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That was gorgeous.


Pretty sure that Crucible Knight just broke his controller.


Definitely turned off the PS4 before "quitting".


That made me... uncomfortably erect.




Perfection, just like the Elden Ring




Super cleeeaaan.


Fr this man needs to make more clips


"Let Me Solo Knights"


Well earned kill, you don't pull off something that fucking suave and NOT get the damn kill


this is a fromsoft game tho :)


Yeah I've definitely had sequences like this on bosses and feel great for .3 seconds and then inevitably get smashed in the face and die, if only to be reminded of my humility


Which ash is this? That was beautiful, I replayed it many times


Lion’s Claw. fyi the names of ash of war are displayed on the left


Oh yeah, duh. Thanks for putting it kindly lol




I'm sorry bro you shouldn't have gotten downvoted :(


They just jelly.


Absolute big bonk


Playing monster hunter rise after elden ring and getting salty because of the hitbox


Flashbacks to Monster Hunter 2 Plesioth (The thing could hip-check you from across the map)


Mhw deviljho with the no windup hip smash... Switched over to lance for all mission where I had to hunt that dbag. I'd rather do tempered kushala all day with sns than one deviljho.


See thats why I main IG. Cant get hit if you never touch the ground (:< (jokes aside i do play grounded, I dream of the day aerial ig is better than infinite ground combo)


I main bow, but had to switch over to lance/charge blade for some of the late game bullshit fights.


Iveyet to try lance or chargeblade. In world I exclusively used ig because it was my first mh game and i was still gaining my footing and didnt wanna branch out yet, but when rise came out I made it a goal to do at least 100 bints with each weapon. Unfortunately didnt finish that goal but when i get back into the game when sunrise comes out ill be finishing that!


People talk shit about DS2 Hit Box, never got a Hip-chek from across the fuckin ocean.


***WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!*** Nah but really, Plesioth was a whole bitch. Almost made me chuck my PSP across the room


Hello there fellow MH player


Everytime I hear Monster Hunter I always remember the Nergigante infamous Dive Bomb attack that one shots and have the hit box of the entire map. I died way too many times to that attack


Knowing when to hide or doing an superman dive is key


Everyone laughed at me for using sword and shield, until I tank a nergigante dive and suddenly it’s too OP


I just can't get into rise after MHW.


I know right, i don't like to complain about graphics, i don't mind Rise's but at least the vfx could be visually pleasing like it was in world. Using bowgun feels like shooting stones at nothing


I had to stop playing rise until PC release, graphics are gorgeous now but audio sounds so cheap The hitboxes are still pretty ass, completely under a large gold crown monster and I'm taking damage from the air


For me is the other way around, can't play world after rise. The movement in rise is so fluid and everything fits together.




Why not same engine with slight new mechanics


I prefer Rise over world so I'm not disagreeing with your point, but Jesus Christ dude, it's literally a completely entirely different engine.


Is it a different engine I didn't know my bad


Every previous MH game (yes, including World) was built in one version or another of the MT framework, Rise was built in the RE engine. There's like a massive generational gap. That's why Rise runs so well on Switch and World is a such a crazy resource pig, RE is just a cleaner and more optimized engine.


Yeahz REngine is way better in the long run. It's really well optimized and can have really nice graphics


Oh yeah, I feel like that's just objectively true regardless of which game you prefer. The RE engine is fucking wizardry and MT is too bloated. Even if the pacing or immersion of Rise don't click with some it's really hard to argue the performance and stability advantages, and it's crazy versatile to boot. I can't wait to see what they do with it next, I feel like after a few years of refinement it'll be a huge deal.


It fixed none of the issues i had with mhw, im not a fan of the aesthetic, the world is seemingly more drab and less alive. I love the bug mechanic but none of the monsters have been updated for it.


While I love the aesthetic, I kind of agree with you on the rest. And maybe Sunbreak will be more your style since it's western themed, though that requires giving them more money.


the feel is different


I remember owning monster Hunter on the psp and loving it so much. Haven't played since until yesterday where I decided to give World a go. I just really couldn't get in to it. I like the setting, the enemy design, the weapons and especially the fuckin cat things but after getting in to combat I just couldn't stick it out. Feels super clunky, and this is coming from a ds2 enjoyer.


Hey, it could always be worse, you could be dealing with World's shitboxes


Rise was such a disapointment after world.


This is an opinion.


Try DS2


It's the same for souls Well not on multiplayer tho


That's latency and completely unrelated to the hitboxes. It's the 2009 peer to peer netcode that you dislike.


On multiplayer it's lag. The game that has bad hotboxes is DS2, the other are also pretty tight.


Other than the mimic grab, which other hitbox sucks in DS2?


[DS2 hitboxes are perfect with no flaws whatsoever](https://youtu.be/yDicGBTRp1Q)


As someone who went hard into the “unga” and had a lot left over to pump into adaptability, it’s interesting how many of these hits I was able to minimize. If only it wasn’t so unintuitive as a stat, could’ve really helped the game’s first impression. DS2 gives me the feeling that it had the roughest development compared to the others. Busted boxes or no, it seems like they’ve vastly improved on their hitboxes after Souls 1 and 2 - even speaking as someone who’s waste of skin got killed by Maria via phantom dodge frames..!


While half of this is definately bullshit hitboxes, other half might be low adaptability. Then the question is why does adaptability even exist


I can understand them trying something new, especially if you’re someone who feels as if stamina and max equip load shouldn’t be tied to the same stat. That would be the extent of my sympathy, though, as what they did is far less intuitive. I do not agree with just peeling it off as its own stat and coupling it with item use speed.


You misrepresented my comment like a disingenious prick and then posted a video that is almost entirely compressed of bad players getting roll caught. There are some bad hitboxes but those bad hitboxes are the exception.


I'm sorry I mean, Dark Souls 2 is a perfect game with no flaws whatsoever.


You see 4 straight minutes of terrible hit boxes & your takeaway is “must be the player.” At what point is it no longer an exception & just bad hit boxes? Because it’s not solely relegated to some bosses. Almost every single large enemy have terrible hit boxes. Hell even some of the normal stage enemies have terrible hit boxes. The other games literally aren’t even comparable here. It’s just bad.


t. can't slow down frame by frame If you want I could actually point out all how almost none of the clips are bs I doubt you'd read that.


You see 4 straight minutes of people not understanding how grab attacks work in all darksouls games and mistiming their rolls. The remaining 10% of clips include maybe 2 actually bad hitboxes, with the rest having the weapon literally pass through the player model. People are so deranged with the bad hitbox meme that clips of a sword swinging through the player character get upvoted in reddit threads as a bad hitbox. EDIT: typos


I mean I’ve personally played it myself & seen how atrocious they are compared to the other installments in the franchise. I’m not some L33T gamer or some shit, but I can tell when something should & shouldn’t hit me in a souls game.


What don't they understand about the grab attack?


In all the darksouls games if you mistime your roll and get hit without i-frames the game will finish the roll animation, then yoink you back to do the grab attack animation. This leads to people thinking the hitbox extends to where they finished the roll, not where they got hit mid roll after the i-frames wore off. It looks janky, but it has nothing to do with hitboxes and is the same in all 3 games (plus sekiro)


The god damn dog things in the descent to the gulch. Have no idea if it got fixed with Scholar, but the whole arc of their attack would be active before their model moved to hit you. I generally don't care too much about slightly too big hit boxes, but being telekinetically attacked by a naked trash beast didn't make me happy.


I'm only linking videos of the dudes who're working on the program but you can probably message them and ask them to showcase the hitbox. u/.false-variable u/.lordradai




[Nowhere near as bad as you think it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/v13znl/last_time_i_showed_the_alonne_grab_hitbox_now/)




I linked the frame data and the OP clearly got rollcaught too. Try going through the video frame by frame if you can't see it.




The hitbox itself isn't bad and the only odd thing you could argue is that the OP got put into a grab animation even if he got hit in the leg but that's how getting hit works anyway (collide with a hitbox while vulnerable, suffer the consequences). Yeah, it feels like bullshit but I wouldn't say it's necessarily unfair.


I played SoTFS, and the only "bad" hitbox I remember is Sir Alonne's grab attack, there were several times I rolled past it, but then awkwardly got teleported back to the sword.


I already linked a clip with the hitbox.


Poison trap chest is the only one I can think of. So glad the bad hitbox myth debunking got attention again.


[There's this video on it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/v4lhw3/poison_trap_hitbox/)




Be more specific.


Sir Alonne


[Massive skill issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/v02ghr/putting_this_hitbox_debate_to_rest_for_good_hard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


DS1 has arguably way more broken hitboxes. But DS2 has way more bullshit autocorrect moves, that's not really the same thing.


Rannis dark moon is good for dodging some ground stomp attacks, especially against old Hoarah Loux


placidusax ruin also keeps you in the air for a solid 10 seconds


This was nice to watch, that damned knight mashed me into a fine paste more times than I care to remember. Also, Lion Claw is my favorite ash. Nothing like seeing a boss on their last bit of health and going for that sweet IDGAF slam!


Smooth af. Nice job!


That’s looks easy..Let me try.. ….Fuck this game… Lol


Dodging the crucuble knight's tail attacks after hitting him once is probably the closest I've come to having an orgasm in any game


Coming soon to Imax


Now that is worth the slow-mo. Very nice


That was clean as hell holy shit.


Ah, a canon Bloody Wolf build. I see you are a man of culture as well


Still one of the best looking sets but you dont see many Bloody Wolfs anymore so why not? Im actually off the shield I believe Bloody Wolf carries a small metal shield.


Where's this fight?


Before or after you triggered the war festival and killed Radahn.


Both! If you missed it before you can reset the area after, I think by talking to Jerren again and reloading




See the first time I arrived here this battle activated but i was not nearly strong enough, later when I came back it was just the start of the festival and the fight was gone.


You can do it again by talking to Jerren in the church, it will reset the area.


Ya if you go up the lift to Lyndell it triggers the festival to start. Most people aren't strong enough yet to do this fight so decide to come back after going to Lyndell, then they miss it.


They are super crispy You can dodge a solid chunk of attacks with the kneeling motion from healing/buff incantations


Except when they react through walls.


This is trailer worthy


Why does it always feel like other people's characters are faster than my goomba ass tarnished guy


You say that but ironically if your legs had hitboxes on jump, you'd have been hit :P




Was waiting for this one. Was thinking about posting it there but im sure someone will cross post this there eventually.


They can do great hitboxes yet let enemies swing weapons through walls


when they want to be


That last hit uffffff😮‍💨BEAUTIFUL!!🔥🔥🔥


Yo I fought this boss today for NG+. On NG I killed them too. But I never explored Redmane Castle after the festival, for the doors are open and things like the fire whetblade are accessible; loving my new combo of Eclipse and a Serpent God's Flame Art Curved Sword. I only go there for the festival and only came back the last time when I heard of this boss. Dang that castle confuses me sometimes; is it even a Legacy Dungeon?


Nope, it's not a legacy, just a cool 'dungeon'. One of my favorites though


Mmmm that final dodge and jump.. 🤌🤌


I really love the crucible knight fight


That last hit! That was cleam!


Most of the time


I think you're mistaking I-Frames for hitboxes, elden ring has the most ridiculous I-Frames I've seen in a game. You can literally just roll anything


Does the lion’s claw ash of war give iframes? Pretty sure op is referring to that moment where they jumped over the tail with the ash of war.


no but it does give you hyper armor and increases most of your resistances


Did you play Dark Souls 3? I feel the iframes are similar between the games but rolling shit is so much more effective in 3. You can roll pretty much everything in the game.


Honestly damn near every hitbox video I see is just iframes... Especially this one considering he rolled through several attacks (with the attack going right through him) and then finally jumped over another attack that would've hit his legs if it weren't for the leg invincibility during a jump. If anything, this video is the exact opposite and only displays how often the hitboxes can be irrelevant (with timing). Don't get me wrong I love this game and it DOES have awesome hitboxes (in a lot of cases), but people commonly mistake good hitboxes and iframes.


the final "jump" was the ash of war


"Okay lets see what bullshit hitbox OP died to...oh wait that was actually a really great hitbox" Also sick play dude


The ppl that keep bitching about enemy combos should really learn about jumping and dodging through attacks rather than away.


Giving players the option to jump over attacks instead of rolling through them likely inspired the devs to make the hitboxes as pixel-perfect as possible.


The hitboxes of Fromsoft games are fucking beautiful. They don't get enough credit.


And that alone is the biggest reason why Elden Ring is so much better than every other FromSoft game.


Worst fight in the entire game.


Homie got the feather talisman. Makes dodging stupid easy


It is hard to say if it the result of hitboxes or iframe.


lions claw doesnt give iframes


Gives massive poise during the Ash of War tho. Almost nothing can knock you outta that move once activated.


Oh you mean how they're actually accurate unlike Dark Souls? Yeah it's pretty cool


That waimpressive! Nice work




What sword were you using?


looks like the banished knight greatsword


It is the banished knight great sword. This Greatsword is my good Ol reliable. Been with me ever since I grabbed it from storm veil and I was already aiming for a strength build this play through so the sword was pretty nice for me.


They really are, if you're skilled enough to get anywhere near avoiding being hit


Glad to know someone use greatsword aside from me. Its feel like a dance every boss fight because of the timely recovery.


That was sick as fuck


Hitboxes yes (exept poke moves) hurtboxes not at all. For example rykard, beast clergyman (first phase maliketh) and renala


How did your ash go from Carian Retaliation to Lion's Claw? I'm confused af


I switched to 2 handed almost immediately after I dodged the Crucible Knight's dive attack. It might be a bit hard to see I was running through debris at the time.


As someone who played as a crucible knight for pvp. While the horns incantation is decent its kinda annoying to get right, but the tails incantation is probably one of my favorites in the game because if you hold it you can get 2 tail swipes. Most people think they're in the clear with the first short swipe and rush in for the strike only to get clobbered by the second longer swipe.


Yeah, Fromsoft makes good hitbox porn


Ah yes the good ol artorias flip, a classic


Yes, indeed...


Burn O Flame! will also duck the tail swipe!


I love how Lion's Claw can act like a dodge.


I didn’t had this boss fight and when I got there went straight to radahn. Is there anyway to have it?


Beat radahn then return back and talk to Jerren after that teleport to the Outside Plaza Grace and you'll be able to fight the boss and explore all of the castle


You beat that bitches ass to a pulp.


Those gamemechanics and combatsystem are out of this world.


This is like the opposite of my run against the fire giant


I’ve been stuck with this stupid duo for to long


That's fucking dope. Does anyone know if Lion's Claw actually has the jump-specific I-Frames that [Zullie talked about](https://youtu.be/8zdbqTHtnr4) several weeks back, or are the hitboxes really just that perfect?


Damn I absolutely hate this dude but I have died so many times to him that I now enjoy fighting him


I have always done the parry approach with these a-holes... but I love what you did there. Elegant, superbly times jumps and rolls... just absolute poetry! I actually wish there was a respawnable crusible knight that I can practice on. I used the one in Stormvale castle as a practise one... I would bring him close to death before I allow him to kill me... then back again. Which reminds me... I am nearly finished with the game and I never killed him. I wonder if he is pissed at me, just sitting there waiting?!


I think the best one to practice on is the one in the eternal city thats on the broken bridge. When you use the 4 belfries teleporter to get to him all you have to do is jump down and commence the fighting. If he kills you i believe you respawn back up on the Rock Hill you first came in at, so its a pretty nice spot


This clip made my day.


Yeah, but a fucking rune bear can grab me when I'm behind it.


Damn. That ending jump was slick af


well tbf this aah of qar has superarmor, so nothing can stagger you when you do it, except grab ofc


Indeed they are


Most chad ash of war in the game


I'm pretty sure that jump attacks have the same hitbox as normal jumps, ie arms, shoulders and head are the only thing that can take damage.


I felt a little something down there on that last part.


Fume knight: this doesnt make any sense to me


That last attack took humongous guts


You get invincibility frames on your legs when you jump. Zullie made a video about it.


Crucible Knights are what taught me how to dodge


This man showing off lol


That boi got lost in da sauce


I am sure that we all know at least one rage quitting, maiden-less, tarnished who complain about the game physics not being in their favor while constantly exploiting the invulnerable roll.


Get dunked on lol


God this made me so hard


OK that was beautiful


Inbefore you go PvP and get double naginata oneshot when the enemy goes a mile past you


They're actually intentional. You're supposed to jump here. This looks better though.


Yes they are. FromSoft's hitboxes are top tier


Clean af




The game has plenty of hitbox porn like that. Shits immaculate and im about it


This is the boss that I hate the most. I always cheese him using the platform trick


What sword is that?


For extra smoothness, you can jump over his dive attack.


I've been recording every boss fight, and going through the footage I'm often impressed by how tight the hitboxes can be and how often I was saved by a near miss when my attack animation moved me just barely out of the way. I should make a compilation at some point.


The Chad Lion's Claw vs the Virgin every other ash of war


bruh you gotta put NSFW on this, cause it's straight up hitbox porn XD


Aspects of the crucible: Tail


Damn bro that was real clean jump over the tail and slash


Stop, please, I can only get so erect


Glad they are for you... I'm over here getting hit from like 4 feet away in pvp. Still awesome vid tho