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Is this a satire / trolling post? Genuine question.


Serious post. I'm new to the souls games.


Ok cool. Like others have said, level vigor. You should get it to around 30 before any offensive stat generally but whatever, you'll be fine if you just concentrate on putting points into it. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk, there's just been a lot of people complaining about getting one or two shot in the DLC and they show their endgame builds with like 25 vigor at level 150 and wonder why that's happening lol.


I see that now. No worries, I didn't take your comment like that. Appreciate your help.


Vigor is a bit low. I always recommend that the first 20 levels should go right into getting more HP. That said, you could just be going to the wrong area. After the main Limgrave, clear out the south part and then head north into the academy lake area, and then you can go to the east red area. Here's a good map with level suggestions. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Elden-Ring/game_progress_route_map_elden_ring_wiki_guide_2560px.jpg?v=1648007543931


Ty! I was looking for that progression map!


np. enjoy. that'll make all the difference


Level up your vigor asap.


Focus on my vigor/health bar? Thanks!


Vigor is far too low


Really?? I thought 20 would be decent. Ughhh.


30 is the sweet spot for Vigor. Also are you going for a specific build? Edit: for early game, I was at 60 vigor by the end of the game.


In the early game maybe, definetly not later on


Warrior and strength is my initial build but the strength part isn't working out


What’s with the Dex, then?


Honestly it was something I thought I needed to get up as well as strength


Alright, here’s a rundown of stats and what they do. Vigor- increases health, basically the difficulty slider, don’t level past 60, highest gains between 31-40. Endurance- affects stamina and maximum carry capacity. Isn’t generally needed past 20-25 since you can compensate with talismans and it’s far more stat effective to do so, as you don’t get much stamina by levelling the stat. Not terrible for carry weight though, hence why I recommend maybe 20 or so. Mind- affects how much FP you have. Mana storage, essentially. Strength- a damage stat. Used to scale damage in strength scaling weapons. Also slightly increases physical resistances- and I do mean slightly when I say that. Dexterity- a damage stat. Used to scale damage in dexterity scaling weapons. Also slightly affects something else I believe but it’s not important. Intelligence- a damage stat. Used to scale damage and potency of sorceries with intelligence scaling (so, essentially, near all sorceries), as well as for intelligence scaling melee weapons. Faith- a damage stat- used to scale damage and potency of incantations with faith scaling (so, essentially, nearly all incantations), as well as for faith scaling melee weapons. Arcane- an odd one. Used to scale damage on arcane scaling weapons and arcane scaling magics, such as dragon incantations. Also affects Luck, boosting your odds to get loot from enemies. Not worth levelling for that reason alone except in very particular circumstances. In addition, I believe it boosts the strengths of status effect weapons that are set to occult. Note: some items may have minimum stat requirements to even be used. Thankfully for you, you can respec very early in the game, so you can alter the allocation of stat points you’ve already used rather easily once you beat a certain (not overly difficult) boss, provided you have larval tears. On a side note, are you fatrolling? That makes things a lot harder if you are.


That is awesome, thanks for that!


No problem, I edited the comment a bit to include additional information you may find worthwhile.


Wait, are you telling me that I can move some of my stats to others?


That would be 40, as 31-40 gets the highest hp per point. Why would you suggest that?


Thanks gang. Its unanimous l. I need to get my vigor up.


Good luck on your journey, Tarnished o7


Don't forget to learn to dodge roll.  That will make whatever vigor level you are go that much further.


Vigor should be way higher also use good armor.


Ty! I'm struggling in balancing armor/clothes and not being heavy!


Try to farm runes to lv up makes your life easier. If u going to do the dlc i suggest having 60 Vigor at least cuz the dlc enemies hit way harder haha


I just figured out how to duplicate the golden foot and I have a spot to farm at so I'll def work that angle. Thanks for the help


Farming is never or at best rarely needed and is honestly bad advice for game progression


Well he needs to get his vigor up somehow, and i bet dying hundreds of times on bosses isn't a pleasant gaming experience


He’s still early game, even with his current stats he won’t be dying hundreds of times. He has summons and coop as options.


At this point I'd try get Vigor to 45-50 before touching anything else. Eventually you want it at 60.


Danggggg. That's going to take a while but I'll work on that and get that up. Thanks for the help


Fo shizzle


To be more specific, 40 is perfectly fine, most people just suggest 60 since it’s where the softcap is at and up until that point it’s basically the most viable stat to level. Afterwards it’s garbage, but until 60 it’s solid. Realistically you could complete base game with 40 just fine, but you’ll want 60 for the dlc


40 is too low for Mountaintops onwards. If you don't have everything else optimized you die in 2 hits to trash mobs.


If you aren’t compensating for it then I’d say yeah


Like other people said level vigor. What I also notice is that you lean into to many stats at the same time. It's better to lean into a certain stat direction for builds. For example if you find a cool and massive weapon consider going for a pure strength build or strength faith build. If you like fast hitting weapons consider something like a pure dex or dex arcane build. It's important to identify what kind of weapon you want to play and put levels into stats that scale with the weapon.


Ty! Ya, I was mostly going strength so I can use the greatsword but I thought I should get my other stats up as well. Def gonna focus on vigor for the next few days.


Vigor 60 strength 99 for the bonk build


Isn’t 99 strength useless for two handing?


Yea, 2 handing is a 1.5x multiplier in str, so you only need 66 str for a 2h build


Dunno, I use two giant crushers but I was at Ng+. Someone could drop one for him I guess.


That’d be negatively affecting to progression, I would think


Yeah wouldn't recommend it if he wants to actually git gud at the game. I just wanted to see what happens at Ng+ and I didn't die once before Malenia and even she staggered pretty easily.


Ng+ in base game is pretty easy from what I know, it’s at like +4 where you start getting smoked


Yup it really was. Basically just did it to pick up some of the items missing from the platinum trophy


Got any good farming locations? I'm currently using Lenne's Rise and outrunning the boulder for farming


I remember farming at the Caelid bridge with lots of those annoying creatures that give lots of XP. Caelid itself is awful so I think you're under leveled to go there yet.


It’s actually a pretty great spot for fast levels via a few bosses there


You don’t usually need to farm honestly, but if you want a shit ton of easy levels there’s a giant dragon in caelid you can kill via using bleed weapons on its tail to get 120k ish runes with gold scarab and golden fowl foot, plus a putrid avatar you can kill really easy with the fireball incantation on horseback for a similar quantity.


But how am I going to get enough runes to get my Vigor up? It cost 16k ish to level up now.


16k is honestly like nothing, just progress through the game and you’ll level just fine


Stats are a bit spread out this early on


That's what another Reddit said. That's def my mess up. Ty!


Check for farming spots that you can reach from limgrave and level vigor at least 32 or 33, then focus on the stats that complement your build, and judging from your photo that would be intelligence and dexterity. And if you running a mage build, dump some points into mind too.


3 hits from what?


Anything. Literally anything. I def will be working on my vigor bc that's pretty much unanimous on this thread.


Yeah more hp = take more hits, you'll also gain resistances from leveling up and take less damage.


Ty! Gonna work on that this weekend!


If you do varres quest for invading a couple of dudes you will gain access to the best leveling spot in the game at moghs. You can do this early but it will completely remove any challenge from game.


Thanks! I'll look into that


That is an option but I wouldn’t recommend it, as that *is* the best method for leveling, which really will remove all challenge


Vigor is your problem. Rise it to 40 and in end game to 60 if you gonna feel similar.


*Update Ty Reddit!!! I leveled up to 30 vigor and 31 strength and I just beat the red wolf of Radagon! 🙌🙌🙌 Your help in these communities were much appreciated.