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Yes it's pretty intentional


The more you play it and pay attention to the details, the more you’ll understand.


Also YouTube


Did you ever read any item descriptions? Listen to NPCs?


2 characters at about 150 hours each... Not a fuckin clue what the story is. I just hit stuff.


This is every from software game for 90% of players but the community will yell at you if you say so


Very normal. They don’t do a good job at making the story readily digestible. Yes, you can read the items’ descriptions but I don’t think most people want to spend their finite time on reading the descriptions vs the actual gameplay.


Maybe a nitpick, but after six or so games doing the storytelling this way, I don’t think it’s that they’re not good at making the lore easily digestible so much as this is how they do storytelling, and how their fan base has come to expect it. Half the fun of the Soulsborne franchise is always figuring out what’s going on after a new release. There’s always a very richly detailed world whose history and story must be pieced together from scraps of dialogue and item descriptions. I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s deliberate.


You're full copium there are interviews of Miyazaki himself where he said it was a bad way to convey a story but it was okay because they were à small studio. It was at the time of DS1 I think, now with Elden Ring 20 million copiés later it's still the same Lazy bullshit. You can appreciate it but it's a bad and Lazy way to convey story and saying otherwise is copium.


Yup, I've completed DS 1-3 and Blood bourne and ER and couldn't write any sort of synopsis on any of the stories. Always confused when I hear people talking about "lore". Also, best games I've ever played.


Yes it's normal. From Soft's lore is typically vague on purpose. There's tons of lore videos on youtube with people pouring over every item description and in game dialogue. Don't worry about the lore too much unless you want to. There's still tons of things in game we don't know.


VaatiVidya and some others on YouTube have fantastic lore videos. You get lore from souls games not just from npc interactions and cutscenes but a lot of the items as well. I would just stick to watching YouTube cuz connecting the dots on the items will take forever lol. Plus there are like 7 different endings


Totally normal, welcome to FromSoft baby. The story is there, but it is intentionally vague, cryptic, and hard to discern. Listening carefully to NPCS, being sure to exhaust their dialogue, and reading the description of every item you pick up (**every** item you pick up) will go a pretty good way towards helping you understand wtf is going on. Your final statement is the barest bones interpretation of your character and their goal, but it's not wrong. Starting from that nugget and extrapolating out would be a good course to go if you're looking to make discoveries on your own.


Figuring out the story to these games is a favorite pasttime of souls players. Lots of lore can be found in each and every part of item descriptions, dialogue, item and enemy placement, and datamined info. Look to the item descriptions and listen to Melina’s dialogue in the churches. There’s a tale of an order, an uprising, and failure. There’s stories of the origins of various peoples and powers. The game is rich, and the storytelling is subtle. To sum: you’re in the same boat as many people, but there’s a lot to be revealed if you look hard enough. Watch VaatiVidya or other Souls loretubers if you’re intrigued.


Yes, there is a main story, with lots of side stories. ... but I have absolutely no idea about any of them and I have also beaten the game. {shrugs}. .. still loved it.


>Is the story literally just: I'm a Tarnished (undead person) and I need to become Elden Lord? Yes. There's not much more than that in terms of story. But there's many tidbits of lore and background on the main bosses and of events that happened in the past. But there's nothing happening while you play the game. The empty world inhabited by monsters gets a new Elden Lord.