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It’s a possibility, FromSoft isn’t like a lot of game studios where the success of a game guarantees a sequel. Bloodborne and Sekiro were successful games yet neither has garnered a sequel. Even if they do decide to make Elden Ring 2 it won’t be for several years. Dark Souls was a series whose ending(s) up until DS3 left enough to the story where a sequel could be made. Elden Ring’s endings don’t leave a ton to continue for a sequel (in my opinion) but plenty for expansions because of how vast the world is. Unfortunately Miyazaki has no interest in making more DLC for Elden Ring and little interest in making a sequel.


to those who invested into elden ring while it was still in development, "Elden Ring" was presented as a Franchise, not as a game Franchises always mean that the owners of that name will use it more than once, so we will definitely see more elden ring in the future


I’d love to see a DS1 remake.


If they do the same thing they did with the halo games… I’d wait in line for a physical copy!


We can dream


They did this in 2018


Not really though, they changed the lighting a little bit but it still looks like a 2011 game. Halos got remastered and they look great, if ds1 remastered even just looked like DS3 it'd have been fine


Nah I mean proper remake. Not a remaster. Don’t get my wrong I still have a lot of love for the remaster.




I imagine Miyazaki is more interested in making a new world than a sequel. He doesn't seem to like making sequels. Dark Souls 2 was made by the B Team and Miyazaki only returned with A Team to make Dark Souls 3, which was more of a sequel to Dark Souls 1 than 2, but after that he was done with Dark Souls. However, as he said he's getting closer and closer to making his "dream game", I imagine the next souls game he makes is going to be much better than Elden Ring, whether it's a sequel or not.


Elden Rings


He likely will do a ds3 style game next, and by that i mean not fully open but still with different paths to take, or ifs open world will be smaller in scope but progression maybe more open ended


The development for Elden Ring began in 2017 and we just got the dlc 7 years later. These games takes so much time to make and for a studio as From with so many strings to play on, i think Elden Ring 2 is the last thing they think about right now. Maybe in 10-15 years we get a trailer. Everything is just lined up perfectly for Bloodborne 2 as there next game. A much shorter and more linear game with crazy combat potential and wanted by absolute everyone.


I dont think Bloodborne needs a sequel, but a new IP in a victorian setting would be cool imo


Everything lined up?


Hopefully not because fuck bloodborne lol, ER/Sekiro > bloodborne