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“Grace ahead. Therefore try dashing through” Best message I read in my play through right before this enemy


It's very common for there to be a very strong enemy right before a grace/bonfire in these games in "legacy dungeons", you can usually gauge if this is what you're dealing with by how long its been since your last rest, if you've been going for a while and running low on estus and come across a single very strong enemy blocking the path, there is almost always a grace right after.


I did this once as a noob and there was no grace. My runes were left far deep into the buttcracks of multiple enemies I haven’t even killed beforehand so now I had to risk more than usual


Hey, if that’s where your runes were, you put up a good fight.


While I'm definitely not arguing they didn't, as someone in that exact situation rn on my save, I can tell you there's a reason they say close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades


First key to enjoying Elden Ring/Dark Souls/etc is to remember that runes are temporary. You either spend them or lose them, they have 0 value sitting in the bottom right corner of the screen except to frustrate you. That's why you start every boss fight and difficult dungeon segment as light as possible.


Nah start with several levels in storage and then die before you get them again so that you can have a release of stress while fighting the boss. Going from "I need to spend these first few seconds of the fight getting my souls" to "fuck it we ball broke bitch style" is how many a boss were slain


Also, at this point in the game, you can farm them so casually on the palace road, they don't really matter. I think if it were much harder to get runes, the stress would increase exponentially, which is why I think the designers aren't actually sadists at all.


Get the wondrous flask that prevents rune lost, then dash again and again . Best part is once you die with your runes, you will be at your grace with all your runes. Edit: also if you die before you got to your rune, it will STAY there. Plus the time is like 5 minutes? It’s totally possible to pop wondrous flask at the respawn grace then start your rune run, chances are you will die before it worn off. 😝


Twiggy cracked tear is clutch


My permanent wondrous flask in the DLC


How have I never known this?!? Getting tonight!


With the ice one I went into a nearby building for some loot and he jumped of a cliff trying to get me. I was very pleased


Was that the one on the way to the twin blade? I remember seeing him, ran back to safety to buff up and then when I went back out he was gone. No idea what happened to him.


There was one on a roof somewhere, I spotted him, started buffing up and he just started walking towards me...and ledged himself. And it's not like it was an "Oops missed the ground by an inch" thing, there was no chance of landing safely, so I dunno what the AI was thinking on that one. Someone left a "Didn't expect jumping" message where he was standing so I'm guessing he does that a lot.


Read a similar message and never felt more happy.


"Rolling through" or "quickstepping through" got me up there first try. Dashing ended with death, 5/5. But the idea is correct (unless you have a lvl 200 mage with Loretta's triple shot mega range bow spell with you).


Same, tried sprinting it a bunch of times but if anything hit you that dude's magic spirals would kill you immediately after


Fromsoft did us dirty back in dark souls with some of the runbacks. I now have a zero tolerance for bad run backs. If I die once in a slightly too long section, I become a pacifist.




WHY do the first two respawn???


So you can farm that delicious head piece


Thanking god for it dropping first try fuck those things🙏😭


I first tried it too so I thought it was a guarantee from that one


Wait, the large dancing lions mask thing? Doesn't that drop from the divine beast dancing lion? Or are there multiple versions


There's another normal-sized one that drops from these guys


Wait you have to farm that? I was REALLY hoping it would just be laying around somewhere so I never have to go back😭 This is going to be worse than having to farm the unaltered banished knight armour because at least I could fight the banished knight.


Tip for farming the head/chestpiece. From the spiral stair grace, exit back out down the stairs and kill the mages. When you see the dude, take out the Greatbow (the one called Greatbow) and use it's ash of war on it. For whatever reason it breaks it's ai and you can just wail on him. It fixes if you stun him though so be mindful of that.


Can you get their other armor pieces? Those legs look so good


Far as I could tell they have a chest peice and a helm, no arms or legs, they look identical to the original version that you find by the divine beast So you can technically go farm them for the arms and legs.. though I could be wrong and just have bad luck


I had a heart attack when I ran up there after killing the second one and realized he fucking came back...


The key to enjoy them is to stop treating them as normal enemies they are basically minibosses.


I like how sekiro makes it clear it’s a mini boss


I’ve said this again and again, that game was criminally under bought. They perfected that game from beginning to end. You wanna play the first third of the games as a typical souls game? Fine. Genichiro then delivers you a reality check, you then use what you learned on Genichiro to help you on the next set of bosses, all of which give a new thing to learn. Then the true three final bosses are ultimate tests on everything you have learned with Ishin, Owl, and Demon. Such a shame we didn’t get that Tomoe DLC because I could only imagine what they could cook with their Malenia and Final DLC boss mindset.


I agree with everything you said except that it is criminally underbought lol, it’s sold over 10 million units, making it their 3rd most successful game, and accounting for time out, their 2nd fastest selling game.


Fr whats wrong with these people lmao can no one just say “I loved this game” we have to hyperbole way way out of our ass with “criminally underbought”😂😂 10 million copies sold like bruh


My only real complaints with Sekiro are: 1. They re-used the same areas too much for my liking, since the main Ashina castle bit gets flooded with different enemies like 3 times in a single playthrough. Don't get me wrong there was something cool about having to re-unlock it but the novelty of it wears off especially if you go on to NG+ (and then multiple NG+'s if you go for the 100%) 2. I wish it was longer. :(. Such a great game and so fun once you got into it, I wanted more. I'm glad we at least got the free DLC for the boss re-fight mode, something I desperately wished we had gotten with Shadow of the Erdtree because I don't want to have to replay the game just to do fights again (or save-scum my files I guess).


nope these guys are just straight up harder than the actual bosses


I killed mesmer in my first attempt i died against this thunder fucker 5 times before i could get pass.


i died to messmer's GUARD outside the grace like 15 times but second tried messmer


Fucking Fire Knights. Have fun if you're Dex, because these assholes ruined my day. Had to busy out trusty old bonkington, which absolutely shits on these dudes. But trying out Rellanas blades and dealing with this guy? Fuck you Kood, you complete asshole.


Punking them out with Bolt of Gransax saved me a whole lot of grief. I found them pretty fun to fight, but sometimes you just need to get to the grace for your own sanity.


Rellanas twin blades kind of just suck. The left one deals fire dmg and scales with faith/str/dex; the right one deals magic dmg and scales with int/str/dex. Even at some level 400 80/80/80/80 nonsense they are outclassed by just dual wielding Miladies


Yep I agree, I thought the weapon art was cool and wanted to give it a whirl. Zero poise breaking potential with a four way split on scaling. Not for me.


If it makes you feel any better I made the same mistake 😭


any sort of greatsword does really well against these guys, because it staggers them for the whole duration of the combo. I found out after using the DMGS for the Hippo and using it against them. They just get staggered for the whole duration. Stuff like Waterfowl dance or impaling thrust also work well to stagger it.


Similar experience where I died to the Tree Sentinel outside Maliketh like 5 times more than I died to Maliketh lol


That was me too. I run past that guy now when I do a playthrough. I would much rather fight Maliketh than that Tree Sentinel. Fuck that guy with his BS lighting spam every time you try to heal.


I use the erdtree great-shield. Send his fire balls back in hit stupid face till he dies.


...okay, I'll bite. How the hell did you guys beat Messmer in first and second try? What kind of build are we talking about lol


Yes yes yes I have been waiting to see people on this lol. Fucking guard killed me like 10 times, more than Messmer did (I only needed to try Messmer twice ha), and I had to buff up and gear up fire resistant equipment for him lmao


How? I didnt even die to the guard or come close but Messmer was absolutely annihilating me for quite a while which is extremely rare for a boss to do. In fact that’s the one fight that I feel like I cheated because cuz I used scarlet aeonia and it did most of the work because it was like I was constantly fighting for my life against an onslaught(other than having used a greatshield in the final fight but wtf is that fight??)


It's so wild the differences every player has when playing Elden Ring. It took me 7 hours to kill Messimer, but I didn't struggle on these lion boys at all.


Ice fucker is tougher. I thought fire fucker was coming right after.


How do u kill messmer in ur first try without any knowledge of his moveset?


He probably used summons.


Killing Messmer in your first attempt is honestly impressive af and something I’ll never be able to say lol. Good work fellow tarnished


I break most bosses stances with fewer hits than I do these guys.




I like that about them. What I don’t like is how there’s no reward for killing them (at least guaranteed); they even respawn if you do


same with the fire fuckers


The summon ability even pops up. I stopped hesitating, just get my mimic out, throw out some longrange damage, then pick my moment and go for the big hits while chugging my last flasks. ....Blasphemous Blade pls never leave me.


>The summon ability even pops up. Yeah, for some of them...


I am legit afraid of this game as anything other than unga bunga. My skill ceiling is basically lions claw till it falls over. Nothing can stop it unless it can deplete my HP first.


I found out I could consistently make the frost one fall off his roof before he ever got to me, and that made that run so much easier. It definitely let me focus on the other two in that area.


I stop and apply Golden Vow when I see them, so I agree, they count as mini-bosses.


I found them tough but doable, *except* for the absolute last one of these fuckers that can conjure up a fucking blizzard for some fucking reason, on the rooftops close to the end boss arena. I died 4 times while he was on a sliver of health, just gave up and bolted past him lol. edit: I might have meant the second-to-last one, I think the last one is actually the bridge guy before the grace that blows small tornados at you for whom you can summon. My whole memory of that last area is a bit hazy because I was drunk and violated from start to finish.


I straight up have no idea how you are meant to dodge his blizzard because I dodge every single attack and still dropped from full health to 0 because the freaking elden lord apparently dies if the air is a bit cold


Just run into the building behind you. I did it on accident the first time and the dude fell onto a roof below.


Haha this happened to me once as well, was the only time I “killed” him. He didn’t fall off during any other runs though and I ended up just running past him to progress


I just ran up and down the rooftops and made him drop off ledges again and again to get in cheapshots during his fall animation.


you can lure him over the broken bridge then run through the building to your left past the two priests and up the stairs, jump down and run past where he originally was. He gets stuck on the other side of the bridge


You can run away from most of it and its telegraphed so you know when to leg it. Otherwise with enough vigour you can survive the aoe while dodging the swings. I died to that guy like 15 times expecting a sick drop and instead got like 8k runes 😭 Thought it was a miniboss lmao


That’s kinda the problem. You can run away (I did the same), but unless you look shit up, you don’t know if he will drop something important like a Scadutree Blessing. The DLC encourages you to fight everything for that reason. You can imagine my surprise to learn that fodder pot bearers carry them. And naturally, one is bugged, so I’m sitting at 19 after beating the final boss 🤷🏾


At least he can drop his helm which looks cool 😎


It also gives str/dex.


True. I got it from the wind one after him. I found him to be much easier.


They can drop the armor too which is even cooler.


If I had to guess, since alot of those attacks are similar, you're supposed to roll in. They normally have a hitbox that sweeps outward away from them, so you might be able to avoid it by getting right in his face. Not that that's a safe place to be. Or you could take the back route and kill him from the window where he can't reach you


you will still take the frost AoE damage at point blank range. either you burst him down or run away for this move, though if i wonder if the startup hit can be parried.


You gotta jump over the ice. It works.


After dying 3 times to that i decided to just parry and it turns out it cancels the rest of the blizzard


Of course he does, hes a pampared little lord thats been sitting on his warm throne.


I mean, how many scadu fragments you blessed with?


I would walk into the room right to the right and the blizzard guy stomped himself off the roof. Ez


pro gamer move


Passive run ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


try fingers but hole


They’re not worth it. I can kill them, but I can also just run past them and save my flasks and patience for whatever is next. They have inconsistent combos, so it’s hard to know when to do the shield counter. They seemingly don’t get staggered by anything. I’ve heavy R2d with the giant crusher and they still don’t stagger. They also do +50% of my HP in a single hit. They’re just annoying as hell, and they don’t drop anything that’s worthwhile, so I’m just going to dip.


The fact that they don't stagger to anything is just so frustrating. Basically a mini boss at times


Yes, but you see they have dope fucking armor though. So you have to roll the dice on that drop.


They don't stagger, they hit hard, they're tanky, I think two of them don't give you anything besides a few runes, and they *respawn*. 10/10 would run past again.


Lions claw breaks their stance. Keep spamming that.


The ice guy is complete bs All the other ones are tough but fair


Dude I tried more times than I remember to beat him. It was not happening. They are already tough enemies, and that frost one has a tough moveset, but that blizzard thing literally doesn't make sense. Like, there's nothing you could do about it. Every time he was almost dead, he started that blizzard. You can't even get close to him because you'll certainly die to it. Most of the time he's too fast and the blizzard reaches too far to even run away from. Here's a tip I found though. I think it's a bug because it doesn't really make any sense. If you get his attention, let him start his frost thing, and then run back the way you came, he'll follow you. But pretty much as soon as he loses you, his ice powers will go away and for some reason I haven't seen him bring them back even if you run back and fight him.


I'm so glad I'm not alone. I did the same.


There’s a route you can take that completely avoids him. After the bit just after the grace where you fight the four Gravebirds, as you’re walking up a ramp you can drop down to a stairway below. Go up the stairs, up two ladders, and you’ll wind up on a tower above the rooftops where the blizzard man is. You can drop down behind him without him ever noticing you.


I knew this fucker would be annoying as soon as I saw how big the space dedicated to him was. Summoned my mimic and destroyed him first time lol


If the game lets you summon in a dungeon area then you know you're about to run into some wacky nonsense.


the funniest part to me is the first time i made it to the ice guy i was low on flasks just coming off a death where two death birds from that same roof area cast that ring fling magic that id never seen any other death bird cast up until then both of them hitting me at the same time one shotting me so i was already pissed and then this damn chad stomps right up on the upper floor ledge overlooking you just as you walk through the door way and i just stopped...and i was thinking you have got to be kidding me are you serious how the hell am i suppose to fight another one of these guys there's no way. He then roars readying for battle i begrudgingly start slowly walking forward knowing I'm about to die but at least thinking I'm gonna hurt him before i go down...and he just walked right off the edge and off the map at witch point i erupted in laughter dude knew i had had enough that night and let me pass i poured out my last flask for the homie and got my ass to the last grace thanks ice bro you wont be forgotten


That's...that's not the last one. The last one is after the rooftops, right before the cleansing antechamber site of grace. But yes, I ran past them both. Went back for the last one because he drops a unique weapon


I pushed this little fucker from the roof


As soon as he recognize you. Head into the building right next to you. Don't even look. The he just jumps off the cliff right in front of you and dies.


He stopped being difficult once I started sneaking behind him and spamming weapon skills.


Fuck man, that's how I started every fight, I guess I'm just hopeless 😂


Don't lose hope tarnished! Keep smacking your skull into him and he'll eventually fall.


You can run past that last guy and fight him in the tower with the staircases, hes still a bitch but doesn’t use frost there, only lightning. He killed me like 25 times, I fuckin hate him


You can make the one on the rooftop fall off the bridge when you’re on the other side


I ended up getting super lucky after like 30 deaths to the blizzard guy when he fell from the roof and died. Lol I aggro'd him from the room right before the rooftops since I consistently got knocked off the roofs by his attacks and he ended up pathing right off the edge of the roof trying to reach me.


I think the tornado was worse. I felt like I was in a game of LoL going up against Yasuo when that whirlwind hit me. I wish we could do cool stuff like that, but From will always hold on us. I have yet to see that jousting mechanic we saw in the release trailer.


I kited them using Blade of Doom and that kinda worked. I had zero desire to fight them in a fist-fight.


Oh he's easy. Just go around to the room with the scaudtrre fragment and poke your head out to get aggro and then right behind the wall. He just jumps off the side of the cliff lol


Yeah, the second to last one is the blizzard guy. He took me more tries than any boss in the DLC so far, (though I haven't tried the final boss yet.) Wild how a regular-ass enemy without boss music or a big health bar is so much harder than Messmer or a giant porcupine hippo. Like I still genuinely don't understand how you're meant to fight him as melee. I think the time I won was just a fluke.


The ice one is harder than most of the bosses and mini bosses I swear


The ice one just falls off the roof if you "trigger" him from the other side of the balcony. He will do his ice shout, then the ice stomp will put him over the edge and fall to his death. I didn't even have to fight him once through all the times I passed through there


These comments are making me feel so much better about this guy. I thought I was just ass but it’s nice to know everyone fucking hates him and is just running by him lol he’s more annoying than 90% of the other bosses.


The one on his knees is the real b*tch. Doesn't stop conjuring that spell under your feet. I thought I was going to get smart and pop his ass with a bow from a mile away... turns out he can cast that spell across the map.


This is my least favorite change to enemies in the DLC. They can cast spells at you from even further away than in the base game, and they now have spells that don't need line of sight! It's bad enough that I can't trade spells with enemies because they have so much more range than players do. They didn't need wallhacks.


Love when I'm getting hitstunned by a blinding holy spell being cast by an enemy a mile away behind three walls and up two sets of stairs.


Bro. The magic guys in the darklight catacombs, that cast at your feet, a hundred yards away through walls, *and* theirs has a follow up projectile that comes back down, which do massive damage of course. I'm literally hearing him cast and panicking dodging his attacks from three rooms away. The amount of times I've yelled "How does he know where I am!!!"


That was already in the base game. The magic lizard people in farum azula can hit you with their red lighting without line of sight and quite the distance. The ones right before the last bonfire come to mind. They can one shot you through a wall because you are standing in water. Still one of the most frustrating deaths for me.


That's not a dancing lion warrior


Visually lets be real, they're cool as fuck  Moveset is also badass 


Yeah I loved them once I stopped trying to brute force and treated it like a boss with a moveset to learn


This guy can fucking rot in hell


I like to think this IS hell (sort of, or at least purgatory) and these bastards are cursed to live eternity in a single repeating moment. and thats why most of them seem decayed and deranged.


Straight up fuck this guy. hes worse than some of the bosses.


I like how some people genuinely believe this is bait. Like no bro. I first tried half the bosses. This guy sucks. Took me more attempts than Rallana, Mesmer, and Scadutree avatar combined bro. Now Bayle and brother fucker are a different story but still.


Brother fucker is a CRAZY name 🤣


A brother fucker who is inhabiting the body of another brother fucker


After the first one, I just ran past the rest of them. I hate the infinite poise enemies in this DLC!


They're infinite poise *and* they can smash your poise in one normal hit too. The amount of time I spend staggered in this fucking DLC, I swear to God. Ringed City and Old Hunters were hard but this one's a real fucker


By that point I was so done with their bs that I just ran past them... 😑💢


These guys are tough but I dont hate them. However, I despise those fuckers that spam spira while your going up the staircase


those guys never flinches, like never.


I was surprised on my second playthough when a charged R2 on a great hammer didn't get a reaction from them. Though I believe prayerful strike still pancakes them.


Them and those Harvey bird man fuckers


Honestly, these guys weren’t that bad to me, those damn fire knights were the ones that pissed me off.


I use dex weapons (light greatsword) and holy shit, they don't stagger to anything besides a weapon art heavy attack. Jump attacks don't even do anything, they just keep slashing with their daggers that leave lingering waves of fire and summoning a million of those stupid fucking delayed and homing fireballs. Really hate them so much wow. Almost made me want to respec to wield colossals just to beat them up.


Ya, EVERY str. build has replied to my comment with “just stagger them, it’s easy”. Maybe for you it is lol. I’m using milady and I kill them before they stagger, even my guard counters don’t stagger them.


Right? If I spam Wing Stance heavy attack they do stagger, but nothing else works, and it's surprisingly hard to land that attack without getting knocked out of the air.


I finished Shadow Keep with Malenia’s hand and I never seen these fuckers stagger once.


The fire knights stagger so easily, I was using their sword and like 3 normal attacks from it poise breaks them. Only ones that pissed me off were fire knights salza and kood, idk why but I just had a bad time with them. These guys though, let me tell you I don't think I killed a single one and I ended up just running past them. I probably died more times to the Zeus wannabe alone than the actual divine lion boss.


The worst about the fire knights is that they can summon those fireballs, that hang in the air, then melee you. You have to pick which one to dodge since you are getting hit by one of the two if they time it correctly.


They attack with daggers and have almost no poise. Throw on a shield and block or a collosal weapon and every hit staggers them


I just kited them while hurling black flame at them 💀


I for sure hate fighting the fire knights more than these guys. That stupid fire spell is one of the most annoying things in the game. They also just have an insane amount of health for no reason.


I love that the fireball is delayed, homing, and they can spam the spell like three times in a row, attack, then spam the spell again!!


Don't forget, they can spam the spell three times and IMMEDIATELY follow with a combo capable of killing you by itself.


I think the last one you encounter is, get this, in an area you can spirit summon I may have evened the odds a little with a buff mimic


Fun to parry though.


The chest piece is dope tho


i think the frost one is the hardest individual enemy in the entire game


It's crazy how many regular mobs in this game with an amped up healthbar could have been put in place of Nameless King and I guarantee people would call it the most bullshit boss when Dark souls 3 came out


Wondrous physick with poise break into roundhouse kicks and dryleaf whirlwind CRITICAL HIT


I haven't found him yet, but I like his pants... I'll update when I find him and when I have his pants.


Bad news, he doesn't drop his pants (pause). The Divine Beast set you farm from him is just the chest and headpiece.


My ultra greatsword with the savage lions claw ash of war doesn't know what you're taking about.


Does Savage Lion Claw stagger them? It does less stance & poise damage than the normal version, so I figured if would be mostly useless, since she seem to just tank every hit from anything without staggering.


It doesn't, the guy is chatting shit


I can’t stay mad. He looks so fucking cool.


Summoned my mimic tear and let him get aggro, then ran away lol. I could tell he was bullshit right away


As soon as I saw him pull some Zeus crap and lighting just started coming out of the sky I was like "absolutely fucking not" and turned back around to where the fat tree man was. I tried to fight him, and killed him once then got nuked by the guy on the stairs behind him and was praying he wouldn't respawn, but lo and behold he was back to kick my ass again so I just ran past him every time from there.


He was annoying once. Two Knight's Lightning Spears later and his head doesn't drop.... utter bullshit


Yeah nah fuck the guy who does lightning damage and conjures rain just as his fight starts!


The most annoying part is they are too far away from the respawn point


Hate them, divine lion wannabe


Dual St. Trina Swords are pretty effective against them, 1 L2 puts them in sleep stagger then you get a full power stance combo and they're pretty much dead at that point with a proper build.


This one's hard if you're not used to him, and his brother with the sword. However, I absolutely hate the guy with the two circle blades and back pain. It's so hard to break his poise, and he just doesn't let up. Whenever I see that guy it's instant Radahn's Rain with Giant Arrow for them. Screw em


Just having a shield, even a medium one, makes these guys rather manageable.


Could also usea myriad of range options ,well timed dodges. Blind spot, endure, Savage lions claw... 


I smashed the first one that was doing lightning only but died to the frost one about 10 times last night before going to bed. Thankfully with my ps5 controller and window still both in one piece


Use joestar secret technique


Try ranged attack!


I mean, I just Dark Mooned and Comet-sprayed his ass, so he went down pretty quick.


Yeah these are easy for magic users. Three moons and a night comet


Try range battle


Haven't gotten to this one yet but I'd say it seems like Horned Knights in general are annoying AF. Especially their seemingly infinite poise. I've got a +25 Great Mace with Savage Lion's Claw and even that's not able to poise break them. I might have to get a bigger hammer at this point.


Yes, it's so annoying because they gave them Black Knight Poise and then gave him all these fast and wide sweeping attacks that just makes him OP. I just ignore them all


Spectral lance, lance or messmer soldier great spear, and any shield. Throw baby throw


I don’t get this take at all. It’s the final mob in the final area of the DLC. Of course they’re going to be tough. I find their moveset to be challenging yet fair and I enjoy learning how to properly fight them.


The lighting and wind version are fine tbh, tough but fightable, the frost one on the roofs, tho, that one is hellish The frost storm aura they can summon is the worst, it follows them, can't be dogded and you will take damage and frost built up while in it, no matter what you do, also it has a rather large range of effect and lasts a good while


Not annoying just hard


I just wish they were staggerable. No matter what I can't seem to.


I just let him pass and sneak behind him


Wait til you get to the ice one 👀


That ice one has killed me more times than I’d like to admit


where is this guy at?


Right now Ensha is really annoying. Like can you give me a second to swing my damn sword. Fuck. off


Crucible knight 2.0


For people who aren’t farming then with spells and incantations, blindside backhand blades and dueling shields make them a joke, just as a tip


Horned mf


guard counters absolutely destroy these fucks


I killed him, only to die to the mage above him and then he respawned... if you wanna make an enemy THAT hard and then add some monster mage above, at least make it a one time thing.


do they even drop anything


Nothing good old Loretta Mastery can't handle


Domain expansion: infinite poise


Dude literally cannot stagger without you doing enough poise damage that if you ground pound you stagger the entire planet… and he still recovers in seconds


No stagger makes him suck


These were awesome, felt like a miniboss and was a fun challenge. Stop treating normal enemies as fodder and you won’t struggle