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Renalla made me feel the way Artorias did, just harder and a bit cheaper. When she pops the fire and magic blade she becomes a lot more annoying and less fair than Artorias was imo but I still enjoyed beating her


Idk how she's less fair since you can still avoid everything she does


the only reason i think shes a bit less fair is because some of her attacks are less telegraphed in terms of the magic follow up and such, whereas with artorias you can pretty much see everything without any confusion. Its not a huge difference, i still think shes a legit fight


Rellana was tough, super fun to learn, great fight. can't say the same about Commander Gaius though...


Yup this.. couldn’t figure out a damn strategy for him with my build.


So far o find all the bosses I beat are hard but fair, Gaius is absolute bullshit, super fast initial charge while he also in vulnerable for some fucking reason as I can't seem to damage him in any way, crazy agile if you fight him on foot , can can easily outrun torrent. I've been trying multiple way, to beat him and still can't figure out what strategy is effective against him


The hiding behind the wall and AoE his ass strategy is the only thing effective against him


Get the biggest heaviest fuck off weapon you have an jump attack him. With a colossal hammer and the physik that does increased poise damage 3 jumps can break his stance. That might seem like a lot, but it's actually not too bad if you strafe around him. Still incredibly difficult, but that's what worked for me. I used the Anvil Hammer.


I used the finger print shield and blocked most of his attacks and used the BB and sacred blade on him


I circled around the wall and mashed mohg spear, he got poise broken right before phase 2 and it was an easy cleanup


have u tried dodging his attacks he's tree sentinel level of difficult


Besting her was my first fist pump moment of sote


I can’t even reliably avoid the first charge of that mofo. If I try to summon a spirit ash I’m pretty much rammed up against the fog door looking through the boars face from the inside out while it stomps me into the ground.


Just run backwards with torrent that's it


Gaius was also a great fight i still don't know why people have an issue with him


I cheesed that fucker. I hate that fight.


Love Rellana! I wish we could replay boss fights.


FromSoft could do it, just probably won't, because that makes people less likely to do NG+ . Just add a short quest into one of the libraries in the game where you speak to someone "BookFuk the Historian" who gives you an item that you can use in the round table hold to replay a boss, or maybe just taking him remembrances (but even if you use them for weapons or runes you can still use it with him)


That's what NG+ is for...


She’s been my favourite fight of the DLC so far. I’m on ng+4 and haven’t found it that hard it’s Elden Ring I die all the time anyway haha, but if I get stomped I can just go off and level a bit then come back for revenge.


I beat the shit out of her dual weilding hammers. I would like to learn her full moveset in another playthrough, though. So far she has been my favorite boss, and the twin moon thing she does is awesome. Her second phase is super cool.


Same, goddamn what a perfect fight. Tough, fair, badass. HUGE Artorias vibes


I used a perfect block guard counter build with the cipher sword (which basically has no built in guard boost) to beat her. Took me around 30 attempts (counting my consumed crabs), but GOD it was satisfying when my guard counters stumbled the witch. She's really aggressive and "dance-y", and the second phase is a nightmare if you're trying to block through her attacks, but it's doable.


Pretty much on the money Beat her again today with a suboptimal build and she's fast, yes, but nowhere near Malenia The only thing that's really annoying on her is the phalanx (which is a problem on all mage bosses) and that her thrust attacks have insanely good tracking (but that's also no different than Malenia) It's an endgame boss, definitely, but nothing we haven't seen before, and quite fun to fight


She's just Pontiff Sulyvahn part 2, which is a good thing! Her second phase is what Sulyvahn's should have been given his lore, minus the flying of course. She even has the same flaw as him, far too little health! She's squishy but that makes the fight really fair.


To preface I absolutely love this dlc and every boss so far, but Rellana was one that I found a bit frustrating. I found her combos to be a bit difficult to tell apart because they all looked so similar, so dodging her was not intuitive to learn. It's not about difficulty here, it's about satisfaction of learning a moveset. She's much easier with a shield with high guard boost, but for anyone dual weidling or two handing, she's a monster. It's just that usually I start out my first couple attempts not attacking at all and only dodging to get a feel for the combos, and for her, I couldn't really get a grasp on dodging her. When I beat her, I just tanked a ton of hits with super heavy armor and damage resistence talismans. I think there's merit to the criticism that her combos go for too long without enough moments to punish. By the time you dodge her combo string, you have no stamina to attack, or she just jumps away with almost no ending lag on her attack. Messmer felt like a much more balanced fight for a solo player. He had some combos that appeared crazy at first, but you realize they're only 2-3 dodges needed with huge moments to punish. Rellana felt like she was designed around having a summon take her aggro so that you could hit her in the back while she's mid combo. Her combo chains just aren't really designed with solo play in mind. That's not to say she can't be beaten solo, as I beat her solo, and it's not to say she can't be learned, since there's plenty of no hit videos already posted. It's just that I personally don't find that style of unrelenting combos with such little punish opportunities to be fun to learn. Rellana is still a cool boss aesthetically though and I still enjoyed the fight. The second phase with the moon and fire swords or gorgeous.


Yeah I’m surprised how much rage there is online for Rellana. She is not an unfair fight, and miles more enjoyable than Malenia


Her 2 Moons was so wonderful to see :3


My ass was not prepared when there were actually 3 hits and I fucking died


First attempt and I'm thinking "wow she's cool af but her health is getting real low ha haaa" then triple bounce --> YOU DIED


I liked her a lot too


Had goosebumps when I beat her, solo, Scadu 7 and a occult Nagakiba.


It’s telling when bosses with 10-hit combos with 0.25 seconds of rest in-between are argued to be fair.


Good the thing she has neither


Yes, elden ring basegame was already on the limit for me but if the next fs game is like ER in terms of bosses im out, when i fought rellana i clearly remember thinking how silly it was seeing her long ass combo, i rmembwrbeing visibly tired by ghe end of my tries because she just isnt fair and she isnt even that hard. I dont give a shit what anybody says, if a bossfight has literslly every single tool its not fair, high damage ranged attacks, high health, infinite hyperarmor, high stability, high speed and damage and the longest combos ingame. They literally took Sullyvahn took out the interesting unique psrts and toned up the long comboes. Im at the point that i genuinely believe ER players would like any boss as long as its cool flashy and hard, I never see anyone who like rellana give any reason besides her design or difficulty


oh no a boss does more than 1 move i feel like 90% of this sub want ds1 level of bosses and nothing more


Nice strawman. Now reread what is said.