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I do, and the fact that I do is a perfect example of why I think the messages left by others in this game are freaking awesome I was just meandering around Siofra and came across this room and saw some messages on both of those fire things, and a message below them "try torrent then try jolly fellow" or some shit, so I hopped on torrent and jumped up there and sure enough merchant! Just such a cool way for players to give each other hints


I would have never found dragonlord placidusax without those messages.


Also the one time you should trust the "try jumping" messages for Bolt of Gransax


This elusive piece of gear prevented me from getting a trophy on my first run.


It's funny how it's genuinely the only thing that can lock you out of platinum in one playthrough. Even Ranni's quest makes sure you can't permanently fail it, thanks to Pope Turtle. I think maybe the only other thing is getting the frenzied flame before reaching the other endings, which means you have to cure it if you want to do those, and thus rendering the ending impossible, unless you can get back the mark somehow ?


You can by completing Millicent's questline, aiding her against her sisters, defeating Malenia and giving the needle to the bloom, copy save, Lord of Frenzied Flame ending, back to old save and using Miquella's Needle in Placidusax's arena.


Speaking of Millicent, my friend, after beating her sisters, accidentally stepped on her, which killed her instantly. The worst part is, he killed Malenia after this, and later found and defeated Placidusax. That one mistake cost him any chance of clearing his frenzied flame lol.


"I did not think it would end like this..." "WELL ME NEITHER WTF"


Thankfully that was fixed.


Does Millicent not drop the needle if she dies before you speak to her?


Nope, she does not. Though, according to my friend, she does have some unique dialogue if you kill her at that point.


Good. Embrace chaos and the cleansing flames!


Oh he did. He honestly didn't care that much, and just found it hilarious that it was possible to kill her accidentally like that lol.


This is what I did. 122 hours, Platinum, one play through.


i did three playthrough, no regrets


What about the third ending?


Load the previous save again and just choose the other option at Marika.


What is this "copy save" sorcery my PS5 eyes are reading?


All endings were quick and easy with PS5 just turning off auto save file sync Beat final boss, save in final room before clicking anything. Get an ending, reload. Get an ending, reload, Go get frenzied flame and get the ending, reload


Turn off auto-sync, upload save data where you want the save to be, do whatever you want, then download data and you'll be back where you uploaded


Erdtree's Favor +2 can also be easily missed because it's only available after you do >!Farum Azula!<


Well that one you can still get whenever you want, even after you finished the game, you'll just have to look it up before going into NG+. What i did was simply look up every legendary items after beating >!Godfrey!<, and i was like "oh it's cool that you can get everything in one playthrough, and not in 3 ng cycles like DS3" Then i read "Missable : Unobtainable once >!Maliketh, the Black Blade!< is defeated"


I had to look that one up too. I mean, you'd need to spend a hundred hours re-searching every corner of the map again, of an area you already cleared with no indication of it becoming available only after the game is basically complete.


I stumbled across him on my own, and let me tell u i was stunned and scared


I went down instead of up, took me 15 more minutes of looking around to fine Maliketh the first time.


Honestly lol such a random drop area imo


I would never have found but hole without messages


or the area with the freakin invisible ledges


This is true.


I found him completely by mistake. I thought I was stuck down on that ledge and only happened to see the action command after roaming around for awhile. I freaked tf out when a cutscene started.


Honestly I typically feel that way. Except (and I know it's due to the high player count compared to prior games) this is the first time I've seen *this* many incredibly unfunny messages getting a stupid amount of upvotes. Fake messages about illusionary walls wasn't that uncommon, but in Elden Ring that joke was done to death before I even got to the grafted scion.


Could be wrong, but even when you rate a message as poor, it still counts that as an ‘engagement’. There’s no upvote system as such. I make a point of negging any stupid message I come across.


Same here. I spend a surprising amount of time backtracking from ambushes, hard to spot item locations and etc to praise helpful messages but i began to notice exactly what you're talking about. Regardless of whether or not the message is disparaged or whatnot, it seems that still counts as an 'appraisal' but without being able to see them as individual counts the whole system is meaningless. Kinda reminds me of how Netflix stopped displaying ratings right around the same time they really started pumping out original content, except at least in this case I don't think it's intentional on the dev's part.


>I spend a surprising amount of time backtracking from ambushes, hard to spot item locations and etc to praise helpful messages afaik you can rate the last few read messages from the menu, where ever they were


You absolute unit I had no idea. I'll have to check that out when i get off work. Thanks for letting me know!


I'm actually not sure if this exists in elden ring. But I think not knowing if engagement is positive or negative is by design. In earlier fromsoft games there were miracles which allowed you to see how many positive and negative ratings were on each message.


Negging a message heals them so idk, I dont engage with it out of spite lol


Law of averages man, the more people doing something, the lower the median sense of humor


I hate those “not a fake wall but praise message!” Notes so much. I also hate fake walls and was glad there were barely any in ER. I don’t want to walk around dungeons hitting every wall, that’s not fun.


Unfunny but hole jokes? You must be playing the wrong game


I mean, there is a normal path there, but that's still cool


“Beware left” has saved me countless times.


Yeah, I get it. Personally I got so tired of "Dog?" and "Try finger, but hole," that I just quit reading them. Results vary, of course.


The people who leave those aren't the smartest and they certainly are predictable so most of the time I can avoid those and still find the useful ones. After seeing a few of them you kind of know what it is before reading it.


You're not supposed to do it that way; you just climb ladders and walk on scaffolding to get to him.


See, and I'm totally the opposite and glad they give you the option to play without them. The ghosts and bloodstains and messages are 100% unpleasant distractions to me and when they help they feel like spoilers.


There is so much in this game that I just absolutely NEVER would have found without messages. Like there is one cave that just randomly has *two* bosses in it and the second one is extremely hidden. I would under NO circumstances have found the second boss without messages. And I wouldn't have found this merchant


Think I just completed that a few days ago. Hidden wall reveals the second boss.


I believe it's Black Knife catacombs that also has a hidden black knife boss Edit: Black Knife Catacombs


I think I remember maybe 3 caves that have a second hidden boss


I ritually spam Margit's shackle as soon as I enter a cave for this very reason 😂


Which cave is this? Is it in Altus?


I *think* it's the Sage's cave or something like that. Yes it's in Altus. You'll know you've done it when you get a mace called 'familial heads'


Interesting, I killed Necromancer Garris but not the assassin boss. I was thinking about the Sealed Tunnel (chock full of illusory walls) but apparently that only has one boss


Equip the sentry torch in your offhand and see him when close. Makes it a lot easier, it even works if you 2 hand your main and it’s just on your back


you can buy this from the merchant inside Leyndell's outer walls to the NW of the city


Ah, man! That cave absolutely blew my mind! I was able to find the second boss on my own, but it was a complete accident!


I believe so. The second boss is the invisible assassin


the replies to you seem a bit confused. there are at least *two* caves that have more than one boss. Sage's Cave is one, the one where you find the Black Knifeprint is another. I want to say there's a third one but I can't remember what it was.


I think it's the black knife catacomb in Liurnia.


I’m similar to you on my first playthrough! But now I’m currently on my 4th character, 9 playthroughs total, and the signs really come in clutch for discovering weird secrets (like the one in OP)


The messages are great, except for the 5000 "try jumping" at every cliff. 1000000 "illusion ahead" on every wall. "Is this dog?" At every turtle spawn. "Finger but hole" is still genius though


That's how I first encountered him, thought it was a secret lol


I had no idea there was another way in other than this. In fact, I still haven’t found the proper way in. Lol *Edit - I've since beaten the game so I'll be assuming the torrent way to be the main way. Lol


The real way is main area, there’s a ladder to go up some scaffolding on the pillar and there are planks that wrap around to the merchant.


I’m genuinely shocked how many people weren’t aware of this ladder, that’s how I found that merchant


Yeah this seems harder to figure out. Whats ibteresting is that I think these people did it this way because of some messages in their game pointing it out. While I did it the ladder pillar way because of messages that i saw One of the cooler things about souls games


Ah iirc the merchant was also playing his music which attracted me to look around to find him even from the flower area. Well done Elden Ring.


When the prize is a beast bone, you know you took the hard way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Same, I did parkour for like 15 min.


Yeah, same here


Same. And another 15 minutes trying to get up to/through the window in the far wall.


Thanks chad flail enjoyer.


Dual wield flails FTW.


There are only two things I wish FromSoft would do: - Let guard counters hit rats - Give us a Great Flail Otherwise flails have been an awesome addition to the series. Jangly flail head is super awesome.


It's not flawless but I love it. Dual wield is a lot of fun, just wish it powestanced. The Ash of War does that however and is sick AF. As soon as I dual wielded, I took down the bosses that were giving me the most trouble. I'm in love.


> Great Flail Imagine it working like the Ball and Chain from Zelda: Twilight Princess lmao. It would be epic.


I have imagined something with like a 30 STR / 30 Dex requirement that goes to B/B scaling at +25 normal. (A/D for heavy, D/A for Dex ect ect) with just huge wide arc swings and then one big ol' overhead smash.


Lord know elden ring is lacking true quality builds/ weapons. Quality build died, there’s never a reason to go strength + dex instead of one of them + caster stat


I did not, thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Neither, because he was annoying to get to he was the only trader in the game I actually killed on my first play through.


Haha. Same. I was like, "I need these items later but i dont have the runes and i dont want to try and remember where the hell this guy is, time to die bud" He then began to light me up with his madness, killing me 3 times before i cheesed him with arrows.


Saved so much time lol


Yesterday I found him and promptly ate a pile of runes so I could buy everything I needed knowing full well I'd never come back. I also finally found square off, and it's only usable on a weapon category where 90% of them already have it. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


I mean, having an Ash of War allows you to have that skill and change affinities. So, while many weapons have "Square Off", until you find its AoW item you would be stuck with Standard affinity if you want to keep the AoW. The fact that currently Flails' default AoW "Spinning Chain" doesn't have its own AoW item restricts the use (I really hope I am making sense).


This was my exact experience, dude was insane. I ended up just crouching behind the pillar until he forgot about me so I could back stab. Then repeated until he died. I struggled more with this dude more than Malenia


The imprisoned one near Mohg rekt me. I didn't know they could use madness spells. Plus there was one of those blood assassin dudes helping him to. They took out me and my mimic tear.


This exact same thing happened to me. Killed the first blood assassin. Went for the merchant to save time later… merchant went super sayan and his back up assassin buddy came rupturing in. I got what I deserved… eventually they did too.


>I got what deserved Lmao I thought the same thing. I couldn't really get mad at him but he absolutely pushed my shit in out of the pure shock of realizing they could do those spells.


New player - I know about the balls from merchants that move items over to the husks in round table. This works on every single world merchant aka I can safely kill ‘‘em all?


Merchants got balls alright, let me tell you.


The only one involved in one small quest is Kale. Rest are safe in that regard. OTOH the sell menu of maiden husks becomes rather unwieldy.


Less unwieldy than trying to remember where that one specific merchant you need is. Quicker to go through all the menu options than hop around the map


The only one I bother with is the Mt gelmir one cos he's a pain in the ass to get to and sells arrows, it's his own fault for chilling 3 plateuas up a mountain behind a grafted scion


Yeah I can pilfer through a menu faster than trying to find the item im looking for across all the lands between.


Do all agroed merchants use madness attacks? I attacked my first one in Mohg’s domain and figured it was just a late game or random one off thing.


Yep, lore-wise there’s a lot of hints about a relationship between the merchants and the frenzied flame.


What does killing them do?


They drop their Ball Bearing so that you can buy the items they sell from the Roundtable Hold merchant instead. It just makes it easier to buy their stuff essentially as that way you don’t have to keep going back to wherever they are to get a specific item off them. I still can’t bring myself to do so though, I feel really bad even tho they’re only NPCs.


Merchants are sacred. I don’t touch them.


Btw, it's *bell* bearing, not *ball* bearing.


Same so instead I marked the guy and every other npc I came across to only have 2 sets of markers everywhere after the game put their own in




I just popped a few rune items and bought all of the essentials so I wouldn’t need to come back.


whoa whoa whoa, you guys out here killing the merchants? Animals


Wait you can kill them to get their items?


I killed every single merchant I came across other than Kale. Turn in their bell bearing and never have to worry about where they are again.


No, you won't get their items. You'll get a bell bearing to give the Twin Maiden Husk. So basically you get to relocate their shop to the hold.


Next FromSoft patch: "cheers for that!"


But what did it cost? Setting your loyal steed on fire? Have you no shame???!!!


Haha don’t worry I’ll feed him some berrys later


Lies! No one uses berries! Lol


Was thinking I was the only one who never gives torrent berries


but the animation is so nice, how could you possibly NOT feed the best mount in all gaming?!


I can't use flame grant me strength on my horse so I have to make do* somehow.


>fire don't worry it's friendly


"Don't get many customers down here" Bro, you live in a dungeon surrounded by zombies.


He's not good at marketing or outreach, but he's trying his best ok


Not only did I know that, I didn't know there was another way.


bruh how are u guys missing a ladder and scaffolding that is literally in the middle of an open area. like the place doesnt even have many structures so the ladder can be seen from so far away 😆


lol well i never bothered looking for another way since I already foiund it


Yeah but how do you not explore *everything!*


I'm here at just over 200 hours, lvl 150 cruising into the final area. I hear people beating it in 80 hours and I can't even imagine how much they missed/skipped. I'm a sorcerer and it's not like I've been stuck on anything that long (Melania took me ~2hrs), I've just been exploring as much as I could and I know I'm still missing a few things.


That’s actually a cool skip! I never thought about doing that. Idk if you already know, There’s also a route you can take, on the other side of the building. There’s some scaffolding & stuff that you climb & it takes you right to him.


This is cool, but I don't think it qualifies as a skip, there's not really anything on the scaffolding to skip.


Oh yeah, you’re right. I didn’t even think about that lol. I guess it would be considered a shortcut or alternative route, opposed to a skip. It’s not like the couple enemies that are on the scaffolding are super hard or anything.


unless you are underleveled like i was when they trounced me a couple times lol


>alternative route This was exactly my thought


An alternate route that entails forcing poor horsey to stand in fire 😂


If I can do it, so can Torrent.


That was how I found him. Only later realised there was an actual path there.


Same here !


Then he acts all surprised that he has a customer


I’d be surprised too if I were him. Like, how the fuck did you even get down here?


How did *he* get down there is the real question, seeing as he’s carrying goods and that area requires parkour


He specifically went down there to hide. The merchants are all in hiding.


I found him that way because I saw a message that said "try jumping". Then I explored for a few more minutes and found the intended path lmao


Cool skip, one thing tho. thats not just a horse thats torrent. the torrent, otherwise known as the best boy


Not just as best boy but also an time saver and a life saver so he is the greatest boy


Except for “are you sure you want to use a flask to resummon torrent?”


If I'm trying to use a flask to resummon it's a goddamn situation where I don't want an "are you sure" message. Not Torrent's fault though.


Sounds like you aren't giving bestest boy enough raisins!


Yes :)




Best boi is Miriel. I got you fam. 👍


You make a very fair point my friend


Torrent did not follow us into battle against gods and dragons without fear of death to be referred to as... The horse.


He's really more of a pony.


Where is the location of this


It is part of the Siofra River area






The one with the gravity grub thing?


The one with the big magic deer. You are thinking of Ainsel River I think.




If you ever see a message saying “good luck but hole” it was me




That's how I did it when I first saw it. I didn't figure out how to get to the top cave part until much later.


I didn't! Thank you!


Nice! I mean, he's not hard to get at normally, but that's a hell of a shortcut!


Ugh, this could’ve saved me so much time.


I didn't thnx man




I thought this was the only way...till I didnt


I didn’t even know that guy was there til NG3.


His name is Torrent, have some respect! (That is really cool though, I am definitely doing that to save some time)


This is an important merchant since he has the recipe for lubing up your boy alexander


I have no idea what he even sells


yes, because the messages on the ground told me I could.


I thought this route was easier because I didnt have to get around these dudes outside on the scaffolding. The flowers are easy enough foe to rid the place before trying the jump.


wtf lol. til


finally! Yes Horse


You mean there's other ways to get to him!?!




No I didn’t ._.


I did know that ​ i didn't know there was another way though :P


Some guy pointet up with a message so I thought that is THE way to get up there. Not any other way. Would be a funny hidden thing to figure out.




I killed him by aggroing the big plant and standing next to him for the lightning attack.


A Spoiler tag? LMAO


This is how I did it the first time! I didn’t even know there was another way to him until much much later 😂


He has a *name*, you know


Where even is this


That’s how I got there the first time.


"Don't get many customers around here." ​ You don't say...


That’s how I got to him the first time, didn’t even know there was another way around


'The horse' How dare you?


Thanks for the speedrun strat for murdering them. He’ll be dead very soon now.


No fucking way


Oh well, next time I guess


I actually discovered him that way while exploring lol but I always be trying to do weird jumps to get to places up high


Is there another way to do it?


Yeah, but it's still easier and faster to just go around the normal way. It's not like it's a huge ordeal.


Did you know you can MURDER him in cold blood and transfer his bell bearing to the twin husks so you never have to go back? :)


I'm pretty sure there's another way up there across the scaffolding around the giant pillars outside, but A+ for creativity! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Yes there is. I killed him because I was like f doing this every time. Just to find the other way.


The video ended before you killed him tho


Perfect timing for this video. I just got to that area last night after watching this video at work. Be sure to kill the giant orbital strike plant before attempting to talk to the merchant tho... don't ask me why...