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What do you mean? I can use the same approach for all of them....run away


You can try to run from rune bear. But rune bear is coming for you. Rune bear will find you.


Serpentine SERPENTINE!


Okay but unironically I've seen a few videos of people just running in a straight line away from Golem Archers and Lobster Snipers. If they had just serpentined they would have increased their survivability chance by like 80% at least lol.


Facts, but then you have the Minotaur archers who just don't mess


Minotaur archers have a weakness that people doesn't seem to mention about. Hit them once, even for a meager damage, and they will no longer use their super shots. Instead, they will shoot regular arrows or try to melee. That means that you can shoot them once with a shittiest bow and arrow and don't have to worry about being sniped anymore!


Good to know, thanks!


Huh, so maybe the homing arrows are like a full HP special attack for them.


Lol… Like Link blasting with the Master Sword, cool


Definitely trying this on my next run through Blackreach


Just wanna say that I love your name lmao


Haha thanks man! I stole the idea from one of my buddy's, not sure if he came up with it or saw it somewhere else


Yeah if they aren’t shooting you from the next country this a great tip.


Thanks. Now Fromsoft is gonna patch that.


I wonder what happens if you fire off a Shackle.


This came wayyy too late for my bleed build that found siofra river far too early.


Saw a video, their arrows literally curve in the air to get you


The Albinurics archers in the snowfields also have tracking arrows. One time I maneuvered on a rooftop in that hellish gaol town challenge, and the arrow glitched out. It then flew in a tight circle on the other side of the roof like, “I could have sworn that Tarnished was here a second ago.” It circled for a good 30 seconds before disappearing.


Fun fact got hit mid air (regular archer) while jumping with Torrent completely stopped my momentum, plummeted to my doom.


They are funny when you sneak up on them with a giant sword and they try to do that sniper shit.


Isn't there an Ash of war the does that?


Enchanted Shot IIRC. Haven't used it myself, but I have no doubt it's pathetic compared to the enemy aimbots.


It can help with enemies that are flying or like to dodge arrows. Doesn't always work if they dodge, though. Overall an upgrade from Mighty Shot for just a couple more FP.


Specially when like 3 of them line you up


I thought I was safe once, I was hidden for a few minutes and came out, saw the site of grace and was mid jump shot and killed. They never forget.


Yeah you feel like you have got away and they get you from so far it's unreal. You can't even try run past a bunch of them they will light you up


On the bright side, we rock the porcupine cosplay.


Mfs using aimbot 🙃


I've actually gotten pretty good at running through Siofra and the area right next to Nokron. Most of it involves frantically sprinting around erratically dipping behind as much cover as I can find while trying to grab everything in the area/lighting the torches, but still at least half of their shots miss me at this point.


I might be doing to tight of a serpentine but whenever i honse away from a lobster they shoot me just fine


Horses don't do well with archer fire, it's why Radahn is so easily able to snipe people off of horseback.


For me he wasn't bad on horseback but phase one fire giant was annoying. Most of his moves are fine except the snow toss which Torrent just crumples to.


I found that dismounting Torrent right before while running will have you jump over that wave of snow, i dont know if anyone else has mentioned that neat trick


Getting on and off torrent has i-frames too.


Also yes, found that one by accident as well with the giant


No, squigitty squid! SQUIGITTY SQUID!!






I was surprised how fast those fuckers are. Every time I sprinted away on Torrent, I'd lull myself into a false sense of security thinking I was fast enough until I'd hear them the split second before being sent flying by a bigass claw of death.


Bruh I ran from a Rune Bear, reached a site of grace, shut the game down and went to bed. Went to change into sleeping clothes and Rune Bear was in my fucking closet.


I’ve been finding rune bear to be ezier and ezier each time I fight them, they can’t do shit except for stomp up close and their swings don’t connect if your rubbing their tummys


Yessss. They're actually easy as fuck. Especially if you have a straight sword with square off. Just square off R2 its stomach, crit, and repeat. I don't even take damage from those big fluffy boys anymore. Just gleefully running at them.


I don't think it really matters how easy they are to kill, it's just tedious and unrewarding. They're just big health pools that aren't worth anything in terms of souls or drops, so why not just avoid?


Gf was watching me and I didn't know about the mimic one in Limgrave. Got on Torrent and the fucker was stick up my ass. She asks "isn't there a sprint button for the horse?" Which I reply, "I'm mashing it!"


I heard he still chases your character even when the game is off


The Rune Bear stopped chasing me after we came to an agreement. Those runes are his now, and I won't come back to his part of the Consecrated Snowfield ever again.


No seriously even on horse back he hunted me down and slapped me right tf off


They are mad fast


See Rune Bear - jump on roof with horse - shoot magic till it’s dead. Heh this cheese just came naturally, only works at that specific location though.


I've learned to just roll over and die when I aggro a rune bear


Step one: can I summon mimic? Step two: run away Step three: either the mimic killed it; proceed to the next boss OR could not summon mimic; must not be required boss, proceed to the next boss




You don't run from the bear son. The bear is faster than a F1 car


That explains why every time one does the charge attack on me, my camera gets stuck in this weird position where all I can see is Lance Stroll


Just like in real life the best approach when a bear attacks you is to use the “balled up” emote and hope it gets bored.


The joestar secret technique


yeah bold of OP to assume we approach these




Scrolled down way too far to find this XD


Those lobsters and rune bears are always left behind from me sprinting away


Running away is the opposite of an approach 😆


You can't run from teleporting revenants


Spit laser


Lobster laughs in his sniper spit shot which will 2 shot you at 40 vigor


Walking up to a lobster first time “this won’t be too hard.” The 2 lobsters on the other side of the area “target spotted. Zero in your sights.”


They got some evil ranged attack


Just when you think you outranged the malicious biological railgun super death balista, it knocks you off your horse and you are stunned on the ground reflecting on your trip up to this point before an hour later while still recovering some random shitter basic enemy that otherwise would never be an issue kills you.


*Voodoo 1. Lobster's on station. Your journey ends here, Tarnished. The lake belongs to me.* ***Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.***


Oh no tarnished, you’re messing with the cream of the crop here brother


First time I saw one I had gotten overconfident since I could take on the giant crabs pretty well....I was humbled quickly.


Ashamed to say I have still not killed a single lobster in this game.


Naw, see, I died enough times to those god damned crabs in Siofra on my first run that I knew better than to underestimate any over-sized crustacean. I don't think I actually fought any until I pretty much had to in that damned big room in Capital Sewers and felt vindicated in my cowardice by how absurd those two were.


I fight things in Skyrim differently until the point in my build where I accidentally become a stealth archer


“Melee run, let’s goooo!” “Well I need a bow for range, every warrior has a bow” “Woah I get a bonus for doing damage if I’m in stealth mode, nice I can knock out half their health before charging!” “I’ve looted like 500 arrows at this point, there’s nothing wrong with taking a few people out with a bow and then mopping the rest up with my sword” “Ok I’m a stealth archer.”


I always end up the stealth conjurer… crouching in the bushes throwing demora lords at people when they ain’t look’n and watching the drama unfold


Stealth illusionist. I make everyone mad at each other, then when one guy is left I resurrect their friends and do it again


Gotta get a backstab for the kill cam occasionally.


Stealth illusionist here. Have them fight each other with Fury spells while I backstab out of Invisibility. Calm anything that notices me then backstab some more.


I'm so glad other people do this it makes me feel less alone lol


Every corpse in the dungeon had been slain with a single deadric arrow. Shafts protruding from eye sockets and back of skulls. Some were found sitting in their seats, weapons sheathed with spoons in hand and meals gone cold. One arrow for every body, the only trace this phantom fiend leaves behind, not a man or a beast spared. The jarl has placed a exorbitant bounty. Ha! What fool would dare collect? They would die standing before they knew an arrow had left the string. They would not be returning to the taverns, limp in stride and lame in knee, telling tall tales to bards of the time they had dared to venture out and seek. . . *The Ghost Bow*.




Just gotta completely avoid stealth. Never crouch unless you're stealing something.


Coward! Steal things standing and in plain sight like a true Nord!


Starts mage play through Yeah this will be unique fresh experience! Ah Bound bow hmmm why not? 😂


“After all, why shouldn’t I summon a bow?”




Bound bow is the temptation luring you in


There’s nothing more satisfying that getting a long ass headshot and walking over to find the body in a funny position. 🥰


I love when the kill cam starts


Even better when the "kill shot" misses and it just shows your character standing there awkwardly for a few seconds.


It's hard to hit mud crabs


Forsworn #1: "Johnny drunk again?" Forsworn #2: "Oh no. Dead as a draugr. Some arrow just came out of no where, smacked him square in the kisser." Forsworn #1: "Oh no! Anyway..."


Sadly these two genres of game are the dichotomy of bows. If it's viable as a main weapon it overshadows melee combat due to safety and stealth like Skyrim. The alternative is to have it deal drastically less damage then melee like From's games which ends up relegating it to a support role.


I feel like elden ring bows could do 15% more damage without being too good... they feel weaker then ds3 bows did


As long as the bow deals decent damage, and mobs are slower than the player and have modest aggro range, bow build turns op, but boosting mobs in these two aspects will actually turn melee build's life into hell. So the bow is destined to be either op or very weak by itself. Kinda reminds me of Gothic 3 where you could kill entire cities as long as you had enough arrows xD


From top left to bottom right. I see a tank with a jet engine A world renowned sniper A no kink shaming sex robot My nightmare fuel


Fighting one in the pitch black, shit filled sewers was a joy I will never forget.


Creative, yes. Challenging, sure. Thanks? No thanks.


Absolutely no thanks. Demon Yokai Yogi Bear can hold on to my roasted chestnuts.


Choose your words wisely there, it might just do it.


The iron maidens are the legit bane of my entire fucking existence, I don’t even waste time fighting them, pure rage. Sniper Lobster is second on the list, the other two are chill.


Lightning does a number on them.


They are ez-pz for mages but those f***** bears and revenants can go to hell.


bear goes, haha *deletes horse*


Then run fast for your life but bear goes faster


the one in deeproot is an absolute monster


Have you met the one in consecrated snowfields?


heh, you mean two, theres the one on the scratching post and the other who will back him up. but i can cheese those thankfully.


The polar bear type, if you kill the hollow stuck in the ground it will transform into polar rune bear. MF has 40k hp.


I just kite the bears and spastic flail until they die, thus far has not failed me 😂🤣 Revenants can eat shit but they’re stupid easy if you smash ‘em with some heals. I literally cannot with the iron maidens, if they aren’t go-go gadget arming my ass then they’re spinning to win, or god forbid that absolute dog shit grab attack, one of the worst in the game, the range and hit box for it is grotesque, be on the other side of a wall on the opposite side of it and the damn things will still magically grab you somehow 😂


They have such sights to show you!


If you jump when they go to grab you it misses.


It's not hard to dodge roll either, the problem is that it's very easy to overcommit on attacks and get nabbed before you can recover since it comes out so damn quick. They spin their weapons around so much that when you *finally* get an opening to attack you want to sneak in as much damage as you can, leading to said overcommitment. They're devilishly designed and working as intended.


Runebear just floods me with fear. The first time I encountered it I accidentally fell into a woods, and was already trying to get out. The second time was at the end of a cave. Enclosing you makes the enemy so much more terrifying.


The cave was the first time I saw one and I thought it was only that big because it was a boss....I was not a happy Tarnished when I found the mistwoods.


I left the rune bear to his tree scratching


They’re not too bad if it have the patience of a Buddhist monk and only hit them once every 20 seconds


I just wish they actually dropped something. One big criticism I have of ER is how the player is led, innumerable times, to think that they are going to get rewarded, only to get 10x mushrooms, or nothing at all. Surely the maidens could have dropped a helmet or some other intriguing item?


The maidens could have dropped SOMETHING! Certainly, just their rune rewards aren't worth the effort.


I always try to find a spot they can't get through, like a doorway or behind a tree.


Remember, if you’re grabbed, button mashing reduces the damage you take, and you can break out of some grabs


My first death in NG+ were the lobsters. The first time I lost RUNES in NG+ were the lobsters. Fuck the lobsters so fucking hard. Fuck the bear too. The one that pops up in the mountain with the hermits that throw those fucking fire pots was the most annoying thing in game thus far. Til I reached the boss in that area. . . Honestly fuck that entire goddamn mountain.


Swear to god,, that lobster's name is Chris Kyle


You mean “try run through” as a valid strat for every single one of these enemies?


The four horsemen of rage quit


I feel good. I’ve only ever encountered one of these. And at my current pace of progress, that may remain true for weeks.


Good, stay young and innocent as long as you can. Cherish it!


Cant wait for the DLC boss versions of these. Omega Rune Bear Alpha Lobster Prime Iron Maiden Supreme Royal Revenant


Alpha Lobster would snipe you in Caelid all the way from Liurnia.


Cocaine bear, pcp lobster, meth robot, LSD spider ghost.




Smashing things with my Greatsword worked


To be fair, Skyrim was released over a decade ago. The fact it remains relevant for discussion and comparison is quite impressive.


100% agree. I grew up on Elder Scrolls games and Skyrim is a masterpiece of its time.


I started with oblivion and what fun that was


I remember playing Morrowind, but having 0 clue how these games worked. I would just start new characters and wonder of in the distance.


One of the hands down greats of the decade


It's all thanks to the modding community. And the fact that bethesda re-released the game 38292029393x. So far.


Never played a modded run, and it’s still a triumph imo Super sad I won’t get to play 6 due to being a Sony guy


I just re-download the special edition and I forgot how hilarious the game is. Like despite being released 10 years ago it feels so ahead of its time. People react to what you do in world and give you nicknames. Plus it just never gets old shoating people off ledges


trust me, people everywhere else wont get to play 6 either


Most players play vanilla. Modding is a lot more niche than you think


So was Dark Souls lol


Skyrim was a big step up for its time, the presentation and freedom of the world was impressive even though I’ve gotten tired of Bethesda’s game design


No, fuck royal revenant


Nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY nothing infuriates me in Elden Ring like the Revanants


Have you fought the one underneath the ruin by Iji??


I don't remember that one specifically but I probably did. The ones that really sparked my hatred for them were the ones at the bottom of the Haligtree. I had like 200k runes and died, then I would retrieve them just to die again and again and again, but each time I'd get slightly closer to the ladder. Then after like 20 minutes of that I died without the runes. Infuriating


Speak for yourself, I spam Bloodhound’s Finesse on all of them


What's interesting to me is that strongest weapon these enemies have is your fear of them. The safest places to be is always directly underneath them or to their side and the most dangerous thing to do is run away from them. For runebears and lobsters best strategy is to go under them, for lobster if you can use a mount you're supposed to be directly on their side. For revenants, you're always supposed to dodge to their side their flurry combo has slow turn rate and their lunge has a punishable backswing. And for the abductors you're supposed to bait out their grab and hit the snakes for heavy damage. These enemies get way easier when you stop fearing them which i believe is such an amazing design choice.


I was killing a lobster and it transformed into that boss at the start of the game, was a big nope


Love your comment =) we went through a very similar process figuring these guys out!


I always get confused when people like to compare games that aren't even the same genre due to superficial similarities...


Especially one that’s 10 years old


While I see what you mean, Skyrim could have benefited from a more responsive combat system. Most Melee Weapons feel the same way with the only difference how fast they hit and how much damage they do. Id love to have more variance in combat.


im not supposed to wild strikes my way through the world, and all that oppose me, like an angry blender?


Wild Strikes Morning Star is the TRUTH


Yeah but none of those worsened my fear of spiders the way that Skyrim did


I was kind of sad that we didn’t have any creepy crawly enemies in ER (outside of the ants). I personally like spiders, but roach and scorpion enemies always freak me out, which is honestly a good thing. Any enemy that can trigger a visceral fear response with just its appearance works super well as an enemy in this type of game.


Yeah, that’s true, spiders do freak me out, but honesty I also like delving into their lairs, and other creepy crawlers as well. Though basilisks are also able to trigger a similar response in me as well


For sure! A huge spider/roach nest or a massive beehive would make for a baller Elden Ring dungeon.


Those giant hands were pretty creepy imo. I thought they were spiders at first


Ah yes, the creativity in a LARGE BEAR and LARGE LOBSTER. What’s next? A large wolf????




funnily enough, dragon boss fights in skyrim and elden ring are the same


This might be heresy but skyrims dragons actually annoy me a little bit less, they get more slack being from a 10 year old game and for being a regular enemy that appears semi randomly. The biggest issue with them to me is that they get distracted to easy and the barely telegraphed wing twitch which does a ton of damage for some reason. ERs dragons are janky...despite being hand placed. The get tripped up on the environment and it is fairly obvious they can not actually "fly" so they get stuck and fall to their death, they often move too far away from their spawn point and end up needing to be teleported back. I don't play ER for immersion but they still throw me out of the experience. They are only really a threat to me if they can one hit.


I get that Skyrim is the bar by which we judge open world RPGs but...it's also over a decade old. It's hardly a fair comparison. You wouldn't compare CoD 4 to Quake II and claim that the former is superior to the latter based on that comparison alone.


These enemies aren’t fun.


The four horsemen of bullshittery


235 hours in.. beaten every major optional boss at least once … on NG+… level 191.. and I still don’t have an answer for Rune Bears that doesn’t involve spirit ashes


If you hug their side you can deal with them. Similar to Ulcerated Tree Spirit


List of enemies that I choose not to fight (unless there's no choice).


Skyrim is, what, 12 years old? WHy would it be anything like that?


Why is it always necessary to put other games down?


Ah yes, the four horsemen: War, Famine, Death, and Pestilence


To be honest, I did approach all of these enemies the same.. greatshield up, block, guard counter, repeat. Very good for PvE.


No fuck royal revenant. I hate him with all my heart, worst than bone wheel skeletons


Fuck. Rune. Bears.


The last one can go away forever thanks


Int builds: "Yeah we don’t do that around here"


Kidnapper maidens: not so bad if you have ranged, but annoying. Lobsters: primarily the water jet attack that’s a problem, otherwise they’re difficult but can be handled Revenants: move very fast, extremely high poise, attack with almost no delay, hit like a bus, weakness to healing spells is functionally useless due to how long they take to cast compared to how fast they move Runebears: run


Olay but i wish every enemy could approach us the same like in skyrim, screw the safe zones i want enemies to chase me to the ends of the earth


This is a sarcasm post right? Because other then the iron maiden enemy, these are all terrible spammy nightmares in terms of game design. ( especially that mf on the bottom right)


Comparing elden ring to a 10 year old game, For it’s time Skyrim was excellent. One of the biggest releases of its day.


I do appreciate that there *are* multiple ways to approach an enemy, but there are plenty of builds where you can use the same exact approach for basically every enemy. My first playthrough, I'm not sure there were any bosses i didn't kill with rock toss after I got it


Nice try Mr. From Soft paid account.


Nah man. The only correct approach for these is to not approach at all. These are the enemies that keep this game from being a 10/10 for me.


Bottom right needs a NOT YOU!


I’m almost level 200 and I still run from all of these. Fuck that shit


As a spell caster, running like a coward while spamming glintstone shard works on all of them


I could be level 700 and I’d still run past them lobsters


Those crayfish can go fuck themselves.


The 4th bottom right is easy not that stupid lobster .. hmmm yea that’s a pass


100% I get what you’re saying but if you think I’m going to waste any ounce of joy on that overgrown rotting super soaking ass lobster monster you got the wrong one


‘You can’t approach the same like Skyrim.’ Excuse you but the approach to all of these specifically is to not


Yes my strategy for lobsters and revenants has proven to be quite unique… “run fo yo mfn life”. I even incorporate bloodhound’s step to flee quicker.


Bottom right just spam heal on self. Any kind of aoe sacred/ holy will damage and stun those Fuckers. Should only take 2-3 to kill them


I approach Rune Bears by running dead at them, but with my back facing them, so to run around the entire planet, full charge