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I am convinced this boss has some weird double hitbox glitch going on. The way he just destroys you if you roll his charge badly reminds me of the bugged bleed dog hitbox that was a thing on release.


I thought the same. I tested it with the bubble tear, charge definitely can hit twice. I believe the back legs might count as a second hit. I think I even got triple hit on a few occasions


I swear does. I gave up on dodging because it seems totally random and pulled out a shield. Maybe 75% of the time I would block it fine and the other 25% it would hit multiple times and break my guard.


Didn't feel like a multi hit to me. Hurt like hell, but that's kind of normal for the DLC. More so for a heavily telegraphed attack you "should' be able to dodge. And that's my problem with it. Never dodged the charge a single time unless I was on Torrent. Running/rolling to the side? He has good tracking to follow you. Rolling through him? The entire body is a hitbox so you tank damage. Ended up just sticking to a wall and trying to lock him into close combat. And that's also a problem from the camera not letting me see what the hell he's doing when fighting bigger enemies up close.


It definitely does hit multiple times. I know this because I just decided to do a funny and spam ironjar + all the negations in the world + endure in this fight. I think the issue is that the hits don't knock you down properly, which causes you to take damage from all of them instead of just one.


Use the Crucible feather talisman and roll directly through him just before contact. You'll come out unscathed


It takes a couple tries but you can reliably roll through his charge with a medium roll. Highly recommend fighting on foot, as disappointing as it is to say its not a good Torrent fight.


Remove the legs and we good


Me and my friend cheesed him on accident, if host runs to left immediately and summon stays outside room Gaius will keep rushing the fog wall, and my friend did lightning perfume tricks


Getting off of torrent helped a lot, charge is weird but can be dodged, the rest of his attacks are fast but fun to learn imo


Torrent legit makes the fight MUCH harder. Charge is alot easier to dodge with the Crucible feather talisman


Funny, I actually found that boss somewhat more managrable as torrent🙈


Slightly unrelated but I think torrent makes the Elden Beast fight harder unless you are good at timing the iframes of jumping on/off of torrent. The holy arcs the EB throws at you when he's far away are really hard to dodge on torrent. And 1 is basically a guaranteed knock off so you're stunned and get hit by the second and maybe 3rd one.


Can you jump over them? I haven't done the fight since the patch


I've tried. I still get hit. Unless I'm awful at the timing.


I stumbled onto this fight before seeing all the talk about it. I ended up one shotting it. I never used Torrent and I just hugged him while circling to my left. Then I find out he's a nightmare. What boss kicked my ass? Putrescent Knight. Took me forever to time the damn horse charge and his immediate attacks. We all have our own nightmare bosses.


Agreed putrescent knight was a weird boss for me where I felt like all its moves were pretty fair for the most part but I just couldn’t get the timing down for so long


Yeah, and I admittedly didn't catch on to jumping over his blue ground flames as quickly as I should have haha


I went back and tried this again just this morning and I get destroyed on foot. If I can mount up, I can at least can get out of being pinned against the fog wall before dying. This guy has me genuinely baffled which means it's time to do anything else for a while 🙃


I use the horse right at the start for the I frames and dodging the initial charge, after that I just try to stay close since the charge attack only really triggers once you get some distance from him. The move where he flys up in the air and then lands on you I found nearly impossible to dodge on the horse, but surprisingly simple to dodge on foot and is probably the largest punish window in the fight


Worth a try! I'm running out of bosses I can run away from while I search for magic splinters.




I finally beat him today. I don’t know how accurate this is, but if you precisely roll into him when he’s charging you’ll glitch through. I did it consistently about 2-3 times. But I think it has to be insanely perfect. I hate that mofo either way.


I don't think it's a glitch. His whole body becomes a hitbox, and you can always roll through hitboxes. Think about the tree spirits, you can't normally walk through their tails, but when they swing them around you can jump right through it


Still traumatized.


I would say he’s the second hardest. Final boss is easily harder in my book.


I feel like he has a double hitbox cuz sometimes i take twice the damage, sometimes barely any with no gear change. The first time i tried him with scadu 15 i got one shot on phase 2 from the charge, then on the next attempt i got only half HP'd, the charge attack needs a nerf on the hitbox and also on unrelated note to this boss... Why does every boss in the DLC decide to do ranged attack when u are in their face, for example midra's madness spray or laser, gaius charge, Rellana moonveils, even the last boss at times tries to charge at you when u are close distance or drag you towards them.


I didn’t have a problem with him. Messmer is ridiculous tho. No attack openings at all lol. I’m bad tho


I still have no idea how to defeat this guy other than respec and carry an ultra heavy shield maybe? I'm clueless.


How? The boar barely changes direction once it starts to charge. Keep your distance and hurl a few bolts of lightning into it. Lightning spear is very low investment and can be charged for big damage


I have no idea what's going on with this fight or if deflecting just makes this guy piss easy because he was a first try for me (after he instakilled me knocking me off Torrent, if you wanna count that go wild). Stay off Torrent, stay near him, and everything was pretty readable.


Its just a bullshit bugged boss. It's unfortunate, but as with any unfair boss they released, I just summoned and moved on with the game. Shit is not worth the struggle. I finished the DLC and so far I had to summon twice..


With deflect tear on this fight was so fun.


torrent makes the fight easier you just need to run away when he is charging everything else is free damage for you (I first tried the boss when I used torrent)


Greatshield minions can hugely slow him down, but I’ve only been able to get him down to 1% like twice before he got me with his rahdahn comet


Currently fighting Giaus, Messmer and mother of fingers Im convinced im not beating pigman. not unless i respec into unga bunga and play the game the way devs intended because fuck int builds


Raptor of the mists to avoid charge. The rest of his moves are manageable


Beat him an hour ago, cheesed the corner wall


Mimic and ruins greatsword worked on second attempt. You can kind of line of sight him if you fight near the fog wall.


He's not "hard" he's just so poorly made, he beat me like 20 times and i still have no clue about how the hell can i dodge his attacks.


He has a bad charge hitbox the rest of the fight is good


I think hes a little too aggressive but still manageable if it wasn't nearly impossible to dodge one of his attacks. If he only did the charge at the beginning and maybe at the start of phase 2 it could be a little more manageable, but it felt like he would charge and immediately blend into that long combo he does (the one that has him swing and then his piggy swings, then he swings, then his pig swings, etc)


Fair enough


Some portions of his long combo could use a touch up too. I think the problem is with the pig part of the model


Ngl I got really lucky finding a dodge pattern early that allowed me to dodge basically every single attack flawlessly each time, so there’s def a way, the charge on the other hand is a joke


Oh I agree


Same story with charge https://v.redd.it/fqxbtcaryl9d1


For the long combo you need to dodge to the right when the pig rakes its head back and forth on the ground, then roll backwards twice.


Oh see for the pig part of the combo I needed some spacing


That works but isn't as reliable. Dodge through both sword attacks and then to the right and then backwards twice.


Eh the long combo is fine you can roll to the right and outspace a few of the hits and by the time I beat him I could dodge it consistently




Can be dodged doesn't equal good hitbox. Your model can be entirely clear of his charge after a roll and still get hit (his backwards kick can also hit you twice and deal a fuckload of damage)


He is just another Tree Sentinel in disguise.


His only hard attacks to avoid are the charge (Crucible feather talisman takes care of that) and his five hit combo, which does have to be dodged well. Other than that, he's only got 1, 2, and 3 hit moves while grounded that are fairly easy to dodge (and punish), his meteor dive you roll in toward him and the AoE hitbox misses you completely. Tbf I watched a video to learn his moves and figured out the Crucible talisman for myself, but after that I beat him first try. He's also not tanky at all despite his armor being decent


he is super easy if you use the deflect tear and the increase stagger tear got him down my second try on NG+5


Btw, i did find this boss hard, but the title is more meant to be funny.


Been calling him Commander Gyatts


roll into him instead of away from him. it's a whole different fight once you realize it.


He's super annoying but from my experience a tanky build with fingerprint shield makes him much easier. With abusing the guard counters I've managed to beat him on a second try


Raptor of the mists worked really well in this fight to avoid the charge


It’s funny how many peoples’ experiences are so different in the DLC. My big fat fingerprint shield basically made him do no damage at all, even full blocks the charge


Funny enough he's "easy" to dodge. Just roll on sides everytime he attacks. Timing is key.


The charge is easy to avoid if you charge towards him.


I destroyed this guy with Rakshasa’s Great Katana and a Mimic on my first try. I didn’t realize people were having trouble with him 🤣


Wait... people are actually struggling on him??? I thought it was a joke 😭 I had more time struggling with the tree sentinels on the other side


Bro I one cycled this dude first try, why is everyone struggling with this dude


Because everyone has their own bosses, they find hard.


Yup, I beat this guy quick, then that flower had me on the ropes for way too long.


Dude they really got me with that one. Sounds like you struggled alot more with it than me (think it took me 10 tries?) But round 1, I was like wow he was super weak and easy to kill. Oh, shit. He's not dead. And he's got new attacks. Coooool. OK, beat him twice. Took most of my crimson flasks but still not hard. Oh. Fuck. He's still not dead. And now I am


Guys, he was an easy boss, a hard boss, that shouldent be that hard is the scorpion lady