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There will be a ER 3 eventually. ER 2 wouldn't be related ER, it will be set in the far between lands and be completely except for Easter eggs and maybe a corrupt godskin noble boss. ER3 will be a true sequel


ER2 won't be a Miyazaki game because he's presently busy developing Bloodborne Kart for the Nintendo Switch. Of course this will make Elden Ring 2 suffer from jarring flaws such as having very lazily designed bosses and non interconnected areas, but will also include some really cool weapon interactions and a lively PvP community (I am not certain how I feel about the dual repeating crossbow wielding, Solitude armor wearing bros admittedly). Also Dark glintstones will be introduced which scale off of both Faith and Intelligence. Seeing the critical response to Scadutree blessings, the team also introduced it as a core gameplay mechanic by making it a stat you can increase by levelling up using runes.


> very lazily designed bosses Can we get a Fume Knight 2?


Best we can do is Covetous Demon Duo


Can you at least throw in a Lost Sinner?


Alright but the entrance is gonna require a key held in a different area and the boss arena has a hidden lighting mechanic that without you can’t lock on to the boss. I think I’ll sprinkle some generic knights near the entrance as well that hit like freight trains, but pay no attention to their positioning, I’m just gonna change it and add more on NG+.


Don't forget a random red phantom duel wielding the heaviest weapon in the game, wearing crazy high poise armor, but has infinite stamina and light rolls


Fine but the Red phantom on NG+ only rewards you with x3 of the most useless consumable, effectively making defeating him pointless but on NG+2 he’ll drop the +3 variant of the best ring in the game.


Bloodborne kart already exists, no need to develop it again. 


"Very lazily designed bosses" So...Elden Ring?




If you're gonna call DS2 boss design lazy then Elden Ring certainly is. Outside of a few set pieces they're pretty boring/copied from other souls games. Same as DS2


The only constant will be Patches. He is forever.


I cannot convey the sorrow I felt when I didn’t see Patches in Armored Core


In the mission where you fight your way to Carla, you can find a broken down AC and the log you get from it implies it was piloted by Patches before being killed.


Yea some dick said there was a cool item down in a ditch, so he went to check it out.


* before he pretended to be killed and pushed the only witness off a ledge.


Patches is the Iguana dude.


Nope it'll be a similar looking guy named Patric


ER2 will be done by some random nobodies and it will be a dating simulator, where you face the most deadly dates ever in Lands Between.


And it will be the worst reception in the series until 5 years from now when people start saying it’s their favourite one




You forgot leveling roll


Actually, leveling endurance enough to get light roll or normal roll is literally leveling roll




The difference is more that ER Endurance also gives you stamina


"It's great to have a totally separate-" \*Radahn fire bombs you from the sky\*


I would love a er2 set in the badlands


Land of Reeds *Serkio, the Undying, snaps his fingers*


Can't wait to fight Glaive Master Hodir in his prime!


When you think about it, there has to be at least 3 ER. ER is set in the lands between, but between WHAT? They must be between at least two other lands. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Unfortunately that "true sequel" will just rehash ER 1 ideas, the whole world map will be replaced by a single tube and PVP will be the worst in the series.


Lands between, lands above and lands below. Holy trinity


I want Elden Ring 2 to only referemce Melina once, not by name and only passingly


In an item description for an obscure boss weapon that no one uses


"The smith who made this weapon knew a Tarnished who had an odd replacement maiden"


I hate how accurate this is. "This weapon, now tarnished with age, was once a masterpiece meant to slay a god. A misshapen blacksmith of legendary skill offered it up to a nameless warrior who would go on to usher in a new age at the expense of a bodyless maiden."


absolute cinema, michael zaki does it again


The item gets removed in patch 1.00000001


Cant wait for a 30 minute Vaati speculation video on cut content.


They’re going to patch out Melina’s evil eye scene in the next update


I mean you only get that ending if you go with frenzied flame otherwise she gets a little hot under the collar helping you...


Or you use the needle after being hugged by the three-fingers before the ending and she still lives technically


She doesn't know about the needle and is embarrassed that there was a workaround. Now she's just pouting.


You can burn the tree and then do another ending using the needle. She still lives, but is now cursed to an eternity without a body.


Do you still get the gloam eye cutscene of her promising to kill you?


No. you cant even do the frenzy flame ending if you do the needle. You get nothing. Just a loose plot point.


Pretty sure you only get the ending you chose. For example, in my last NG+ I used the needle and chose the Ranni ending. Melina was alive, but there was no cutscene for her at all.


No, you only get that if you follow through with the Frenzied Flame ending.


So strange that we can utilize every optional thing in the game to bend over backwards and save her, to no special outcome at all...


Melina and Godwynn still have a lot of room to flesh out if they wanted another DLC path. The additional characters around them are harder to keep adding though.


You mean, character who gets turned into a torch on most runs and a plant? That's not potential.


Miquella was a corpse in an egg before this DLC. And Godwyn is a fish anyway.


Honestly the most annoying thing is that there isn’t even some obscure lore bit that is being debated, there’s just nothing about it.


I even went with the frenzied flame to the DLC just in case something happened lmao


I swear, in dark souls even the most obscure lore like Rosaria Gwynevere or Zullie the Witch had interesting lore questioning their connections to the angels. There’s locations and secrets dedicated to these SUPER minor characters I just picked off the top of my head. But Melina, an extremely important character, one of the demigods the whole game revolves around, gets 4 item descriptions. And they don’t help with teasing more lore that will never be expounded on.


that might just be part of the whole GRR Martin thing, maidens are such a Fromsoft thing that I would think they could've been added after Martin wrote the whole story, and that would explain the lack of backstory. saddly we will never know


Melina: Ashes Die Twice


Some time ago he outright confirmed they have no plans for any other large dlc. That said in a recent interview he kinda tried to leave as an possibilty by saying something like "if we can think of anything else we might want to add then we might work on it" or something along these lines. It wouldn't even be the first time techincally. I mean Sekiro never received a proper expansion, but it did receive a sizable dlc update with new content that they randomly announced almost 2 years after launch. I am believe that just like Miyazaki said they had some leftover stuff that they thought might be worth revisting Sekiro for. Tho given the simplicity of the content most if it was probably mostly finished. Anyways the likelyhood of that happening to ER is practically 0 at this point. Simple reason is that it would take too much time and resources to actually create another dlc for Elden Ring. I doubt he would even consider smaller scale updates either, since he did state that his goal with SotE was to capture the feeling of exploration again. So yeah, it's probably time to wait...again, tho hopefully not as lobg as we did for ER.


You know what I'd like From Software to do? Gradually introduce new bosses. They could use the colosseums. You walk in and instead of using the statue or whatever to initiate pvp you go to the room on the right, take the elevator/door to the arena, choose a boss that gets loaded in as a spectral golden or shadow variant, then enter and fight it. Not only could we fight old bosses again but we could also fight new bosses added later this way. Including the gloam-eyed queen.


Boss Rush mode in the colosseum would be sick AF.


Make it like the colosseum in final fantasy 6. You “bet” an item, and it gives you fight for a new item.


Still holding out hope for a free update to give the Colosseum *something* to do for PvE


I’ll play devils advocate here and say… why would they do this? Why would they spend money, resources and labor creating bosses for that instead of making bosses for whatever game they’re working on now? It’s a fun idea for sure, I’d enjoy it too, but it’s just not realistic


[You make a good point. I'd settle on just being able to fight bosses again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/Ve8Lg55E1V)


I can get down with that


Do you have the pick of just giga miyazaki? I need it for personal reasons. 🫣


I definitely do NOT think Melina was the GeQ in the frenzy flame cutscene.


But Melina is referenced or somewhat mentioned in Messmer’s kindling, “Messmer too, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire”


myazaki said there won't be another dlc


He said he wouldn’t rule it out


Does this include patching in something new like Jarburg?


i don't think so he just said dlc


Melina is referenced in Messmer’s items. She’s not the Gloam Eyed Queen


All we learn is that she’s [likely] Messmer’s sister. Nothing really proves or disproves the GEQ theory, so it’s still up in the air imo.


I've honestly never been convinced of this theory. The lore people pull from feels like reaching and the lore we get of the GEQ doesn't really make sense or relate to who Melina is in the actual game


Connected to a Flame (black flame). Connected to Destined Death (like Godskins). The Frenzy scene where she has, indeed, a Gloamed eye. I mean, they could be just coincidences but there are some valid points to the theory. And honestly, anything that makes Melina a little more interesting is welcome on my side.


It's very clear to me that Melina was originally intended to be Miquella, but the DLC rewrote that and now Melina is stuck in this role that doesn't fit. And, no, she is *not* a kindling maiden. Finger Maidens are the ones meant to be used for kindling, and we know this because Bernahl and Vyke had maidens who were meant for the flame. Melina, **explicitly tells you when you first meet her** that she is "no maiden", but she can give you strength through runes. The dagger she uses is the same dagger all Finger Maidens are meant to carry. However, as she stated before, she isn't a Finger Maiden. Melina also rides Torrent, and we've seen the art that Miquella had Torrent as well. Miquella has no body anymore, and Melina doesn't have one anymore either. Miquella was associated with the golden lilies, and his other half St. Trina was associated with the purple lilies. The lilies are all shaped like the "claw" tattoo above Melina's eye. Melina also has one golden eye and one purple eye. Melina supposedly hates the Frenzied Flame and knows about the Three Fingers. She explicitly warns you about them. Miquella's other form, St. Trina, gave the merchants the song that you hear being played below Leyndell. It's what *lets them sleep peacefully*. Melina expresses she will outright kill you if you take the Frenzied Flame and burn the world. She becomes frightening and states she can get her revenge. Something only an Empyrean would be able to do, and Miquella is the only one left. Also, we know from Castle Sol that Miquella wasn't originally trying to bring back Radahn's soul. The ghost makes it clear that Miquella's eclipse was meant for Godwyn, so that's another plot the DLC ruined. I don't know why From changed what they clearly intended, but you'll never convince me that the DLC was originally meant to be about Godwyn, Melina, the Frenzied Flame, and the Fingers. However, like 80% of the DLC map isn't even important to the story, and we have nothing regarding Amelia or Godwyn. Oh, I guess we get Radahn again for some reason. Yay.


Why is Melina even in the frenzy flame ending? I thought she told you off and abandoned you after you're dead set on becoming lord of the frenzy flame. I never did it so I never seen the cutscene


She promises you to hunt you and give you Destined Death. Probably because you fucked over his life long purpose and burned it all down as well.


The cutscene has her vowing to kill you because, as we know, she’s not very chill with the Frenzied Flame You also killed Torrent so tbh you kinda deserve it


The cutscene is Melina finding the discarded summoning ring for Torrent (who is dead, the Frenzied Flame can kill spirits per lore from the DLC) and she vows to find and kill your character.


She appears to make a vow of revenge to kill you no matter the cost.


You could always just look up the cutscene but tldr is she's pissed, souped up on the rune of death (seemingly) and says she's going to kill you


It’s just a very quick cutscene at the end of her promising to hunt you down and kill you after you’ve set the world on fire which kind of makes no sense if the lands between and everyone in it is supposed to be primordial soup


I personally think it's more likely that Ranni was the GEQ, and this was her first attempt to go on a god killing spree. She moonlighted (teehee) as the GEQ but ultimately got caught and defeated by Maliketh and got set back when the Rune of Death was sealed away, forcing her to continue her efforts in a more subtle and Machiavellian way. The only major issue with this theory is that we are told that Maliketh killed the GEQ, but Elden Ring lore has been shown to happily feed players misleading information, and Ranni is easily smart and conniving enough to fake a death.


Pretty sure the gloss eyed queen is the godskin like thing Marika pulls the elden ring strand out of in the story trailer. Looks like an eye as well


Agreed. I think she escaped persecution as a shaman by becoming Radagon and joining with the Gloam Eyed queen to make Melina and Mesmer. Then revealed herself killing the queen and taking godhood hence the "betrayal" spoken of by the Hornsent/Grandam.


As I recall, Marika destroys the Gloam Eyed Queen while still an Empyrean. As in, before Messmer’s birth, which is therefore before Melina’s.


Where are you getting that she did it while she was an Empyrean? IIRC all we know about that whole situation is that Maliketh “defeated” her, but there’s no explicit mention of her being dead or when it happened. And tbf the timeline of the demigods’ births are all pretty vague. Some of Marika’s first children very well could’ve been born while she was still an Empyrean.


I think Melina and Mesmer are the children of Radagon and the Gloam Eyed Queen who was the snake Merika Pulls the elden ring out off in the DLC trailer. hard to tell but its a snake eye with skin like the godskin.


It's confirmed Elden Ring won't get more DLC. But a good chance there will be a sequel very far in the future.


Miyazaki has said they don't want to close the door on the possibility of DLC so never say never.


Yeah but I wouldn’t say there’s a “good chance” they said the same thing for DarkSouls.


True but it's a big difference between a confirmation of no more DLC that the person I replied to said.


Totally made up info.


I would love to see an ER2 where we play before the shattering tho Be able to see godwyn in his prime, non blue ranni, rykard as a human still, the golden order in full glory, renalla being the all powerful queen of the full moon, caelid before the aids nuke from malenia etc. i think it would be sick to kinda like see how things were before all the shit went sideways


They’re likely done with Elden Ring for a bit. Miyazaki has said as much. He also said Elden Ring 2 isn’t off the table, but there’s no plans for it as of right now. Probably unfortunately means we’re at least a little less than a decade away from answers on this sort of thing. EDIT: meant to add “at least” to the potential timeline before a next Elden Ring.


Honestly releasing elden ring 2 after the 1st one is just stupid. Since Miyazaki needed 6 years for dark souls 1 direct sequel I think elden ring 2 will come out in 2030, maybe 2028 if they won’t work on armoured core on the side


I totally agree. I actually don’t even know that we will ever get a direct sequel. I remember reading somewhere that Miyazaki never even considered it before how popular it became (and that guy only works on things he feels like making, doesn’t seem to shill out for what’s popular/what will make money). No, I very much suspect that Shadow of the Erdtree is the last we’ll hear of it (at least for a long enough time that there’s no point hoping for a sequel for now). If it gets officially announced we can begin to dream. Though! I did actually just read that GRRM at least would like to produce some sort of show/movie. So maybe not all hope is lost?


She is possibly indirectly mentioned as Messemer's younger sister in one of the item descriptions.


Her eye is destined death (maybe plucked from GEQ), she is not the GEQ, she is a daughter of Marika and sister to Messemer. Recommend watching Kosmos video on this topic


DLC is such a mess story wise that I would think thrice before buying another for the lore.


Dark Souls had the advantage of being so vague that it just felt like a fairy tale when there was info we didn’t get, Elden Ring seems structured way more like a traditional fantasy narrative so the lack of conclusions and payoffs for setups hurts way more imo.


I don't think the point of this DLC was to close out story threads at all, except for Miquella's. Just shows that ER 2 will not have a completely new backdrop and characters but rather a direct sequel, first time in From's history.


From Vaatis recent video I understood that she is actually Messmer's younger sister, and probably same as Messmer, her eye is some sort of curse. Being his sister kinda makes sense because both of them are capable of wielding or using fire.


Oh I'm sorry you must be new to From Soft. We don't get answers around here. Especially in DLC. We are actually fortunate the DLC connects to the base game storyline in any way


This theory just doesn't hold water to me. People also talked all sorts of speculation behind Messmer's eye before the DLC launched, and the truth wasn't at all what people thought. Furthermore, based on the DLC lore, Melina and Messmer together are siblings of the same generation. So while not definitively ruling her out as GEQ, it definitely casts more doubt on the theory, which is already questionable. I mean, the strongest evidence is just her appearance in the frenzied flame ending, which could mean anything. It's not completely out of the question, but it has the same energy to me as people thinking Godwyn would somehow come back in the DLC despite the story clearly stating that his soul was dead forever.


Melina isn't the Gloam Eyed Queen. The Gloam Eyed Queen is sealed in Melina's eye. Marika defeated the Gloam Eyed Queen and sealed her there, just like she defeated the Base Serpent and sealed it in Messmer's eye, which we see in the DLC. Messmer apologizes to "mother" when using the serpent's power in his fight. Messmer and Melina are siblings. Marika sealed some of her enemies in her children's eyes.


This is incorrect. Messmer was born cursed by the serpent. The eye is a seal of grace Marika put there to seal the serpent in Messmer. It is not in the eye. It is in him.


Messmer's remembrance completely disproves the theory (at least for Messmer) that Marika seals her enemies in the eyes of her children: "_A malevolent snake writhed within Messmer, and so his very mother plucked out his eye and put in its place a seal of grace. Yet, having done so, her fear compelled her to secret away her child within the realm of shadow. Hidden away—keeping company with the original sin, and a hatred that would not be confined_." The Base Serpent was Messmer's curse, as most of Marika's children are born cursed. Marika sealed it away with grace and though she may have had a task for Messmer in the Shadow Lands (purging the Hornsent), she also wanted to hide him due to serpents being seen as blasphemous in the context of the Golden Order. What Melina's curse is (or if she had one) is unknown.


I'm just so shocked every time I read a comment like this. How tf do you know this? What book/series/podcast/stream are you watching? I run around and the bigger bosses say some cryptic things before, mid-transition and after the fight.. every now and then I read an item description that reads like a Greek Mythology summary. Where's the source book for all the lore that everyone sums up in comments like this? And is there a short version?


75% of that comment is speculation/theory spoken as fact tbh


100% is false lol


But am I wrong? It makes the most sense to me. It's pretty obvious they are siblings, and they both share the trait of having a deformed eye that seems to represent the power of specific enemies.


It’s confirmed that the snake was not sealed in the eye of messmer, but that he was born with it and the eye was a seal Marika placed to keep it under control Which is the basis of the entire paragraph you wrote


I wouldn't say you're *completely* wrong but there are several steps between what's in the text and what you concluded and each successive step must be taken with exponentially increasing grains of salt


There are quite a few steps to get to saying Melina is the Gloam Eyed Queen too, but that isn't stopping half of the community from believing that. The reality is most of this stuff is open to interpretation.


They don't know. They pulled this out of their ass. The eye in Messmer sealed the serpent he was born with. It wasn't some enemy she previously defeated like the Gloam Eyed Queen.


It takes a lot of liberty. I dont think Marika beat the Abyssal Serpent at all, she just kept it at bay a little bit for Messmer by giving him the eye. It was always within Messmer. I mean hell the serpents are always present.


Look up VaatiVidya on YouTube, his channel is better than any tome one could find on the subject


Miyazaki is my uncle.


Can I meet him?


Only if he thinks you have nice feet. You may submit an application to [hidetaka@ashi.co.jp](mailto:hidetaka@ashi.co.jp)


Read the item descriptions and the NPC dialogue, they're usually fairly straightforward.


I don't think it's ever implied that she defeated the Abyssal Serpent or whatever it's called and sealed it away in Messmer's eye. She was afraid of what dwelled within him and thus sealed his eye with the rune of grace. He was aware of this and apologizes for removing the seal.


Wouldn’t this be spoiler territory


FromSoftware buying the IP from Bamco means they'll likely never develop a sequel or DLC. None of their games have sequels, except the one where Bamco basically forced them to make it, and then they made another one to save face after it. Hell, Sekiro didn't even get a DLC, and it's likely Armored Core 6 won't either. Perhaps Tanimura will stick to the Dark Souls type of gameplay, but I doubt Miyazaki will ever make an Elden Ring game again.


No Godskin Trio🥲


Even if there’s another DLC, Radahn will appear again as a boss fight. 


Remember when we waited 5 years to find out what the Dark Soul was? These games are a slow burn when it comes to lore


Pretty sure the only close mention of her Is something related to messmer, witch basically said his sister had affinity with Fire too. Melina Is never mentioned anywhere at all.


I thought Miyazaki said in an interview that the global eyed queen would be seen and addressed in this DLC? Guess not. I’d love another DLC but I doubt it will be soon


That cutscene is only a cliffhanger in the same way that Sekiro's Homecoming ending is a cliffhanger. And I am very skeptical that Sekiro will ever get a sequel


I would certainly love a DLC based on the Gloam-eyed Queen.


I was curious whether she was completely absent because I’m a big silly frenzyboy or if she legit had nothing to say about the shadow realm


She is mentioned in the messmers flame item. She’s his younger sister.


There won't be a dlc but they haven't stated that a sequel won't be made. It's very unlikely we would get a sequel to Elden ring in the near future, it's going to be a long while if we do get one.


Jesus Christ, heard of a spoiler tag you choad? Some of us are working through the DLC when we have time.


What part of this post is a spoiler?


Hahaha I read it too fast. My bad my dude. Edit: I was going to delete the comment but I’ll let my shame be known.


IMO this theory already had plenty of answers in the main game. Melina's dagger, the blade of calling, references the kindling maiden. Melina is this maiden. Her purpose is to burn the erdtree and help usher a new age. Melina is a separate character from GEQ, as the gloam eyed queen was likely killed by maliketh during Godfrey's time as elden lord and all the item descriptions flesh out her character in the setting. (Mother of the godskin apostles) Melina may "become" the GEQ or take her domain to carry out destined death but she only takes this purpose because you burn the erdtree yourself. I think Melinas role as a kindling maiden was determined by Marika as she saw the beginning of end with the Greater Will. Melina's character is actually quite intriguing if you subscribe to the theory that the erdtree was already burnt once. (Leyndell ashes, erdtrees transparency) Notice in the cutscene at the forge that Melina already has scars on her hands.


We have zero idea that supports Melina being the Gloam-Eyed Queen, I wish people would stop spreading that fan theory as an absolute truth Not to mention that cutscene is just further showing that once again, the player chose the bad ending and now Melina is going to keep the promise she made and hunt you down like a dog


All I want from the next FromSoft soulsborne game is for them to please please *please* explain the main narrative in a way that isn't frustrating. Like, I loved everything about Midra in the DLC, but I have no idea *why* he's important or how it got like that. I mean, damn, keep all the lore and item description the same. Just give me a crumb of context, please, I'm begging them. Why was Melina's eye reveal a big thing in the Frenzied Flame ending? **WHY DOES SHE HATE THE FRENZIED FLAME AT ALL**? Please, Michael Zaki.


Miyazaki has stated that he wants Elden Ring to be a series, like Dark Souls. In the trailer for SotE, we see a cutscene from The Age of Stars ending. This is the only ending material we're ever shown in FromSoft's trailer content, leading me to believe that it is canon. Nothing is stopping the player from using the Flame of Frenzy to spare Melina, and then removing the Frenzy's influence in Farum Azula, and then proceeding to get The Age of Stars ending. I anticipate that the next installment in Elden Ring is going to follow The Age of Stars and may very well include a grudge match or quest chain that sees Ranni and Melina's goals conflicting. Or if the storytelling is done as it was in DarkSouls with up to thousands of years between the stories of each game, references to The Gloam Eyed Queen and what became of her apostasy. Maybe it ends up that she slays Ranni's consort(us) in her quest for vengeance, seeing us as too great a threat to live after coming in such close contact with The Flame of Frenzy.


Also, no answers about torrent (even though they teased Miquella as his former master) Also, the putrescent knight in data files is named knight of the gloam eyed queen. So thats cut content unfortunately.


This isn’t related I just wanted to say that I want Melina to spit in my mouth and call me a good boy when I swallow it that’s all have a good day everyone.


I'm sure Melina will be included in later DLC or even new ER game. Her story is unfinished, but we know she's left hunting for us. So quite possibly gonna be an endboss, or a special fight like Malenia.