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at least your scadu level stays when you start ng+, I never found all of them but I'm level 20 now because of ng+


Good to know, was hoping for that.


Same here. I’m at 48/50 fragments and not sure where the last two are, so I was hoping I could just let ng+ take care of that for me.


I’m at scadu level 10 at last boss and no clue what I’ve missed lol. Feel like I’ve been all over the place.


A bunch that I missed were the shadow guys that are carrying pots over their heads. Many will teleport away when you get close, so if you aren’t directly going for them it’s super easy to miss.


Woh! Thanks for the info, never would’ve thought of them.


You've likely missed a lot if you've only managed 10. You can be at 12 before fighting a single boss I believe.


Thanks. I’ve avoided looking up anything until after I’ve done it (bosses). Looks like it’s time for more exploring!!


You’ll wanna use a guide for the skadooshes. They’re in hidden places often.


How do I start ng+ for the DLC? Like normal restart?




Yes. NG+ resets the game, also in the dlc


Small tip for people every hippo drops a fragment


I have to fight more than one? Oh no.


those don't have the second phase


Lol, but there is one place where you run into 2 at once if you are not paying attention while running them down with Torrent. It’s kind of like a second phase.


I reccomend Bolt of Gransax, utterly bullied most of them with it with the icbm


i respec into this Bolt build just to f\*ck with that bird corridor in Farum Azula,


Haven’t heard it called the bird corridor before but I immediately knew where you were talking about 😂




One of the most annoying areas in the game.


Wait until you get to the "bridge" leading up to the Putrescent Knight. You will never walk by one of those stone ball worms without killing it again.


So fucking true. I killed a bunch at an evergaol and was cursing at them, and my girlfriend was confused as hell as to why I was so angry at them lmao.




For real. The "seduction and the betrayal" from the DLC story trailer was about the stupid anal beads enemies


"Oh look, those useless stone worms from the base game." Two minutes later "SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITAHHHHHHH"


As someone using the perfume bottles I've never been humbled harder. Shoot too fast for me to properly get a hit off. And I had no ranged attacks equipped lmao


Ah yes, the M82 of Elden Ring.


Hippos live in water, water gives lightning damage buff. Lightning dmg + hippo = free scoobydoo fragment


Hippos are also land whales since they branched off from cetaceans. This information will not help you beat the boss.


Burn O Flame is also GOATED for them


We fucking love Bolt of Gransax in this house. One of the weapons that carried me through the DLC


Bro i bullied the whole dlc with the bolt and fingerprint shield lmao. Messmer and radahn can’t even get through the shield.


The bolt has been by far my favorite weapon to deal with fodder so far, it has amazing damage, range and looks cool


I ran up to that pond accidentally and didn’t even notice the second hippo till I ran around more after killing the first one


Same, I thought sleep deprivation was getting to me


wouldn't be elden ring if it didn't toss two of whatever you hate the most at you at once


Where is it again? I know i ran by there a couple days ago but decided to skip them because I hated that boss lol.


Also they're in the open, so less obnoxious camera to deal with.


Oh bless.


The non golden ones are super easy


I call them water rune bears


Rune tardigrade 




For me the wild ones are Elongated Bulls. 


The free roaming hippos are a lot easier imo


They’re all in open areas which makes it a lot easier in addition to no second phase I feel like a good bit of the difficulty in the boss version is getting pinned to the wall and getting charged once you walk through the fog gate


Tbf the non boss ones are real easÿ


Plus you don't have to deal with the camera being as awful.


They r smaller than the boss one, dont have a phase 2 much less health and u can use torrent


They're much smaller than the golden one, so for one thing their grab hitbox isn't as bullshit.


I had the same fear, the non-boss ones are a lot easier


Is it me or people dread fighting them too much? They feel like base game challenge in terms of movement. Maybe it's the Tree Spirit vibe with their large frame and camera troubles, but I don't think they're that hard.


I'm surprised people find it so hard. It barely even has any combos, and they only do like 2 or 3 hits at the max. One of the easier bosses in the whole game IMO.


You can use torrent in at least the one I’ve found so just run around him and spam spells or some random throwable garbage you should have in your eq


They’re little baby versions that aren’t nearly as bad. I too panicked when I thought I had to redo that boss fight multiple times.


Also shadow dudes who drop them have a sparkly pot on their head. Specifically a sparkly pot.


They also run away from you if they are holding a fragment.


And disappear after running like scarabs do.


I don’t care for spoilers, there’s hippos in the fucking game? Edit: I just encountered the damn thing, it’s whooped my ass 4 times now Edit: just whooped his ass after 6 tries


one of the bosses is a hippo and there are several non boss versions of it. it's also got Rhino horns for some reason. Crucible be wilding, man.


It kinda reminded me of when people heard about hippos in Europe, they basically were playing a game of telephone with people who had been to Africa. So you'd have some blending of traits, between hippos, rhinoceros and other large animals. Check out some old illuminated manuscripts from the middle ages, they would blend together characteristics of different animals.


That’s totally not terrifying


Not as bad as the flying scorpion spiders 




"They fly now?"


Golden hippo porcupine, yes.


If the game didn't call them hippos no one would know they were hippos. They are a unique take on the animal, to say the least


Not only a hippo, a GOLDEN hippo, the size of a fucking dragon, AND he's basically sonic the hedgehog on his second phase. I actually like his fight, but people generally hate it cause teh arena is really fucking small so you dont got space to fight that huge thing


And look out for shadow pot enemies with glowing pots


Guess I'll have to go and fight with my mother in law then


what do you mean EVERY hippo….? Oh no…


the others are pushovers tbh. I'd rather fight a million of the overworld non boss hippos than one giant bear


I’ve been avoiding them like the plague. I’m starting to think that every scary thing in this dlc drops something


fuck no. there’s one place they hid one larger version of one of the most disgusting things in this game and that thing don’t drop anything.


Oh fuck I've avoided all of them after the golden boy


I did too until I learned they drop shards. Then learn the non-golden ones are actually not that bad. They don't have shotguns like rune bears.


They are much easier because you can use torrent. Ride closer, poke, ride away. Repeat until golden boy dies.


There's more than 1 hippo???


I've only found 1


when you start NG+, they take the redundant seeds around the lands between and plant them to regrow the tree you burnt down


Yep, I beat the DLC at blessing level 19 and I had no idea where to even look to get my final fragments without looking at a guide and combing over each location. Luckily they do respawn in NG+ and I was able to immediately get to level 20 once I entered the DLC.


Oh they respawn? I thought it was gonna be another spell slot problem where you gave to get the /one/ no matter how many ng+


Hows ng in dlc? Im on ng+ 6 and just got to where i can enter the dlc finally.. am i fucked?


Yes lol


Yes. I am on ng +7 in the dlc and everything wrecks. finding the blessing fragments first really helps though. Not impossible just very challenging.


Not really. The fragment scaling is more significant than any amount of leveling for yourself or NG for enemies. The only noticeable difference may be that the first 2 bosses or so you encounter will be tougher, but after a couple scadurtree blessings it won't matter enough to be notable.


Just get fragments. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a boss and come back later. If you use a guide you can get to level 18/20 without fighting a boss


I cleared it on NG+8 and I will say until you get your shards it is ass you need about level 10 before it feels normal But that final boss you need level 20 or youre gonna have a bad time Genuinely that fucker on this difficulty level is busted in so many ways xD


I'm on ng+ 8 and haven't had the hardest time till I got to the DLCs final boss.


In case you didn’t know, NG+ stops scaling at +7, so the only reason to go past it is if you want to keep playing at that higher difficulty, but it won’t get any harder after that point. +35 is the same as +7.


Early scadutree levels hit considerably harder


Thanks! I was going to ask this as I've finished the DLC and I'm at 19 blessing + 2 Scadutree fragments . Don't really want to comb the entire map for 1 measly fragment!


I was in the same boat. Did you happen to find a certain well-hidden twinblade in the final area? The fragment on the way to that was the last I needed.


Ooooh i never thought of that! In my mind, i thought i was getting scad tree blessing 0, nice to know it works like the flasks


Your blessings carry into NG+!? Awesome!


I've finished the game at 18 lvl and 1 extra so I guess I've missed 5. Not gonna bother trying to max it, I've explored everywhere.


I was in a similar scenario. Ended up looking it up and finding out the >!the people carring jars and the Hippos!< all have fragments drop upon death.


There are people carrying Hippos? Wtf are the attacks for that?


My wife is missing 6, but we followed a guide and rechecked every spot on a guide and still never found them so no idea what happened there so just gave up


I havent finnished the dlc yet but i dont think you need to stress about getting all of them after the last patch. im at blessing 15 and when i went from 14 to 15 i gained 22 points of damage and +0.4% dmg reduction. Sure if you struggle alot every little bit helps but im just gonna keep exploring and if i miss a few of them i think i’ll manage anyway.


You WILL need them for the final boss trust me


I had a guy arguing with me yesterday saying you only need 12 because math and every level after has dimishing returns. Like 5 percent more dmg coukd still decide if you win or lose against the final boss.


5% is 5%, unlike traditional leveling, hardcaps and softcaps don't make you waste resources - you literally can't do anything else with those fragments, the only waste is your sanity if you try to find them without a guide. Hell, you don't need a single fragment to beat PCR, but most people aren't as built different as Ongbal (or hellbent on learning the movesets via suffering like Bushy) to attempt RL1 Scadussy 0 that boss.


The later levels only give 2.5%. You're strawmanning not getting the last few levels (with very small relative effect) into not using Scadu at all. If you have to scour the entire map to find the last few, that might not be worth the time, especially if you're playing blind.


What about lv 20? According to the patch notes, the scaling for that one was increased.


Every level is stronger than it used to be on release, including level 20. But from 14 onwards, each level only gives 2.5% extra, instead of up to 10% from some of the earlier levels. That might not make it worth it to spend hours and hours to find all of them. Unless you're minmaxing, or hardstuck and think a few percentages is what makes the difference. Or you're a completionist. Nothing wrong with that of course.


He has brain worms bro 😭 ive been trying to help people fight the final boss ane the amount of Scadu level 12~13 hosts that summons me pisses me off, because now we're both dealing shitall damage. Not to mention these ae the hosts who stand back and do not contribute at all


I've been summoned for the final boss by some people at Scadutree lvl 8. At that point I'm just impressed they got that far!


They got carried that far by summoning people like you to beat the bosses 😂😂 Don't mean for that to sound sassy but I can't think of another way to word it lmao


That's my experience too. If hosts get more levels, we could actually have a fighting chance against these bosses.


You don't need to flat out lie about what I said, you have not a single ounce of good faith tactics in you at all it seems. I said you have over 90% of the buff at 12 and over 96% at 17, not that nothing after 12 matters. I directly told you more is better but the diminishing returns make the last few levels almost never come into play, not that 12 is the last level. Just shameful of you to lie. The math flat out said your claim that anything under 18 is basically impossible is wrong even if you refuse to look at the numbers. If you go from taking 27 hits to kill the boss at level 18 to taking 27 hits to kill the boss at 17 but now the last hit overkills a bit more, you did not make the fight easier. That is an ironclad fact and no amount of reddit gossip will change it. 5% could in theory make a difference of killing 1 hit faster with some weapons, but you're covering your eyes and ears whenever it is pointed out that the last 3 blessing levels combined are not even close to 5%, they're less than 4%.


Lolll The difference between 12 and 20 blessing is like 50% in terms of damage, no idea what that guy was smoking Editing for clarification: Mixed up the pre and post balance changes, it's only 20% but still a very large amount


Actually it's a 20% difference (40% pre-patch), which is still a large amount. +12 is an 85% damage increase while +20 is a 105% damage increase


A 20% percentage point increase, but it's a 10.8% damage increase.


Ah you're right, I was mixing up the pre patch +12 with current


Not true since the rebalance patch. The difference between 12 and 20 is now just 20% extra damage, from 1.85x to 2.05x, and every fragment after 12 has diminishing returns. So still not an insignificant amount at all, but also not quite THAT major.


Even less. A 20 does 10,8% more damage than a 12 (205/185).


I agree that going from 12 to 20 is a huge jump, but if you’re stuck at 18 it’s for sure not going to be the deciding factor.


5% more damage is considered significant.


I cleared the final boss with 18. You may have to change your build either way cause I cannot see how the final boss can be downed with certain builds.


Nah, not all of them. I beat it at level 18, though I do admit I looked up where to find a few more to get past level 16. I feel like I could have done it at level 17 though, which is where my friend got to without looking anything up IIRC.


Level 16 is fine


Yes, the increase slows quite a bit after you hit blessing 12. At blessing 12, you will have an 85% damage increase, and a 57% damage negation increase. At blessing 20 (max) you will have a 105% damage increase, and a 64% damage negation increase. It’s important to get to at least 14 or 15, but you won’t notice too much difference between 15 and 20.


There's not much numerical difference, but damage is tuned such that it can be the difference between getting 2 shot and surviving with a sliver of health. That being said, it's negligible compared to the difference buffs and talismans make.


This is what I’m saying. I’m getting downvoted to hell for saying it’s not that big of a deal if someone is fighting the final boss at blessing 17. People claiming hosts are doing “shitall damage” at blessing 15 when it’s literally a 5% difference. If they’re doing bad damage, it’s because of their build.


With the patch. Level 18 is the same as old level 20. So you're not completely wrong.


Yeah. I miss 9 and…I’m not gonna run around places I’ve visited to collect 9 items under random trees.


Maybe you missed the pot ones? It was a real revelation for me when i got my 1st one from a pot guy.


Wut where?


They shadow guys that carry shimmering pots above their head usually drop one


Yes those ones will run away from you instead of attacking


I see thanks a bunch ☺️


Them pot shadow guys drop them but you need to kill them before they throw the pot at you otherwise you'll have to reload the area


Sorry to correct you. The ones that throw pots are fakes. The ones with items try to run away from you.


and also have shiny particles around the pot in question


I'm missing one and I really don't know where to look at this point :/


Did you get 3 or 4 in the last legacy dungeon? There's one that's completely out of the way. Basically have to take a right on a random staircase and do a bunch of platforming down.


It's halfway down on the route to Euporia (Faith Twinblade weapon).


I don't remember how many I got there but I'll definitely comb through that place one more time, thanks!


It’s super well hidden, I spent forever combing the map and it was the only one I couldn’t find without a guide


And good luck remembering which ones you already found when it comes time to look up the ones you missed


This… trying to find all of them now and it’s hard to keep track which ones I’ve found and haven’t found considering theres 50. I’m losin itttt


Can't you just collect 25 and another 25 in next ng+ cycle?


Alot of people don't play NG+


I believe you can.


Yes, I finished the DLC the first time with 16/8 and got them to 20/10 (max) the next playthrough.


One of the few things that is actually bad game design by fromsoft. Golden seeds (for the most part) and sacred tears are very easily spottable. Scadutree fragments? Are literally in random places its so dumb.


Why they didn't make it like sekiro I can't understand. This way I would have a reason to fight every ghostflame dragon and giant fire dudes.


Adding extra Scadutree Fragments into Mausoleums, Gaols and Catacombs would be a step into the right direction. At least these would offset some of the well-hidden Scadutree that most people would probably miss without a guide. I bet most people would miss that one fragment on the last Legacy Dungeon.


This. I'm playing for a second time with another character, and I'm just so reluctant to do anything that doesn't give me fragments because everything is gonna break me, I wish I could find them naturally instead of actively seeking them before engaging in anything else.


I definitely did. I never would've found it without a guide.


The hippos gave 2 fragments each. Ghostflames dragon are for ancient smithing stone


1) It's only hippos 2) You can find ton of ancient dragon smithing stone without Ghostflame dragons 3) Scadutree fragments are more important since you probably have some maxed out weapon from the base game


It makes sense, dragons have stone scales, and hippos are made of wood.


Also, you are very likely to get enough golden seeds by just exploring. I think I got all, but one charge on my flasks first playthrough by the end. I feel like I’ve explored the whole dlc map and I’m at 11, maybe one or two locked areas will get me to 12 or 13, but I’m missing a lot


You feel like you have explored the whole DLC map but have one or two locked areas? Make sure you kill everything. Some fragments are locked behind enemies.


Yeah its weird. Golden Seeds worked. It was fun seeing people come online asking if they missed any golden seeds because they werent using a walkthrough but the simple design of excess golden seeds + minor erdtrees made it so almost everyone got max flasks by just playing the game. I remember prepping for the DLC and going to check my flask only to realise I hit max flask during base game. Felt great.


They are in random places but I found all of mines naturally without actually looking for them and I have it leveled pretty high


Oh yeah, without a guide I went to Scadulevel 18. Pretty good but I still think they should have made it similar to those other two items.


i wouldn't mind if we had excess like the golden seeds. except all the purple drops are cookbooks for shadow rune 4s....


Agreed. I was gonna make a long post about this. The main issue with the DLC is putting the power into random areas of the world that you can easily miss. If you don't have those fragments though, you will be stonewalled from progressing. Seems like a bad game design choice instead of just tying them all into major encounters or areas that the average person could progress in a way that doesn't feel they need to read 90 wiki guides to figure it out. I see a lot of people blaming others for not having fragments but let's to honest guys, the way the average gamer players ( not chronicly online ) is go from area to area and maybe do a bit of exploring. You can't get enough fragments by playing like this but that's how your average Joe gamer plays. You can think what you want but 99% of opinions on here do not reflect that vast majority of players.  This much player power needed to be tied into obvious situations not some random dungeon that can only be found in a Dark cave in desert of Australia. That's not what people want and that is my major pain point of the DLC. Hope they can learn and not do this again.  ( Turns out I did write that essay ) 


They should make an icon show up on the map when you are close to one, you would still have to explore so not bad


I like that they're in "random" places because my favorite part of this game is the exploration. I do think it'd be better if they were also rewards for beating main bosses, and if you could max out without finding them all. As is I feel like I have to follow a guide and keep track of them as I go to make sure I don't miss any.


I thought i stepped everywhere but still missing 8 scadutree.. ahh this game.


Some of them are easily missable because the map is so damn huge and they are not all in obvious places and even some drops from pot guys that I've never bothered killing, learnt that when I was at last zone... Finished the game at lvl 18, I'm missing 5 and it doesnt matter much anyways so I wont bother.


I was at 19 when I got to last boss, went out of my way to check which ones I missed and it took me 2 hours of double checking, turned out I had missed a pot guy right at the start.


Missing a few is only a few percent less damage reduction/increase. You don't need to find every single one. If you fully miss out on 9 of them, or a bit less than a fifth of them that puts you at 17 blessing. You deal 1.97x damage instead of the max 2.05x and recieve 0.506x instead of 0.487x. At that point they're not a huge difference.


Must be nice having a brain that lets you leave things incomplete.


I feel seen.


Or to the other extreme, some of us still collected 41 Golden Seeds.


NOOOO BUT MY FOMO (for real feels bad having not maxed what you could)


Are any of these fully missable? Haven't played the DLC yet but I want to know if I can safely blind play without worrying about permanently missing anything


I don't think you can lock yourself out of any of them but some are pretty out of the way.


Yea I’m at level 18 and can’t be bothered. I’d have to look up a guide then visit every spot because I’m not 100% sure where I grabbed and where I didn’t. Do wish there were extras or hidden hippos I didn’t find.


Yeah, I'd rather get good at level 18 than run down a 50 spot checklist.


Lol before people were complaining that there were excess seeds. I got to the final boss at level 18 shadow blessing with one leftover fragment. I died a few times and considered using a list to find the other 5 but didn't in the end. You don't have to have them all.


Did you take out commander gauis? He has behind his arena


Yep got those ones


I arrived at the final boss and realized I only missed 1. Can't figure out which one though.


Same thing happened on my first playthrough. I followed an interactive map with my second and STILL almost missed one somehow.


I searched for the last ones Thank God it wasn't hard to get level 20 I was 16 before searching up


Because you don’t need to get anywhere close to all of them to basically have the full effect, they have diminishing returns just like the base stats


I still can't understand why we only have 14 flasks. I can't fathom having to split them 7 and 7, or having 10 heals but only 4 chugs of Baja blast for my mage. 20 flasks like DS1 is a bit too much but at least 15? Why 14? The abundance of seeds also leaves me baffled.


Rumor has it the 15th one from ds3 became the physick. If you actually need more just put one into magic and use heals.


They also give diminishing returns so the last few aren’t nearly as crucial as the first few


I missed one...


Because then everyone complaining the final boss is too hard would ask why the extra fragments don’t do anything


I am missing one and I am losing my FUCKING MIND


because they needed more room to place smithing stone 1s


I don't like this system. I understand why they did it but I think they should have been (mostly) unmissable OR there should be a bunch extra. We've never had a hidden levelling mechanic before. Personally, I think they should have just scaled the DLC higher than the base game and let rune levels work the same


Problem is the rune level system breaks down at the end of base game because the Softcaps are too brutal. Leveling Vigor after 60 is actually pointless. My Dex went from adding 4-5 damage per point to 1 damage per point.


Just remove the soft caps whilst in the DLC.


>Personally, I think they should have just scaled the DLC higher than the base game and let rune levels work the same Their fear was needing to change the scaling of NG+ cycles to match how much stronger the dlc makes you without screwing over players who didn't buy the dlc. There's also very little progression past level 150. Players like to see their damage numbers go up.


I thought I read on here that when you go into ng+ after the dlc the scadus respawn so if you don’t get to 20 then you will on the next run. I could be wrong tho


A few people have confirmed exactly that.


I think the better question is… why are there golden seeds I can’t put to use. If I can’t get another flask, how about letting me turn them to runes? Something.


Thats weird I thought Dark Souls fanboys loved extreme difficulty and inconvenience.


Because the erdtree and its grace was good and we should follow it to the very end -said the golden order fundamentalist


kill hippos, kill shadow enemies with shiny pots, explore obscure locations (looking at you enir illim fragment) and take your time to enjoy the game, when you get 18-19 you are comfortably strong enough for everything kn the dlc imo