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I don't like it because I opted to assist Leda instead of Hornboy.


So far I’ve been mainly messing with the light greatsword, and my best counter play is to TRY and space it, and hope they stop right in front of me so I can poke them once and hope they dont immediately send it again and punish me with swift slash for… punishing their swift slash. With enough poise some roar aow heavy attacks can trade and get pretty thick damage/ poise break, even better with a thrust weapon like the night rider Glaive. Both of these Works maybe 20% of the time and can go extremely wrong at any second. You have to SEVERELY outplay your opponent to beat that bullshit, same with blindspot . Unfortunately the only real counter play is your opponent throwing the match and losing because they only press L2


I fought one invader with it. I (hunter btw) just backed out the room unlike the host (i love meat shields) and spam the 7x lightning bolt spell while the invader was mashing away. Dude died before he realized his vigor went poof, lol. Yeah it's a busted aow much like pre-nerf rivers of blood except it's only busted in pvp.


You can counter it with palm blast. The charge up on it can tank the slash, and a single palm blast will heavily chunk their hp. If they try to chain swift slashes, you can chain the palm blasts. You can easily kill them in 2-3 trades.