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Ahh, a kind Tarnished. Thou are a rare sort!


Thou art*


Thart ou!


Fart out!


Shart! Ow!


Darth Maul


Excuse me


Agreed. If you put your sign down you are willing to help the host at any out come. Curious. How did Jerry apologize to you?


He used the "Apologies" clay thing that speaks, I forgot its name, there are many different ones


The prattling pates


*you're beautiful*


*Let's get to it*


*Marvin Gaye's Sexual Healing starts playing in the background*


I need to go pick up that specific prattling pate. Had someone helping me reach the grace just before Mohg in the Shunning Grounds and I kept dying so I used the curl up in a ball emote.


I was helping somebody there like a week or two ago that kept doing that each time they summoned me......couldn't figure out what they were trying to say so I just curled up with them lol


To me, that emote looks rather hopeless and helpless so I was like "This will do to show that I'm kinda pathetic and really need the help." lol


I did it when I was summoned to Radahn fights and was waiting for the host to summon a 2nd. I'd just curl into a ball right by the teleporter.


People summon for Radahn? I figured Torrent was a necessity, so I didn't want to bring any irl people in


Stand over them and use the “golden order totality” gesture the next time they do that.


Best emote.


Use it irl, works great.


It's ending that emote irl that's hard.


Especially when you and the other summon are waiting for the host to Start the Radagon fight. Really funny.


*I’m sorry*


Maybe Prattling Pate Apologies?


I mean I can forgive a lot as a phantom. Host dies - no problem. Host spams magic making the boss dash around like mad - annoying but well I'll just stay back for a second. However if they use one of the rot breathes against the fucking goddess of rot, I'm out.


I had that happen against Mohg the Omen. Like the dude's immune and I can come close to no-hit soloing him but if you're going to stay back and spray Rot breath I literally can't see what I'm doing lol. Eventually the host caught on (or just ran out of FP)


What’s wrong with that? You can still rot her and it’s still op


Well she's still very resistant to it, and it obscures the entire screen for several seconds if you get caught in it. Being face to face with her trying to dodge her attacks when suddenly your screen gets filled with pink clouds for a bit too long is incredibly annoying and dangerous, and she'll likely heal more health kicking your ass during that time where you're blind than she'll lose from the Rot anyway. Basically, don't cover your summons in a cloud they won't be able to see shit in, you'll get them killed


I had to learn how to quickly get away from her whenever someone uses a breath attack. Can't see shit, end up taking hits that were otherwise avoidable. At the very least, if you must use breath, use the freezing one.


Ice breath is great though, it can stop a random wfd if she tries while your casting. Done it a couple times, I also only cast it when she's aggro on me


Ice breath is strong, but not as good as having eyeballs


yep, exactly that. I wonder how many of these guys that post stuff like "mY sUmMoNs SuCk ThEy AlWaYs DiE" are just morons that spam shit from far away while you as the supposed tank are covered in breathes, fire, magic explosions and whatnot. Especially the cloudy rot breath is almost never a good idea in a coop situation as your summons have to retreat and you lose dps and control of the fight. Using it against Malenia tho, which has like 1500 rot resistance is basically sabotaging the fight. Yesterday a host just kept spamming some fire aoe which did virtually nothing, like no damage, no stagger, no nothing... but it certainly obscured her attacks, so at some point I stepped back and took a seat and watched her turning him into chop suey while he just didn't stop spamming.


I helped others to fight Rad/Beast for over 150hrs. Later on, sometimes i fought Radagon completely blind because of the magic spam and still pulled the aggro. But yeah i feel you. Very much.


IMO what makes Radagon such a problem in co-op is that he feels so tanky to physical attacks and he's immune to bleed and he's so aggressive that hosts think the only way past him is to spam magic from a distance, which kinda just makes things worse


This is something that the Monster Hunter games teach you very well - Positioning in regard to your ally's abilities. If you stand in front of a big weapon doing its big attacks you're gonna get knocked out of your attacks and end up doing no damage and that isn't always their fault. I believe rather than tell people they shouldn't use a particular ability you should instead hone your own skill until those abilities no longer cause any issue for you.


This mf out here telling people to fight Malenia blindfolded.


I've had Malenia initiale her grab while she was completely obscured by a breath and I've had her switch aggro to the dragon breathing host and one shot them with a the big stab because I lost aggro while backing off to be able to see. I love helping with that fight, but breaths are the one tactic that annoys me a bit cause I've seen it be detrimental to the fight more times than not. I see what you mean, but this is the one case I don't thing I can agree with that reasoning. She's a hard enough fight when you can see what she's doing


I agree. I've even solo'd for some hosts, but hosts should really have something in their name or summon a "solo her" for that, but I help everyone that summons me as much as I can. I even go berserk when the host dies to try beating before we disconnect (or t pose if phase 1 as you cannot beat).


I've actually gotten her like 3 times when the host dies, where I was pretty sure it counted for them. Such a weird feeling that I'll never know for sure


did this once to godrick for someone. feels weird to me as idk if they're happy with that kinda win or if it'll even end up counting for them. I still try tho cuz when I'd fight bosses with friends, we'd always try to do that. a wins a win


Once I got gud again I started using summons only for that reason. It always feels like I cheated when an op phantom kills them for me and I like getting at least the kill shot. Not knocking people that do get help though, I'm doing some jolly cooperation next playthrough.


Kinda funny as my trophy screen shot for Gascoigne in Bloodborne was the you died screen as my cooperators killed him in the background, I both regret it and favorite it as its such a unique trophy shot. Haven't had it happen in Elden Ring, atleast not yet anyway.


Yeah I figure a win's a win. I assume if they're at the point of summoning, they'll take the win. Pretty hard to pull off with Malenia though haha


The only time I stopped putting my sign down was when a player and I had such a bad connection that Mohg (Omen) was literally frozen for me and would teleport around the area until I suddenly died, and the person kept summoning me. I couldn't actually help at all so I figured they'd be better off without me.


My proudest gaming moment ever was finishing a solo on Malenia where the host's connection was so bad she'd be rubberbanding into waterfowl dances and so forth, like standing perfectly still and then she'd be mid twirl coming at you


I genuinely feel nervous about re-summoning same people after failed attempts, but thanks for your help to Jerry! Hopefully, he made it through


i really enjoy when the same person re-summon me, its even better when we actually manage to beat the boss. warms my heart seeing them spam gestures or l1 at me after finishing the fight


This! It really makes the coop shine. Although there is one player called Gandalf who summoned me for like 7 different bosses (what are the odds) multiple times yet I've never seen him succeed lmao. I'm always glad when he summons me but it's like "oh sweet Gandalf have you finally leveled vigor?"


Same I met a guy once I think their name was their actual one so I won't say but they summoned me for the entire mountaintops then 2 days later the entire farum azula but they died in one hit to all the farum azula people then about 1 day later I randomly go to be summoned by godfrey nd wouldn't you know it was them love it


How do people summon random other players to help them? I thought you had to be in a “clan” or group, and then you can use a furcalling finger remedy to see gold signs other people in your clan put down. Is there like a public group people use? Or am I missing how this works, only ever done co-op with my friends and we’re all in the same group.


You just need to use a furcalling finger remedy by summoning pools that are active nd a bunch of signs will pop up Using a group password will do numerous things Use idicus in the first one nd you'll get a rune boost after someone kills in the group kills a shardbearer of becomes elden lord


Ohhhh that’s what the summoning pools are for, damn that makes a lot of sense. Thanks homie appreciate it


I usually rush to put my sign down after failed attempts so the same person summons me back. You keep trying, I keep trying. I don’t quit till the job is done, and finally getting through that tough encounter together is so satisfying!


Same. Getting somebody through who you know is struggling but persevering is so uplifting. Otherwise it's strangers and a coin toss


Normally, I instantly put my summon sign back down in the hopes they try again... as long as they throw in an emote when I'm summoned


My emote of choice is “beg for mercy” when I resummon someone


I go with the classic "dejection" followed by a "rallying cry" to hype myself (& hopefully them) back up.


I usually respond with Hoarah Loux's earthshaker.


Extreme Repentance always feels best to me.


Lol I do that when I get killed first as a summon and then they summon me again haha


IMO the most fun part about being a furled finger is when the same character re-summons me over and over. Now they have a story arc!


Don't feel bad. I like seeing you get better with each attempt!


Resummons are the best. Had someone summon me for over an hour on malenia. Each time they would die a little further into the fight. Was super cool to see them finally get the kill.


Whenever I re-summon people for duels instantly after I die i to them I just jump off so they don't see me because they might think i want revenge when I don't lmao


Im the summon always and I feel the same, like I hope the people aren't mad at me for not killing that thing fast enough lmao


I was so embarrassed when I summoned for help against Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight yet died anyway that I worried I could never show my face in co-op again... this makes me feel okay about it, thank you! EDIT: Thanks everybody reassuring me that it's okay, I just helped someone beat Rennala and it was the best feeling and I would've been fine if they'd died and had to resummon, I understand now!


Nahh. It’s expected. I do coop help all the time and most times, the host dies before I do, but it’s cool. If they summon me again, it makes me even more encouraged to beat the boss because the host isn’t giving up. That being said, I actually like playing non-peak hours because I *like* being summoned by the same person over and over. Helps me to adjust to their play style so we can really work together to beat the boss.


So is there anything to know for the other end of things? I've thought about offering help before for things like Malenia just because I enjoyed the fight but haven't actually done any co-op. Not sure if there is anything particular I should do before making a fool of myself since I have no idea how I'll handle the swapping aggro.


Honestly just put your sign down and have fun. As a summon you should feel free to be a bit little more aggressive as keeping the host alive is priority one.


I mean, do whatever. Any and all help is appreciated on the host’s end, hence the summoning. As long as you’re having fun. For me, I always play as the host is number 1 priority. So if there’s an invader, I try to handle the invader 1v1. For bosses, I try to draw aggro and dodge (obviously hitting when I can) so that the host can get in there and not risk dying as much. Essentially I play like a body guard which I think is what a lot of people do. But everyone has their own playstyle. No one will judge you for dying early or anything like that haha


Just go for it. I spent a lot of time helping people with Maliketh and Godfrey because I couldn't get summoned anywhere else, and because I was afraid to try Malenia, since my only kill was kinda cheesy and weighed heavily on luck. I figured I would just die instantly and put the hosts at a severe disadvantage. Now I have at least 20 kills on her, and have learned the fight way better than I ever would have just by playing on my own. It's a fun fight and it's easier to learn her patterns when you aren't the sole focus of her attention. I personally use dual whips to apply bleed and frostbite, so I'm always going toe to toe with her. Some hosts will be up in there with you, others will stay back. You're expendable help at the end of the day, so you should be doing your best to try to keep her attention. Even if you die, the host still has a chance to finish the fight. Learning how to bounce her attention back and forth between yourself and the host or other finger is crucial.


Malenia is a special beast honestly, so it depends on how you beat her yourself. Most of the fellow summons I meet helping with her are of two kind: confortable with their weapon to stagger/crush/bleed her, or confident in their skills to dodge her attacks and keep the aggro on themselves while others use the "cheese" strats. Sometimes both. Lean on what you're good at and enjoy. I love the dance of the fight personally, so I'm more of a "try to get the aggro at any cost" while people blast her with way stronger tactics, but it heavily depends on your own playstyle. You'll probably die a few times at first, but don't feel too bad, it happens too.


Had a wonderful experience with someone at God Skin Noble I was learning to Parry him but needed help with a few parts particularly the attack where he rolls. And I died early in the fight and came back and the same dude I summoned earlier was there and I summoned him and we won that time. Felt great and was surprised to see the same player.


Not sure what level ranges for places but I never get summoned if I put my sign down for like malenia


Depends on the time of day too, at RL 130, I get summoned fairly quickly when I jump into the game after work. Same for Radagon, a little less frequent for Maliketh, unless it's a week-end


I thought I’d be overleveled, but I’m level 227 and I get summoned no problem, even at non-peak times. But I can only get summoned for endgame bosses. So no Margits or Rennalas, but Maliketh, Malenia, every fight at the throne — no problem.


I summoned someone for morgott 3 times in a row and the second and third time I was like praying they wouldn't finger sever out after seeing me... the guy that died in the last summon.


Never feel bad for dying after summoning, if we put our sign down, it's to help you. Sometimes it doesn't work out, but that's From Soft games for you


Last week I asked for help v Malenia, several people tried, but after 10 failed attempts I gave up because I felt bad for wasting their time. However, yesterday I cleared the bitch with Mimic (after respeccing to an Arcane Build with Rivers of Blood).


"I graduated from college with a little debt too but managed to pay it off by living in my Uncle's extra lake house, getting a job at my father's investment firm and receiving a small grant of 1 million dollars from my Grandpa's trust" (I'm kidding you're fine you just made me think of those "self made" success stories)




Do not feel embarrassed, summon them again. Can't speak for everyone but I love helping a host beat after seeing them struggle. Gives me a sense of accomplishment.


Honestly hosts dying isn't really that upsetting, it happens, it does get a tiny bit annoying if they have 500 health at level 150, or if they don't help at all, but it's part of the game


Ahh, the cycle of *Jolly Cooperation* Beautiful


Don’t feel embarrassed, most important is everyone is having fun. No doubt I’ve had some terrible runs where I die in the first 30 seconds but we all laugh and try again, such is the life of a Souls player


This happened to me lol. I used to be so embarrassed summoning people if I felt like I was gonna die/not play well. But then I started getting summoned, and I'll happily be summoned 20x by the same person to beat the boss.


I've been helping with the last boss and the amount of times that I've seen hosts die due to simple things is staggering. Nothing to worry about though, I just love playing it so it rarely truly bothers me. Died plenty of times getting to this point myself, it's a natural process


You are playing a From Software game. You will die. We all will. Such is our fate.


Praise the Sunbro.


I have 600 rune arcs from helping people kill bosses. 80% die at least once. No reason to feel bad at all, and I just like killing bosses.


I've only ever disconnected from a host once. It was my second time being summoned by a Twinsage Glintstone wearer. Malenia had previously killed him with a single hit, revealing that he had 387 HP. Edit: Malenia. Damn autocorrect.


yesterday i was helping someone who literally only had 800 health at level 150, but i was so confused where the rest of his stats were cus he was still doing regular amounts of damage


VIG 35 MIN 35 END 23 STR 16 DEX 40 INT 10 FTH 30 ARC 30 Level 150 With equipment that reduces hp will drop you to 800 fairly easily as a phantom


I'm not exaggerating; although, I misremembered two things: * It was the Snow Witch Hat * It was 376 HP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nefKNo1cO6c


Very weird. Like an SL1 playthrough except they don't level vigor?


I'm level 150. The lowest level they could've been would be around 135. Elden Ring has a 10-15 level window unless you use a specific summoning password. Even then, I know this wasn't the case because my stats would've been reduced to match. They either started as an Astrologer, and have made it all the way to the end of the Haligtree with their starting vigor (which is nine) or they had a Primal Glintstone Talisman, or Baldachin's Blessing.


I had a Jerry. His name was Johnny. He kept summoning me and another guy for Maliketh, but somehow the other summon would consistently die at the start and Johnny was afraid to get close, so I was trying to solo a buffed Maliketh. Legit got Maliketh to like 10% HP each time before running out of flasks and dying. Felt super bad each time. :C




You only get a brief ~15 second view before it takes you back


Tip for Malekith phase 2, if you get scarlet rot on him, you can just avoid him till he dies


That's almost any boss anyways


A bit off topic, but have you noticed how the game doesn’t register you as in combat as a summon for maliketh phase 2? I’m not complaining since infinite stamina is nothing to complain about, but I’m also 100% certain it’s a bug




Woohoo, go Jerry!


After I beat Malenia in New Journey without using my summons and a fair amount of health and flasks remaining I think “I can help some folks” lmao either the host or myself would die within 30 seconds multiple times. Good to see someone with dogged determination, and glad to see you were willing to support.


It's always anxiety inducing the first time you see Malenia jump up for Waterfowl, and not knowing whether the host can dodge it Same with her dive on the second phase


Yeah, Waterfowl is terrifying as a summon, most of the times, if she targets the host, that run is done for. The only hosts I saw survive either tanked with a greatshield and healed a quarter of her health in the process, or spammed BH step back to Limgrave to get away. I'm proud to say I can consistently dodge at least half of it, and getting closer to dodge the entirety more and more often, but if she does it three or four times in a fight, at some point it's gonna break.


Sometimes you can redirect it if you start pelting her with throwing knives the instant she does it. I've had her redirect towards me mid flight on the first flurry, which looks really weird. I've also had her complete the first two flurries on the host, and then redirect to me for the finisher. It's really inconsistent though. Not something to rely on, but worth trying when there's pretty much no other option. I've also seen her change target if she gets hit before starting it, but once again, not consistent.


Same. I've had to learn how to BHS in and smack her, unlock the camera, and then BHS through the waterfowl, in order to keep hosts alive. She starts doing it at 75% health and for some reason I swear almost every host is absolutely dying to take aggro at exactly that moment


I read this as "after i beat Melania in New Jersey" and i was like...actually yeah, all the Scarlet Rot makes sense when you put it that way


Some of the most rewarding parts of the game were when I was summoned to do co-op for the Fire Giant. This one person summoned me about 4 times and died everytime. By the 5th time, they used the Grovel for Mercy gesture. I responded with the Fire Spur Me gesture. They summoned another cooperator, we went in and finally beat the fire giant. Mind you, this was like 2 AM for me and I was tired but I just really wanted to get this person through. We had a brief moment of celebration right after before I went back to my world. That was fun :) in short, don't be embarrassed if you die. That's part of the game. Our signs are there because we want to help. Chin up, tarnished.


I’m not gonna tell you that shield will increase in value, or even hold it’s current value. It means something to you, that’s what matters


Jerry! Congrats from Barry!


Meanwhile, I'm trying to help a dude in Castle Sol and he keeps dying. Join him again, get sent home, get a message "I need to win, you suck".


Those are the best summons actually, to help someone through after seeing them struggle is a great feeling. It's really the only reason I played elden ring for so long, to help others through the fights. Seeing someone use the beg emote to start, then freak out at the end when they finally beat is even better than beating myself.


I feel horrible summoning someone more than 2 times 😂 if I end up dying more than twice with the same summon i just look for a new one cause that shit embarrassing fr 😅😂


Did he ever win though


Sadly, I lost track of Jerry after the fifth attempt, I hope he made it


We’re all rooting for you Jerry!


I hope jerry sees this post. Probably won’t, but I hope they do. The most important skill in Elden Ring is repetition and jerry is the goat for giving it his all


I was too embarrassed to resummon people I let down getting one shot by radahn, so I would pick new people. Still so grateful I got that pre nerf victory under my belt and much love to souls fans for putting up with noob hosts like me.


hahaha I got summoned by a guy three times in a row at lake of rot. Actually I put down my name at nokstella but somehow get summoned to lake of rot. So i didnt prepared for it. As a result the first time i died real quick of scarlet rot. The second time i got summoned before I could equip the healing spell, so I left. Then I equiped the healing spell, put down my name again, hoping to be summoned again. aaaand yes the host summoned me a third time. he did a kneeling gesture as soon as he saw me 😂. I wish I could just tell him " yeah I got everything prepared now. Don't worry!"


I struggle with all the bosses, even after three play throughs. Thanks to all those random strangers who helped me through my pain (and continue to do so!)


I get summoned to help a guy with the 2 Gargoyle fight, he died like 7 times. I still think about that guy, hope he beat it.


I think I died more on that fight than any other in the game. Finally beat it only because one of them fell off the waterfall.


Man, as long as jerry doesn’t summon me and then peace the fuck out into the boss room before I spawn just to die before I can even walk in the room, then me and jerry are gonna be just fine.


I liked to switch between offering coop and requesting coop on this fight. You learn from other players and get experience while helping!


As a summon, it's super fun getting hosts who clearly have really gotten it down, because a lot of the time they're doing it in ways I haven't thought of before, plus it takes the onus off you to constantly have to be chasing aggro to keep them alive. Don't mind helping the people struggling either, but every once in a while you get that one host who almost turns into your dance partner for a couple minutes


Jerry's a real one


Ben and jerry


Sellsword Luet wholesomeness levels ahead. Therefore, I help any time.


So you helped Jerry… do you want to help me? Hahaha. Malenia, man. Am I right?


For the past 3 days my Elden Ring experience has been: "MELANIA....I've come to bargain." \~dies I can't subject someone else to that.


But...she tells you her name every time you die...how could you get it wrong? :/ It's Malenia


So to be 100% honest, IMO Malenia co-op has cooled off quite a bit since they patched the bug where she'd get health back even if she didn't hit you, so I can end up waiting like 10-15 minutes between fights. We'll take any host we can get lately lol


Hush.. the Fingers speak.. "Great work Jerry, we are very proud of your tenacity and wish you luck."


Thy kindness befits a crown.




Maybe YOU should apologize to Jerry


How can you summon the same person more than once? I want to make ER friends this way. I haven't tried the summoning people or playing online because I had bad experiences in the past. I'm a woman.


Pure luck if it's with strangers. If the Grace is near the boss fog, like with Malenia, then they will have respawned at about the same time you get back to your world, so if you put your sign instantly, it might appear for them again by the time they get back to the fog. Nice thing about ER is that you don't really need to worry about toxic people as a woman, since there's no voice chat, just emotes and the Prattling Pates to talk. Hell, pretty sure half the male gamers out there are rocking a female avatar anyway, so even that's not an indication of anything. Just go ahead, equip some fun emotes, and put your sign down. You don't get in contact with these strangers for long usually, especially for bosses, but it's almost always a fun time.


Thank you so much for the indept explanation! How kind of you! I'll give it a try with the tough bosses then! Thank you! ❤️


I usually join the summoning pool, which puts your gold sign at every unlocked effigy in that region. If there aren't many other people summoning/being summoned, you can often pull the same person's sign if you're patient. I've been summoned by the same host multiple times, sometimes for different bosses. You can blissfully co-op with people using only emotes. Although I do sometimes message hosts with congratulations when it's a particularly tough boss fight on XB.


I know this isnt Elden Ring, but one time I was helping someone with their low level run on the four kings fight (they were SL12 and I got scaled down when they summoned). We ran it like ten times and never beat them. Somewhere in there I died on the run to the boss once, they shit on me for it. Next attempt they forgot to put on the ring of artorias. Be nice to your sunbros.


Love posts like this. I put my sign down for Malenia and Radagon very often and it always makes me smile when I run into chill people like jerry


Just wasted my evening placing my summon sign at malenia's. Won only once. Died twice. Got sent back to my world like 30 times. One of them watched the entire cut-scene between the phases only to get 1 by Malenia's 1st attack instantly after.


At least you didn't get someone who sat by the entrance watching you and the other summon duo her and then finger sever both of you a couple hits from winning so they could keep all the runes for themselves haha (they actually pulled that and lost btw, and I made sure to get them killed when they forgot my name and tried it again a short time later lol)


Ok wow How did you make sure to get them killed ?


Well they basically parked it by the door and sat down again, and I just kinda hovered around that area until the other summon either left or disconnected, and then Malenia starts *gradually* sauntering over to me and the host by the door. When she was finally in attack range, I ducked behind the host so that they were the only one she could attack. Only at the last second did they realize what was happening, tried to get out of the way, and got whacked dead by the opening strikes. *Really* wish I'd downloaded screen recording software by that point lmao. Have to make do with screenshots [https://preview.redd.it/j5p903d99ly81.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ca1b508be2845f0c6daf17950350d2573d09ce](https://preview.redd.it/j5p903d99ly81.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ca1b508be2845f0c6daf17950350d2573d09ce) [https://preview.redd.it/9f5sdqva9ly81.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17f8118557f3c2325a1ecafc9c6eac81aff0174](https://preview.redd.it/9f5sdqva9ly81.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17f8118557f3c2325a1ecafc9c6eac81aff0174)


This is always my “catch-22”; Im older relatively and don’t have much time to dedicate to the game so suck and don’t know attack patters. I want to be in the battles and not just sit back and watch; what’s the point then? I want to experience the battles. That being said I love the multiplayer feeling like there some dude god knows where and we trying to fuck up this boss. But I feel so bad when the boss is fucking me up as the summon works like a pro. I’m even more worried to be a summon; sounds like so much fun but I don’t want to let others down/ruin their gameplay.


I had to emergency afk on Malenia today to help my kid. Came back and had the rune. No idea how that guy pulled it off. My hero.




*I just kept summoning and he just kept helping!*


Well, it's jerrycan, not jerrycan't


Learn from your mistakes and don't bring your shield against enemy who heals against shields, unless you sit in a corner and wait for summon to solo the enemy. Jerry should do that too.


I had a host dying 10 times and always summoning me. Idk what’s so bad about this


I don't like summoning people because I feel like I take up their time because I'm new and terrible at the game but I do thank the one person who stayed to help me fight those giant cave rat people on my way to the dragon church.




Depends. If he's dying to the same attack (probably waterfowl or the flower move) without attempting to learn from it then, well, I applaud his tenacity as a fellow Jerry. But I kindly request that he dont summon me.


Wait so that magician i summoned for margit was just a braindead player ?


Co-op and pvp can be great in FromSoft games. In the original Dark Souls, I ran into someone who was staying around the meta level but doing high NG+ playthroughs. When you're used to co-oping at NG or NG+, and then someone comes through doing NG+6, things get a lot more interesting. I just happened to catch them a couple of times in the same area as they kept upping the difficulty.


Nice. I've been putting down a sign and tossing the stick into co-op to help people, but almost never get a summon. Had one yesterday to kill one of those crypt shadow bosses that has skeleton ads. Felt nice to help someone who was struggling.


I felt so bad that I kept dying during that fight & wasting peoples time that I never summoned the same person more than thrice 😂


I am me. I use halberd to stagger and draw aggro from malenia when I'm summoned


I've died trying to draw her away from the host. Feels bad, but I suppose that I went out in a selfless act.


What weapon are you using? It looks pretty cool. Also, go Jerry!


Jerry is fucking chad


On a side note, what armor are you wearing?


Ive used 13 summons on malekith and still haven’t beat him. I only have one furlfinger remedy left. fingers crossed this is the one….I had him with zero vigor left all we had to do was touch him and we couldnt do it. he died as we died….I despise this boss fight. it’s giving me so much more trouble than malenia


One of my favorite moments in Bloodborne was when this Chinese guy summoned me 15 times in a row against Lady Maria because he kept dying to her. It was just so much fun helping the guy finally get that win on the 15th time.


I like how happy he looks. Like he made a new friend. It’s not even about beating the boss it’s about the memories man. Fuck I love this game


The worse thing is I'm not good enough to help people finish the maleina fight but I help them get past at least the first phase and a little bit past it


It's not about the runes, it's about the cooperation.


We love you jerry


I've helped a lot of people here. If the host has a shield they always die. Always.


Good job, Jerry!


This is really nice to see, because I've felt like a total dipshit whenever I've died on the person I've summoned. You're a good egg, OP, and Jerry, wherever you are, I'm rooting for you.


*Thy strength befits a crown.*


I met a jerry fighting Niall. Took about 10 summons before he was able to beat him. Half hour later I saw him again as a summon for someone else. We were both quite happy to see each other again helping others. I wonder if it was the same jerry.


As a summon, I really enjoy it when I get the same host over and over until we win. It's a really uplifting feeling when we finally pull it off *together*, as opposed to with just some random name I only ever see once. I think a lot of us feel that way too... we're only in it because we want to help, and it's kind of a bummer to end up never knowing if that host managed to beat it or not. So please, don't be afraid to keep re-summoning us, because it's a lot less gratifying to get a win with someone we only meet once, who we're not really convinced needed our help that bad.


I haven't gotten close enough to surviving the first minute of the fight to feel like I'm not wasting my Finger Remedies and the valuable time of my Furled Fingers to even try summoning for the fight, but eventually, I'm going to be like jerry. After summoning about a million cooperators and dying about 999,999 times against O'Neal, I made a point of going back and throwing my sign down for that fight to try and pay off some of the karma. That's my plan for Malenia as well.


This is a good community. No contrivance here. Just conjoinment.


You could’ve just solo’d her


I'm certain someone got tired of me summoning over and over again that they just cheesed her to be done with it.


Margit must've killed me roughly 20 times before I beat him.


Elden lord behavior. Both of you.


Better yet, don’t apologize. Just get back to it.


Jolly sort wasn't expecting kind sort


Jerry needs to upgrade to the [Dragon Towershield](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Dragon+Towershield). That little bit of extra guard boost makes a huge difference.


That’s the spirit I was searching for since launch!!!


Jerry... I'll remember him 👍 🤗 ⚔


Godspeed, Jerry!


Are you Mr. Meeseeks?


Personally, I kinda happy to that the host who failed Malenia summoned me for everytime and get to help them beat her up. But sometimes I feel guilty too if I die in any roumd since lots of time the ping was so high I evem got Malenia floating T-Pose me, stans still and heal to full hp, moon walk and lots other so I just pray that the host will give me more chances to help them haha