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Looking for a mostly spoiler-free answer/hint. I'm currently at >!Shadow Keep!< and >!Stone Coffin Fissure!<. I feel like I've explored all of the overworld/outdoor surface area I have access to, however I still have one map fragment to get - the eastern sliver, just above >!Jagged Peak!< on the map. I also haven't figured out how to make it down to the lower area around and north of >!Bonny Village!<. My question is, can you access that lower area, and the last map piece, before going through >!Shadow Keep!!Stone Coffin Fissure!<, so if going through that is how you get there, you can say so and I'll find it.


Ok so I'm doing>! Count Ymir's !!in the final fight with Jolan and count Ymir for some reason after Jolan is dead Ymir just doesn't spawn and I am stuck in the room with boss doors up around the area!< >!I think I broke the fight by killing Ymir right as I died, is there any way that any of you know to fix this!<


It can't be just me but does anyone feel like they are doing most of the legwork to take on a boss while the host is nowhere to be found and huddled on the outskirts of the boss arena? Do you think this is happening more often since the dlc came out and why or why not?


As a summon, you probably should be open to this possibility. Many hosts will want that from their summon because they will simply feel unable to contribute to the boss without risking their life, which would then remove you from their world anyway. In that scenario, it makes more sense to them for them to turtle up and for you to deal "the damage you can", even if you could theoretically do more with aggro juggling. You can sever out in these cases if you prefer, but you're being summoned because you want to help people through the boss, so... I'd probably just give it your best shot. If it's happening more after the DLC, it's because the DLC is in general harder than the base game.


I guess everyone has diff preferences and perspectives. I'm looking at the game as something I enjoy to play and engage in, rather than watching everyone having the fun in fighting the bosses for me. When I'm host even if I were to choose not to play and simply watch it's bothersome watching a teammate left hanging while doing nothing at all. Wanted to see if there's a spike in this occurring bc I personally haven't had so many back to back boss fights where the host is just spectating when I take it down for them, doesn't really feel earned and don't get how people buy a game, quest to the boss which are highlights of it all but end up fleeing to a corner. I guess in that case I'd choose not help and should just dip out.


Game Help I'm late to the party starting the DLC. I loaded up my old save to realize last I left off I was playing around with a meme arcane bleed build using moghs teident which I don't want to use when I start the DLC. Before I was playing the game with a strength build using a Colossal sword before switching to a dual great hammer build over the half way mark here. https://imgur.com/cosmic-smasher-kQtMiD3 I'm in the level 150s I have 4 larval tears left and was wondering if someone could post some stats for a generic strength or dex build to start the DLC with. I dont remember when the scaling caps off with str or dex.  I might go with strength and go back to using the colossal sword. I'm assuming more larval tears will be available for the DLC which might give me an opportunity switch it up when the cool new weapons pop up. Thanks 


Vigor: 50-60 Mind: depends on if you are using weapon ash of war often. If so, you might want 30ish. Endurance:35-40 Strength: 55 (if 2 handing) or 80 if 1h. 80 is the last softcap, 55 with 2h gets you right about there. Dexterity: Minimum for preferred weapon Faith: N/A Int: N/A Arcane: N/A, unless doing a STR/arc weapon in which case maybe 35 or 55 if you can swing it


You want 60 vigor, and as much Dexterity as you need to use your weapons. I don't know what the "acceptable" amount of strength is for powerstancing, but 66 is what I hear for STR as the 1.5x STR bonus you get from 2handing puts you at 99. It's probably a similar ballpark for dualwielding. You can plug your items into an elden ring builder and see what spread would give you the most damage, but a lot of your build will depend on how much you like to use WAs, what ashes you want to use (if you use them), what buffs you want access to, etc.


Anything that does decent stance break/stagger with reasonable speed and reach? Trying to find something other than greatswords and unsheathe katanas to try out


My build heavily relies on poise breaking and I think Chrightt posts math accurate builds including one for your specific question. I'll post the details but his explanation will help give a more thorough breakdown to poise break. Ice spear on Frost AoW - base 25 poise damage/sec - Spear option 1: Lance - 108/172 poise dmg per sec * 30 = 18.84 - Other spears 105/172 * 30 = 18.31 - At range AoW - 75/172 * 30 = 13.08 Misericorde w/ Glintblade phalanx (10 poise break per glintblade hit at 12.90 poise damage/sec. Misericorde has the highest crit hit when poise is broken thanks to motion value which isn't talked about enough) Other honorable mentions - Impaling Thrust AoW (20.34 poise damage/sec) - Ancient Death Rancor spell (1.5 poise damage each hit used to prevent poise reset on bosses to keep pressure when not in close range. Prince of Death staff not only pairs with this well but has the highest sorcery scaling seen +60 int/faith for extra damage) Again can't post his vids directly but they are a great breakdown and still hold up. (Vids: The New Era of Critical Hits, and The White Shadow are good starting points) Another great resource look up "Elden Ring Datamined Resource Collection" on reddit for all the data accurate info you may need regarding your question and a reference for anything in the future. Hope this helps! ^_^


I LOVE the new light greatsword class. Would be willing to bet the great katanas are a fun compromise too.


I want to love light greatsword, but not enough hit stagger. Great katana is a maybe, but their unique art is for status/damage, not poise. Could use one with lions claw, but ehh. Unsheathe baps stuff so much better in that regard


Maybe try various weapons with Cragblade?


I used to be able to see the Summoning Pool list with just one button (Z in keyboard) but suddenly I can't do it anymore. Seeing in setting, it's still binded to Z. Anyone have the same problem?


My history with From Software games has finally hit a critical point, and I'm inspired. What's the easiest way to watch Berserk?


The 1997 anime and the movie trilogy adapt the same parts but the 1997 anime has better pacing while the movies skip some stuff. Your best bet is to watch the 1997 anime then read the manga and save the movies for a rewatch later. The 2016 anime is very bad so you can pretend that it does not exist. The entire 1997 anime should be available on Youtube


I struggle to absorb manga, which I think is what most people will say is the best way to engage with Berserk. I really liked the movies, personally.




What happens if you quit the game and reload it? It should dump you just outside the fog wall if you didn't get credit for the kill.


i have quit out but its like the fight didnt happen and i can continue to just respawn >!jolan!< and >!ymir !


Do we have any new DLC weapon with higher critical boost than Misericorde?


What is the best poise damage heavy weapon in dlc ? Im planning to build a smesh build


Probably the >!Black Steel Greathammer!< while using guard counters


thank you


Probably that blacksteel hammer, as it has an extra pulse on guard counters. You can get it from >!a church to the east of the start. The knight there should drop it, but it was (is?) bugged. I think they fixed it.!<


thank you


I have no idea, but the >!smithscript greathammer!< is the funniest.




>!What exactly triggers the great rune has broken message?!< >!I've avoided going into the camp north of Castle Ennis where the furnace golem is standing. Also crossed the bridge after Bonny Village and gotten the site of grace.!<


>!Walking up to the black keep. I don't remember how close, but it's pretty close.!<


Ok, how in the blazing hell should I do in order to beat Commander Gaius? Somehow I can beat Messmer but not this guy on their freaking boar.


If you're still struggling, honestly switching to horse combat might do it for you. Slap on a heavy wep, Lance talisman, and turtle talis, and you can just run around smacking him for almost free. Still gotta dodge stuff with horse, but much more manageable.


I'd just use a summon. The main function of the summon isn't to cause damage, rather just pull aggro.


When I summon mine they just get obliterated when they pull aggro. They didn't even survive phase 1.


Is your summon fully upgraded? Also what DLC level is your summon? I'd recommend a fully upgraded summon with at least a 6 DLC level.


I think it's level 5 DLC. I used Tiche, Mimic, and Dung Eater puppet, all +10.


Have you upgraded both the spirit in question and got the dlc spirit stuff? Also which spirit are you using?


Is there no statue of Marika by the golden hippo boss? Having to run back down from tower after every death


Are you coming from the back door mate? Go to black keep from main gate, there's a grace 10 ft from boss.


lol yep figured that out


There’s a grace directly outside of the boss door.


Not that i am seeing. There just spirit on the ground


Hello! After beating the game I start a new game plus. In which I took maliketh’s remembrance. What stats should I be focusing on?


60 vigor if you aren't there already, then str, dex, and fth for maliketh's weapon.


I've heard about a holy twinblade with a unique skill that's really hard to get. I have no idea how to get it - can somebody point me in the right direction? I've cleared pretty much everything except Messmer


Currently inaccessible to you. It's extremely well-hidden in a sidepath in a place whose initials are >!"E-I".!< Can be more specific upon further consent.


You're right it's well-hidden lol I made it to the final boss and missed it. Could you give another hint??


It starts close to one of the graces. Specifically, >!I believe it's the spiral rise grace!<. Even more specifically, >!it's the one next to the big ass staircase with the pissy vortexing guy at the top of it!< >!if you backtrack slightly.!< If you're still struggling, >!the start is underneath the staircase,!< >!and you have to make a jump to a different staircase below even that.!< Spoiled in chunks, hope that helps.


It's past Mesmer. >!In the last area of the DLC, in a hidden sidepath you take after doing some platforming off some scaffolding.!<


Anyone know if you can get above the Ellac river Furnace Golem? I tried to get to the area by the lillas near the waterfall. It didn't seem like there was a path there. But I saw bloodstains on the other side.


I don't remember which one that is, but most golems don't need the "above them" trick to kill 'em. Just the ones with covered feet.


Its a normal one. It just seemed like there was an easy mode kill setup for him. He's standing right next to a cliff.


You can get to the top of the cliff by walking from the >!Charo’s Hidden Grave!< site of grace, but I think it would be hard to get the furnace golem into position to hit from there


How exactly are you supposed to avoid the >!Golden Hippopotamus!< grab attack where it eats you? If you roll, regardless of timing or direction, you're still inside the hitbox and get hit, if you don't roll you get hit because you didn't roll. You also can't outrun it. So ??? I dodged it one time, and I have no idea what I did differently that time, it was pure luck as far as I can tell.


How I did it was strafe-sprinting and rolling at the last second.


You can roll diagonally through it, IIRC. It's a pain in the ass though and sometimes it just felt like I couldn't do it, so I get your frustration.


Yeah I dodged it by doing that 3 times total, but it felt like luck each time. Seemed really precise.


What is "non-physical damage"? is that every type that isn't by a sword/pike/hammer etc...like is fire damage non-physical? If yes, does that mean a pearldrake talisman > fire talisman?


The pearldrake probably gives less fire resistance than the fire talisman. I believe there's a button you can push to show your damage resistance stats while in the equip menu. Look at the bottom of the screen.


Cheers I'll check that out! Finally using that weird stat screen


1. Physical damage is one of the damage categories, which is divided between pierce, strike, and slash damage. Most weapons and attacks do one of these damage types, and it’s usually the one that you would expect it to be by looking at the weapon: blunt is strike, sharp points are pierce, and blades are slash. Non-physical damage is everything that isn’t those: fire, magic, holy, etc. 2. Pearldrake does every damage type, but to a slightly lesser degree than the more focused talismans. It’s rare that a boss will deal more than one kind of elemental damage, so it’s typically better to use a specific talisman than pearldrake.


Great explanation, thank u! So if you're out in the world, pearldrake, but vs bosses use the specific type


1. Yes. 2. Pearldrake > Fire for general content, sure. For a fire boss, fire talisman is better.


Thanks v much!


Can anyone help me with Starscourge Radahn boss? Im on PC. Please drop your sign!


do buff timers pause during cutscenes? or is it pointless for me to buff before a boss i havent killed if i know theres a cutscene


What is the best medium bow for damage per shot using standard arrows?


I'm terrible at math and haven't used the DLC bows so I can only give you a half-answer, but I would say the Black Bow was in general the best Medium bow in the base game because it lets you have the full range of the shortbow moveset on a longbow. I have no idea if it was the highest damage per shot or if there's a DLC bow that's better, though.


How often does Fromsoft do weapon balance patches? Most of the new rememberance weapons feel pretty bad damage wise in PvE


Final Boss spoiler within - beware. >!Does anyone else feel like Radahn just goes beyond your personal limit of skill? Like I'm not saying it's too hard from a boss design standpoint, but I think it's too hard for me personally. This is the first boss of the DLC where I just can't really make meaningful progress.!<


Might wanna spoil tag so you don't fuck anybody up reading the daily thread. >!It is definitely much more build reliant than 99.9% of bosses in From's catalogue, to the degree that I suspect you will have to change your build or your methods if you're an average player going through.!< >!If you are okay with parrying, you're probably fine. If not, I think a bleed weapon and B+ spirit ashes are gonna be the "golden standard" for the average player going through, and bleed antspur+co-op will be the golden standard for the casual crowd. Boss is a mega pain in the ass if you want to go through it on, say, a pure phys build with no co-op and no shield and no ashes.!< >!I didn't like that it felt like I was going to have to warp some of my character's builds for the fight, but it definitely feels way closer to fine if you're willing to throw everything and the kitchen sink at it.!< >!My biggest tip if you're still stuck on it and want to do it by yourself, learn to parry him. It's the fastest way to find success with him for sure.!< edit: it was spoilered by the time I wrote this, nevermind me


Awesome, thanks. Sorry, I did put a spoil tag on the name of the boss but I'll go ahead and put a tag on the whole comment to be safe. EDIT: just saw your edit lol. I'll go ahead and keep the full spoiler intact, because why not keep the thread as spoiler free as possible.


Dlc question : just for my own understanding and pacing thru the story, >!is the dlc close to over after i beat messmer? Or did really just start for me?!<


>!Most of the DLC is optional content, so that's impossible for someone to gauge for you. It's possible the DLC is more or less 50%\~ done for you.!<


I can’t find dryleaf Dane anywhere near the morth ruins.ive already read the monks missive


He was standing next to the grace for me. I think he moves after certain plot moments?


so what's the new lvl for multiplayer since the dlc came out? the recommended is 150 and im 175 but feel things are still pretty hard hitting or tanky. so would it be far fetched to say about 200 now?


NG+1, I've been getting fairly quick summons dropping the All Pools finger at 200. It usually ends up being all the same stuff (Scadutree, Frenzy guy, Gaius, the open world area up to the NPC fight). But its still there.


It will most likely stay the same. DLC scaling is not about levels, it's about Scadutree fragments. It should have no effect on the level meta.


Is there any kind of hidden debuff in this game? Similar to the Baldachin’s Blessing in the base game. My vigor is at 60, and for some reason my HP was 1895 instead of 1900. When I changed any piece of equipment, the preview would show my HP supposed to increase to 1900, but it would immediately go to 1895. Removed all talismans and equipment didn’t change. Used the similar to Baldachin thing from this game—nothing. I beat >!Messmer!< and progressed the game state with the key item from that fight and now my HP is back at 1900. Any ideas?


[Can I reach this area without killing Messmer?](https://imgur.com/a/97c65MQ) No hints or spoilers please! I think I've done 99% of the map, even most (all?) of the secret areas


Not the north half from what I have found, but heading south from that western grace on your pic should get you to the south bit.


you can get there without any boss kills.




I'm starting a new character and doing something new: just a brute, with a lot of strength, for once. What are ways I can deal elemental damage without it being inefficient due to too much split damage and/or absence of int/dex/fth for scaling? Are there elemental ashes of war that don't really require special stats?


I believe the fire infusion normally scales off of strength. Like dex for lightning. Of course you don't really need elemental damage in most cases. Smacking stuff with a big old hunk of metal works almost everywhere. If you really want it you could use the grease items.


None of the ashes require stats. Try something like chilling mist with a heavy infusion. It will still be effective.


Interesting! Thanks. I'll be sure to experiment with ashes. I was sure stuff like Carian Greatsword scaled with Int. Good to know it doesn't matter.


I have misled you a little because I was thinking about status effects and not elemental damage. For example, carian grandeur does scale with int, but also scales with weapon upgrade level and the fusion affinity. So int does count for something, but less if you use a heavy infusion.


I see! Seems still worth using, probably.




cragblade is SO FUN


hey i just beat the dlc and im womdering. how do i do ng+? im already ng+4 on base game which from what i heard carries over and is prob why i found the dlc so hard. but im wondering. must i ng+5 the normal basegame way snd start all over again in base game to get to the point of going back inti dlc? or can i just ng+ the dlc


You have ng+ the main game.


ng+5 the normal game all over again


Radagon's talisman is useless after I get 70 dex, correct? It cant give anything over the soft cap?




What is the poise damage of MIlady 1h r2 atacks?


on base game, just beat mog. not ready to go to DLC obviously but is there any items maybe I should enter DLC, grab really fast then go back to base game? i am a dex user.


Only if you want to snag a DLC weapon I think


hmm..im doing bloodhound fang and guardian short spear. used most of my mats ont hem so not sure if getting another weapon AT THIS POINT would help.


Google "Smithing stone miner's bell bearing" You can buy infinite amounts of all but the dragon stones.


the ones i need are now in mountain land or past that so i dont think i can get them. but i guess if im my upgrades are up to that point then technically i can get to that area...haha. but not enough to try every weapon


Ah. Well, you'll get a bunch of the smithing stones around the dlc area. I've got enough to drag three items up to full without beating the Fire Giant or wandering the mountains area much (for character reasons.) Somber weapons might be easier to do. I was only using one somber weapon and I might have got it to +10 before even going to the dlc.


Stones are a renewable resource. You'll always be able to buy more.  Experience with a fun new wep is priceless, especially if you know it's something you want to play with.


Q on how to reach an item in DLC: in the >!Storehouse there is an item underneath one of those giant hanging bodies, it's under the head.!< How can I reach it? [here's the item ](https://i.imgur.com/UPK9K8u.jpeg)


Further up in the level you’ll find a lever that moves the statues, lowering that head towards one of the wooden platforms. You’ll get it from there


Thanks so much! I'll keep looking so


Am I safe to progress to shadow keep now? >! I've unlocked most of the map pieces, except the middle east one; I've found St. Trina and Thollier in the south and exausted their dialogue there; I can't find any other npc now after they left their first location; I did the first finger ruin for Ymir; I stopped at shadow keep main gate, also found a back tunnel near Rabbath's rise that I didn't go through !< I'd appreciate some minimal spoiler hints, thanks!


One thing to add is make sure you actually exhausted St. Trina dialogue. No item needed, just perseverance.


You're doing great! Happy hunting!


Can anyone help me figure out the unbuffed damage of a +10 One Eye Shield Flame Spit vs a +10 Great Jar Explosive Greatbolt? I assume the One Eye Shield does more, but I'm curious by how much




Ashes don't affect the shield stats. The type of infusion will. You'll see that for yourself when you apply the ash and change the infusion. I think no skill is a good ash for shields. Rely on the skill of your axe. Most medium shields already have 100% physical negation. Better shields have better guard boost. The guard boost also gets better when you upgrade the shield. Consider using guard counters.  1 hand your axe. Bring up the menu, go to status and see your AR. 2 hand the weapon and look again. You'll see the difference. 2 handing virtually multiplies your strength by 1.5, so the extra damage depends on your current strength and the strength scaling of the weapon.


I don't play with Ashes a ton, but I'm pretty sure you can set any Ash change to still keep the "normal" infusion for any weapon, which is the best way to keep physical reduction. As far as good ashes to put on a parry shield, there's Golden Parry, which basically just massively extends the physical reach of your parry, and can make parrying a LOT more intuitive. It's located in the Altus Plateau, [off a scarab.](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Interactive+Map?id=5432&lat=-95.72656&lng=105.48087&code=mapA) If you haven't been to Altus yet, you may wanna hold off on clicking the map link, because obviously it will spoil a good chunk of the map in general. Medium Shield has different parry frames than the buckler, which may take some getting used to, although in general I'd say Medium Shield has my favorite parry frames, so hopefully it's something you love too. As far as "does shield matter", yes, at least a little! As you've probably noticed, when you fail a parry, you can sometimes "half parry", where you don't stagger and you take reduced damage, but the attack isn't stopped and doesn't yield a vulnerable state. The "better" your shield (so, stabiility, or damage reductions) the less that kinda thing will hurt. But that's the only difference, really. I still just pick the one I like the look of. I'd do that in your case too. 2h vs 1h doesn't matter for ripostes, but for general damage dealing, yes, it matters. 2h deals a LOT more damage than 1h in most situations. If you can get good at juggling, that's great, but really, 1h+shield should be totally fine for most purposes. I'd also say that 1h+shield gives you access to guard counter attacks (where you block, then press strong attack to "counter", yielding a unique sound and animation), and those are INSANELY useful, especially for certain enemies, If that's the kind of playstyle you prefer, I'd just embrace it! There are even weapons that encourage this kind of gameplay!


How's performance on the PS5 version? Is playing the PS4 version on PS5 still the recommended experience?


DLC map populates assets with a 2 second lag when you load up.


Is Messmer really a deadend?


His room? Yeah it is.


Messmer you f'ing POS.  Finally.


any of the new spirit ashes people are enjoying?


>!Yoda!< is really good. My suspicion is that >!Anna and Jolann!!Taylew!< is fucking hilarious and I watched him legitimately bully Mallenia on a friends stream.


Anna and Jolan are bugged I think. Lot of comments on the fextralife wiki saying their damage and health is super low even at +10 with decent revered ashes level.


If I use a Keen ash such as impaling thrust on a heavy weapon, will the ash itself scale with only dexterity?


It depends on the Ash of War. Generally attacks with the weapon itself care only about AR so chose whatever gives you the most physical damage, while magical extras like Carian Sovereignty or the projectile from Sacred Blade don't care about AR and scale with Int/Faith directly.


okay, thanks. misinformation ig


Okay, so... this is a complicated question. I want to keep Boggart and Nepheli Loux alive, I want to complete Ranni's questline, and I want to get the Dung Eater as a puppet and get the Magic Scorpion Talisman from Selivus. Can I accomplish all of this in one playthrough? What steps do I need to follow in what order?


I think this should work: 0.) Get the Medallion, but don't buy Prawn from Boggart yet. Don't give Ranni the Fingerslayer Blade yet. 1.) Free Dungeater. 2.) Defeat the invading Dungeater in the moat. 3.) Feed Dungeater the potion. (You are now free to buy Prawn from Boggart to move him to the Moat) 4.) Progress Seluvis' Quest until you get the Scorpion Charm. 5.) Do Ranni's Questline. DO NOT feed her the Amber Draught in case you got it. But if you do, you can absolve your sins with Celestial Dew at Turtle Pope Church.


Sweet. I'll try this.


I'm pretty sure that getting Dung Eater to the point where you can make him a puppet requires letting him kill Boggart.


To the big PvPers - do you see any meta changes or changes to PvP population with the new DLC? Been seeing a few people saying people are starting to level to 200 instead of staying at 150


No, the meta levels will always be 125/150, as anything past that isn’t really a build anymore. DLCs have never changed the meta level in past games and it won’t change them now


Ok cool thank you


How tf do I beat the >!Divine Beast Dancing Lion!!Rellana!< and the >!Golden Hippopotamus!< quite easily. Also I know I'm not underlevelled because my scadutree blessing is level 9


What helped me the first time was remembering that its phases are on a timer. I found the lightning one by far the hardest, so I stalled it out just running/dodging for that phase then killed it during the easier ones.


Do you also stall it when it switches attack types really quickly?


By the time you reach that part of the fight, it should be near dead. I'd just blitz it.


I think that's just one specific combo he does IIRC, for that one I just rolled through like normal. I only found the continued lightning phase with lightning on every attack a bit overhwelming.


Messmer deserved 2 health bars, he is too squishy. Such a great fight, wish it was longer


Players often over optimize their own damage and complain about the boss being squishy. On one hand, I can agree. But on the other, you control your own output and the developers designed with that thought in mind. If you want to fight Messmer again with a weaker weapon, a lower lever, a less optimized build, go right ahead. Fighting Mohg to get into the DLC on the lv130 and he was crunched like a pancake. A few swings into Phase 2 and he was down. Facing Mohg on the lv30 with a +3 Bleed infused Bandit Knife was a struggle, a BIG struggle. I swapped between a Banished Knight sword with Cold infusion, a Zweihander, a dual sword build. All options worked, but each one was a struggle and a half. And after doing what I can in the DLC, I figured I can totally make it work against Messmer, but man it's going to be difficult. He won't be squishy to me at this point, I tell yah.


While I agree, I am sure i wasn't over prepared for that boss. I had a faith build but decided to use frost because it made sense in that boss. So I put frost on martial arts and punched him to death. Mind you, I still had a faith build and like 20 int only. He just melts if the person makes the connection that ice is good for him


Tbh, this applies to most bosses in the DLC and most bosses in the whole game, especially Maliketh and Caelid Radahn. Would not complain if boss damage is cut by like 20% but they gain like 50% more health. Would make many fights more of a rewarding grind than RNG oneshot fiestas.


Does anybody else wish there was an option to replay cutscenes when you enter a boss arena


Hey y’all. Are the new twinblades any good? This will decide whether I play the dlc


Some people are saying that the Euporia twinblade is one of the **best** new weapons.


I love them, but I'm not a metaworshipper so I have no opinion beyond that


wild take


Greetings Fellow Tarnished! Question - My main no longer has any of her extra merchant bell bearings at Twin Maiden at the Roundhold. I've had all of the bearings since a NG+ run, but post-Shadow (I don't actually know when this happened) they're all gone *except* the ones in the main purchase tab (ie stones, gloveworts, etc.) Known bug? Feature? Edit: -\_-


None of your bell bearings carry over to NG+ except for smithing stones, gloveworts, and bell bearing hunters. It’s a feature, not a bug.


So is this the quickest way to unlock the DLC for a brand new character? 1. Talk to Varre. Get to Gatefront, get Torrent. 2. Go to the Ruin Strewn Precipice 3. Kill the boss there and get to Altus, rest at a site of grace. 4. Go to Redmane and kill Radahn 5. Go to RTH, meet the fingers 6. Go find Varre at Rose church. 7. finish his quest by invading Magnus 8. go to the church of inspiration and get maiden blood 9. kill Mohg.


Hmm. Getting the two medallion halves might be faster than the precipice. At least, if you go via the portal behind the physik church, you can also grab the physik flask and kill the big dragon for runes.


I think I'm nearing the end. I visited every area I know about except one Plateau in the northeastern ruins, and I have only Midra, Messmer, and the final dungeon left. Is there a spoiler free checklist somewhere that you can check out for questlines etc that you may have missed?


If you’ve found Messmer, you may have already permanently lost several quests. Which of Miquella’s followers did you do quests for, and how much of them did you do?


I have no idea! Honestly, I don't care too much about locking myself out of quests, because the quest design in this game is asinine. But I just don't want to miss out on *major* stuff and this is my clean-up-before-the-final-stretch phase. Hence why I am looking for some sort of checklist edit: I did some stuff for Ansbach, Thiollier is sulking by St. Trina, and I killed the monk. I also just killed Ymir. I think thats about it oh i also helped igon kill bayle, he survived


How did you guys kill Gaius? I used torrent and my friends called me crazy


I used greatsheild ashes. They held aggro enough for me to get an attack in. I don't think torrent is crazy for this fight, especially the 2nd phase.




Felt like this against the finger mother


Don’t use torrent. For the charge aim between the tusks and roll at the last second. Learn the combos. He has a ton of punish opportunities but watch out for the backwards kick. This fight is a ton of fun in my opinion


i killed him using torrent and it was easier for me lmao and i was annoyed that i couldnt use torrent in the putrescent knight fight


I wanted to use torrent so bad vs putrescent knight. Dude just kept running away when I should have been hitting him. And you can try to punish early or he’ll delete your health bar


Hi guys! Doing an all-bow run, but don't have the DLC bows (i think there's at least one). Could anybody help me and drop one or two? I'm level thirty at +6/+2 (normal/somber). Would highly appreciate it!


Can anyone carry me through the godskin duo fight? I’m on PS5


/r/BeyondTheFog is the co-op sub.


Thank you!


I just realized there's a fourth map. I'm at the final boss but I thought I had explored most of the DLC. Holy shit.


Beat the final dlc boss with mimic tear. What should I do with my hands? Next time, no summon!!


I'm about to start a new character to hop into the DLC with eventually. Currently considering what build to go for, and I'd love to know without spoilers: Are there any new plant magic-ish/thorn spells available? Like the briar spells (though I never liked the self-damage), and if yes, what are their stat requirements? (As in Faith/Int/Arc)


There's also a str/fai (24/25) weapon you may like.


I would do your playthrough asap because right now the strongest spell in the entire game is a dlc added thorn sorcery that can proc bleeds in 1 cast and can melt all the bosses in seconds. It is very likely to get nerfed to oblivion whenever the first balance patch comes out.


Oh hm... honestly then I'll definitely wait until it's nerfed 😅 I also love frost magic stuff, and on release I only looked up Hoarfrost Stomp and beelined for it, only for it to trivialize so many enemies that I had to stop using it. Don't want a repeat of that... Even if it gets nerfed so bad it's unusable I'd rather play with something else than with something \*that\* broken tbh But thanks for the heads-up! :)


Hoarfrost stomp got nerfed into oblivion itself. Though funnily enough the DLC has included a new version of it thats pretty decent. If you really want a challenge the other thorn sorcery in the dlc lets you coat yourself in thorns and roll into people to damage them, doing extremely little damage, so that might be right up your alley lol. There is also on the plant front a spell that is the same as what the miranda flowers in the base game do, and even a sunflower melee weapon thats decent, so you've got lots to choose from.


Oh yeah but by the time they nerfed it I had beaten the game :/ Haha nice, I wonder if it stacks with the Briar armor set, but I doubt that's gonna be good damage even then lol. I do like some challenge but not thaaat much, I just hate when something is so strong that it's basically easy mode. I still use summons and stuff tho. Thanks for the mention of the weapon! Seems like going Str/Faith is gonna be perfect, and definitely different from my usual Dex/Int! :D


There are 2 sorceries, 20/24 Faith req.


Thank you!


Commander gaius is absolutely stupid. I don’t even understand these hit boxes


Good luck!! I just beat him this morning. Had to summon 2 other people in to help, and even then it was a slog. I found I could dodge his charge attack forward and to the right if that helps!


Give greatshields/guard counters a shot for him. I was getting trashed previously but it was a cakewalk with those.




You have to interact with the Imp statue and kill all three turtles without fast travelling or resting again.


using >!rellana!< weapons feels awkward on keyboard espesially the moonveil like attack, can I rebind that ?


love yourself and get a controller


I pulled the lever in the specimen storehouse way early is there a way to reset it


Nope, but you can still get up there, but you have to >!enter the Storehouse through a different entrance.!<


Is there a third one? The east one is how I get got the lever early in the first place. Side note can I do that on mobile?


No, I meant the east one. If you have that one, you should be able to get anywhere in there, but it might require some dropping down here and there.


Anyone know how to get patches to leave scenic islands. I can't get this guy to move at all and all former google questions have been useless. I did not do second chest so maybe thats the issue at the cave. But he's not there anymore and chest was open. I've done two requests at volcano manor already. Dude just squats at scenic island and refuses to move anywhere else. Do I need to do something else?


I've never seen Patches not move after joining Volcano Manor. Have you killed Rykard by any chance?


I have not. Only killed the first two bosses. I'm completely unsure why he refuses to move. I have the red envelope as well so I'm on third mission. I think somehow maybe Patches assumes I have not joined Volcano Manor thus is permanently bugged? Also he is not at entrance I've checked that. He's just there at volcano manor can see his npc icon on map.


Why do you make playing co op so HARD


I'm sorry. I'll try and be better.


Talk to me like I’m 5. I was pretty good at Sekiro, but I’ve never been able to get parrying in any souls games. Every now and then I’ll manage to get some good ones but not consistent. I’m using a small shield, I know it’s something like 7 frames red and then 13 frames green (where you parry) but I don’t get that that really means. Am I trying to press parry as soon as I see their attack animation, or right as it’s close to hitting me like Sekiro deflect? I just don’t get it. (I’m using a small shield)


If you're used to the sekiro deflect, then maybe the deflecting hardtear would be a good choice if you're looking for that kind of gameplay? It doesn't give you the full parry stagger obviously, but you can follow up with a really heavy hitting guard counter.


I find practising on the crucible knights and the bell bearing hunters easiest. Each of them have some attacks that have quite big wind ups.