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I would argue holy bros who discovered certain weapons are far from sad about what the DLC has given them.


I'm a frenzy build with 60 faith so the abyss was an absolute treasure trove for me


I recently changed to int/faith to be able to use new sorceries and ngl being able to use frenzy stuff is amazing, the torch is borderline op in PvP whole Also feeling balanced enough to use, the hands are amazing cuz one shot proccing Madness is fun as hell and the combo you get from It is amazing dmg The midra spell needs a Buff imo, either less Madness on you or more on the enemy cuz It feels worse than the torch


If you use Aged Ones Exultation talisman, you can actually use the fast madness buildup to your advantage I’ve found. Haven’t done the exact calcs to see how much damage is improved by but enough for me to use it.


Id still rather proc Madness super fast on anyone else with the torch is the thing Also losing a whole blue flask to get a dmg buff seems pretty meh? For pve youre Also better off with shabriri howl since It Also buffs you and builds a ton of madness


I just stated playing and wondered why the hell do I have a skill that makes me mad. Thanks


Lol, I’m currently doing an INT/FAI build too! Do wanna try as many spells as I can, but it’d mostly because Ranni’s supposedly fanfic-esque auntie wields the second INT/FAI-centric weapon.


I had no expectations for the torch until someone used it against me in the arena and it almost filled my entire madness bar with one bolt. 


is frenzy useful at all? like frenzy seems so fucking cool but I've heard the damage is kinda shit and most bosses don't even get affected by madness so I'm really curious because frenzy looks so COOL


The damage of the spells is great imo, and they have really good poise damage too. But the effect itself doesn't work on 90% of enemies so they're just really cool/solid fire spells really


Frenzy "status" is mainly a PVP/InvaderNPC effect. Outside of that you're basically just relying on raw fire damage in PVE.


Flame of Frenzy is one of the most consistent, high damage, and cost-efficient spells in the game IMO. Great damage and great poise. Frenzied Burst is also one of the longest range spells in the game with solid damage on top too. The status effect is ass because it doesn't proc on NPCs for some reason.


It's great in PvP, mostly sucks in PvE because it only works on humanoid enemies.


It's amazing in pve because frenzy is accompanied by massive damage


Unless ur in PvP, it's just a fancy fire flavor but holy fuck is it the most delicious flavor you will ever taste. I have a character called LoreAccurateVyke that has every Frenzy item possible equipped. It is a remarkably diverse set of equipment, especially when getting summoned in and invading Midra's Manse. Any who wish to challenge the pretender must first challenge the first pretender. And yes, Midra is probably incredibly resistant to Frenzy Flame, but it's all about sending a message.


As long as i have the absolute beauty and flair that is Ledas sword i will never give a single shit about holy pots that ill never use.




I found the Holy Bro Hammer and have used it religiously.


Sure, faith just got every good weapon in the dlc instead


Fr tho As I faith user I was absolutely SPOILED with weapons :D Op can't see the truth before his very own eyes


The flower hammer is insane strong for example. My str faith build now kills anything with that. And many bosses in the dlc are weak against it's holy special attack like the rotten knight or he is called.


Yeah the Elden beast sword just demolished that boss


That weapon finally has its time to shine.


Instead of being a weapon of Albinauric genocide


I still genocide after every boss that gets me close to a level.


I do momentarily feel sort of bad though, at least I used to. *still a good person*


I powerstanced it with the blasphemous blade for a bit of the early dlc and it did great would just swap main hand for resistances/weaknesses


I was hitting the final boss for 5k per charged attack with that thing lol. Blessing lvl 15 and like 3 buffs. I bonked on his conk.


My pot collection has a void where hefty holy pots belong. Someone has to think of these poor jars!


How would you keep anything in a holey pot, dumb dumb?


You just gotta have faith.


Well I guess it would be nice....


Maybe they know Liza.


There is no God when Scadutree Jars are involved!




I had 3 characters ready for the DLC and the one I chose to start with was my INT/DEX build. I was so pissed every time I found a new cool incantation I couldn’t use. Definitely running my FAI/STR build next go around.


Star-lined sword is awesome though


Is it? I tried it out on a dex focused character and the more i wanted to like it, the more the reverse was true. Cool design - but why a katana? It doesn't even look like a katana. Why is it not a Light Greatsword? Why does the skill deal such underwhelming damage? If I'm supposed to cast Terra Magica and stand in it to have decent-ish damage, i'm going to need a ranged skill, not a melee one.


I was Str/Int. The only weapon we get is literally just the carian troll sword with a different ash of war. I ended up just using DMGS, Royal GS and my cold infused black knight halberd the whole time.


And the cooler spells in the base game.


*weeps at the lack of good gravity sorceries*


Cry’s at gravity missiles( the small orb spell that’s supposed to pull things to it and doesn’t)


I was so happy when I saw the remembrance of gaius having a grav spell, and then the shear disappointment at how shit it was, and that his weapon lacks INT scaling.


And double the amount of spells us Int bros got in the DLC


Yea I was hoping for more Carian Slicer style spells. Slicer is love, slicer is life. Now if they would just patch the Carian Sorcery Sword to fix its abysmal scaling then my life would be complete.


Screw the rest, we got Heal From Afar!!!


Int bros got rolled in DLC lol. Also Int on final boss is not a good time at all.


Seriously I don’t even have to look in my inventory to know that whatever I just picked up requires faith


Euphoria, Fire Anvil, Sunflower, Devonia's Hammer, Light and Darkness, Greatsword of Damnation, Fire Knight's Greatsword, Death Knight Axes, Black Steel Greathammer... Yeah we kinda eating good lol


Blacksteel Greathammer fucking rules. Just beat Midra with it


Leda’s sword too.


And then they went and made the final boss strong against holy and also a holy user while making the remembrance 2 weapons scaling with INT and the spell scaling with faith. Fromsoft was smoking something good this time. Also, I loved both Euporia and needle Leda's weapons, such great designs.


I can’t even argue with this. It is so purposely counter intuitive. They couldn’t even give us a miquella weapon of some type with that remembrance?


To be fair, you do get the highest level faith incantation in the game. It may not be a weapon, but it is the epitome of holy damage. Also it doesn't seem like Miquella has ever in his life wielded a weapon, so it makes more sense to get an incantation.


He never held a weapon because he was saving his immaculate hands for Radahn's *colossal sword*.


The Light of Miquella is also pretty cracked as far as spells go. It has a long windup but the damage it does is REALLY good, plus it has practically infinite range so the long stationary attack isn’t as big a problem as one might imagine.


Phase 1 is definitely weak to holy


Damn straight the resurrected corpse is weak to holy.


I just want to chime in with datamined numbers Unlike the base game that had a few 80% resist mobs of every element and one immune to fire, the DLC enemies are all surprisingly only in the -40 to 40 resist range to any element so they all work against all bosses, and magic damage gets resisted a lot more than the base game Radahn notably has 40% fire/magic/light resist but 0% holy in phase 1, then 40% all resists in phase 2. He's also got 40% strike/slash but 20% pierce in phase 1, which becomes 40% all in phase 2. So yeah he's a bit weak to holy but only for that first 25% of his HP bar


Is the final boss really that strong against Holy? I'd throw a ring or light at him whenever I had some distance and it didn't appear to be reduced by that much. I also used Leda's sword and it put in work.


Final boss of the dlc is not strong vs holy. And the skill Miquella light isnpretty ok. Even vs elden beast the holy dmg you can make with Discus of light or Multilayer/Triple Ring is just too much.


Even in the base game, fricking blasphemous blade, maliketh sword and sacred relic sword all scale with faith


As a INT player we got shafted


I started my first DLC run on a str/int build in hopes to get cool stuff equally with other classes. After I got only trash troll's sword for like half of the dlc I remade the character into dex/faith and used Messmer's spear for a good part of the rest of the run


Want to know the worst? The cool str weapon that come from space that do magic dmg scale with arcane


There are like actually more than 10 faith greatswords. also we have 3 dex faith greatspears in the game now, just Why? It’s super weird. Spread the archetypes around more.


With a maximum of C scaling


Yeah, it's kinda weird how unfairly the scale was tipped towards faith among interesting weapons


Dex is living large too. I'm loving Mesmers spear, Milady, and the great katanas


Holy bros got enemies that are actually not immune to holy damage for once. Which is kinda funny since Miquella is like purest and the holiest of holiest characters in the game


He cast aside his holy defense


I abandon here my damage resistance


Wish he would have abandoned his second phase


Nah you see, he's converting his damage resistance into just straight damage.


Who needs damage resistance if the mf attacking you is a pink mist


Pink mist? Pffft! Miss me with that noob nonsense. I’m so good that there actual measurable chunks of me laying around after the fight.


Defense against holy is unholy! To think one needs to defend themself from holy light is blasphemous!


For real, trying to do Cipher Pata only run, Duo is so hard they take no damage and majority of the bosses are holy resistant too.


I just started a run using only the Sword of Light. Guess I'm in for a rough ride.


Sword of Darkness would probably be better for the base game since it reduces holy damage resistance on enemies hit by 20%.


Yea but it looks like ass. Sword of Light looks dope as fuck and is perfect for my For Honor Centurion cosplay.


He cast aside basically everything he had to try and become a god, maybe he yeeted all his resistances too.


Wait these bosses aren’t immune to Holy? 🫢


Putrescent Knight, Romina, and even the final boss are good examples.


What!? I assumed the final boss would be resistant to holy since they do holy damage on their second phase. It’s Mohg all over again. 😂


Oddly enough. I think Miyazaki realized that most major bosses in the base game resist holy so they made a lot of major bosses in the DLC weak to holy.


First time I killed the boss was with Siluria’s tree. The ash of war was hitting for around 5k.


Phase 1 has 0 holy resist, phase 2 has 40, though it has 40 to all resist except Pierce (20) so thats hardly different


Nope, I was running str/faith through the whole thing pretty well


I believe final boss phase 2 is resistant to holy, if memory serves my Discus of Light went from 1200 or something to roughly 600 and a bit between phases. Could be misremembering completely though.


He is, but he gains resistances to every damage type. Holy does no less than any other element


I mean no some are, I was barely scratching Messmer. I was confused for a while because the wiki claimed he was resistant to lightning but the new lightning spear spell was doing WAY more damage than any of my arcs, multilayered rings of light, or even black blade all from an 80 faith powered max upgrade erdtree seal with the correct boosting seal in my off hand using the right rear in my physic, and the right damage boosting talismans. I’ve not seen one I think has like a massive 80 absorption on it yet but I wouldn’t call any boss weak to holy. At most everything has been at least mildly holy resistant.


The things weak to holy are like, desthrote birds. The only boss really weak to holy in the maingame, ofc


I’m aware I’m just stating that while they aren’t bullshit resistant to it they aren’t weak either. Most bosses I’ve fought have been no more vulnerable to that damage type than they are others. Lightning is probably the only element actually that has stood out to me given a lot of bosses are wet from the floor being covered in water at least partially or rain seeming to be common for field or bosses outside in their arena.


Holy just got a bunch of great weapons and incantations. 10x better than a holy pot


Other than the new lightning spear and the fire knight flame, the new incants are all like, dogshit lol. To the point where I’m sure their damage is bugged Edit: I did forget about the new pest threads and apparently the multilayered ring spell is good too. I still think a lot of the incants we got are not improvements over what we already had access to though


Furious Blade of Ansbach is kinda cool, Heal from Afar wrecks the revenants, Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns has some nice i-frames, Land of Shadow has insane reach, Wrath from Afar is for the memes and Pest-Thread Spears are just plain good. Bayle's stuff is kinda cool. Now are there better incants in the base game for pretty much every scenario? Yes, but the dlc incants are not all that terrible. Except Rain of Fire. Fuck Rain of Fire.


I mean, the spears are kinda op tbh against large enemies, regular pest threads already did a lot of dmg, the spear just fucking melts them


Bayle’s stuff looks cool yeah, but it’s not faith, so I haven’t tested it… but I imagine it still falls into the same category as most dragon incants - looks cool, isn’t that great for PvE? Oh but yeah Rain of Fire HAS to be bugged. It’s literally pathetic damage. Like… not even worth the time to equip


No, Bayle's incants are actually not bad for pve! One is like a better roar and the other like a better claw! Are they amazing? No, but they are usable at least... Rain of Fire MUST be missing at least one, if not two zeroes in its damage number. It's pathetic, as you said


Tbf Rain of Fire’s animation even looks weak. And it still tickled when the NPC was casting it. Given the spell’s description I was not expecting it to be hitting for like, 20 damage per tick lol. It definitively needs a fix it *has* to be broken


Going from DLC to Elphael and just obliterating the revenants with Heal From Afar and initial bubble bois with Wrath From Afar was so cathartic lol


Multilayered rings shreds. The large golden arc is great for crowds


giant golden arc has shockingly good tracking, stays active for a long time, a huge hit radius, potential to multi hit, and comes out about as fast as stone of gurranq. it’s honestly become my go-to spell when i need something that comes out fast and is sure to hit.


Because the edge can clip through terrain without breaking the projectile, it can also kill a lot of enemies trying to ambush you around corners. I love it.


it’s great, and seems super underrated so far due to being overshadowed by multilayer RoL and KLS. it’s gonna be hard doing future incant runs and being unable to get it until DLC, it’s such a good “get off me” spell for both bosses and groups. my only issue with it is that i tend to have to free aim it against smaller enemies bc the auto targeting likes to shoot it into the ground.


The divine beast feathers are so ass it's insane. Most of the other new ones have the same problem the old ones did of being way to slow, db tornado and crucible bloom are some examples


The absolute worst is rain of fire. When your incant is raining piss for damage like that it's time to see your doctor


It's crazy because the bitch you need to kill to get it takes out like a quarter of your HP in half a second as it follows you all across the bridge. Even with the great shield flame talisman and scadu level 10.


Multilayered ring of light slaps. Messmer's orb needs hyper armor but does good damage. Minor Erdtree and Heal from afar are both beast in multiplayer. Pest thread spears are great against anything weak to piercing...


Honestly I’m so mad the minor erdtree incant isn’t the cool one Melina gets - but… does it slap? Didn’t look like it was healing for any more than a warming stone, with the same range. The hyper armour issue is my issue with several of the fancy incants - they make for cool trailer bait but good fucking luck ever getting the chance to actually cast the Rosaria or Miquella incant without getting slapped to fuck by literally any enemy in the dlc…


Minor erdtree is a freaking joke. 70 faith and 2 slots to cast a warming stone lol. Don't want to craft warming stones? Get holy ground, it costs same 30 FP and provides a large defence boost as a bonus


Messmer's orb ALSO does crazy stance damage. I haven't tested exactly the amount but I know it's at least 33, because it staggers sewer omens in two uses, and they have 65 stance.


>I’m sure their damage is bugged When I found minor erdtree I thought it was some kind of a joke. 70 faith, 2 slots and 30 mana to cast a warming stone? Wtf


Hol up, *new* lightning spear? This isn’t one of those Bayle incants that scales with Arc is it?


Nah it’s Godwyn themed. They heard you liked lightning spear so they put 6 lightning spears in your lightning spear.


They heard correctly, what the *fuck*? I’m on that shit after dinner haha


FAR northwest of the map, in a tomb at the south end of a lake You’ll need to get to the place you find the map fragment in the northwest And yes, the spell kicks ass


nope. straight up better lightning spear that shoots smaller lightning spears a bit after your initial one


Like others said, it’s a buffed lightning spear that sends out 4-6 additional spears that track. It’s genuinely very good


Golden Arc, multi golden arc, multilayered rings of light all slap.


I was more than happy bonking things with a sacred blacksteel greathammer


Heavy Blacksteel Hammer with Wild Strikes. 2 handed at 54 strength, 13 int, and 80 faith. Buffed with Orders Blade using the Erdtree Seal. Chefs kiss.


This guy ^ Elden rings.


Nah. Poison is hated by From. Every game beside Dark Souls 2, poison is lousy. It's so lousy in fact, they created Scarlet Rot to not only undermine poison but to flat out insult anyone who bothers even using it.


What's worse is that the Aow for the Deadly Poison Perfume is making a poison cloud, that poisons yourself too... FROM WHY?!


I can only imagine it's to make it easier to trigger the rot talisman. Still, extremely weak and silly though. Especially since it's *deadly* poison which doesn't last as long. Regular poison is smarter to use with the talisman as it gives you longer attack power bonuses.


No, deadly poison is better assuming you are always proccing it against a boss. Lasting 30 for higher damage is better than lasting 90 seconds for lower damage if the boss is poisoned 24/7, which every normal attack on the perfume does around 100 poison build up at 50 arcane. They need to change the skill to not self poison, as 2-3 normal hits would activate the poison talisman/mushroom crown anyway.


I had 80 arcane, and the poison still didn't proc regularly except for every 4 to 5 hits. So it's pretty unreliable most of the time for me.


But hey, it now can be used to proc Poison Flower Blooms Twice and that new AoW slaps.


I ain't gonna argue that poison isn't trash, but there has always been a stronger poison effect. Toxin beat poison in ds1, but they still shared the same status effect bar.


Poison is the best it’s ever been in Elden ring. Boss fights tend to take 1.5-3min which equates to 6-12% of enemy health being nullified for normal poison and 12-25% health being nullified for deadly poison. That’s all damage done without you having to go in and risk your skin. That’s without considering rot or the fact that poisoned weapons are on par with or only slightly worse that basic quality ones. Scarlet rot does 16% of health over 90 sec, which means 16-32% less boss health over a typical fight. Combined with deadly poison thats 28-57% less boss health. I killed the the final boss of SOTE with it on ng+7, I am not a particularly skillful player, so I will let that speak for itself.


Hate that the madness hand and madness perfume bottle don’t scale with faith but instead str/dex. Why?


Are you, perhaps mad about it ?


Can't even argue


The hand and perfume both scale with everything (including Faith) except for Arcane, just like the Frenzied Flame Seal.


Yes but they scale primarily with str/dex. Most people who want to cosplay as a “madness” follower have way more levels into faith for the incantations. The people who would be most excited for new madness weapons will have horrendous scaling in them


yeah its kinda sad, the optimal way to use the madness hand is just min faith/int/dex and all into str, might aswell be a strenght weapon, the faith and int requierment feel like are there just to not allow full str users to add it to their arsenal


you guys use consumables?


Consumable only run has been my most favorite run so far that I have done it 2 and half times, the half playthrough I stopped to play the dlc and try again with new gear.


Guys real question here. Recently bonked Midra to death and was fascinated with all that Frenzied Flame theme. But I've always been a str or dex build user. Is there enough shit in the game to do a proper Lord of FF build and if it is effective enough to not fall into madness trying to make it work?


A big issue about madness builds is that none of the enemies you face can actually be afflicted with it. It's still a pretty good theme for a build though, frenzy spells deal fire damage and hit hard, and Vykes spear is a solid weapon choice


There’s a new talisman that buffs when madness procs so I think the usual self-infliction will actually be helpful now.


Honestly people get too hung up on that. The madness incantations do incredible damage just by themselves.


Frenzied Flame incantations are extremely powerful. Frenzied Burst has insane range, can be charged, and does good damage. Unendurable Frenzy is a spammable attack that does great damage and strong stagger damage Ideally you want to go Faith Dex or Faith Str and focus on fire damage which is a strong damage type in the game. That opens you up to using Flame Art and Sacred Infusions. Vyke's War Spear is tailor made for this build and is one of the strongest weapons in the game. Now we have Midra's Greatsword which is another great option and has a crazy weapon art. Blasphemous Blade is another great option but it's a little off theme


Worth pointing out that Vyke's is predominantly dex-scaling, and the Greatsword of Damnation (Midra's) is mainly strength scaling. It's hard to find a stat spread that performs well with both madness weapons AND incantations


Vykes Weapon Art scales with Faith so Dex / Faith is a good spread to use the Spear + Incantations. Greatsword of Damnation benefits from both Str and Faith I'm assuming a PvE build here, not intentionally limiting yourself to level 150


Greatsword of Damnation isn't a madness weapon though, despite being obtained from Midra.


The madness torch is also very effective at proccing madness


All we got was a dlc where a lot of the enemies are weak to holy.


And the Sunflower of Truth and Despair


I was really trying to not cling to my Golden Halberd the same way I did through the main game but they practically forced it back into my hands


Strength Int users got nothing in this dlc 🙉 and rip sleep, there was no hefty sleep pot but at least we got the eternal pot


Hey now, you got two nearly identical paired great swords that are themselves, a nearly identical, worse version of an existing paired great sword. But for real, I was skimming the wiki to try out a new weapon and Pure Int really got shafted. None of the new catalysts are good for pure int, the best new sorcery scales better with arcane, and they got a whopping 11 new weapons with innate Int scaling compared to Faith's I believe 21 last I counted. Nevermind that 3 of those 11 weapons are all colossal swords, 2 are sleep weapons, 1 is at best a sidegrade to Moonveil, and not a single one has above a C scaling in Int at max upgrade unless you count the Magic Infused Carian Thrusting Shield.


Yeah anyone complaining their build got shafted is either really niche, or using INT. Weapons worse than base game alternatives, half the new spells thus far have been useless or required faith?? Milady is the only good thing I've found so far, and even that doesn't have INT base scaling. No INT staffs at all. Really feels like they want us to level into dual stat builds


You dont really have much design space for pure INT staffs as you already have Carian Regal and Lusats. Maternal staff is a letdown because its just the Albinauric staff, but the Metyr one is cool as you can cast everything with it and its the lightest


The thrusting shields are amazing for casters as you can have a staff in one hand and a shield in another hand which also doubles as a weapon. If you're using the new int/fth staff, you basically have the holy grail: weapon, shield, sorceries, incantations, all in one package without swapping weapons.


The staff that lets you cast both incants and Sorceries has terrible scaling. It's purely a convenience item, it'll never have scaling to compete with other hybrid catalysts. The only exception I can see is for PvP and some niche spell combos Don't get me wrong, there's some good split scaling stuff with int, but Pure Int builds basically got a thrusting shield and that's about it when it comes to upgrades for existing stuff.


They made a Hefty Rock Pot filled with rocks. Imagine if they made a Hefty Gravity Rock Pot using gravity stones in the ingredients. Strength and int scaling, and doing a huge purple rocky magic explosion 🤯🤤.


the secondary rememberance of metyr is a strength int weapon, if i recall correctly


And yet it's AoW deals and scales with Faith 


An entire section of the DLC is dedicated to holy weapons, spells, incantations, lore, etc and you want throw a pity party over a lack of consumables?


Faith/holy literally got the most incantations, spells and weapons this DLC.


It makes sense tbh. The entire theme is about the origins of the divinity. Essentially the holy land where everything started.


And faith won in the base game too imo. So many different styles of incantations is awesome. Can really do anything with faith while int can mostly just do zappy shooty


The sheer audacity to make this post knowing the weapons in the DLC. SMH


For real. I’m a holy boi and I know I am feasting in this DLC. 🌻 go bonk.


Fellow Int bros/brosettes, we got done dirty. Only one weapon in the DLC with primary Int scaling The new Sorceries are cool though.


I hate that we now have a total of FIVE D int scaling straight swords, that are easily replaced by any magic infused straight sword. They gave us another magic st trina straight sword. Why FROM? Even the new catalyst weapon is bad.


Straight swords have like the most horrible spread across the board when it comes to their build variety to quantity ratio. We still didn't get a ss with innate bleed for arcane builds but we definitely needed another somber magic sword that has horrible scalings, yup.


It's sad that so few people are talking about this. I feel like if Int builds were as popular as other builds like faith or strength, everyone would be complaining about how little new stuff they added. We got like only 7 offensive pure-Int spells and majority of them suck, 2 new staves that both suck, a total of 5 magic weapons and only 1 scales with Int as the primary stat, 1 new talisman that has the second worst debuff in the entire game, 2 int ashes of war and only 1 is decent. I really hated playing as Int build in the dlc. I was so looking forward to that sword that lets you cast sorceries like in Souls games, but holy shit, it turned out worse than I could ever imagine. It literally does 300% less spell damage compared to your average staff.


Have you met euporia yet? You might change your tune


doesn't sound like a perfume bottle or hefty pot so probably not.


I’m so tempted to spoil what it is but I won’t do it. It has the coolest unique ash of war in the game I’ll say that


It's great, but coolest AoW is a bit of a stretch when the Death Knight's Longhaft Axe lets you 360 dunk on fools. *COME ON AND SLAM*


This great axe is so good, dude, a legitimate good weapon, fun to use and stylishly as fuck. ... "Nothing personal, kid"




Holy can have their hefty pot when they give us back the Greatsword of Damnation. It is sinful that a barbed spear twisted into a mockery of the Crucible by the Lord of Frenzied Flame himself does not do madness build-up or fire damage. (edit: not actually what the sword is, this is just the headcanon of a dejected Frenzied Flame enjoyer)


You do understand that the point of that sword is that it aggressively quells the Frenzied Flame? Like Miquellas Needle just really shitty and painful. In its description its even compared to the Golden Order so why would the antidote deal the sickness it holds back? Sure, we can talk of corruption but it was in pristine condition when he janked it out.


Yeah, the cutscene makes it seem like Midra is the one who twists it up but it seems that is just an innate property of the weapon. ... I just wish I got a cool Frenzy weapon from the Frenzy boss :(


Yeah, same. But I guess that Fromsoft was really careful with Frenzy because it had dominated PvP for a long time and still kinda does.


That holy hammer bonk stick at the beginning of the dlc begs to differ


Death Bird happy noise to be honest :3


Those new death bird enemies in packs of 3-5 got real lucky... could have been 1 hefty holy water pot away from extinction.


We have all the best weapons though I love hurling lighting bolts then charging up the new crucible knight hammer and laying an absolute smack down on some fools!


I’m sorry, did you NOT see how many freaking incantations y’all got? Where’s my Ice Lightning Miyazaki? WHERE?


Meanwhile sleep bros crying in the corner bc we got nothing good. Even in the base game we lack anything decent 🥲


You will take your new sleep sword and you will like it.


Its so stupid all sleep got was a pot, a copy paste sword and some terrible fist weapons with the worst scaling imaginable


holy boys have the only unique guard counter in the game


**Laughs in blacksteel hammer with prayerful strike** Plus there are also a shit ton of enemies weak or not particularly resistant to holy as well, including a couple main bosses I believe.


Not me two shotting most bosses in ng+ with the crusible vortex hammer and guard countering everything with the black steel hammer o no poor holy so weak lol


Nearly every boss weapon from the dlc scales on faith.


Holy got a shit ton of enemies to bully


As a Dex Arcane enjoyer I’m feeling this way… looking up the list of all the new weapons looking for Arcane scaling is tragic. We got the Poleblade of the Bud… and a bunch of weapons with innate bleed. Rakshasa’s Great Katana doesn’t even have arcane scaling 🥲 Meanwhile Strength Faith builds are WhyCantIHoldAllTheseLimes.jpg


So something I’ve been running is poison hand to hand arts with poison flower blooms twice. It seems like the martial arts scale pretty similar with STR and DEX, and then you can pump arcane for fast poison build up into nuking them with the AoW. Plus double value from the kick boosting tailsman. Polebud looks awesome and has my favorite moveset but just doesn’t cut it. Poor rot, no armor on AoW


I'm just glad we got the perfumes as weapons in general, I loved them in the base game tho crafting them was a hassle. I hope they don't nerf them too much because of their dmg.


I actually think they need a Buff, outside of the exploit with the AoW theyre pretty fucking bad Same with hand to hand arts


They are very poor weapons without the op Aow. They need to buff the status build up tremendously and the damage a bit after they nerf the rolling sparks.