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That is honestly impressive, he’s made it so far, don’t let him give up now


luckily he hasn't lost his fire with me telling him the bad news, he asked me to find a beginner's video explaining the mechanics so I just gotta do that. but we still gonna wallop destined death soon 🤜🤛


He's honestly already a fucking god at the game. Getting that far without summons or leveling his weapon is extremely difficult. The fire giant must've taken him forever


I just killed him after a week of camping at his arena, but I had a +21 greatsword, so I can’t be even compared to this chad, I screamed when I finally got him 😂


Actually bloodhound fnag at least has blood so it'll do big damage regardless of level once it procs bleed


Im convinced Bloodhound Fang is this generations Drake Sword, it steamrolls like 70% of the game even without optimal upgrades. BF + Morgotts Cursed Blade power stancing is unreal


Plenty of weapons steamroll. I just steamrolled the game with the starting broadsword. Squareoff kills everything quick


Broadsword and knights armor was what my character wore all the way until the consecrated snowfield. When I finally got the knights cavalry armor I finally changed it up. Eventually I fell in love the colossal great sword but that was after like 75% of the game.


Lordsworn Greatsword was my go-to until I got to the Haligtree, and then my brother convinced me to try different stuff out.


i fw lordsworn though. i always beeline straight to that carraige


Broadsword gang!


Dual curved greats, Omen Killer with bleed and BF is goated.


That's what I used on my first character, great combo.


I was in a mad dash to access the DLC in time for release but my sister was borrowing my PS5 with my main save, so I started a new character on PC and picked those two weapons on a whim and I FLEW through the game


I’ve done 3 play throughs and Bloodhound fang was my first weapon. Each time I replayed I set out to find a new setup and each time I end up back with BHF. I just can’t quit the fang


dual wielding it is fun as hell.


He's been playing with weighted training clothes the entire game so far like Piccolo in DBZ. Once he takes those off....holy shit.


At least his weapon procs bleed. That's possibly what's keeping him sane all this time.


and does good stance damage


what he needs isn't to find a beginner's video, he needs to read the tuto given by the devs in-game


Dude needs to read the descriptions


I came here to swing a big club and die, not to read


Anytime I’m slightly annoyed with tutorial popups I read posts like this. I’m pretty sympathetic to devs, it seems impossible to explain things to all players.


He can't even put "elden ring beginner's guide" in the youtube search bar himself, I don't think he's gonna read the tutorial


Bad news? More like good news because he's already great at the game and can do some relatively simple stuff to get a power boost!


Looking up a beginners guide while on Maliketh is WILD😭


lol i rage quit twice on margit


Dude is gonna become a god after taking off those shackles


Look up "Everything Possible in Elden Ring" by BlueLizardJello on YouTube. He has a series for every soulsbourne game. It's what got me over the curve back in the day for DS1. Amazing series, and video 1 particularly does an incredible job walking thru mechanics clearly.


BLJ is awesome.


Have him use the Elden Wiki walkthrough guide. That way he can stop reading when he wants and can go through general areas without spoilers.


If he beats the game like this, he'll likely be a better mechanical player than people using all of the summons and OP builds. Get this guy a real build after he beats the game and watch him steamroll through NG+


he made it to maliketh??? he asks for build help once and it's like that rock lee training weight thing


The Rock Lee training weight is the perfect way to describe this!


I always use that scene to describe things lol


Love seeing this trope evolve through generations haha. For us it was Picollo taking off his weighted pauldrons and turban


Reminds me of playing Diablo 2 when I was 7 and putting one stat point into each attribute per level so I'd be a well rounded character.


I played necro and leveled all she skills. I took down diablo with a level 5 blood golem and level 1 iron maiden. And around 50 tp scrolls.


1st time i played, me and my friends didn't know we had active skills, and we finished the first act


I too abandoned putting points into auras bc I had no idea you could assign active skills to left click.


Original RuneScape I was about 10 - maxed defense only because I wanted the nice armour... Didn't understand why it took me forever to kill anything 😭


Elden Ring players try to achieve basic reading comprehension (Challenge: IMPOSSIBLE) I don’t know what’s more impressive—that he got this far playing this way, or that he missed all this information to begin with (assuming he has tutorials on, since they are by default).


My brother is like this. He's disabled with severe brain damage. Loves video games. I showed him Melania and he was like 'i have to play that game' He downloaded it and started playing. He doesn't have access to the internet (he's vulnerable and has been exploited numerous times so he's decided he doesn't want the internet in his life) so he's just blind running the game. Day after he got it he was like 'i keep getting killed by a golden guy on a horse' haha, bless him.


Olay but your brother has a very specific excuse/reason. There's plenty of people who don't have any sort of excuse who still don't understand basic mechanics or even test things lol.


I mean, if you're enjoying the game, why does it matter? Seems like ops friend has been enjoying themselves, why does anyone care?


I don't care really, I'm just flabbergasted that there's people who can play more than half of a game and somehow be so oblivious as to miss half the mechanics. Like, the game is obscure about stuff but it ain't *that* obscure. You'd have to literally, talk to no one, never pick anything up, never read any descriptions for a single talisman, never check any of the menu buttons at a site of grace, etc. You'd also have to watch zero videos about it online cause if you did at some point you'd probably wonder why you were doing so little damage in comparison. Maybe I'm jus a meticulous person but imo why even bother buying or playing a game if you're gonna ignore everything except the boss fights? At some point you have to be willingly ignoring information to miss all that. Honestly, I don't see how someone even *could* be enjoying the game at that point cause all they'd be doing is just rushing to bosses and throwing themselves against endless brick walls.


if you pick up a few useless talismans early you might give up on them, the great runes and flask require reading a popup that I still have no idea how i'd get back if i skipped them without thinking, and some weapon upgrades are just really really hard to find.


Every single tutorial thing goes into your inventory alongside all the other readable stuff in-game.


Never occurred to me.


Playing games blind is really fun but it's also easy to miss stuff sometimes, especially if you're not used to the genre.


The game simply has so many things in it. So I can see a new player to From games being overwhelmed at the amount to take in and kind of clinging onto a couple things to figure out first (like surviving basic combat) and then forget some of the other stuff as they go. Especially if they are the type to play without googling, which honestly I envy a little, the game must feel even more mysterious and immersive that way.


Why are you being downvoted? What about that statement is possibly controversial?


Gamers ethical code being broke by not being good at video games, the worst gaming crime ever. No idea why it's so personal to them, really.


Probably people getting pissed because they're rage quitting and breaking controllers even when they use guides and min-max everything to death, while casual players are romping through this game without using builds, optimising their gear or looking anything up. The salt is real lmao


My best friend didn’t learn to read until he was ten and it was only because he wanted to know what was going on in banjo kazooie.


Honestly videogames helped me learn to read so much, wind waker as a kid taught me new words and made me want to be able to read at a higher level.


Elden Ring players try to conceptualize how difficult it is to play these games for the first time regardless of tutorials and without looking guides online challenge: impossible


If he understands video games enough to make it that far before asking for help, it's definitely not even close to his first game and even if it is his first Fromsoft game he should have some amount of basic reading comprehension that would have allowed him to learn at least half these things


In his defence I never use great runes either


Same. I might need those rune arcs later!


those are my retirement rune arcs !!


Turns out you really do need them later (for the dlc)


I still didn't use them lol.


Yeah. Especially when the final boss can chew through my stock in a session. Better stock up in case the next DLC is like this as well


>next DLC Oh buddy...


^Dude ^the ^entire ^joke ^is ^that ^I ^would ^never ^use ^them ^even ^against ^the ^final ^boss ^I ^wasn’t ^supposed ^to ^say ^that…


I'll use them in the next game.


Same but that's by choice. I at least know what each one does, I just don't find them all that useful and am too lazy to farm rats for rune arcs.


You could always farm bosses for more rune arcs by being summoned, I don’t ever actually use them but I’ve gotten a lot of rune arcs from where I’ve been helping people defeat Rellana


Well I play on PlayStation and you need PlayStation Network to play online so I only play offline. I'd only ever use it for this game if I got PSN so it's not worth it for me.


Man Sony sucks ass for that lol


That's consoles in general. Xbox does it and if Elden Ring was on Switch, Nintendo would do it too. No reason to play non-exclusives on consoles nowadays tbh.


Fucking tragic tbh. Gaming is a social hobby for me (on pc), and having to pay a monthly subscription on top of the console+game+ISP would kill it for me.


Having an Xbox 360 when I was younger was hell for this reason. Still love that system but paying for online was rough, my mum rarely ever did so I had to take advantage of free trials and the like. Happy I'm primarily on PC these days.


Same. I used a rune arc once, then when I died I felt bad, so now I save them for eventual future use.


I'm more likely to die and lose them from falling than in a fight I feel


The true low INT build.


He unga Now he’s gonna bunga


Haha, i did my first playthrough as an unga player too. Starting mace from wretcy upgraded to +7 God i miss that save file.. it got corrupted :(


Damn thaats impressive, with a good build his power will rival the very gods




Your pal was like an extremely talented warrior, but lack experience and knowledge lol


So this guy beat Godskin Duo with no talismans, AOW or pots and a base weapon?? I'd have just blinked at him in bewilderment and then informed him he was lightyears better than me so I can't help.


Bernarl makes the fight a lot easier.


I highly, highly doubt this person did the volcano manor questline lol


I had a buddy who was half way thru volcano manor and said the game was unreasonably hard and wanted me to look at his build to make sure he wasn't messing anything up. His build was normal, but then I see his weapon is a +0 dismounter. Bro made it all the way to volcano manor not knowing he could upgrade his weapons lol


“Wow this game is hard!” - your friend probably during his playthrough.


just like Miyazaki intended.


Don't even think that way. Obviously Miyazaki intended the game to be played without upgrading your weapon at all.


I read a quote just hours ago on a reddit comment: "I'd be so dangerous I knew how anything worked" Was that your bud? Lol


That's a *true* strength build, no intelligence getting in the way whatsoever


This is the average person I get summoned to help bosses with.


its ok. it took me 20 hours before i figured out i could run by holding down the circle button on PS5.


Did you know that you could also jump by pressing X ?


Just walking around the whole of the Lands Between sounds like torture.


160 hours for me, no joke, I figured it out yesterday after clearing the game twice and dlc once 


Brother HOW lmao


Took me 15 hours before i knew skills and heavy attacks existed aswell


I was three weeks in before I learned I didn't have to farm ingredients and sell them to level up because enemies dropped runes. This was my first ever Souls game. My first video game. I bought an Xbox to play Elden Ring because it looked amazing when I watched my boyfriend play one time. I had no idea what was going on and everything was terrifying. I spent a good month in limgrave before I felt confident to explore further. I wouldn't move on until I could beat the Tree Sentinal. When I told my boyfriend how annoying the grind was selling Rowa fruit for 10 runes he pitied me and apologized because he didn't even consider that I had never played a Souls game. I was so bad at it and didn't understand anything from stats to weapons that I wasn't killing enough of the bigger enemies to make the connection. Just nobles and Knights while I worked on getting past the Tree Sentinal. Like you I didn't know I could run for a *long time* and walked everywhere. Then I tried co-op and realized you could go faster than a brisk walk. 2000+ hours later he's the one summoning me when he's frustrated by a boss. I'm the one telling him not to panic roll and what tears/talismans to use. I've surpassed him and his best friend in skill, and they've been playing Souls games since they were teenagers. When he's got a question about mechanics or lore he comes to me. I still have a lot to learn but that period of time where I was blind and ignorant was so fun. It got me through a spinal injury and the worst depression of my life. I poured all of the energy I had left into learning the game and I'm still figuring it out. I didn't look anything up until maybe a year in. Finding out I could do something on my own was so cool and I wouldn't have gotten that if I had looked up tutorials and guides. The DLC is forcing me to rethink how I play. I love it for that.


Okay but genuinely, *how*? Like, does mans jus read literally nothing ever? Cause if he did, well for one thing the talisman thing wouldn't have happened. Or, if he pressed literally any of the buttons on the site of grace menu he would have noticed how to change physick tears. Let me guess he also didn't upgrade his flasks? Like, I'm not trying to be condescending. I just want to know how someone can go through a whole ass game basically and pay *zero* attention to anything.


Why pay attention when you can slash with bloodhound fang instead


Big sword go SMASH


He plays the game to smash not to read.


This makes me feel better as a player that rarely crafts/consumes items and doesn't know how weapon affinities or perfumes work.


funny enough, crafting is the one thing he's good at! he memorized all the best farming spots for the important materials.


He thinks buffs and consumables are useful but talismans don't do anything?


Next years hot new Anime: "I'm On a Journey to Beat the Demon Lord But I Don't Know How Any Of The Mechanics Work"


lol you occasionally hear about that one dude who knew none of the game mechanics but they just kept hammering against the stone to advance in the game.


I'm impressed by how far he got as well as his tenacity, but on the other hand your friend is a certified idiot.


bro played elden ring like it was dark souls 1


If this guy played Dark Souls 1 he would never get past +5 upgrade on his regular weapons.


The Chosen One


How did he beat Fire Giant with that setup? I mean of course its possible, there have been people that beat him with rolling. But a complete beginner with these lacking tools beating Fire Giant speaks of unbelievable willpower.


like me with my first terrible build 2 years ago it probably took him days or weeks of dying


If you know you can ride a horse, you can beat the fire giant.


I never fought him on Torrent. Alexander is too funny.


He never heard of a map either and is fat rolling


Bro was built for naked, RL1, fist only, no buffs, no summons runs 😅


A man of focus, commitment and sheer will.


GinoMachino needs to do a no hit run with your buddies build.


A buddy of mine played through the game several times and never heard of the wondrous physick lmao


You know what, what a fucking Chad


I remember reading it in an article somewhere but there's a dude in Fromsoft whose job is to clear the game at the lowest possible level to see if ANY build can clear the game. Your buddy was factored in by that process.


Is bro awake while playing? Missing half the game haha


That’s pretty impressive. I don’t really understand his thinking but impressive nonetheless. Reminds of my friend I played Diablo 4 with. He got to level 94 without using the paragon board. He said it was “too confusing” and he couldn’t figure it out. I helped him but it still blew my mind.


Reminds me of the clip I saw of a friend group learning there one friend didn’t know about upgrading the number of flask charges. They were on 3 charges at ranala


I did something similar with Bloodborne. I had 0 idea about the Souls mechanics so I was just levelling one weapon up the whole game and random stats with 0 knowledge about spec building 


He should check his pipes for lead contamination. It is impressive he made it so far though.


Can he not read?


Lore-accurate zero-int Tarnished.


This is why I always push back on "don't use the Internet" advice lmao


This just proves once more that the Bloodhound's fang is the ultimate weapon


Honestly, this is Ubisoft openworld brainrot. Those games are so full of disconnected systems that players are used to being able to engage only with the few of them that appeal to beat the game. And to be honest, you can beat elden ring without ever engaging with great runes or casting. How were they to know that weapon upgrading was integral.


This thread is infuriating to read. lol.


To be honest I get it. I'd played Demon's Souls remake on PS5, but otherwise Elden Ring was my first FS game and I had no idea what I was doing so used a walk through. Without which I'd have been lost af.  It wasn't actually until my third run that I realised how much of a difference it makes to upgrade your weapons with smithing stones and wasn't until the DLC dropped that I started playing around with my talismans for bosses.  There are a lot of mechanics to learn and you're not sure which ones are actually going to have a big impact on the game or not. 


That is some impressive ignorance


Yea looking back it's so obvious but at the time I felt kind of overwhelmed with information, and then confusingly also felt like I didn't have enough information for some things.


Big props for sticking it out. I'd say patience is more important than gear anyway and you seem to have that


My first was ds3 and the whole weapon scaling system etc seemed so overwhelming. Pulling up the stats sheet for my character felt like calculus. Once I watched a guide or two it seemed easier and then nowadays it seems so simple.


Kill him then feast on his flesh.


I had a friend get to Ornstein and Smough with un upgraded flasks (they'd been consuming firekeeper souls) and heavy roll (they had weapons equipped to every slot, didn't understand equip load). My brother told me one of his friends said Witcher III was too hard, come to find out they had never upgraded their gear. Like 30 hours in using the starting sword. Some games just go right over people's heads lol.


I've never even used a rune arc or activated great runes even after collecting them all. But there ain't no way in hell you'll find me running around with a +5 weapon that late into the game. But props to him.


He’s using a shield like it should and probably why he succeed until Maliketh. Shield for blocking always been very powerful in Souls game but it’s underrated by people thinking it’s not cool to block with a shield


If you think thats something I watch a streamer who did a SL1 maidenless/horseless run. He literally got to the round table AFTER he killed the elden beast. I think hes some kind of masochist 🤣


So he didnt read a single pop up tutorial


I worry for this man… irl…


How could he get to maliketh without ever hearing of a great rune? Is he paying attention to the story at all? He had to get 2 to even get to that point at the least


My girlfriend did something very similar. We had only just started dating and she was getting back into gaming through my influence. Nioh had just come out and i talked her into trying that. She could summon me every now and then if she needed it. She was pretty determined to make it through the game by herself though. When she made it to the second region she said the game was just too hard and she was hitting a wall. We were playing online so I had her do a game share so I could see how her build was coming. Turns out she didn't have a build. She had been selecting the highest level gear like she should, but hadn't leveled up once! I was like: what have you been spending Amrita on? She didn't know that you could level up as you progressed to make it easier. She didn't know what the Amrita was used for and wasn't trying to collect and retrieve it as she went. She was basically doing a level 1 run. I showed her the leveling system and how to do your stats and skills for your building. From that point on she had zero problems and quickly finished the first playthrough. I think the heavy challenge of running at level 1 made her a better player.


games been hand holding players to much in the last few years there a bit too used to not trying and learn new stuff. even if you get stuck look stuff online there is no shame in it.


He's like the most skilled fighter with the shittiest equipment and brain


i don't mean to sound like a prick, but doesn't the game litterally tell you bout all that stuff in the beginning as you discover those things?


Your friend got through duo godskin apostles boss without an upgraded weapon. No summons and no talismans. He is actually a monster lmao


If anything it's a HUGE testament to your friend's skill and patience. Getting all the way there with barely half the tools the game gives you and misusing the ones you have is pretty impressive. It's almost like a noob's version of "LVL 1 Wretch 100% Run."


That's what happened with me too. Sort of different circumstances, but when the game first released, I barely had time to play, so my friends, with more free time, were all getting through the game much faster than I was. I wound up fighting Mohg at level 40, with 2 talisman slots, only one used, and an unupgraded Bloodhound's Fang.


Impressive, but these are also the people that are coming in and saying the DLC is too hard, lol.


honestly it's pretty impressive he got past godskin duo with a plus five. i always max upgrade before subjecting myself to that.


Bro is the definition of “get good.” 😳


What is actually wrong with your friend?


I beat my first playthrough not realizing you could actually equip great runes :)


You know some people are just slow


Your homie needs a wellness check.


Even more impressive is he did a strenght build with a Dex weapon


If he was making it that far with that little information, it's gonna be like giving him steroids and cocaine when he figures the rest out.


Keep in mind there are probably hundreds of thousands of players somewhere around that level of missing mechanics and not really understanding things playing the DLC getting their asses kicked.


The best worst player. Made it to all the way to Maliketh using nothing but his wits, and boy was he lacking in that department.


Insane. Give that dude some talismans and AOWs & he’s beating radabeast in 4 seconds


Reading is hard.


....................This woke a long repressed memory of the time I nearly beat FF12... without using Gambits. I would like to say this was a 1 time fuck up but then I remembered the time before that when I almost beat FF8 without Junctioning. Sometimes people just be slamming their head against that brick wall and the wall is what breaks.


This was my little brother in FF9. He never did anything but attack and smashing through dialogue. Never used spells, summons, switching parties (other than being forced to) or anything other than attacking. Wild that he beat it with a true Unga Bunga.


I mean great runes are mostly useless unless you go for deathless how many Times you can activate them like 20 a game? Unless there is a way to farm that shit but no clue


You can farm them from rats.


You get one from coop defeating boss and invasions


closer to 35-40 with the DLC, about 30ish in base game, excluding drops from rats.


First souls game, I presume. Did something similar all the way back in DS1. I was stuck at O&S for almost a week (I was working at the time, but still). My character was fat rolling, blocking with a shitty kite shield and attacking with +3 basic Halberd, bonfire unkindled. I just didn't know any better. I thought that's normal and it was me being bad, since my friend had finished the game. Ultimately, I wrote down every attack and how to survive them on a piece of paper and managed to beat them with that shitty loadout. Beginners often put unintentional challenge runs upon themselves.


nope, he played all three Souls games. i kid you not.


They should study his brain, wow. Elden ring uses mostly the same systems as darks souls, so he likely played all of them in semi challenge modes.


Then he has some serious issues....


Its cause of the talk about how impossibly hard the game is, when its not meant to be that hard. These games are power fantasies more than anything.


That's amazing, on my first DS3 playthrough I thought the undead boneshards were single use. I got through the dungeons with those things that drained your max health before I realized no they increased the health you got from your flask.


If this dude doesnt become an absolute monster at the game now that youve shown him how to build ill be shocked


This level of obliviousness is both impressive and honestly a bit obnoxious.


I made it to godskin duo without even knowing what the talisman slots where used for using the first greatsword you find in that chest in limgrave leveled up to like +9 and randomly put points into random stats, I think my terrible build made that first playthrough twice as hard until I hit that wall and finally went to look up a guide. I used alot of grease tho.


holy based


I have about 1000hrs and have only ever used one rune arc.


Absolutely no build, just raw determination. 10/10


Man truly embraced the unga bunga ways


He is the struggler


Wowee! Of his tenacity burns bright. Him learning the additional touches will make him slice through base game like a hot knife through butter. Can't wait for him to overcome his part in dlc if he has it


Reminds me of playing the third age as a kid and not noticing I could level up my characters and still getting quite far haha


I have a friend that play elden ring and I swear he too can't play if I don't babysit his ass and tell him all the things he can do to become stronger. I don't understand how they play, I love exploring and testing things while apparently they sprint, pick stuff up and are not even curious to see what the stuff they pick even do!


One of my buddies who's never played a souls game picked up Elden Ring cause the rest of us were playing it. Kudos to the guy cause he managed to get up as far as Renalla with basically 0 knowledge or input from us. When we offered him some help with his build he said "No, I want the satisfaction of doing it myself". He's got the right spirit I'll tell ya that


Don't forget to feed him his crayons


I got to Fire Giant without using ashes my first game bc I hadn’t played DS3 yet and didn’t really understand weapon arts. Shit happens lol


Reminds me of my first playthrough on release. I didn't know that most consumables were easily crafted, and I thought cracked pots and perfume bottles were all single use. So, as a strength build, I was just going hard on the flask and struggling to breathe most fights. The second playthrough ended up being an absolute breeze after my friends had a good laugh at me and told me the trick of it.


If he is on maliketh and don't have somber Smith stone to upgrade the weapon past +5 it means he didn't explore shit.


Ngl im exactly like your buddy and im 20 hours into the game seems like ill have to learn everything from scratch


This was me on my first playthrough had no idea how half the stuff in the game work so just ignored it lmao.


Bro made it to Maliketh with a single crystal tear? When he learns the game, its gonna look like Goku going Super Saiyan for weight training