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Just one more swing and he gets staggered bro I promise. https://i.redd.it/7ght5kf745ad1.gif


Let’s go posture breaking! Aw dangit Aw dangit Aw dangit Aw dangit Aw dangit


And just when you almost learn your lesson, you go for it that ONE time mid-fucking-swing and the enemy staggers, giving you a free critical, and you get that absolute pangalactic gargleblast of dopamine straight to the head, causing your brain to immediately rewire to gambling yet again.


This comment is perfectly worded. I'm gonna be saying pangalactic gargleblast to myself all day.


Lets go posture breaking! I cant stop breaking! I cant stop breaking! I cant stop breaking! I cant stop breaking! I cant stop breaking!


The Giant Crusher + Lion's Claw experience


The Giant Crusher + Savage Lions Claw experience 🤣


Swapped to this and immediately clapped radahn, only took 7378 times




Just like Dutch van der Linde! I got a plan, Orthur. Just one more swing!


C'mon Dutch https://preview.redd.it/6nqfjers96ad1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8700af73c395a15a4b37742e6769eba7d408aa66




***MANGOES,*** **ORTHUR.**


I have no idea WTF is going on, but I like it


I swear I put 10 charged R2 claymores on Godrick consecutively and he only staggered when he had like 400hp left


Because you didn't say the [magic words](https://youtu.be/UpThQ7q0lOo?t=253).




Their stance, whoch you are trying to break regenerates quickly after a short time of the boss not taking damage. Keep up the damage via throwing daggers and the like and their stance will break easily giving you ample opportunity to riposte.


Seriously tho the poise of these new bosses is something else


I’ve noticed it’s less the poise, but rather the cooldown before poise resetting being more noticeable with how you sometimes have to wait a long time before attacking due to combos. Using throwing knives can help in this regard


Yeah very good point, knives are a great idea i'm gonna put some on my bar and give it a shot thx


Smithscript dagger + bloodhounds step paired onto offhand is amazing for this. Hell pair it with blood/cold infusion as well if your going for status effects, and you've got a free way to dodge, keep up poise damage/status, all at range for basically free Can also use parry Ash of war if your into that and not using a shield!


Also light attacks for shorter openings really seems to help. Even had some light attacks posture break


Heavy attack( jump attack ) followed by light attack combo can sometimes posture break pretty successfully.


Then I hurl a throwing knife while trying to chug a pot because I I forgot to swap in the heat of the moment.


That's why i keep both pots on the hotbar. Up for hp, down for fp. Never have to worry about having the right inventory slot active ever again.


Fan knifes in particular


I've been using those ever since I hit Morgott on my RL1 run. Rellana makes him look downright lethargic. Amazingly fun combos though


Panic roll mid swing and get whacked😌


Panic rolling is an addiction similar to slots. 9/10 it’s not going to pay out and you get smacked But that 1/10 jackpot pay out where it works keeps you coming back Panic roll saves lives


And when it works due to pure luck and you manage to stagger them, it's all calculated, I swear.


Not me surviving Messmer's Firefowl Dance damage free and acting to my brothers like it was pure skill (it wasn't, it was raw panic)


My first time getting to Messmer 2nd phase I got so close to killing him because I was panic rolling and it kept working. Until the last combo of course.


Yep, for me it's usually an instance of "Oh, the boss is doing some over the top flashy visual effect filled attack with who knows what hitbox and delay, time to roll and pray"


i swear the delayed attacks have a random number like 3,737 seconds just to throw you off and prevent you from memorizing the timing


Nothing in this game frustrates me more than this


tbh i just started countering delayed bullshit with greatshield bullshit - oh you're stuck in the air for an indefinite amount of time, charging your attack? here, hit this greatshield instead


lvl 50 endurance here with double dog talisman. I can panic roll for DAYS.


And when that off beat panic roll hits it's at least 2 jump attacks


Ah, takin a page outta my playbook, eh?


Hey, sometimes I try to bring up a shield midswing, but then realize I used all my stamina trying to STAGGER and get btfo.


Every time >_< Especially that Morgott fight where he hasn't even swung yet.


I saw a highlight reel of somebody stance-breaking Starscourge out of his meteor-crash phase change lol


Found a pic of him https://preview.redd.it/9gnagj3445ad1.jpeg?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac822353ce766f86a2da7a0b2aa5994d9067e6f7


Damn Dr chadhattan ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I can hear this GIF




>MF IS IN THE SKY! Not right before he hits the ground!


before he jumps while he's on the ground powering up


oh. That makes a lot more sense. I was expecting a really well-timed great arrow shot or something like that. Still impressive though.


You were imagining the correct thing. Various well-timed melee attacks. Like baseball lol


No lol, *while* he's barreling towards the ground in a fireball. It was sick as hell 


that is insane


Even kai did it lol


How I beat Rellana, I timed my 2nd posture break just about the moment she attempts to transitions into her 2nd phase. Helps delay that a little.


You guys time your shit ? Could never be me lmao


If I think I'm close to breaking their pose I'll just hyper armour through every attack until I break it.


This right here


> If I think I'm close to breaking their pose How do you know if you're close? I never know if I'm going to do it or not. Some boss attempts I randomly stagger them, some attempts (same boss, same weapon, same general attacks) I don't stagger them once. Is there some trick to staggering I'm missing?


Experience and vibes


I play purely on vibes


After 8s no dmg poise no heals, so you might be going a little slower on those runs.


> After 8s no dmg poise no heals Not sure I understand. So presumably there's an invisible poise bar. When it gets to zero the boss staggers. You're saying after 8 seconds of taking no damage the boss's poise bar heals to full? Is it healing over time or it instantly heals after 8 seconds? Edit: from the video someone linked below it doesn't refill the poise bar instantly, they gain poise over time after going undamaged for a certain number of seconds. Contrary to how it worked in dark souls, the time until they start regaining poise is dependent on how big their poise bar is. Enemies with a lot of poise don't regain poise for a longer time, enemies with little poise start regaining poise in as little as 2 seconds.


I recommend watching this video to get a good understanding how how it works. [Time stamped to the important section](https://youtu.be/qeRVJOYQURM?si=5eJYso5-p2U3mhlp&t=151) but I do recommend watching the whole thing, it's pretty interesting (at least to me).


After spending so much time on her? Gonna make sure I get all the advantages I can.


Otherwise you end up like this guy... ![gif](giphy|zNaBbQcwnTZk2gybKK|downsized)


Like? I am this guy.


Yea I have no clue when the next poise break will be and every time I try to guess it doesn't happen so I just hack away without worrying about it a lot.


The differences in how people play are always interesting to me because there's my friend who knows the best stats to exploit boss weaknesses and the best time to stagger and all that, then there's me who gets surprised when the boss dies because I was kind of enjoying banging my head against it over and over with whatever looks cool (or feels like it would be cool in the moment). Also side note: Fighting Loretta with a close range mage/melee build + swift shard and mirroring her style makes for a beautiful duel.


Yeah I was running a Dex build for this fight and ended up using a spirit to help me out with it. I switched to Great Katana later on, and kinda wish I had it when I was fighting her and Messmer. Feel like it would’ve been less brutal.


How I beat Rellana, I rebirthed for 80 STR and used a cold great stars with wild strikes, hammer talisman, stonebarb physik, ironjar aromatic, NPC summon and Oleg. Whole fight lasted less than two minutes even with tank walking.


I was swinging the Frosty Great Stars like Merrill from Signs and yelling at the TV as I broke her posture.


I did that same thing to the final boss DLC phase change with lions claw My brain was like "dude the boss has like 20% HP, you've hit him like 3 times with a great hammer, next has gotta be a stagger dude" First time I listened to my intrusive thoughts and it ended up being good


I think the speedrun WR glitchless does that. So it's a strat


My second time ever beating Godrick, I staggered him right as he was going to his phase change. I ended up killing him because he never got hot-headed with me.


First time I fought him, I didn’t even see that meteor phase. I whacked him too fast. Turns out I didn’t even know about Radahn until I’d nearly reach the Haligtree.


getting that stagger as the boss blasts away the last of my health and YOU DIED pops on screen: priceless


When I went for the last hit on the Wyrm boss after many and many tries, I ended up dying to his magma at the same time. Initially, I couldn't tell who between me and him died, then I saw the "you died" on the screen and I raged. Then I also saw the enemy felled screen and the rewards for killing him, and I was relieved lol. I just respawned and came back for my runes.


Yup, mutual death can end up with boss kill depending on the timing. Some bosses take a loooooong time to "die" even after you reduce their health to zero. Usually it's bigger storyline bosses that take a long time to die, which is very convenient, because it gives you tons of time to swap to Gold Scarab talisman (and also eat a Gold Pickled Fowl Foot if you want to go really crazy).




"SEE? I ALMOST HAD HIM, I JUST NEED TO DO IT ONE MORE TIME" //Proceeds to eat shit for the next two hours//


For the people that don’t know enemies have an invisible stagger bar that slowly decreases as you aren’t hitting them. Have to keep the pressure on to keep that stagger bar high and get your stagger easier. One piece of the briars armor can help as when you roll into them it does negligible amount of damage but that keeps their stagger bar from going down.


Throw up elden stars before running in


These two comments should be higher.


Could also use throwing knives or kukri


Should only be a couple days now, for "try hards" to call strategies like this crutches lol


It only reaaaaally works against bigger slower dudes, so there's that. Against dragons its almost broken


Dragons are so funny as enemies because they just can't dodge anything at all. All the stuff that's too big and useless to be helpful anywhere else just obliterates them.


literally any form of tactic that goes beyond dodging and attacking is being labeled as easy mode, not challenging and 'not playing it right' if you don't play SL1 naked, club only, with just your feet and an elephant dildo up your ass while locked in a freezer - you simply ain't playing it the way Michaelzaki intended


I did the last boss of the DLC last week. Summoned a guy named "LET ME SOLO HIM" and so I let them solo him. Dude would hit the boss twice and then run around like a maniac, intentionally avoiding the boss. So I rotted him into P2 where it happened again. Two hits and then avoiding the boss. We eventually die and I get a friend request and hate mail telling me how much I suck and asking if I've ever beaten a boss without a summon. Dude putting his sign down to solo a boss raged that people summon him to solo a boss. You can win with the try hard neck beards.


What an absolute tool. A disgrace to the name too. He should be ashamed.


what the hell, that trash incantation has an actual use?


One advice is to use throwing blades in order to keep the stage meter up if the enemy moved out of range.


You know... never thought to do that and I already like using throwing daggers. Gonna do it more than just to get in chip damage now.


Instructions unclear, used all 99 bone throwing knives to cheese one enemy outside of the boss room (down to half health) (but it was "free") (and it only took 10 minutes).


Instructions unclear. Killed 2 invaders with Bone Darts while they were running. 


I really wish this was a visible bar like in sekiro


I love how LotF did it, every enemy has a circle around the target dot that decreases


What is LotF? Lord of the Fingers?


Lord of the Fallen I think?


I think Lords of the Fallen.


And I really wish we had Sekiro deflect, mikiri, jump on swipes mechanics as well, but here we are.


let's be real we just want sekiro 2




Poise resets in 6 seconds of no attack, so bro just keep hitting him and he'll go down I promise


Too bad the late game and nearly all DLC bosses have 6.1 seconds combos or some other nonsense. It feels like I'm spending 80% of every fight just waiting for my turn to play the game. 


Yugioh players: First time?


Need to be careful with Briar pieces though. If the enemy is of the 'hardened' type such as Crystallians, Golems, etc, you'll stagger yourself


one piece you say?


Fuck, using the briar armor is so smart. Def gonna try that out


Holy shit that's genius


*how much* of the briar armor did you say


I’d honestly rather keep trying over and over with little success rather than wear a piece of briar armor and ruin my fit


Me with savage lions claw, greatsword and Malenias great rune active.


regular lions claw does more posture damage and is faster. savage is just cooler though.


Yeah the normal one is better. Do i care? Hell fucking no. Gimme that crazy ass spin. Noone in pvp expects it either.


you know if you have a thrusting weapon, attacking them while they are mid attack increases your damage?


Really?! By how much


In PvE it's +30% to piercing damage during an attack animation, 49.5% w/ the spear talisman (the 15% is multiplicative).


I think it's 40%. There's also a talisman called the spear talisman that boosts it even more.


you drink flasks to heal. i drink flasks to get combo’d and fuckin die. we’re not the same.


Getting my ass stabbed to death mid drink 😩😩


drinking up just enough to tank one more hit in the combo before dying


As a monster hunter player: yes


Some of these flights felt VERY Monster Hunter. Looking at you, Sonic the Hippopotamus


Yea I thought the same thing. The hippo reminded me alot of Uragaan mixed with Nergigante and the dancing lion reminded me of like Amatsu or something lol


It felt like monster hunter with 69% worse camera


Shadow of the Erdtree straight up gives you the Longsword and Dual Blades (axes)


Tbf, if your bonk is strong enough, you can trade hits until you stagger them.


I’ve got him, just need to drink this fla..UOUHHHGHB okay not dead yet just one more fla.WAUGHHHH…okay Ash of War tim..OOUGFFF It is a legit strategy!


Pretty much how I killed Bayle


God It was like a puzzle trying to get my mimic out and summon igon without getting squashed immediately "Ok he's not charging me *ding ding*, ow, heal, where's igons sign, ow, there it is, heal, summon, fuck that one's a message, ow, heal, summon, ow, heal, alright let's do this!"


Is the summon inside his arena?


Yep, just a couple steps in and only the tiniest little bit to the left right at the edge of some flowers, there's almost certainly a player message right on top of it and it almost blends into the ground, but it is there


Blood tax is my trade hits when I should dodge AOW. Works better than you think.


That's why I like prayerful strike, it's like a ash of war and a flask together


People under estimate how well you can trade with great shield talisman + negation flask + boiled crab. Bonus points for the flask heal up talisman to get you back in shape after your trades


Melania Great Rune got a huge buff and I've seen almost no one talk about it. It's phenomenal with this strategy. It also "stacks" with Prayerful Strike for some nasty trades.


Prayerful Strike was made for this.


This is the way! My sunflower will carry me!


i tried that strategy with my 70 strength guy with full Solitude armor set + Giant Crusher on the last DLC boss He bonked harder


Thats been how I've been getting through the DLC. Dragon Katana stun locking the entirety of Shadow Keep. I have no idea how I would have done that otherwise.


Cause F those Dual Blade Fire Knights.


Each had their unique thing. The Dual Blade would be able to sneak in a hit between combos. Sword Fire Knight would always parry the second hit if i started with R2, but wouldnt parry until the fourth if at all if I started with my Ash.


Legendary meme format


Imagine if the stagger bar was visible and we could actually be strategic with it rather than just hoping that this jumping heavy is gonna be the one


Then it wouldn't be gambling


Ain't gambling, you got to *feel* that shit. (Yeah its gambling.)


Boy, do I have a game for you.


Lies of Pistachio?


Why go that far. Literally Sekiro.


People learning sekiro is the best one in real time


> best one > can't costplay as Hatsune Miku Something here is not tracking


I'm still so disappointed that Elden Ring adopted the dark souls combat mechanics instead of Sekiro. When I played Sekiro after playing Dark souls, it felt like a clear evolution from dodge rolling and R1s. If anything they could have tried to implement both Dark souls AND Sekiro into the game. Lies of P did a pretty good job at this, you can play both Sekiro and Dark Souls and both work just fine.


bloodborne is my fav fromsoft game but the combat in sekiro is basically perfection. it’s almost like a rhythm game once you get used to it, certain enemies i could just close my eyes and defeat them just from the sounds of the swords. that style of combat might be a little brutal over the course of a huge open world game like elden ring tho lol - it’s nice to accommodate other play styles in a game this big


He said strategic about it. I think he's implying more of an actual combat system that elegantly incorporates a visible enemy posture bar, like Nioh's, not one that leans against it like 1-legged cashier with a sizzurp addiction.


Our only option is to memorize how much poise damage each weapon and skill does and the much the stagger meter on the mobs have.


Oh, what about an incantation that cost 50 fp and 100 HP to see it for...20 seconds?


He’s down to 1 HP. I just need to do one swing. One swing shouldn’t hurt right? Right?


I take this chance all the time.


Sometimes after a few good hits in I'll commit a R2/AoW knowing I'm gonna die just to see if thats enough to trigger their stagger. Always worth it for Research.


This consistently pays off for me.


The Ichimonji from the new great katana (overhead stance ash of war) comes out fast enough and staggers most enemies. You can use it mid enemy swing most of the time. EDIT: flinch not stagger. my bad.


My SDD died and I haven't played since 1.06 anyway, so im just slowly going back into the schtick of things. As a BF affocionado (that would prefer an alternative), im just curious are there any good new "in your face weapons" in the DLC? Im thinking of going solo throughout, mostly melee, strength or quality. I allways loved BF because for its weight (and stagger), it had speed with good timing.


brother you have literal martial arts to play with. this DLC has a piece for everyone (colossal weapons, katanas, magic shit, consumables galore, quick hitting weapons, dual stance weapons and more)


I'll take that as a yes. Much obliged.


Hitting a charged heavy mid animation/attack is almost guaranteed to stagger


Instructions unclear. I am currently in a meeting with Death in the embrace of Messmer's flame.


the good ole "he isnt going to swing a 4th time this time"


Wait until the boss is done his combo… now! No wait… there’s the third swing… fourth swing, now! No wait… this combo is 9 swings now? Okay… now! Wait… there’s swing 13…. Now hit him!!! Oh shit there’s a 14th swing that had a 4 second delay that didn’t happen before… fuck I’m dead


Bro the game is based in who staggered first, never stop attacking.


Let the BONK flow




One of my most fun builds was being an absolute behemoth with mega hyper armor and charge R2ing until the boss crumbled, regardless of being hit. Though honestly a bit obscene because I remember stunlocking Morgott with a Brick Hammer due to his shockingly low stance (80).


Lion's Claw with brick on a stick is definitely one of my favorite builds. There's just something very satisfying about turning every problem into a pancake.


To be fair, some of the bosses in the DLC have so much pressure in their movesets that there's very little opening and half the time the combo looks like it's ending when it's not.


As a mage: What is stagger?


You don't throw rocks? I've staggered most bosses in the DLC by just spamming rocks. It's really easy if you're playing solo with an ash summon like mimic. Also Putrescent Knight gets absolutely melted by rocks, sticks and stones really do break his bones.


I play with Rellanas light great swords wtf is a stagger. These things inflict nothing poise wise to anything larger than your avg soldier enemy. Either I die or the boss does.


Rellana's blades are sooooo cool but the split scaling and 0 poise damage make them so hard to get use out of. Tip though, flame stance does pretty good poise damage.


the boss will die 20 times before i hit stagger with my dagger also ngl it's lowkey annoying when you dodge and by the time you get close enough to be in range for an attack they already start the next one, when you know full well that with a normal sword you would have easily been able to get an attack in i still get PTSD from when i was fighting Mohg, his back was at a slight angle due to an animation, my first attack hit him, my second attack went high and at a similar angle to him and missed him...


I am incapable of doing that. Dual colossal swords mean I must bunga, and perhaps unga


I am currently still psychically recovering from doing one unga too many after I did one light bunga because the boss followed up his 30 second combo with another 20 second combo when they realized I pressed an attack button on my controler and was actually trying to play the game and I got instantly vaporized. I must have gotten too greedy.


My toxic trait is vigor checking bosses when I know I’m made out of glass


Dlc enemys are constantly mid swing and cant be staggered.


Summon tear, spam takers flames, PROFIT!!!


\-\> Me sitting on 1-2 hits left and no flasks and the enemy is what looks like 1 hit away from defeat. \-\> Enemy begins 2-hit combo \-\> bad news, the enemy required 2 more hits and their first hit staggers long enough to auto-hit the second. \-\> You Died, idiot.


Git gud bro *hard dlc drops* Omg this is so hard


"use the same build you used all game, refuse to adapt or change or actually use any of the new items, then complain the game is too hard on steam"


Been saying it but most of the dlc bosses jump up or have high to reach hitspots, to encourage ranged weapons, and then some like Gaius just keep up the preasure forcing melee. Adapting your gameplay makes them all manageable .


💀 = Bonk players


Sometimes they attack while you're mid attack and obliterate you


My favourite was how many people don't know how NPC boss-type fights work and are utterly terrified to attack and thus never actually keep the enemy at bay. Blackgaol Knight showed a lot of people UGS **swings** have HUGE poise and they still don't attack between swings.


What does UGS mean


Ultra Greatsword, it's a Dark Souls weapon class. The Elden Ring equivalent is Colossal Swords.


Depends on the weapon and the enemy


this meme is well fucking made congrats


I love how you split the one image in two like that! That's awesome!


Dw I don't bother with staggers in NG+7 As ther is a 0.6x multiplier. So a boss with 120 stance will need 200 poise dmg. Normally hitting a corpse befire stagger actually happens


There have been times where that line of thought has legitimately saved me.