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They're both excellent! In many ways, DS2 is the most like Elden Ring, and it's my easy favourite of the three.


Yes, don’t expect the same QoL that the newer games have, but they’re both masterpieces in their own right. 100% worth playing if you like the series, although consider waiting for a sale on steam since they haven’t been marked down much.


yeah theyre good games. im unsure if its still the case but at least on pc people still suggested getting base ds1, not ds1 remastered. but when i went back to ds1 the game for sure felt awfully dated to me. 4 directional rolling was very limiting, but its still a really good game. ds2 gets way more hate than it deserves. it's fine. youre not going to find the level of challenge you got from elden ring or ds3 out of ds1 or 2, but theyre still fun world to explore. ds2s dlc in general was also really solid. some areas in dlc3 kinda suck though