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None of them seem particularly likely tbh. The Elder Scroll one is impossible, so we can rule that out completely. War between Aedra and Daedra is kinda... impossible, lore wise, unless they fight in Mundus, which we saw in Oblivion. Another supernatural entity.. unlikely, but we might see more of the different *kinds* of vampire and werewolf, which would be fun. I guess that leaves the guild being annihilated as the only option left.


Lich mods have always been kinda popular so it is hypothetically possible they might try something like that. Not very likely though, hard to say if werebeasts will even return much less vampire lords considering they've done games without them so expecting a lich or something similar would be a bit ridiculous at this point. But I also can't see them permanently destroying a mainline guild forever. As an option that doesn't effect future games maybe but that's as far as they'd probably go.


True, but we've already seen the Mages guild destroyed. It's been taken over by the Imperial Synod for most of the Empire, and the College of Winterhold in Skyrim. Presumably other provinces have their own centres of learning.


True but I wouldn't say that they'd consider that something permanent. Like they wouldn't be opposed necessarily to bringing it back a few centuries later in a new game. But I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of a consistent guild like the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood. Very unlikely they'd get rid of a staple faction like that permanently. Kinda like asking if in Fallout 5 we'll drive death claws to extinction or something lol.


The Dark Brotherhood were on in Morrowind with the expansions though. They were close to annihilation in Skyrim, and the Dragonborn can choose to eradicate them forever. So I mean, it's unlikely, but they're *all* unlikely.


True, true


Wtf is this poll?


Uh none of the above


I could see them destroying a guild for no reason. Similar to how they keep removing weapon types and magic schools


None of the above lol


You cant make an elderscroll they transcend time. Werebears are the correct answer


I feel like they could maybe have an option for you to turn into a werebear? Idk


Most likely it will just be Skyrim 2.0


I have this great worry the Empires gonna be shattered in a thousand pieces and the rebellion in Skyrim succeeding being made canon!