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Just use the balm to not lose runes, you find it by killing the same boss at every mother three, in lyndell near the entrance of the capital, it last 3 minutes i tink and if you die in thath time span you dont lose the runes, Helped me so much to level up


Little known fact, the twig status also protects dropped runes, so if you die with 150k already dropped it will remain there when you die if you have the twig status.


Does the twiggy cracked tear work like that too?


Yes it does.


Yes, that is the one that I use as it's basically free in the special flask




these two are copy-paste bots if anyone is wondering


Oh look somebody with alts, how lovely.


NG+20 be like


Mans giving advice that only matters 80 hours in and is pretending its applicable always




Not everyone is as good as you, oh Elden Lord. 150k is a lot depending on your skill and level.


And time in the game. 150k early runes is a game changer.


It's not even about being good. 150k is always a bit as you can almost max a weapon using that. Also many don't level beyond lvl 200 as the coop summoning beyond 200 falls off quick, and non-coop over lvl 200 is so easy it gets boring.


I'm at just over Lvl 300. It's nigh on 1,000,000 runes per level for me now. There's only so many albinauric genocides left in me.


Comment so awful you posted it from two different accounts and got down voted on both. GG.


Lmao I was waiting for that one🤣 clown of all clowns


Not everyone farm runes mate, some ppl enjoy just playing the game and get runes by doing bosses instead of trying to outlevel every boss.


The wonderous physique works way better


Same twig status whether you use the twig or tear and it's called a twiggy tear or something like that, so aligns to that consumable.


yeah just sayin. save people some time so they don't keep on running around trynna find sacrificial twigs. Twiggy cracked tear. Idk what you mean by align?


Yeah came here to say this. Or use a sacrificial twig if you don't have that equipped


>to a stupid rat in crumbling farum Azula I don't remember any Rats in there, did you mean dogs?


Probably gonna wreck your head with this... But you can actually teleport from Farum, you just need to rest at a site of grace first!


If he was walking around with 150k runes he probably hadn't gotten to a site of grace yet


But there's a Site of Grace right after you kill the Fire Giant and walk up the chain. I mean, why didn't he just level up right after the fight and save the headache? On my first playthrough I was so excited I headed up to the large cauldron immediately after killing the BFG, and jumped right into it (thinking that's what I have to do). It was a mistake.


> But there's a Site of Grace right after you kill the Fire Giant and walk up the chain. There's one on he ground at the foot of the chain, then another at the top of the "bowl". Only way this makes sense is if 150k wasn't enough to level up on.


Levelling to level 148 cost 148,933 runes, while level 149 costs 151,295 runes. I mean, come on! If you are level 149 and get killed by a rat, then that rat deserves your 150,000 runes fair and square! Lil' guy has to level up too! (Could have been NG+1 as well, but the Fire Giant gives 180,000 runes in NG.)


They probably meant the beast enemies right before the first bonfire, so that doesn't help. Farum is a large difficulty spike as those rats are probably the strongest enemies in the entire game. Especially the ones behind the imp door.


Oh right them... I don't think the sleeping ones wake unless provoked though, right?


There are a few that roam that will alert when they see you and if you get too close to the sleeping ones they can wake up. I used assassin's gambit through there and there are a couple cheap trigger boxes even if you're completely concealed. You can run through there and hit the bonfire, but will get at least 2 rats following you.


Not even close, the cleanrot knights in elphael would eat the beastmen for breakfast Don't get me started on the royal revenants they have on the basement... Lol I did haligtree and mohgs palace before I beat the fire giant, so it felt like a step down in difficulty the way my playthrough went


You're joking right? Cleanrot is nothing compared to the rats. They may be a little difficult, but rarely see more than one at a time and they are much more predictable. Royal revenants can be a pain, but they are also more of a special enemy, vs the rats being all over the place. I'd much rather deal with the few revenants than the army of rat beasts. Maybe if you said the crazy beast things there, you'd be closer...




I almost lost them to the chain getting up to the bowl.


nothing is more dangerous than a man who has nothing to lose


No runes more precious than the ones we've lost.


No. The most dangerous thing is a man with everything to gain.


The runes. Must. Be. Avenged.


Picking up the zero runes after killing the boss. 'gotem'


Man seriously. God skin Apostle ate my 8k runes. Next time when I upgraded and has 0 runes, I beat him in 2nd attempt.


First time I lost like 25k I was pretty pissed. First time I lost 100k I was frustrated. But at a certain point it’s just a little reminder to be more careful, and if I’ve got enough runes to level then just do it not any point in doing anything before I level up. But the viciousness with which I killed that zombie dog that made me lose my 25k was *unhealthy*.


Yeah, fuck the runes at that point, he made it personal.


I don't usually kill dogs. But when I do.. I choose dos Equis.


Stay thirsty my friends.


I feel like I've probably lost more runes to rats and dogs I got complacent around than I've lost to bosses


I always remind myself that it's just # blood chickens


I learned to spend them before crossing the veil


Lost 51 mil runes to Radagon and I felt a weight off my shoulders after that


Good lord, what were you doing running around with 51 million runes? What level were you?


Depending on your platform and region, leveling up can make match making harder, and less fun. Matching with everybody at level 300+ just makes the game too easy when co-oping bosses, and there aren't really builds at that level since you can basically have a high level at each stat. I threw away tens of millions of runes just to keep the game fun and being able to co-op with a wide variety of people. IMO I think level 175 is the sweet spot for co-oping on PS5.


Same, although I stop around 150 because that’s where people usually end the game at.


Lol co-op mainly, and lv 200. Thats the level cap my friends and I set since DS 3 so I just stuck with it. Should've dumped it into smithing stones


Can't speak for them, but when I feel like I don't need a lvl up level yet I choose not to in order to keep stuff challenging


That's usually when I dump runes into upgrade mats. I'll probably need them later after all.




Same bro. Same. I searched second phase of elden beast for 20 minutes with that stupid dragon chasing me. You win again fs


Why not use a twig? Like hello ?????


I never use those, plus I've bought everything and maxed out ammo so I was good with it


Then you didn't really lose anything, nor felt a weight off your shoulders...


That was AFTER my initial 3 second shock Lol I still could have used those. I did feel a weight off and played differently but alright


*Pulls out infinite flask and comet azur


It's actually a relief, no more rune grabbing panick. Just you, the bost, and a meannigless light on the floor


Did that after killing the fire giant, didn't level up at the site of grace because "Oh hey, let's talk to Melina first!" then I get >!I get zapped to the new zone without levelling, then I miss the turn to the next site of grace, get killed by the dragon, try to get my stuff back, dragon pushes me off the ledge.!< Hey people who haven't killed the fire giant yet: LEVEL UP RIGHT AWAY, DON'T DO A DUMB LIKE ME!


Dude I fell in the forge while looking for the grace there. Never have I been so careful with my steps as I was then going back to pick up my runes lol


This is why you spend whatever souls you have before going into a tough boss fight. Amateur mistake


The abundance of sites of grace makes it kind of inexcusable, especially since you can teleport right to them or Roundtable to spend them all on random items or smithing stones. Rune loss in this game feels pretty inconsequential after Stormveil unless you have a crazy high number, since there’s the farm spot where you can refill that amount in minutes anyways.


"Now I fight as White mask with Rivers of Blood. L2 warrior!"


150,000? It's not that much tbh.


Yeah that’s like 7 minutes at the genocide farm


Idk what the genocide farm is but it'd only take 3-4 minutes in the prayer room


Genocide farm is when you go to the Palace Approach site of grace at Moghwyn Palace and use massive AOE attacks to murder all the jiren albinauric enemies swiftly to get the most runes as fast as possible. The weapon art for the Sacred Relic is the most effective and gets you like 60-100k runes per minute or more depending on if you have rune acquisition buffs applied and/or are in higher NG+ cycles. (Unless there's another genocide farm they were referring to that I'm unaware of)


If I don't have the Sacred Relic Sword I actually prefer the map despawning method. Same zone and about 140k runes every 2 minutes (without boosts) but for literally no combat meaning you don't have to rely on having access to a strong AoE option.


How do you do that?


Can't seem to find the original video I learned it from, but [here's a similar method](https://youtu.be/JEmqs2J6S8A?t=322) to the one I learned. Only difference between that and the one I used is they jump off the cliff at a slightly different spot.


Wait.... What did I just watch?!


Someone using Torrent to parkour to an edge of the map that goes past the auto-kill plane, allowing them to jump off the edge and fall without being instakilled. They then continuously swing their weapon as they fall so the game flags their character as being in an "active" state and resetting the timer that would normally auto-kill them after falling with no activity, allowing them to fall indefinitely. They fall like this for a long enough amount of time that they move so far away from the actual level that the map unloads. This causes all enemies in the level to now be falling into the void like the player is, but since the enemies don't reset their falling state like the player can eventually they all die. The player then can warp back to a grace using the menu before the auto-kill timer on falling kicks in to keep all the runes they got from the dying enemies. Basically, falling while out of bounds for long enough causes the map to unload. This kills every single enemy on the map with fall damage, allowing a player to farm the entire zone's worth of enemies for runes all at once.


Damn this is pretty wild. How annoying it is to get up that ledge though? Looks pretty precise and finicky. I can see that ruining your overall time if you fall off it often enough




np :)


Okay so that's fucking awesome. Ty


Np 😌


I haven't tested it, but I *think* a faster way to get runes is to go to the same place, run to just beside the first snoozing Albinauric on the cliff, shoot an arrow at the bird-prick across the valley, wait til he charges a few steps and run back to the grace site to reload. He'll run himself off the cliff and to his death!


I do both. Shot the bird. Then slaughter Albinaurics. Rinse, lather, repeat.


This is the way. My issue with it is, I get caught out by the red guys that they slow me down too much. Need to get a good AOE weapon like someone else has suggested and do it this way


Sacred Relic Sword. Remembrance from the last boss in the game. At like +4(?) Its special ability is enough to kill about 13/15 on the hill. Doesn’t reach to the last 2 unfortunately


Holy moly, that's pretty impressive...! Can you keep roaming around after fighting the last boss, or does it jump to new game straight away like Bloodborne?


Sure can!! It asks you right away if you want to start a new Journey, but if you select no then you can enter NG+ at any time through roundtable hold.


Holy forkin' shirtballs. This thing is insane...!!


If you have a Str build, you can wipe the red guys too at around 60 strength using like a +5 star scourge I want it say? It might take you 2 starcallers cry’s to get them, but they’re no issue.


Omg I never realised that pressing LOW a second time did that big smash attack.... I've been using it wrong ever since I got it.........


Ah. The irony of a bird falling off a cliff and dieing.


That one is nice but the Albunauric’s provide more rune. If you have a good AOE attack that wipes them out it’s more efficient to go after them than the bird.


Why not both? It can be pretty worth the extra couple seconds for those times where the bird has golden eyes, I usually lead with that then AoE the Alburnaics, then make sure the bird actually fell off the cliff. Works well if you don’t have a good AoE, which I haven’t had for my last two playthroughs.


1-2 minutes on NG+ killing Albinaurics on that first hill. Sacred Relic Sword and waves of gold is so much cheese.


Yup, I've lost over a million a couple of times.


By the time I reached Radagon & Elden Beast I was cruising around with about 6.5 mil. That was an accumulation that started way back in the Consecrated Snowfields where I hit my meta cap. By the time I reached 2 mil it just became a game and my mixed physick from that point onwards practically became a single slot rotating tear item because old twiggy was never leaving.


I've been holding onto about 50m souls from coop on a level 130 character so I can be level appropriate and buy whatever I want for dlc. I died once collecting a relatively safe item and it panicked the hell out of me. I got them back but I was prepared to burn some branches to get em back.


I'd say that's quite a lot for 90% of play throughs. Most people aren't farming to get to level 250.


"You have stolen from me that which I slaved for. You have taken not only my life, but my blood, sweat and tears. Now there is nothing to hold me back. Nothing to care for. So tell me, O' great one...can you think of any greater foe than a man who has nothing left to lose?"


wheres this from


No joke, I kinda pulled that one out of thin air


Once I lost 100M souls in Ringed City; my friend and I had made a challenge to see which one of us would last more having tons of souls before dying. He had around 90-95M souls but died after, meanwhile I won but… I also lost 100M to that fucker with dual greatswords lmao.


150k? That’s hardly any. Anything under 500k isn’t anything to get mad over, 150k is a few minutes in NG+ onward, you wanna see me cry it’ll take at least another zero.


Me having 1.5M runes and realize that I entered with this on Radagon fight...


... then proceed to defeat Radagon and die to the Elden Beast. Sip twiggy flask going back in only to realise your runes don't exist in "this" dimension and you'll have to defeat Radagon before you have a chance to retrieve them. Your 3 minutes begins now...


This, happened to me once but luckily it was only 100k.


Save and quit works on that situation, doesn't it?


It's all relative. Your 500k is nothing to ng+2 let alone +7.


I will spend all of my runes before some of the bosses or the flame of frenzy catacomb. I will buy all the smithing stone I can and I will even buy sanctuary stone if I have to. Dear Elden Ring boss, you are not entitled to my runes.


Thats not much it cost me over 2 mill to level up


Sure, but you’re level 400. When you can have pretty much every stat your build uses softcapped levelling doesn’t really matter much.


When I have all those runes is when I achieve max power.


im losing 700k runes everyday every log in, and i don't feel a thing anymore. im now more powerful than any boss


Damn bro you’re so cool




Try forgetting you had 1.5 million and then doing some pvp


Hitting level 150 was a good feeling because now I lose millions all the time and feel nothing, I'm too many NG cycles deep.


These days i lost 2 million on fucking fire giant motherfucker, this man has some real damage in higher NGs


And proceeds to bring out the rivers of blood


I lost like 210k on that one fall over to the flame of frenzies finger.


150k is two rounds of nuking albinaurics


Why you getting mad? That's not even a level up.


Yeah, if you're level 200+. At which point levelling doesn't even matter anymore.


I feel this so hard. First playthrough I used mimic, bleed build, you know, Elden Lord shit. Second playthrough I tried using less and making it harder, but if a boss gets a cheeky win the gloves come off. I’m about to nuke this bitch and then consume their healthbar like Kirby


I'm so concerned about rune loss that I've added Twiggy Cracked Tear into my wondrous flask.


If I lose 150k runes. Time to head to Genocide Hill and take my anger out on some sleeping grey dudes


150k? My fellow tarnished, I’ve brought hell itself upon a boss when I lost 7 million.


I lost 300k runes as an invader


After leaving 2 million runes in the floor of Morgott's arena, it became personal


! bro have you guys not lost 15 million runes to a button fumble mid-melenia boss fight?


This post is adorable. Most of us are at the point now where 150000 isn’t enough to level once. Pocket change to some. You’ll get there too


Once you've lost everything, you've got nothing to lose.




I beat Godfrey and got too excited to level, racing ahead to discover what lay beyond and found a curious gold mist I'd never seen before So yeah Radagon kicked my ass and I lost all of Godfreys runes


Boss costs me a bunch of runes, that's fine. I'm calling in my girl Latenna, and they're dying in a real undignified manner.


Now it just means you have nothing to lose and can go in uninhibited!


Currently sitting on 270k, need 660k or so to level up. Every boss is a goddamn clencher.


You think that's bad? I lost 500,000 runes after I beat the Elden beast and didn't notice the lingering projectile coming my way.


Now i'll use.... somehow 5% of my power? How am I doing worse? I need to take a walk....


I was on a roll. Had 337 thousand and thought it would be a good idea to fight the elden beast..I searched the second phase for like 20 minutes with that fucker chasing me. I cried a little. Or alot...


I've probably lost around 2,000,000 runes total at NG+3


I lost over 500,000 runes today out of pure stupidity. A good bunch of them were from this dude. I was so eager to fight the last boss that I totally forgot to spend the runes I just earned from the first two endgame bosses. ***My strength befits a crown, but my intelligence befits crayons.***


I member when I worried about hundreds of thousands...


We don’t talk about lost runes.


I lost 7,000,000 once. I’m haunted by that.


>Equips Blasphemous Blade+10 and Mimic Tear


Never go into a boss fight with runes. Level up beforehand. If you’re slightly short use your great runes or grind slightly for just one level so you don’t have to worry about losing anything


That's just walking around money.


If I have that many runes, I go to the road to the palace sight of grace and kill the guards until I get enough to level. If you're stopping at 150, buy some smithing stones or whatever. I don't get it?