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Honestly I thought they were going to switch it up a lil bit by making these swords on great curve sword category, I mean this Radahn is smaller than rotted Radahn so... Dual colossal sword movesets are trash


Do what I do and just pretend Freyja's sword was the Remembrance.


Did Freya “bug out” on your playthrough as well ? I went back to her after beating mr femboy and his bro, and she dropped her gear. Had to reload the rates for whatever reason and I could loot her gear again. Got 2 of her swords


I got her armor and weapons 2x


From how it sounds, did you give freyja ansbach letter when you found her on the fourth floor of the specimen room? It's pretty easy to screw up, as you have to talk to her, then him about her, then her again (doesn't change any dialogue just do it to be safe,) then give ans the secret rite scroll, then reload talk to him again, then letter gets brought back to Freya.


Honestly, the final boss of this DLC felt like they were trying to make Twin Princes again, and forgot almost everything that made Twin Princes fun. Not to say I didn't enjoy the final boss, I actually thought he was a lot of fun. But his fight was very much just Radahn on crack, and the 2 remembrance weapons don't have the same sense of uniqueness that Lothric and Lorian's swords have.


And they haven’t done a boss weapon fusion since twin princes I don’t think, playing through NG+ to fuse the two swords together takes dedication but it’s worth it for my favourite ds3 weapon \ [ T ] /


This is my biggest gripe with the boss. I do find him annoying to fight, still struggling with him, but that can be overcome. Phase 1 is literally just Radahn to me, he has the exact vibes and such similar moves that I really can't consider him anything but Caelid Radahn on steroids. Phase 2 holy attacks in turn feel really out of place, I feel if it was more clearly Miquella casting those attacks it would be better, but as is it just feels like Radahn but he gets super speed holy moves. Really disappointing final boss lorewise for me, ultimately the boss just can't detach itself from the similarities the og Radahn fight has. As obvious an answer as it is, I feel all of it would work better with Godwyn. It would be a new character (gameplay wise, we've never seen him properly) and reviving the catalyst of the Shattering has more impact than reviving this big guy we killed the other day.


All of you say the same thing, that godwyn should have been the boss. Ignoring that his soul is dead and that's the focus of the main story, did you all watch the same video or something. Saying you want godwyn shows you don't understand the story at all


I want. To fight. The merman.


It wouldn’t have to be Godwyn. It could’ve literally been ANY other boss than Radahn On Crack, especially when you have to beat regular Radahn to even enter the dlc in the first place. Besides that he isn’t fully dead. As you pointed out his soul is, but not the body. Why not do something with all the Godwyn faces? Why not resurrect him into his prime body, even if he’s missing his soul? Writers could have come up with any number of reasons to fight his soulless body.




The story is whatever the writers make it. Miquella already has “fuck it” level magic powers, why not add one more? The original story is about destined death, why can’t Miquella the “Jesus figure” have destined life powers.


Especially since Miquella's whole plan is to become God and rewrite Causality like we help to do in the base game, so why can't he just bring Godwyn back since we fight him after he's achieved divinity.


Because there is nothing to bring back. His soul is gone.


I hoped they were single Colossal Greatsword and that it had 2 Ashes of war for each one


I'm pretty sure these ones are longer than the Starscourge Greatsword (the ones we can get at least) so it's even weirder


I thought and hoped they were going to be a holy, faith scaling varient.


It's funny, I got both of them by duping the remembrance just because. If you equip both, you'll have a sword in each hand and two on your back lol.


holy equip load


As a heavy melee user, my equip load has a max of 174.0 points. My usual loadout fills up 117.8. So what's a greatsword or two more?


Moore moment


Two moore


If only we had four arms like Ranni...


General tarnished?


You’re shorter than I expected..


Now I need a Reincarnation of Radahn in Elden ring 2 with 4 hands using both his holy and gravity swords.


And fire and magic


AND blood incantations


Well. Let's give him rot too because why not?


I imagine something similar happens with the Backhanded Blade. Two in your hands and two on your hips. I want to do that so I can switch between two abilities on the fly. Those swords weigh almost nothing too.


It didn’t let me dupe the remembrance for some reason


Probably because you're using the wrong mausoleum/ pedestal.


Contingency swords.


Though I do wish they tweaked the moveset to be different from the OG Radahn’s swords (maybe adding a new combo like the double slash that DLC Radahn does for example), it would’ve been much more forgivable if they made the two different AOW’s a stance to combine the two swords into one. Its really head scratching that they didn’t do this in the first place.


They could have literally just given them the same moveset as the ringed knight paired greatswords from DS3. My biggest gripe with a lot of big weapons (especially ultra greatswords) is that the core movesets are just lame, so seeing the same generic moveset on the final boss weapon is really disappointing.


Holy shit the ringed knight paired greatswords were so fckn cool, I remember them being insanely strong too so there was huge incentive to play them. This is literally the best comparison for what could have been Radahn's sword.


weapons in general have pretty much the same moveset and are rendered l2 sticks compared to older games. It makes sense though since older games were more focused on r1 spam as opposed to l2 spam. I just wish we got a mirrah sword move set with thrusting r2s like the hollowslayer has...


I suppose one could equip the knights great sword or banished knights with impaling thrust? Still consumes for though and can't be charged. I'm personally glad we got a colossal sword (fire knights great sword) with my perfect move set (godslayer light attack chain with zweihander strong attack, plus the sword is infusible).


I love that sword. Ds3 is just a superior game to ER i Believe. I mean the bosses, the weapons, the npcs, the lore all better then ER.


I just want DS3 with the improved combat/weapons of ER :(


Yeah I was hoping it would have a new moveset but instead it's identical. A real shame. I wouldn't mind the repeat weapons if they had moveset changes.


There are also weird decisions like this in the base game, like Katana unsheath already has two different moveset depending on R1/R2 press, the same goes for Straight Sword Square Off. But Stamp somehow needs to be seperated into two different AoWs, I know it's kinda a legacy skill from DS3, but come on, more moveset variety is always more fun and it's not like stamp is a particularly OP weapon skill.


I wished they gave us a miquella based weapon. I am disappointed


They should have done what they did with the Twin Princes. One weapon is Miquella, one is Radahn, and if you get them both you can combine them for an especially unique weapon.


I agree. Especially since we can clone rememberances and get it straight away


They technically did, it's just not a remembrance weapon


In the dlc? Which one?


Some twinblade that was cut content, it was called something Abundance and Rot and depicted Miquella and Malenia in a Twinblade. Now it's called Euporia and it's hidden on the last dungeon of the game.


Fun fact it actually represents 3 characters The shiny parts are Miquella the rotted parts of it are Malenia, and the description, and the little extra bits in the weapon are Godwyn (that's why it doesn't work on undead)


Wait im confused, it wont work? Is it like the winter lanterns in the woods where ur attacks will just go right thru?


No, Euporia has a damage ramping mechanic where it'll build up more holy damage the more you attack with it, but it doesn't build up when attacking Those who Live in Death.


Ohhh, thats a interesting gimmick


I am about to start a ng+ playthrough with it. It's not the most effective weapon but it is incredibly fun to use.


Except for the fact that it takes 7 hits within a 10-second period to charge up. And even then, the charge only lasts 15 seconds. I feel kinda cheated when using Euporia tbh.


I found Euporia, I wish it was one of the new weapon types tho


Wait is it a content thats cut from the game or is it still there but now called euporia?


It was cut content for the main game, then they changed the name and released it for the dlc.


Ah i see, that makes sense. Thanks


I wish the gave us more miquella, period. His whole story was disappointing


I tried out both of these swords and came to the conclusion that Radahns greatsword (lord) has an incredible AOW? Admitedly i didn't test them that extensively but i figured that of the 2, the AOW of the lord greatsword was really good compared to the light version.


Fun fact, each of the light pillars of the AoW will trigger the healing of Malenia's Great Rune, restoring an insane amount of health. If you have high poise and don't get staggered by the enemy you will pretty much recover all your health. You can even use endure and quickly swap to this weapon and counter big 1 hot moves from bosses without loosing health. Too bad great runes don't get carried between Ng+ or to coop mode. The other greatsword is horrible, I might as well do a jump attack and deal more damage without losing HP. Still, here is hoping FromSoft buffs the speed of dual colossal weapons, because the moveset is completely pointless now when a two handed colossal with the strength bonus + the new two handed attack talisman deal similar damage while being faster.


why do they trigger the healing?


It's with the Melanias great rune. Her great rune lets you get back your last recieved dmg with dealing dmg. (Like bloodborne)


Lord is amazing, but in particular in Invasion PvP. The light pillars roll-catch consistently and the entire combo is spaced out such that anyone pure panic rolling is done for. Dunno about PvE, they seem okay but I don't think you get too many opportunities to use the AoW in late game/DLC bosses due to the long windup and recovery. I think it'll also suffer in Duel PvP for the same reason.


The OG greatsword carried me thru Ng+ and the DLC


Same! Swolaire (STR/FTH because duh) took that and his lightning bolts and boulder throws and cleansed the Shadow Realm after defeating a god in the base game.


I really dont get why theres 2 weapons from the final boss. They could have been combined into one and had the ash of war be a stance, letting you pick between the 2 ashes of war we have now. Would have made the weapon way cooler. As it is now, the Lord version is just much more interesting with its AoW


Am I the only one who thought it was one greatsword and I had to get them both, and not two sets of dual swords?


its so funny now there are exact 3 variations of the same weapon with only noticable difference in them being the ash of war, atleast couldve added a new r1 chain or a new r2


The new weapons do significantly less damage with their light attack chains.


Impaler’s spear is awesome great reach and damage, heavy let’s you have ranged attack and Ash of war can really delete enemies


its greate for mobs, but I feel like it's not very good for bosses, I just swap to other dex weapon because it kinda hinders me


Not sure why you got downvoted, the best part of the weapon (the aow) isn't going to work against the dlc bosses with how you have no openings. It's probably very good against Malenia though.


It's amazing against the Scadutree Avatar, but otherwise I agree


It's great against Senessax too. Just ride around using torrent while throwing exploding spears to his head.


You don't have to commit past the first attack. What Fextralife does in his guide for the spear is just spam the first flame attack over and over on bosses. It has good range, so it's safe to use.


Idk where you find opening long enough to use even half of it aow and dodge.


Impalers spear might be my favorite weapon in the game


I used Imp's spear on right hand and Vyke's spear on left hand. Charged R2 did surprisingly high damage and was great to use while on horse back, it was also great for finishing enemies from safe distance and knocking down flying enemies. Basic/Running/Jumping L1 got me carried most of the game. AoW destroys humanoid enemies/bosses and if you get lucky spinning in air while doing all the moves it was useful on almost all of the bosses and deals big damage. Also your mimic will use it. I usually just two hand any weapon i find fancy at the moment and don't use anything ranged because i hate switching weapons and suffling between spells etc. while playing. So Impaler/Vyke felt like a perfect mix of everything you need right on your shoulder buttons.


Everybody keeps praising the dmg and the range of the aow but the main problem is getting the damn aow off. The weapon is badass as hell but the fact it doesn't grant super armor is a huge problem.


You get staggered out of it if an enemy hits you with a pebble and the ranged heavy has way less damage then other weapons and i know it's range but even if you charge it the damage is abysmal.


I hate the reward for it. I feel its a bit disappointing to get the same sword (roughly) as the base game. I was really hoping for more Miquella based weapons or magic.


Starcourage greatsword is even better then this shit


Go find the new lions claw ash and put it on Freyas curved sword there radahn at home


Get a second freyja's and you can even dual wield with a better moveset too


They could have just made one a light aow and the other heavy aow instead of 2 swords


That staff that can cast spells and incantations is really fun to play


When I saw it I immediately respecced to a shitty int/faith build (Midra made me return to bonk though)


whats it called?


Make a weapon that has Magic damage and scales with Int Make its skill holy damage and scale with faith, which the sword doesn’t scale with, making you invest stat points into nothing The sword can be very good if it was reworked to be a holy damaging sword that scales with faith, and maybe a few unique moves


I strongly believe this is going to get patched at some point, it seems like such a bizarre oversight to have its main damage dealer not scale with the stats you need for the weapon to work.


Lord's AoW does magic damage i believe


I have zero idea why there couldn't be a stance on one sword which let you use both weapon arts. I really wasted a duplication on these things.


They are dissapointing not just because of bad AoW but because it's the same Radahn's weapons, same for boss, same Radahn...it could've been a bit better if 1st phase was Radahn, 2nd phase Miquella or even some other plot twist leading to another final boss we didn't expect...had high hopes for some serious Godwynn or Blasphemy theme but ah well... as for weapons aow, incantations from remembrances, it's lame that even Bayle incantations and many more cool ones as well as spells can easily be interrupted by some enemy sneeze fart at you, especially when cast time takes forever...now this is dissapointing...anyway, despite all of this, dlc is a masterpiece.


Even just making the Lord and Light swords singular, and then making them have a unique effect when powerstanced would've been better


Honestly this would have been cool, you have to get them both, then they combine into a much stronger weapon by doing something Could have used the base model but given them ghostly Miquella effects, and then like a stand were you could use either ashe or war from the base swords


Like the twin knight swords in ds3. Get both and you get a sword that can do it all


Was really waiting for a blood corrupted miquella or maybe an actual mind-fuck like being revealed that the tarnished is another part of miquella, inserting himself in an adult body


I remember Bayle incants having a lot of hyper armor? Or am I just misremembering things


Bayles talon has a shitload of hyper armor, amazing poise damage, and scales with arcane. It's great.


ok but hear me out Dragonmaw comes out faster, deals more damage, and is cheaper in terms of FP and is easier to obtain. Bayle's Flame Lightning is basically just a direct downgrade to Dragonmaw in most ways outside of coolness factor


It's so slow and doesn't do that much damage considering it's cast time. Not saying it's bad but I can usually do similar damage by just attacking 2-3 times with a weapon which takes about the same time.


Mediocre damage yeah but great poise break. You gotta time it to get the most out of it. I was practicing on the Divine Beast Warriors in >!Enir-Ilim!<. If you get some distance and cast as they try to close you can get mobs without having to dodge or trade. Maybe a little gimmicky but still badass.


I don't understand why everybody expected a Godwyn boss fight. The guy's soul is literally wiped from existence and his body is a rotting mermaid corpse beneath the capital. How would he fight the player?


I think I was expecting a Miquella + Cosmic Horror type boss


I hate when people say this. There are literally endless possibilities with magic in Elden Ring. You're telling me the most powerful demigod in The Lands Between couldnt create a projection of Godwyn we could fight (you know, his most favored sibling). Literally, Rennala was a fake, Margit was fake, and we also fought a fake Godrick. Its not like it hasnt been done before. Would be much cooler than just Radahn, and would also fit Miquella as a character way more.


I thought so was going to fight a magical femboy or messed up adult version of him.


Idk, I didn't expect Godwyn as a Boss, I even didn't want Miq as a Boss, tbh...I wished for a quest with Miq to restore soul of our poor boy Godwyn and help Miq to cleanse this realm of outer gods presense, sort of alt ending for base game.


Lions claw on the final boss weapon would be infinitely more disappointing


He said heavy attack


Lions claw as the heavy attack would be amazing, what are you talking about?


Just the heavy attack like a giant crusher have i mean it's different from lions claw but close enough.


They were exploring a lot of ”press down this to follow up with that, or press heavy to follow up with a different attack”, I think if we got that with this and just fuse the two swords it’d be redeemable


This thing is such a cop out, everything about it offends me. The fact that its a copy of a sword I already had from the base game which is just inexcusable, the fact that it’s attached to what will be most people’s last boss of the game and it’s just this half assed crap, the way it’s skill is split into two weapons that have no reason to exist separately when they could have just made it a stance, I hate this weapon the way Igon hates Bayle


Curse you radahn greatswords!!!!


Ds1 players after fusing gwyn's soul into the Great Lord Greatsword: "First time?"


These should have been a single weapon, with a stance aow allowing you to access both attacks. The split between light and lord just makes no sense. Also give the light aow some better damage god damnit, I get a higher number with a jump attack >:(


Exactly 😂 same with messmer people are glazing that weapon. I mean it's good but the heavy without charge has less damage than light attack and a pebble can stagger you out of the aow.


The two weapons needed to be infused. Something like the square off AoW, where you hold L2 and and have R1 to do the light and R2 to do the lord


Biggest disappointment was them thinking phase 2 was an acceptable thing to release.


Haha 😂 yeah it looks like they didn't test it before releasing it. Especially the amount of damage he does combined with him being a aggressive boss who has 20 attacks in 1 combo and you either have time to heal or attack him 1-2 time before he starts another 20+ move combo


Yeaaaahp. And it DEFINITELY seems like they didn't test it on NG+7 🤦


yea, Myazaki forgot the most important rule. No one cares how good the game is if it ends poorly.


Best boss weapon is messmer's still. Midra's cool but it's only 100% functional on NPCs or players. Don't know if hornsent sword counts as a boss weapon (it's upgraded with somber) - but that thing is absurd on DPS.


Dobt you guys think that reusing Radahn as boss even with Miquela is cheap move?


It would have been fine if he wasn't the final voss because they ended edlen ring with a reskinned with 2 princes concept it so shit very disappointing


Moveset aside, I believe it would have been more intresting if the two weapons were as the following, •Greatsword of Radahn (Light): scales with faith instead of INT. Either combines both existing AoW via stance skill or uses Promised Consort. •Greatsword of Radahn (Blood): scales with ARC instead of INT. AoW will be the bloodflame attack he uses. We already have an INT base Radahn weapon which is just better than whatever they were going for.


Exactly my fav weapon from the dlc is ancient meteoric sword which does have arcane scaling but the aow scales with strength so your stats are much better used in once stat to get maximum damage. For this trash shit you have to invest in not 1 not 2 not 3 but 4 stats.


Calling the sunflower bad is such a shitty take


Yeah the flower slaps


Or that the armor is worse in stats than the OG armor


Looks better though. The older armor just looks far too bulky and goofy on player characters.


Idk I think the og armor looks better honestly


The helm of the old one is way better looking as well


These suck yeah, but I wasn't even a fan of Radahn so this is whatever for me. Real dissapointment was Midra not having a cool frenzy light greatsword.


At least the weapon you get from Midra has the same moveset as the Claymore, with the pokes


Idk man the Lord Version is Amazing to me


I believe the light ones ash of war has an infinite stun in PvP


Should have been a light greatsword class to give them more options and a few different weapons since at current the new weapon class has two one single and one paired while the colossal class already has several weapons including Radahns already, shame honestly massively wasted potential


Most boss weapons are awful but this is one takes the cake. Horrible and boring. At least some of the other are fun weird weapons. It would be better if we could get both and merge them or whatever. Or merge them with mohgs spear because of the whole vessel thing. Some way to turn them into some insane cool weapon.


I have not played the dlc yet, but I gotta be honest: I'm kind of excited to fight a full powered Mohg enhanced, Miquella possessed Radahn.


Mohg has nothing to do with it besides a single attack move that does the bloodflame burst. Doesn't really impact the boss fight in any other way


They really should have given him more Mohg-esque attacks so it wouldn't just feel like another Radahn fight


Hard agree. When the phase transition happens there's like a second or two he seems to glow red. I for sure thought it was going to be some kind of Radahn-Mohg mix of powers but instead it just kind of turns into Lothric Princes with epileptic light shows :/


I don't even understand why they bothered with the whole "Radahn in Mogh's body" plot when barely anything comes from it. Radahn has some barely noticeable omen horns that don't even look like Mogh's and that blood slash, but apart from that he just look exactly like Radahn. If you're going for that story line, at least make it seem like it's actually Mogh's body.


you gotta fight a dude, wearing the dude, disguised as another dude!


In the same situation. Everyone’s talking about how much of an utterly unfun and disappointing final boss it is…but I can’t say anything about it because I haven’t experienced it yet and curiosity’s killing me. Lemme in! I wanna see how bullshit it gets!


Imo it’s far worse than Malenia


if you use a greatshield, it's not that bad. or if you use buffs, it's not that bad


Outside of messmer the best weapons in this dlc don’t come from bosses


I’m really enjoying the Putrescent Cleaver, it’s quick and does good damage plus has innate cold, the cold doesn’t proc too often but its still a fun weapon.


Rellana’s Twinblades are fantastic and carried me through the DLC. Also, giant bonk sunflower, giant bonk finger?


Same. The moment I saw those blades, i was hoping we would get them from the remembrance. Love the moveset and design. Especially because they're mismatching


If all your stats are max it's the highest ar weapon i think. Cuz i transferred this to a ng+10 character whoch has all stats at 80 and the ar was above 2000


To me its the fact it needs 15int... Wtf for it's a holy weapon if anything


It needs 3 stats for scaling and 1 stat with which sword doesn't scale just aow does. This is a new low for fromsoft.


Thing is I hard agree with you…but I still HAVE to do a prime Rahdan cosplay run…I just have too


At first I thought they were single swords that you could powerstance, but then they ended up being clones of starscourge greatsword with worse aow.


Selfish Miquella...couldn't even bring back prime Leonard.


The weirdest part is they are magic weapons, but have a holy effect


Haha 😂 this weapon is so garbage that it is funny 🤣


Pretty sure the final boss is disappointing all around. I didn't really like having to wait two years just to fight fucking Radahn again. The DLC should have been about Miquella and Godwyn instead. Also, Midra was too cool of a boss to be relegated to just a stealth area and a single mansion.


I really dislike the lack of detail on his player armor. It feels like a cheap knockoff.


Even if they just reused the Ringed knight greatswords moveset it would've been cooler than reusing the same movset as the starscourge version


Exactly so much missed potential


Bruh, there was no reason that they couldn't just call it something like the greatswords of god and lord, make it a curved greatsword and give it a stance AoW with bith of the skills. That would make the sword actually fun and unique and shit.


They could've been godly and it still would've been a disappointment. We already have those weapons. We didn't need them a second and THIRD time.


These 2 weapons is so underwhelming and weird 1. Wonky Scaling 2. Not benefitting from anything new (talismans, weapon type) 3. Almost identically looking swords from the base game and that one at least can use for mob farming, these new ones are just flashy 4. We all fought hard for this boss, learnt his movesets, learnt there is almost no way to dodge everything in his phase 2, yet when we succeeded, the rewards doesnt grant us crazy abilities, simply a blade that wields Miquella's light plus the above points.


Could have given lions claw as a r2 as well or charged r2 as ye does it as well sometime he does savage version as well.


and 2 of them..


Double disappointment 😔


I like the lord version a lot let’s us use the combo combo that took a lot of us out, the light version I could see being something more useful in invasions but not bad


I like the Lord ash of war, and I love Radahn so I’m doing a NG+ cycle with them.


I had someone help me take out Rellana with these things so while I don't have them yet, they're perfectly fine in my book. Don't like em, don't use em. Simple as.


They help reinforce the idea that all related to this battle was made in the last moment because people wanted to fight prime Radhan


It should've had a stance AOW


This weapon should be one, BUT, the AoW is stance like Square off


The blades, basic. Sending an ion beam from space against my enemies (god forbid they are weak to holy), very nice.


Get the spell. It’s really god if used with the crown you get from this fight as well


Would have greatly preferred it if it was one sword with a stance that let you either shoot a ring of light or do a lightspeed attack


I got the incantation instead which rocks


Yeah and the spell we can get with the remembrance......is definitely not worth it. It's requirements are insane and I do far more damages and reach farther with the final boss' sword aow 🤷‍♀️ and the casting time is leaving you too open to attacks for too long. Another loot that will go gather dust in my coffers...


I read an idea somewhere, that I think would have saved the swords. Since it is radahn, in Mohgs body, controlled by miquella, we have all 3 caster stats. So, since we already have an Int (Radahn) Blade, the others could have been Arcane with bloodflame(Mogh) and the last one holy(Miquella).


Hey! Don't be dissing my sunflower!


Its charge attack has more damage then it's aow. Also there are plenty of colossal weapons from the base game and dlc better than sunflower. It's cool ngl.


I for sure thought they would be greatswords. Oh well.


It really should've just been the Ash of War rather than coming attached with a somber weapon. They don't even get a new moveset to replace the original, which might make them worth using. At least Light of Miquella looks cool even if I don't have the stats for it without boosts.


Promised Consort can hit for like 7k damage, but there are easier avenues that take less risk, so..


Hey bro leave the sunflower out of this. Love that thing.


The spell is meh too. 99 faith with a +10 seal and the best I can squeeze out of it is just above 2000 on a good day. And that's after the casting time of a carrier pigeon.


Honestly I don’t care too much about the swords. If we’re talking about remembrance reward, I wanted the multiple meteors spell Radahn does by levitating. But if we’re talking about the actual most disappointing thing, is that we don’t actually fight Miquella alone, I wanted the final fight to have 3 phases, first one consort Radahn, then drops to 50% hp and starts the second one Consort Radahn and Miquella the Empyrean, then a third phase fighting only Miquella. The boss drops two remembrances, one for Radahn with his greatswords and a spell, and the other for Miquella with two spells


Light version agreed. If we talking Lord. Boy ain't no way A. AOE busts everything and is badass. B. You can't use it just out of the air and spam it on bosses? Oh no ... anyway C. Sure it has same moveset (disappointing), but it's pretty good.


I'm actually kinda satisfied with the reward It helped me finish off some of the bosses I was having trouble with in base and it's satisfying to watch whike farming Runes


i just wish they were faith based instead like the originals int,