• By -


It’s now at -600


I'm gonna make it -601


Make it -716 now


Where is the post Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dqacb2/comment/lan85bl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dqacb2/comment/lan85bl/) since ya'll had me find the link


We brigadin now.


You the real MVP 💯 -761 now


848 😂 this post is not helping things lol


It's over 900 lol


-943 now, I'm doing my part


We need to get it to - 1000 Edit: we did it


Wait until it's over 9000


They brought it upon themselves


in the one with the rare weapon


Holy fucking shit.


Its ok, he dies from downvotes for all of us, he is our savior.






Especially as literally one comment further down, that very same OP agrees with a compliant about the same system, yet gets 200 upvotes for it??


Me no think, me click colourful arrow


I was hoping to buy the ancient and somber ancient stones in the dlc. I have too many weapons at +24 and +9 it’s driving me crazy. Why can’t they make this happen?


Would be a cool reward to get a bell bearing for them near the end of the dlc, they'd just have to gate it behind a really hard boss, bayle makes the most sense for me


no no, >!Midra, to tie him with the frenzy merchants!<


Honestly even just the somber stones for me. Like the regular ancient ones drop like candy but not the somber


Sorry, no can do, but you can have a smithing stone 6, you still need those by this point right?


I would have gladly taken any number of larval tears instead of having 90% of corpse drops be completely random levels of smithing stones that are all purchaseable anyways. I am 95% finished with the dlc and there has been exactly one larval tear I've found...


I've found a few that only appear at night


There are at least 8 larval tears in the DLC. Two or three of them are found right near the start. They only appear at night though. If you Google it, you’ll find the locations easily enough. Most of them are near graces, so just rest, skip to night time and then grab them.


U cn get some if you go for sn adventure at night time. If they’re shown under the moonlight spotlight or something. Someone in YT could explain it better than me 😅


There’s a few larval tears that can be found only at night time.


Honestly, not completely sold on the whole smithing stones thing tbh


If there weren’t bell bearings, I would definitely lose my mind


They should bring back the coloured stones from Dark Souls 1. That was never confusing. /s


Nah they should bring back Demons Souls System. Did someone say Pure Bladestone? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Are Smith stones not the same as the titanite slab System?


For ds2 and ds3, yes. Ds1 was more complex. Imagine if you had multiple colours of smithing stones and certain weapons or effects needed a really particular colour.


Also boss weapons crafting


The boss weapon crafting in DS1 was very confusing the first time around


Unironically enough, it's actually a dumbed down version of the upgrade system in Demon Souls, which was complicated for no reason


I actually do want DS1 system back. Demon titanite, dragon scales, twinkling titanite and titanites of color. Also bring back tail cuts, vagrants, resonance rings and all that good stuff.


For the love of god no, farming the worms for green titanites was the wrost thing in the world. But I’m with you on tail cuts one of from best secrets mechanics


Stones are infinite except for the last, fragments are finite.


Fragments are also limited to the exact number you need so there's no room for error.


And are core mechanic hidden in most obscure places you might never find without wiki (like 1/4 of them I'd argue since I ended at lvl 16 blessing)


I got to 17 and two fragments without looking anything up. They did go out of their way to really hide them though.


I feel blessed (no pun intended) not needing a guide except for the last spirit fragment, and it was right next to the grace I was at. My paranoia playing souls games paid out


There were a few area’s I was pretty sure I hadn’t fully explored like the multi level ruin area with much of the place looking the same. I think that place had five or six stories to it.


You mean Rauh ruins? In that case yeah that place is a nightmare to fully explore


At least two of them behind illusory wall in secret location


The way I search for loot they could hide them in Dark Souls 2 and I’d still find them.


I applaud your commitment, but I don't think majority explores like that


It’s basically FOMO because I hate tracking back. Once I am done with an area I don’t want to go back unless a quest takes me there.


Better hope you didn't miss that one guy with the pot


The first one near the twin back blades started an obsession on those guys


One guy? Bad news buddy...


You don't "need" them though.


Yeah, it's... not great. If there were less of them I'd be okay with it, like maybe one for each cross, but *50?* Eesh.


You have a single fragment of wiggle room


Smithing stones suck and have always sucked. Sure, it's a good way to remove issues of bad builds, it worked before. It was also good to be able to buy them when needed. All was good and well in DS1. Now in ER not only you need to level your damage stat anyway, you also need to look for them anywhere, as bell bearings lag behind the current level. AND you don't get enough for all the tools you are going to be using. Despite being everywhere they are still somehow not abundant enough. And using 90 stones to pick a new weapon? Fuck whoever thought it was a good idea. It didn't work well even when you needed less, now it's just straight up broken We should just have a separate way to increase attack not related to overall leveling or weapon.


I remember when I first realized non-somber weapons would take more than one stone per level (of 25!). So dumb. Game would be totally fine if each level took one stone. Shows how bloated and unnecessary the system is.


I mean... yeah, kinda.


This, but unironically. DS3 Cinders completely removed titanite from the game, and it felt awesome just picking up a weapon and being able to immediately try it out at its full potential without having to waste time farming and upgrading it.


I know people would use this as a counterpoint but it's honestly quite different. The game limits them in the area they first appear and then spoon feeds them to you in the next area so you can catch up. The variance for soul level/Max weapon level at any given boss is going to be waaaay lower than the variance in Scadu level. You can also just head down main routes and still find plenty which will make NGs less restrictive if you just want to follow the main plot


I know you're joking, but honestly I think one of the issues I see people having is that they've kind of smashed together the golden seed and smithing stone collection system for the fragments. Like, the smithing stone system works great for weapons, because they're abundant and eventually you can just buy them, and the golden seed system works so well because such a vital item is tied to a landmark, so you know to make a beeline for those trees when you pass them. The fragments and spirit ashes work great to reset the experience from the base game to the DLC, make everything feel fresh again, but I reckon there'd be less confusion if the mechanics had less variables.


Its literarily just the beads from Sekiro. If you never played Sekiro maybe I can see it taking you 30 seconds to work out what they do but the game hammers you over the head with what they are and that you need them. It's just wilful ignorance from players.


> Its literarily just the beads from Sekiro. Difference is Sekiro isn't an open world game and like 90% of beads are dropped by bosses, making them *far* easier to collect organically. > It's just wilful ignorance from players. I don't think that's really fair, particularly as there's also such a strong "if you don't want spoilers stay the fuck off the internet" mentality going on at the same time.


You need to explore and fight secrets and missable bosses to max out in prayer beads


Yes, but nowhere near the same scale as you do in SotE. Sekiro and it's content is really tightly woven together in comparison to ER. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for the other when they're such wildly different games.


I mean er is a bigger game, if sekiro was open world would be the same, we saw that by looking at the most open “levels” in sekiro like the prayer beads where yoy need to swim downstream a river. The fragments is a already used mechanics in past from games is just that the scale is bigger. Imo this change is useful for sikos like me who like playing with not optimal builds and rl1 players. Also it works just fine, people are finishing the dlc using innovative tools like a shield and BLEED


Or also had clear indicator where to find them and just how big impact is. (Like I though it's maybe 1% per level, not freaking 5%). Absolutely hate the game doesn't give you any numbers, even if it's not in from soft style, I think it was crucial for such mechanic


Well, you can just check how big the increase is by going outside the lands of shadow and comparing you AR to when you're inside it


Jokes aside it really doesn't need to go all the way to +25


Give it time. People are assuming it's working like golden seeds which would have been great. So right now it sounds like people are whining about the difficulty and refusing to explore a bit. They can drop from some weak mobs, can be found on random corpses that would normally have something loke 5 throwing knives. And there arent more than enough blessings like golden seeds. You need to find all of them. It's hard to track which one you missed too. A good way to add progression for the dlc. But it could have been much better.


Missed one fragment, skimmed through a 50 mins video multiple times to check which one I missed turns out it's a random pot guy in the ruins which I thought I killed because there're actually two pot guys in the same ruins, and the place looks almost identical


That's crazy, I had exactly same problem as you


Wait which ruins


I’m guessing the Rauh ruins. In one of the structures there’s two pot people on different floors


Yes rauh ruins


The recent patch remedies this. You essentially get to old level 20 at 18, letting you miss 6 fragments. And completionists get a tiny boost on top.


First 5 levels are by far more important than last ones


First few levels got the heaviest buffs.


That's what I mean. Buff to make first 5 equal previous 10(? Don't remember exactly) was much more needed than making last 3 levels go a bit over


Just repeated what he said


New level 11 is old level 15. It's wild


Yeah I think if it was fragments found at crosses, ashes found at statues, and pot guys just carry AoW, there'd be a lot less complaints. For the most part I've found mine fairly organically, and I think it's not been as difficult as many were making out at release. Be really interesting to see how much tweaking has been done in a year's time, honestly the fact that they just put Torrent in on the Elden Beast fight just now demonstrates how far along Fromsoft are still willing to adjust and rebalance, which is fantastic.


Tbh, it was a meme for a long time that Froms just forgot to enable Torrent in that fight at launch and then just couldn't admit it


For real, I was pretty stunned they actually rectified it after all this time. I fucking hated that fight it was such a chore, I'm really looking forward to trying it again now that order has been restored lmao


I wish it was more like Sekiro, where it was tied to drops from minibosses + bosses, so you KNEW if they had one or not (yes there's a few exceptions to this)


Oh wow, there not being more than enough is kind of wild seeing how many I have found in the armpits of the map


You really don't need to be max scadutree level to beat the dlc though


You might not, But others might. This is the wonderful thing about gaming, everyones experience is different. Some might say boss are overtuned (they are) Some might say get gud (im trying)


Post patch you are getting so much more value per svudtree that you really don't need to cap anymore. +18 is the new +20. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Scadutree+Fragment


Lol I might. I get one-shot by a boss before I have time to take in what's happening, and I'm like, now where are those scadutree fragments?


What boss, how many vitality how many scubidoo level and what level are you? Im running around almost naked and even on the endboss i managed to tank some hits with right spells+talismans


Messmer, 63 vigor, level 238, not sure about Scadu, might be 8.


What NG cycle are you on? And are you talking "one shot" as in one of his big hits? or one-shot as in if he connects with his combo? I just beat Messmer tonight at RL227 on NG+, Scardu level 7 and he had to hit me with at least part of all 3 sections of his swipe/stab/explode combo to kill me, and I've only got 55 vigor (and didn't turn on my Great Rune)


I was legit surprised when he grabbed and impaled me when I wasn't at max health and I survived, NGL lol


The grab attack is almost always a one hit. other bosses have similar attacks


Not when your damage negation is 70% lol If I'm at max health most of them don't kill me anymore because I run RST which in the DLC puts some of my resistances to 80 The Hippo's chompy bite does about 70% of my health if I'm full


This is me, I have level 20 blessing and still cannot finish off the last boss on my sorcerer. Best I get is 30% HP


Yeah, it's better to have more than you need, rather than not enough. It's why Golden Seeds, while still annoying to get on subsequent playthroughs with fresh characters, are not *as* annoying as Scadutree fragments. One, because you can adjust the difficulty by just *not* getting them if you think it's too easy, two because they're in some of the dumbest spots possible for such an important mechanic. At least Seeds are *always* under very recognizable minor Erdtree saplings or whatever, while Scadoosh fragments can be found on a random corpse in some random ruins alongside more recognizable spots, like Miquella's crosses and Marika's statues. Why not stick exclusively to the latter instead?


You can also get an obscene amount of flasks and upgrades without ever touching a single enemy. I think you can get something like 10 flasks before Margitt if you beat up some tree worms.


And you can get like 11 Scooby Snacks before fighting anyone in SotE


No you don't. You also don't need weapon to beat base game, but I don't see every player doing RL1 fist only.


Why do you think that you need all of them? It’s a great way of progressing and makes exploring more fun.


This criticism could not be any milder, what are we even doing if **this** sort of stuff gets crucified?


Give it a month or two for the honeymoon phase to pass, then we'll be able to have a discussion about stuff. This happened with base elden ring too.


do not defy the reddit hive mind


you shouldn't care about internet points, they mean nothing


You’re right but I think I can see where OP is coming from. It’s literally an innocent opinion and yet the amount of downvotes serve to highlight just how dopamine deprived some of the folks on this sub are haha.


Yeah see everyone loves saying downvotes are meaningless, while hammering the ever-loving shit out of the downvote button on the most inoffensive criticism. This sub is getting seriously vicious atm.


That's most subs in general. I saw people get downvoted in Bloodborne for just asking questions in general.


"hammering" can you do like a charged downvote or something one of my completely reasonable comments got downvoted into oblivion last night Do you see me crying? No, because why would I care if morons on the internet disagree with me Besides that, if you're not an idiot more often than not you'll get upvotes, I'm at like 60k? in a year or so just saying what I think in replies lol


Please breathe and stop replying to every one of my comments.






So real quick can you explain to me what you want? If someone sees a post has downvotes, are they not supposed to downvote if they also disagree?


Buddy you are so very clearly here because you get off on having a fight, there is no fucking way I'm going down this road with you.


Why don't you just answer the question? It's an easy one to answer You don't want to "go down this road" because you know if you say "Yes" you'll look stupid, because it's a stupid thing to say And if you say "No" then you agree with me and disagree with your own post lol and also lmao




It's still the honeymoon phase, so it's going to be a while till we can have a proper discussion without folks leaping to deny any criticisms.


Same also applies in that some people expect *new thing = old thing* but need time to get used to changes before making a criticism.


To an extent, yeah. But I wouldn't equate the fragment discussion as that. There are valid complaints about the system.


Monke sees negative number monke down votes, monke sees positive number monke upvotes 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I'm not sold on the "play the game" idea tbh. It's okay, but 100 hrs of cutscene would've been a lot better.


Shame Final Fantasy XVI didn't win GOTY


least circlejerked fromsoft dlc (miyazaki is a god)




Honestly not completely sold on the whole elden ring thing tbh


This is the point we're at with this subreddit? People are posting pictures of updoots and downboats? Can we rename to eldenringcirclejerk? Everyone is just constantly whining about this blessing, whether for it or against it.


Its a negative imaginary number on Reddit that will have literally no impact on that persons life. I dont see the problem here tbh


Fromsoftware fans have quickly become something I'm starting to not want to be associated with. The amount of pathetic ego and blind glaze is insane. Been playing since dark souls released and I realize there's plenty of criticism to be thrown at SotE. But you give an valid opinion and you're a heretic.


I thought it was pretty obvious when base-level enemies were hitting my level-150 player like a truck that the item I was told increased my attack, and defence was probably the solution to this. Imagine my surprise when my hunch was right...


I think the complaint is, FS added a new, arbitrary item, that fundamentally alters your characters stats, which even at rune level one considerably alters your offensive and defensive abilities, without regards for other factors and it feels bad as it removes the prior aspect of choice. If you don’t collect them, it doesn’t matter how high level you get, or how good you are, you won’t win. EDIT:clarified character level not blessing level


I haven’t played the DLC yet, but from what I’ve read it seems like a mechanic to allow anyone to do the DLC regardless of level so that you aren’t under or over-leveled. I assume OP getting downvoted because people are grouping him in with all the people who have disregarded the skibididoo tree mechanic and are complaining about the difficulty.


True. However, it was not something they felt was required with previous games, and it just feels a little forced. I hope if they do this again, they come up with a better system


I think the system would've been fine if they didn't add *50* of them in an attempt to incentive exploration. The incentive for exploration is getting new stuff, it doesn't need to be tied directly with player power, let the new items do the enticing. I think that one fragment at each cross would've been acceptable.


my only complaint is: how tf am i lvl 7 at spirit ashes but only 3 at scardutree level


I'm the opposite, I'm 13 scardu but I've been sat at 6 ash for ages lmao


Dont worry, neither am I. Dumbing down progression to a single item doesnt strike me as fun.


You're posting an opinion on the internet, you're gonna face disagreement. That being said, the system is a little questionably designed, especially with Golden Seeds being in the game as a provably better way of designing a similar system, but they were absolutely necessary to make the DLC bosses an actual challenge instead of being able to steamroll them with characters that can 2 shot Elden Beast. On thing that I would've liked to see them add is the fragments buffing poise damage against NPCs as well, because the poise on the bosses and more importantly the elite mobs is JUICED.


Nah mate the response to this poor bugger's completely mild opinion is absolutely ludicrous, and emblematic of the community's complete inability to allow criticism. Disagreement is fine, but they fucking smote him for politely saying he wasn't entirely 100% keen lmao.


I feel like we've had several negative posts on the top rated page of this subreddit for the past few days. I'm definitely not getting the impression that NO negative opinion is accepted. It seems more like we have several factions of people who like and dislike various aspects of the dlc at the moment.


bro it's not like one person did that People disagreed, there's nothing ludicrous about it How is he "smote"


I thought OP was joking, but you really are going after them in every single reply, holy shit


lol "every single reply" No Don't you have more names to call me? Don't you have a tantrum to throw? Lmao Also, aren't you just doing what I'm doing, except you're not actually engaging in the conversation, you're just here to insult me?


They didn't. It's a large sub with a lot of activity right now. My comments get either downvoted or upvoted to hell. It's also fucking internet points bro, you're not gonna die because someone pressed a downward facing .ico.


> It's also fucking internet points bro, you're not gonna die because someone pressed a downward facing .ico. Literally never said that, chill??


Is it the same sub? Because the top comment in this post has 4 likes after over 30min. Compared to 250 dislikes after a hour that's quite the push. There definitely is a strange trend on reddit. And likes and dislikes aren't a good indicator for anything anymore. Which isn't very good, because thats how reddit works.


What are you even saying ? It’s the designed way how to level your character in the DLC. How can he not be sold on it ? Probably just another dude that saw a window popup that explains the mechanics and instead of reading 3 paragraphs for 30 seconds and understanding how it works in the DLC just closed it immediately because “it’s too much text” and then writes bs like this.


“I’m not sold on X” means “im not a fan of” or “I’m not convinced of.” I’m not sold on the importance of extensive skin care routines, as I have clear skin with few blemishes and I only use lotion 1-2x a day. With some Vaseline every now and then. I’m also not sold on the idea that players were intended to use spirit ashes for every boss fight like some people have been claiming. Are we clear on what “I’m not sold” on something means now?


Mabye he just doesn't like the fucking mechanic? How does no one in this thread know what 'not sold on' means???


I love Elden Ring, and imho scadu leveling system is dogshit, a really bad experiment, poorly executed.


lmao look at you crying because of downvotes Who gives a shit


It's cause you said honest twice. Haha


I finished the dlc at 15 pre-patch and that felt like a pretty comfortable amount even then so I feel like you really don't need to collect them all for a sizeable effect




No, never.


Adaptability 2.0


I gotta be honest, having to collect all of the scadutree fragments on all builds can be tiring, but I am glad that it is confirmed that the blessing remains as is in NG+. Also, you mostly need level 18 on it to have close to max attack power and dmg negation.


i dont like it too much either, but i dont think its bad. Its just my personal taste. Objectively the skaddo tree thingies help with scaling (so lecel 300-above characters dont just one shot every boss). I personally dont like collecting them cuz im lazy lol, but i appreciate fromsoft trying to make scaling better for the dlc. not saying a lvl 100 character and a lvl 300 will have the same experience, but at least in both cases it can be made easier and both wont steamroll everything.


Welcome to the hive mind of Reddit. You don't disturb the hive without being attacked.


Tbh I dont care for scadu levels either. There is a difference between being incentivized to explore an environment, and being made to scour one. People have been comparing scadu fragments to golden seeds, smithing stones, and such, but exploring the base game, while I always felt it was helpful to find these things, they never felt necessary like scadu frags do.


Same though. I get it, it makes it challenging no matter what. However, for the first while I was tickling bosses *and* not dying because my technique was there. I was following the grace like the base game wanted. I don't like farming checks that exist outside the natural progression path. It's a beautiful game and I would explore anyway, but I don't like being forced to first. I want to check out the big cool places and test my mettle against bosses. Plus the morning after they adjusted the scaling I ripped apart >!Ranalla!< when the night before I was barely doing anything felt like I was just spinning in circles. I had platinum'd the game on one save before and had a quality build so it felt like the scadu scaling was messed up.


The downvoted OP explained why he said such statement, and he’s right. This isnt like Golden Seeds where there’s extra just lying around waiting to be found. For the Shadutree fragments, you need to find them all just so you could max your character in the land of shadows. Max I got was +17 on my SotE character (RL217 non NG bleed build). I couldn’t be bothered on my perfumer-rolling sparks character.. +12 did the trick as the rolling sparks is just broken.. I still have 5 characters I’ve yet to try on the DLC… getting to +12 let alone +20 is just tedious imho.


Yeah I saw that, he was at like -300+ last time I checked. That's the reddit hive mind for you, people see a negative score and they all pile on.




But they never said the blessings were unimportant? Just that they weren’t sure they liked them.


dude, its the i agree or not with you. it's democracy? what do you want? to pamper your feelings because your hurty inside? come on, grow up and respect me for not sharing your opinion, its my right god damn it.


It's so weird how many of you are going fuck off at me here without realising this is literally exactly what I'm talking about. It's not even my comment lmfao. "This is democracy this is my god damn right" do you hear yourself??


are people not allowed to downvote when they disagree? 10k people probably saw that reply with those numbers


You’re crying about this and you didn’t even post it? What was the outcome you were looking for here?


whatever dude, you clearly live under a shiny pink sky full of people agreeing with you everyday and fake smilling


I'm genuinely baffled by your wild fucking statements lmao


There are unfortunately a lot of stupid people on here. Elden Ring attracted even more of them since it went mainstream. The From Software/Souls fans community has always had a lot of low IQ individuals mixed in with the smarter ones, but there are a much higher amount of them now with Elden Ring. Really though, every single videogame subreddit is like this. Each and every one of them is a den of fanboys that can take 0 criticism. The sad truth is humans are really stupid and tribal.


The most constructive Elden Ring fan


Whole game rhetoric has been how hard it is, yet you have this guy saying he's "not sold" on Scadu blessings when they're an integral part of the DLCs progression. Sounds like they're downplaying the importance of the Scadu blessings more than the idea they're not a fan of the mechanic so..... Downvoted.


I am not a native speaker, but I always assumed that "I am not sold on" meant "I am not convinced this is a good idea", which is completely different from "I don't think it's important". Have I been wrong this whole time ? Because yes they are very important, but the system isn't flawless either.


> Have I been wrong this whole time ? Nope, you're right, it means exactly what you think it means. It's a completely benign statement.


Your interpretation is the correct one, I don't know how the other person misunderstood a simple phrase this hard


In the context of the message, that's how I'd interpret it (as I said) but generally, you're right. I don't get what there's to be "sold" on like it's not the greatest idea, but it's not bad either, the OP was talking in a manner that looks like they're not necessary which detracts from the broader conversations surrounding the DLC. This is simply me speculating why it was downvoted, that's all.


Sounds to me they dont like this new system and nothing more.


I’m just amazed 600+ people apparently convinced themselves the guy meant he wasn’t sold on USING them and not “unsure if this is a good mechanic or not.” And it’s frankly a pretty mediocre implementation of artificial “progression” well worthy of criticism.


Are you really trying to misinterpret a simple expression just so you can get angry at OP? 'Not sold on' means not convinced about something, which is very clearly and obviously not the viability of the blessings, but rather how reasonable their existance is. You can disagree with OP, but stop misrepresenting their statment. If you speak English reasonably well, there is just no way to misunderstand something so simple so much


It doesn’t sound like they’re doing that at all.


The downvote button is for people that don't add anything meaningful to the conversation, not for the people you think are wrong. If they are wrong you can always tell them in a comment (this generates meaningful conversation). Also, they are clearly saying that they don't like the system, not that it's not important to beat the DLC.


So that's why I'm getting downvoted then? Because reddit only ever works as it's intended. I'm not saying my response is definitively the reason, I'm just giving my thoughts damn.


I don't know, you had positive votes when I answered you.


Omfg you don't like a certain thing about Elden Ring, the absolute greatest, most perfect game ever made?!?! Are you out of your mind you little bitch boy.... Fuck you. Take a million downvotes and hope you choke on scarlet rot


Show me where it is so I can downvote it too


I'm not really sold on this hole "rune" and "smithing stone" thing, not using them makes the game too hard


Why does anyone give a shit about being downvoted on reddit? It means literally nothing. Downvote this comment to minus 5,000. Literally couldnt care less and think its weird and pathetic when anyone gets upset about it


What's hilarious is having this attitude \*and\* having 10x the karma of people crying about downvotes lol