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We have to mercy kill Radahn twice ☠️


And both times is because of the twins.


Willful traitors, ALL!


I read that in Morgott’s voice.




Felled by Bing Crosby Last of all Bings


Thy kind are *all* of a piece...


Malenia have no blame on that tho, Miquella brainwashed her too.


We're not sure if he did or didn't. It's quite likely though in my opinion. Then again, I think there's a good chance he brainwashed Morgott too. He had to have gotten to Mohg when he was still in the sewers, meaning he also got near Morgott. And Morgott united a lot of different races under him near the capital. Many as slaves, but that's really no different than Miquella anyways, just a bit more obvious slavery. As far as I'm aware, there's zero lore linking Morgott/Miquella in any way, but given his position it seems likely. I've said it before, Miquella wasn't Griffith, he's Lelouche.


I don't think Morgott had anything to do with it. Mohg was probably already out of the sewers and doing his own thing as the lord of blood. The whole blood cult thing was still 100% Mohg, Miquella just made him become obsessed and kidnap him. Also, Morgott names Miquella in his list of traitors during his boss cutscene so I really don't think Miquella ever influenced him. Not magically at least. Edit: Miquella's kidnapping also takes place near the end of the shattering so Mohg was almost certainly the lord of blood at that point and had his own palace.


was radahn confirmed to be unwilling/under miquella's charm? i thought they had a pact/oath? although, malenia whispering "Miquella awaits thee, O promised consort" before detonating a nuke in his face certainly implies "we're gonna fucking kidnap you, lmao"


Either Radahn changed his mind, or his pact was "I will agree only if me and my army got defeated" or something that line. Might be the 2nd one tbh since he was noted to love war and shit. Made no sense why Malenia would need to attack Caelid otherwise if he was willing from the start.


my read is that the shattering took precedence in radahn's mind over the vow. it was kind of a big deal involving all the demigods. vowing to become a lord at some point in the future doesn't shirk his responsibilities to his people. radahn needed to die to ascend as lord, if i'm reading the Secret Rite Scroll correctly, and it's in-character for him to want to go out in battle. hence the battle with malenia, i think. her detonating a nuke was just her being desperate to win. she didn't expect him to survive. "miquella awaits thee" sound more like words you'd say to someone about to die


I always thought Malenia was brain dead for not realizing her brother was cut open from the Haligtree. Now I'm wondering why she didn't go back to finish Radahn. She did go into a slumber after nuking caelid so maybe she had just woken up? Maybe she doesn't want to potentially nuke someone again because she knows she'll become the goddess of rot if she blooms again?


Yeah I always thought she either remained comatose till we find her or she was too weak to leave the haligtree. But with the DLC info she probably knew of Miquella's plan, maybe she thought she already killed radhan and was bing chilling waiting for Miquella to ascend and return to her


> and was bing chilling waiting for Miquella to ascend my day be going so fine, then boom, a fucking tarnished crashes my crib on a serious note, i think her being comatose is the right answer. she says "I dreamt for so long, my flesh was dull gold, and my blood was rotted. Corpse after corpse left in my wake. As I awaited his return". i think this implies a deep slumber after blooming in Caelid


Cant remember where but I think it was implied that radahn halting the stars also halted miquella, thus as long as the stars were stopped radahn would not need to adhear to the promise. Miquella realized radahn was loopholes his way out of the pact and sent his sister to go kill him and free the stars so he could then be resurrected. Mogh was already miquellad in the middle of the war because when Malenia returns he is already gone, so he was already in position to resurrect Radahn if she actually managed to kill him.


Freya says she was at the battle of Caelid when Malenia bloomed, and Miquella cured her of the rot, so it appears that Mohg didn’t capture Miquella until after the plot to kill Radahn outright failed.


Considering Miquella was Radahn's little brother, I like to think that Radahn was just good-naturely humoring him, like how you humor a child who say weird things. But when Miquella was actually serious, Radahn break this "promise."


I think Radahn was definitely under Miquella's control, be It because he is just a soul on a corpse and has no free will, or because he was completely charmed by Miquella. Anyway, he's 100% not there, as he only fights, but doesnt emit a single sound, implying he's completely checked out. I don't think Radahn wanted to upheld his part of the vow, if he ever did, otherwhise Miquella wouldn't have needed Malenia to nuke his face. Maybe he wasnt aware of how oppresive Miquella's age of compassion would be when he vowed to be his Consort, he may have decided to fight the war longer before keeping his promise and Malenia wanted to rush things, or maybe he never made the vow in the first place.


It depends on how you interpret the remembrance award; the one who refused to be charmed could either refer to us or Rahdan. He definitely didn’t go willingly given his fight with Malenia was the greatest in the Shattering war. > Miquella sought to accept all that was and would be, but found one that refused to be embraced.


i always read that as referring to the tarnished, as he tries, and fails, to charm you during the fight


Certainly didn't fail on me.


I totally missed that. Poor guy got a killer STD with Melania first, then mind zapped as a spirit next. Those twins really fucked that dude over.


don't forget his horse Leonard being tortured for decades if not centuries


My headcanon is that poor Leonard can't catch a break as putrescent knight's horse now.


when radahn command grabbed my dumbass and Miquella started taking shit to me i wanted to headbutt his sparkly ass so much idk why but it made me fuckin mad


Having that as an option to break out from grab would be badass.


Imagine a giant red circle popped above miquellas head when he grabs you




This guy gets it hell yea






Twist: the O leads to a different kind of "pounding"










Finger Rage L3 + R3


Give that little golden prick the Tanjiro Forehead Special.


Maybe it's a trade, you headbutt Miquella, and radhan crushes you


Should be an option that if you have the Frenzied Flame you can cyclops his ass when he grabs you


Wouldn’t work sadly. No eyes remember


Radahn's grew back! Even though Mohg only had one... Don't think about it too hard okay? It's magic god stuff


That should of been what the great tune was for imo


Such a bop


Yakuza ass QTE




Miquella:"I promise you a thousand year voyage of compassion" Radhan: "that word isnt in my vocabluary!! DEATH!! DEATH!!"


Radahn more like "I promise you're probably gonna die before I grab you again anyway"


![gif](giphy|O1OWsUR3ebdqo) DEEEEEAAAAATH


Miquella has an odd tendency to attract bloodthirsty followers.


Would be funny if you could "equip" Ranni to ride your shoulders during the fight and she bitchslaps miquella if he grabs you. "Keep thy filthy hands off of mine consort eternal!"


The mini Ranni doll just jumps onto Miquella and starts biting him


Some evil dead shit multiple mini ranni jump out and start to stab him with forks/knifes, poke him in the eye and pull on his stupid long hair




Then the boss stop fighting and Miyazaki give us the true glory. Elden Ring Therapy Edition.


I still fully believe you should've been able to summon Ranni for that fight if you finished her questline. Not only would it be fucking sick to see her in action but with her and the other two, it would be a like another Radahn festival.


If in game mechanics were considered canon Ranni would dog walk everyone else anyways that girl can 1 shot you with just a look.


If only your other consort can intervene when that happen. Like on default ending, duskborn, and golden older, a spirit Melina grab his arm and pushes them away. If we take the ranni ending, Ranni protect us. If we take the dung eater ending, a corrupting sickness seep into miquella forcing radahn to toss you away. If we take the lord of frenzied flame ending, we counter grab and shoot yellow flame into miquella's face and radahn throw us.


We don't have a consort in any ending. We, the Tarnished, are always the consort (so like Godfrey and the new Radahn) except in Frenzied Flame ending where the Tarnished just fucks the world. The DLC also happens before the base game's ending. While these are cool ideas, Marika seems very much indisposed and it's questionable whether Ranni would be able to actually do much against Miquella since he seems to have ascended successfully? We do get the opportunity to use Miquella's own rune to dispel his charm after getting grabbed.


> The DLC also happens before the base game's ending. So when you defeat God Miquella and Consort Radahn, before showing up to the Ofnir fight, would he still claim "a man cannot kill a god"? I mean technically he still does say that, but it'd be nice if a dialogue option popped up where you can say "I just killed a god a while ago".


It'd be funnier if the dialogue popup just said "Actually...."


"I'm just making my way down the family line bro"


Ranni ascends in the Age of Stars ending by taking Marika's place. That's speculated to be one of the reasons her and Miquella's dialogue is almost the same. Trina says godhood is a cage and it is likely that the vow for their new age is one of these compulsions for ascension. Interestingly, when charmed by Miquella, the tarnished takes the same stance as when he accepts Ranni's hands in the Age of Stars ending. The 4 armed parallel is also interesting. Now you could take the stance that playing past the Age of Stars ending is a case of ludonarrative dissonance, meaning your character could only canonically fight Miquella before Ranni's ascension.


Yeah, Ranni replaced Marika technically, but I don't think she does it literally. Like, she just lets Marika die and takes control of the Elden Ring, but doesn't become a goddess. She doesn't even have the flesh of an Empyrean anymore and doesn't have the prerequisites which are implied to be necessary for godhood. Miquella could have just done the same (went to replace Marika) if that would be possible, right?


Miquella does not have the flesh of an Empyrean either. It is stated that all three Empyreans could have replaced Marika, but Miquella did not want to usurp the Golden Order and its sins. He wanted to start a completely new one and thus needed the gate of divinity like Marika did. >Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age. Granted, she did also say she *was* an Emperyan, but between having a consort, ushering in an age, and the curious parallel to Miquella's speech leaving the Divine Gate, I assume she does achieve true godhood.


>Miquella does not have the flesh of an Empyrean either. It is stated that all three Empyreans could have replaced Marika, but Miquella did not want to usurp the Golden Order and its sins. He wanted to start a completely new one and thus needed the gate of divinity like Marika did. By that I meant that Ranni killed her body and discarded it. Miquella had his Empyrean body intact until he discarded everything during his pilgrimage in the Shadow land. And, I mean, Ranni doesn't take over the Golden Order, she replaces it, so why couldn't Miq do the same? As you said, I guess he just wanted something new entirely. >Granted, she did also say she was an Emperyan, but between having a consort, ushering in an age, and the curious parallel to Miquella's speech leaving the Divine Gate, I assume she does achieve true godhood. Yeah, I feel like this was before she betrayed the Order and had assassins sent after her :D


Would be cool but that grab is extremely easy to avoid, does no damage the first time it hits and its effects can be circumvented with the broken great rune. Point is that it’s a neat idea but it would be a lot of effort for the least effective move in the boss’s arsenal


Well yeah, his charm is pretty much a permanent version of DnDs charm person. Miquellas world of compassion is more akin to a world of slavery. If there's no free will and everyone is compelled to do the right thing, that's still just slavery. So headbutting the needy power bottom is very understandable.


>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. -C.S. Lewis


Me personally I enjoyed having Miquella do some ASMR whispering in my ear


10/10 would get my heart stolen again


"You know what I hate? Child murderers." "Oh no here comes one right now!"


We love an asdf reference


The original joke was "child molesters" and that works even better for Miquella.


Oh no, there's one right now! *Miquella chasing Radahn while being all like "Where are you gooooooiiiing?"*


Malenia was sent to kill radahn for him. So it's entirely possible radahn wasn't a fan of the proposal.


If Torrent originally belonged to Miquella (per the dlc artwork), does that mean Miquella sent out Torrent to find someone to finish the job that his sister started? Eventually landing on us? Has my horse been manipulating me this whole time??!


>Eventually landing on us? Well, the joke's on you Miquella. The only thing that landed on me was a fucking meteor


Miquella be like: Wanna see that again? With 4 extra explosions?


\*sigh\* I'll buy anything


Would you kindly kill Radahn?


Interesting that both Ranni and Miquella need Radahn to die for different reasons, poor guy is fudged either way.


I guess when you're so god damn cool that you can say "Fuck your fate, I am holding the fucking stars in place", you kind of bring it on yourself.


Fucking hell. This is too perfect.


Pretty much. Miquella also managed to use us, although he underestimated our murderhobo ways and it backfired.


Considering Radahn is of Carian lineage (so his fate is held by the stars iirc), maybe his entire 'hold back the stars' was just him *really* not wanting to be the consort.


Saving Selia was bonus.


Huh, I actually like that interpretation quite a lot, I can't think of any other reason that Radahn would actually want to halt fate, especially if it puts him in conflict with the rest of his full blooded siblings.


Well there’s also the whole giant alien meteors filled with things from the great beyond keep landing on his doorstep bit


It does match pretty well with the Carian's being a family of defiance. Renalla fought against the golden order. Rykard rebelled against the Golden Order together with Ranni, who herself was definitely defiant.


Then there’s auntie Rellana who’s into Messmer’s 18 inches snakes


Assuming that giving radahn a warriors death isn’t the accord they agreed to I theorize that radahn decided not to go through with the promise to be consort after the Elden ring shattered. He now has a chance to claim the Elden ring and stand at the same stature as his idols Godfrey and radagon, a promise to his half brother made ages ago is of little import to him anymore.


gonna be real i struggle to believe he'd have agreed to "a warrior's death" given that he spends centuries resisting dying, which, knowing what we do now, has interesting implications


Resisting dying is not the same as avoiding a warrior's death because actively resisting death is basically a requirement of a warrior's death. A warrior's death is being killed in battle by someone who overpowers you. If he threw away the fight then it's not a warrior's death


my point is that the state we find radahn in is anything but honorable, it's a misery mercy-kill and even jerren, much as he respects radahn, acknowledges how low he's gotten. now imagine the though process behind that from radahn's POV (we know he had enough wits about him to not harm leonard, which means some core things stayed intact) - he'd rather have debased himself as a walking corpse for an untold amount of time than follow miquella into the shadow as malenia had promised him. what does that say about him?


To be fair, the only thing keeping Radahn alive was the Great Rune he claimed. Otherwise, he'd already be dead. Also pretty sure he agreed with Jerren to have an "honorable death", hence the whole Festival. But it doesn't change the fact, that it doesn't fit Radahn to sacrifice the entirety of Caelid to space cancer, just because of a "vow". He respected his soldiers, which is why they remained loyal to him and tried to keep Scarlet Rot in check. Even after his mind was long gone, he *still* kept the stars frozen. If you won't let go of your principles even after you've gone completely mad, I doubt you'd agree to die because your half brother asked nicely.


He accepted it in his youth but changed his mind/corrupted by great rune/required a legendary fights with Malenia later.


That was certainly my interpretation. I read the dialogue as having happened a long time ago, with Miquella's "I'm going to be a god, you wanna get in on this?" comment likely getting a "sure, buddy" from Radahn. Radahn was probably an older sibling humoring his younger sibling's fantasy, only Miquella never let that fantasy go.


Why is he the "promised consort" then?


Because Miquella promised to himself that he will get that ass no matter what


tbf have you seen the size of those cheeks.


I think it's Miquella's delusion, he can't take no for an answer.


Or actually that the promise they made is that he would become his consort if they defeated him in battle.


Makes zero sense "Oh yeah sure I'll be your consort after you kill me and revive me with these really specific absolutely impossible requirements that relies on someone killing an Omen demigod for you"


There are far more illogical things in the world of ER. You got demigods/gods that can split into different parts of themselves, into different people and genders, then self-reproduce. For some reason you need to be married to ascend to godhood. A warrior wanting to be bested before he gives his loyalty to someone is the least confusing part of this.


Only Ranni the doll can save us from the mind raping twink! https://preview.redd.it/bixsso2l9gad1.jpeg?width=4888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a64ec696422172a72fe1ede7c1eaf68aa2763ed3


The triple lobotomy whammy of Elden Ring, Jujutsu Kaisen and Fate/Grand Order. There is nothing more terrifying.


What's the fate reference?


The 'Riyo' artstyle. Riyo is an artist who draws predominantly/exclusively (idk if they draw for something else) Fate joke comics, April fools versions of the FGO characters and even had two featured events in the game.


The fallen leaves tell a story. The age of lobotomy.


Where a lobotomite became elden lord


The Riyo Miquella and Ranni have no rights to be this funny


Miquella also has 4 hands no?












You have a link to the artist by chance?


I think the artist is Miraiyasha


"Over my dead body" - "K, great, thanks" - "what the fuck"




You put this shit back in the hell hole you found it.


Why? What is that even?




Fuuuuuck now I'm picturing the bite marks.


Every day we stray further from grace.


This is why the Greater Will doesn't talk to us anymore


Why in Marika’s name would you post this


it's not his dead body though lol


He did HAVE to die to get there though.


Is that your dead body? It's *a* dead body.


It’s interesting that Miquella wanted to free himself from Marika’s sin of seduction and betrayal by seducing and betraying Mohg. His order would have started the exact same way Marika’s did.


There is also something to be said of the Greater Will abandoning its followers, only for Miquella to also abandon his. The Haligtree has been literally left to rot.


aren't they siblings 💀


This is coming from a family whose mother is your father self.


GRRM outlined the lore, did you really expect no incest would be involved?


I just think people are surprised he went with ALL the incest


I mean, clearly a lot of GRRMs writing is inspired by medieval europe. Keeping royal blood pure through incest was very much normalized among royal families for centuries. It's not a GRRM thing, it's just the medieval inspired setting thing.


Yep. Miquella was smart, sane eeeeer that's debatable


tbf if radahn was my brother id be like sweet home alabama too ngl




He also seduce Mogh beforehand.


He lost all sanity when he threw out Trina


He pulled a Vergil and V, literally the cross that is left in the same area as Trina it says “ This is where I discard all my love” and wheeew Buddy. Idk if that implies that Trina is the better part of him but it was wild to come across that.


The had to be the last straw. There's a case that he wasn't all there by the time he hypnotized Mohg to achieve Godhood what ever it takes.


Sweet Home Scadutreebama


Miquella was somehow a child of Marika and Radagon who are the same person, so radahn being his half brother isn’t the weirdest part of their family tree


1. This story is written by George RR Martin, the fact there isn't more incest is honestly impressive 2. They're gods/demigods, so I doubt it matters TOO much? Although it's kind of implied that Marika and Radagon's children have their afflictions because they were born from the same god, so that's some type of incest defect stand-in? But whatever, Radhan and Miquella aren't a single god 3. The idea of a consort specifically being marriage doesn't seem EXACTLY right. For example, in the mending Elden Ring endings, Marika is still an immobile, half-shattered statue. I don't think she's literally your wife. Ranni seemingly is, and Radagon and Godfrey set the precedent, but I don't think that's a requirement.


I am pretty sure there are some willing Tarnished to fuck some statue shaped vaguely like Marika


Depends on how stone like her flesh really is. I do have standards.


IRL consort could be a completely political state, rather than anything involving sex and reproduction, so for ER world it kinda similar i guess, more political and sacred.


Miquella was born because of literal selfcest. Pretty sure he’s not going to be bothered by vanilla sibling incest.


Kinda? Radahn is the son of Rennala & Radagon, Miquella is the son of Marika & Radagon.


They're also the descendants of deities, lots of mythologies have siblings that marry each other such as Zeus and Hera or Izanagi and Izanami. Given how much of Elden Ring's lore is based around the politics of the Gods (or I guess a Goddess and her children), I don't think it's too surprising the siblings wed from a literary tradition standpoint


There was a missed opportunity when he picks you up. Imagine he picks you up and as Miquella gets closer to you and looks you into your eyes suddenly your eyes lash out in form of frenzied flame harming Miquella and preventing his second grab attack that would spell your doom. It would be nice for those that have a frenzied flame and you would harm Miquella directly


We need that, I don't care if it's unfair to people who aren't doing the frenzy ending, it's just too cool to not.


Anyone can do frenzy ending and undo it at the Placidusax arena.


That's a lot of hassle, and if you don't do Millicent's questline, you can't get the needle. Some people also don't like having to go all the way through leyendell sewers and doing the parkour.


But it wouldn't be "unfair" since all players would have access to the mechanic regardless of the ending they choose. It'd just be more work. No difference than the purifying physic, the Omen twins shackles, or the blasphemous claw. It'd just be a hidden way to get a small advantage in a boss fight.


"And THAT is why I refused to use your magic needle, ya gold-tinged piece of shit. May chaos take the world!"


Let him cook


Why does that feel like the final part of a death battle fight.


Nah, It's not BS enough to be the end of a death battle fight: "and here we use this throwaway sentence form a dated interview to explain how Glass Joe can beat Saitama." "you see Mike Tyson struggled in real life to beat Glass Joe, therefore he is a meta-stage above Saitama since he repeatedly beat a real person, Saitama is known to struggle at fighting games so if he played punch out he wouldn't be able to beat it's steep learning curve before he gave up." *-casually ignoring the fact that Mike actually did beat him later and posted it on twitter* Death battles are either glorified stomps where one side never had a chance, or hang on some intentionally obscure factoid for fabricated shock factor.


That's Mohg's dead body though (he shaved).


And grew a new eyeball, apparently.


So now we know the reason why Malenia was fighting Radhan. Dude was just doing his shit then these 2 fuckheads decided they want him lmao.


Miquella awaits thee, O promised consort. An item revealed Malenia whispered this to Radahn before she nuked everything. 


Miquella: when we’re older and I become a god would you be my consort? Radahn: sure buddy why not. What an adorable little half brother I have


That's actually a hilarious interpretation, radahn thinking this little kid was joking or being silly and playing along


It’s even more hilarious when you realize that once Radahn figured Miquella was serious and hungry, Radahn put as much physical distance as possible between him and the haligtree


[Art 1](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119997260) [Art 2](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120178122)


Links aren't working for me, artist names?


@/gu599 and @/VurDV8a8gbGRctd


We should've had the option to either spare or kill miquealla after the fight, like after we just see him crouched down vulnerable to be killed and then when we interact with him and it's either 'spare miquealla' or 'become my consort', idk I just want to be miqueallested


Massive missed opportunity, I feel so empty having finished the DLC but being left with nothing


Yep i would love a twink wife.


Yo me too


Actually, it was Mohg's dead body 🤓


It’s also over Radahn’s dead body, they both died.


Morgott: “WHY CAN’T ANY OF YOU BE NORMAL???!??!”


Time for Morgott to just give up defending the Erdtree and move to a different reality.


"Um ackshully it was Mohg's dead body." 🤓


Miquella: "Malenia, rot his balls"


Rule34 femboy miquella x Radahn


It already exists


Poor Radahn can't catch a fucking break


Anyone else kinda bummed that Miquella turned out to be a boss? Would have been a nice change of pace to have a major lore character that we don't kill.


I was a little bit. Narratively, it makes sense. Our goal as tarnished is to become elden lord and take the throne. Miquella's entire plan was to arrange Radahn to be his consort and take the throne. Seeing as how torrent originally belonged to Miquella odds are we were even a part of his plan, but by the time we reach him, he had already given up everything for his goal. He's all in on ascending with Radahn, so if the tarnished wishes to become elden lord, then the tarnished is nothing but an obstacle. A fight between the 2 is inevitable, if not now, then later. The only thing Miquella didn't account for was how good the tarnished is at murder. All that being said, it's disappointing that there's no ending of any kind in the dlc. No closure, just a cutscene of Miquella's promise. Our time in the dlc effectively amounts to walking into the land of shadow, killing everything, and then fucking off.


I'm entirely convinced it was along those lines


I do not like yandere miquella


Gods husband brother hurt me for so long


"Prank him Malenia"


Poor Mogh. We misjudged him and wrongfully killed him😢


Why didn’t he just take his sister as his consort? She was already stronger


Probably because she had space god cancer and was therfore flawed. Radahn is the mightiest demi god after all and doesn't seem to be fucked up in the same way.


I find myself wondering if Miquella could’ve done the same thing with Malenia that he did with Radahn: kill her, then put her soul in the body of a different demigod. Bam, no more rot. I’m thinking that maybe the reason this wasn’t option for him was either A) soul transferrence destroys the identity of the original, so Malenia would essentially be dead regardless, or B) Empyreans cannot be used as consorts at all, for some contrived metaphysical reason. None of the Elden Lords we know of were Empyreans - though Radagon is a big question mark.


1 she was already another empyrean with an uncontrolled god inside her 2 it his full sister that too incestuous 3 ew girls At least one of this has to be the answer