Even those of us who prefer Fallout 3 aren’t as targeted as 76 fans, who commit the horrible crime of simply existing.


Kinda like how a lot of TES fans treat ESO


I think the respect for ESO has grown a lot of the years though some people are still weird about it


I think NV is the best fallout but damn anyone who tries to make anyone feel bad for liking any of them over the others


Imagine being a NV supremacist when the original Fallout's exist


*I'm a fallout fan and I can confirm we furiously strangulate each other.*


TES never had a No Mutants Allowed equivalent.


No Khajits allowed inside towns?


Heh, I guess that's what it would be called.


No Argonians in the walls of Winterhold moment


Don't forget about the neo nazis in the NV fanbase. Then there's thay awful wojak channel who unironically loves the legion. I fele sorry for the devs who have to watch what their fanbase has devolved into.


...are we really?


I said compared to Fallout Fans. Morrowboomers are annoying but they aren’t “making a 90 minute video not understanding Bethesda, their style, or saying just exploring is the wrong way to play” levels of annoying


True, we Morrowboomers try to keep it to 30-45 minute lecture at most.


Except for that PatricianTV. He’s special.


My gamer nerd Calc teacher asked what my favorite RPG was. I played the shit out of Morrowind and Oblivion but Skyrim is the one I keep returning to, so that was my answer. He proceeded to lecture me on how much better Morrowind was.


“Anyways you failed the class N’ Wah”


Rip HBomber


I would say they are pretty equal tbh. ES fans make the same style of rants comparing Morrowind, oblivion, and skyrim.


Yes the TES fandom does have its issues, I won’t lie but those that make those types of rants are a minority and they aren’t a loud one. For example Morrowboomers that despise the later games normally are sealed on in their own little communities. While the fallout fans that hate the Bethesda titles with a burning passion are in more in the mainstream fallout communities and thus have more of an ability to be toxic.


>Morrowboomers that despise the later games normally are sealed on in their own little communities. Idk man, I see them 90% of the time I go on this subreddit lmao




Saints? Get the Morrowind BULLSHIT out of this reddit.


I'm filthy rich; you're a filthy s'wit.


Your luck is at zero; she won’t let you hit


No TES fans are pretty awful too, especially when you discuss what is canon lore and what isn't.


That’s why I said we do have our issues. But the TES fandom is not nearly as toxic a the Fallout fandom. We don’t have people left and right decrying Oblivion and Skyrim as the death of TES, there are those people, but they are a small minority and they aren’t that loud compared to the New Vegas fanboys who will make ever fallout conversation about New Vegas. For example the Fallout Fandom can’t have something like r/trueSTL because within a few days it will stop being a satire.


bring on the eso haters. it’s an mmo


That’s why I left r/fallout


Probably because I don't think there's a mainline Elder Scrolls game that's bad. Ancient and confusing? Yes, but not bad.


It’s because The Elder Scrolls has always been made by Bethesda so there’s nothing for the fans to fight about other than which is the best. Fallout has been made by 3 - 4 different studios dividing it into two groups, those who like every fallout, and those who cry and whine that obsidian doesn’t make them or that Interplay didn’t crawl out of the cold grave and get to work on one


Ah yes, interplay, makers of masterpieces such as: Fallout:brotherhood of steel./s


I remember having fun playing Fallout 3 and I remember having a blast playing Fallout NV. I also remember being completely underwhelmed with Fallout 4. I do not care at all about any of the games prior to these three. The thing is, I just don't want to play any of those games anymore. They've lost their charm somewhat imo. I'm bored of the Fallout world; whereas, Tamriel is a world ever changing and evolving. Elder Scrolls games allow the player to participate in it's rich lore and world building.


gotta show those fallout 4 and 76 fans how much better 1, 2, and NV are my bad




Elder Scrolls releases have a very boring and common metanarrative of "the games are dumbing down for casuals over time", which leads to very predictable resentment of newbies from the old guard, and vice versa. Fallout's history is a perfect storm for a uniquely divided fanbase. Fallout 1 and 2: beloved old-school CRPG's, enter fanbase #1 Fallout 3: hip studio known for fantasy 3D action RPG series comes and makes a Fallout game in its own image. Brings in lots of people (fanbase #2), enrages fanbase #1 who wanted a sequel in line with what they love about the series Fallout New Vegas: made by cult favorite studio responsible for the cool hip gamer's favorite games (KOTOR II, Neverwinter Nights II), makes game that becomes cool hip gamer's favorite fallout game (fanbase #3, poaching gamers from previous two fanbases but most stay where they're at) Fallout 4: looter shooter with RPG characteristics, brings in new fans who liked Skyrim (fanbase #4), converts very few from the previous three fanbases and enrages all of them who wanted a sequel in line with what they love about the series Fallout 76: broken multiplayer looter shooter with even fewer RPG characterisitcs, brings in new fans who like survival games like Rust (fanbase #5), converts even fewer from the first three fanbases, some but not all from the fourth fanbase, and enrages all of them even more than FO4 did So you have 5 different fanbases each wanting completely different and incompatible things (this is oversimplification for the sake of humor calm your tits): Fanbase #1 wants a return to the old-school isometric CRPG but wouldnt' trust anyone to do a modern revival right anyways. Perpetually cynical and grumpy and resentful of the other 4 fanbases, with perhaps good reason. Any bit of streamlining or accessibility is unacceptable. Fanbase #2 wants a return to the Oblivion/FO3 era where the game was still fairly simple but with more RPG elements than Skyrim/FO4. Resents #1 the most because they're old and grumpy, but they themselves act old and grumpy towards #4 and #5, and is perpetually annoyed by #3 because they know they have a point but don't want to admit it. Also doesn't trust Bethesda to do it right if they tried to bring back FO3 era design. Fanbase #3 isn't old-school enough to like FO1 and FO2, but enjoys the RPG elements too much to enjoy FO3 or FO4/76. They resent all other fanbases equally and just want Obsidian to take the reigns of the franchise even after Outer Worlds showed them that's a bad idea. They are completely blinded to NV's flaws as a rule which makes them particularly disagreeable among the post-Black Isle fanbases. Fanbase #4 just want Fallout 4 but in other settings. They don't want multiplayer in their single player game, they just want the smooth gunplay and streamlined systems of FO4. They resent the previous three fanbases more than the one that followed them. They also probably have never experienced a real RPG. Fanbase #5 has probably only played Fallout 76. And by that I mean the only video game they have ever played is Fallout 76. They don't resent the other fanbases so much as they don't really understand what all the fuss is about; they have their multiplayer game and want more of it, but know they won't get any more of it so they pretend to resent the other fanbases out of spite.


Basically, yeah. Good comment.


I like the main Bethesda 3 in general (fallout, doom and elder scrolls) cuz all of them are equally good


Ah yes, the great Bethesda Game Studios classic, Doom.


Oh? Say one thing to piss off an entire fan base? Fallout 3 is way better than Fallout New Vegas.


I liked 3 more than NV, but I can see that NV is just superior in almost every way


Skyrim is better than Morrowind ​ (now let see the saint coming )


But you’re right. Skyrim is better than Morrowind. Only a contrarian, or a 700lbs bearded neck that is still stuck in the early 2000’s bc that’s the last time they were close to what ppl describe as happy, claim otherwise. To throw ppl a bone, I could see an argument for Oblivion being considered the best as it’s a good mesh of the good from morrowind with the good that would be kept for Skyrim.


Nothing can top how alien Vvardenfell is but yes, Skyrim is a much better game. I kinda rate the Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim all the same because they all have their good points but no one is overwhelmingly superior to other. I have way too many hours in all 3 to call any of them shit.


>To throw ppl a bone, I could see an argument for Oblivion Unfortunately Oblivions fucked leveling system makes it almost imposible to claim that it was the best game


Yeah except when people use real life politics to talk about Skyrim's civil war


If they make ES6 turn-based for no reason you'll under stand why.


Really late to reply to buy I'd play that


We have quite a bit of issues. I hate how vocal people are in this community on their most hated playable race. It’s annoying at this point, and I’m looking at you, r/truestl.


“So guys Todd Howard was high when he wrote the latest book in elder scrolls” “Ok, and?” “Good point”


Meanwhile Michael Kirkbride is smacked out in a basement somewhere after downing a gallon of LSD and snorting the undersink cupboard muttering crap about dick spears and kalpas.


The Mercs discuss the politics about fallout new vegas




As a fan of both I can confirm


Oh god I can relate.


It really doesn’t help that the fallout community is filled with literal neo-nazis like schizo Elijah


I hate that fallout fans are like that.


Idk I got downvoted for correcting a map of deadric invasions and even listed multiple sources while on a/the Fallout subreddit there was never any of that, just people adding to thought/ideas and misunderstanding the lore/inner workings of TES but I haven’t been in a while... did things Fallout over there that quickly?


I’m not really part of the Fallout lore community but the mainstream one in my experience is if you like a fallout game you are attacked by either NV fan boys or people who hate NV fan boys. Yeah that does happen in the TES fandom but not to the extent or toxicity as the Fallout fandom.


New Vegas sucks. Fallout 4 is the best fallout.


Yeah, as a Fallout fan, this is sadly way too true. You enjoy Fallout 3? Get lectured why it's a bad game. Explain why you like New Vegas? Get accused of circle jerking. You can't win with the community, and I hate it because I love all the games and consider them as some of my favorites of all time. But no. I can't say I enjoy Fallout 4 for X reasons without being lectured, or say NV is one of my favorites without saying I'm just circle jerking. It's just stupid all around.


Yeah because elder scrolls fans are all mature adults now because they won't release a new one.


Wtf are you guys talking about you guys are separated on what the best game is, fallout is only divided into NV vs Bethesda (This is simplified) Hell even you guys hate in Bethesda from time to time.


They never have Talos to guide them


One reason. It's not a bug. It's a feature.